16m skinny with fat face



Nov 27, 2018
im skinny but have a fat/chubby face wht can i do to slim it down. i cant get surgery obviously. im 6 feet 1 146 lb
Either you have a shitty bone structure or your you looked into your camera with shit lighting giving the illusion of a chubby face.
Your skull is not forward grown enough (cheekbones, jaw maxilla) to stretch the skin and create anything like the chisled look. How's your hairline, post your eyes, just your eyes
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I had the same problem. Start mewing and chewing. Simple as that
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You should be very very thankful for coming here at 16.
Watch this.

Read this.
Follow the instructions all day every day.

Like Nibba said, start mewing, don't clench, but apply enough pressure. Watch the vids and begin mewing (pushing the entire tongue to the roof of the mouth while closing your mouth and keeping your teeth lightly touching, but not clenched). You should see some growth within about half a year if you do it correctly. Get to it NOW, because the time mewing is supereffective is running out as you near 19-20.

Also start working out if you aren't. I assume you're skinnyfat, but that can be fixed by working out and eating clean while slowly gaining muscle. Even an hour and a half twice a week is a start, as long as you do it consistently.
  • +1
Reactions: Hiro and Nibba
You should be very very thankful for coming here at 16.
Watch this.

Read this.
Follow the instructions all day every day.

Like Nibba said, start mewing, don't clench, but apply enough pressure. Watch the vids and begin mewing (pushing the entire tongue to the roof of the mouth while closing your mouth and keeping your teeth lightly touching, but not clenched). You should see some growth within about half a year if you do it correctly. Get to it NOW, because the time mewing is supereffective is running out as you near 19-20.

Also start working out if you aren't. I assume you're skinnyfat, but that can be fixed by working out and eating clean while slowly gaining muscle. Even an hour and a half twice a week is a start, as long as you do it consistently.

sorry if this is dumb but i dont understand where im supposed to place my tongue.. i read the page you linked, am i supposed to have the tip of my tongue rest ontop my 2 bottom teeth while it also touches the roof of my mouth?
sorry if this is dumb but i dont understand where im supposed to place my tongue.. i read the page you linked, am i supposed to have the tip of my tongue rest ontop my 2 bottom teeth while it also touches the roof of my mouth?


tongue should not touch teeth, just behind it. Keep entire tongue on the roof of your mouth. Lips closed, front teeth slightly touching. Bottom teeth behind front.

also look into the mackenzie chin tuck
((Mewing)) is a scam to sell shit
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i thought the tip of the tongue is supposed to touch that place behind your teeth? how do i keep the entire tongue on the roof then

ya, the place behind your teeth. not touching your teeth though. Say the letter N and keep the tip of your tongue right there. And keeping the back of your tongue on the roof of your mouth is hard at first but once you get used to it, its second nature. Try swallowing while holding the tip of your tongue in the N position and then keep your tongue like that.
((Mewing)) is a scam to sell shit
selling what? mike mew doesn't sell anything, all his videos are free.
ya, the place behind your teeth. not touching your teeth though. Say the letter N and keep the tip of your tongue right there. And keeping the back of your tongue on the roof of your mouth is hard at first but once you get used to it, its second nature. Try swallowing while holding the tip of your tongue in the N position and then keep your tongue like that.

selling what? mike mew doesn't sell anything, all his videos are free.
is the tongue supposed to be behind the upper teeth or bottom teeth?
is the tongue supposed to be behind the upper teeth or bottom teeth?
what lmao. read this entire thing. tongue behind upper teeth on roof of mouth


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sorry if this is dumb but i dont understand where im supposed to place my tongue.. i read the page you linked, am i supposed to have the tip of my tongue rest ontop my 2 bottom teeth while it also touches the roof of my mouth?
pretend you're at the dentist and he says "open mouth and bite together". do this then close your mouth. put your tongue up on the roof of your mouth.

also get gum and chew chew chew
what lmao. read this entire thing. tongue behind upper teeth on roof of mouth
oh thats what ive been doing for like a week now, my only problem is during my sleep i start mouth breathing cause it always feels like i dont get enough air through my nose, sort of like somethings blocking the air even though nothing is
((Mewing)) is a scam to sell shit
sell fucking what exactly, gum? lol
oh thats what ive been doing for like a week now, my only problem is during my sleep i start mouth breathing cause it always feels like i dont get enough air through my nose, sort of like somethings blocking the air even though nothing is
this is normal, as you mew your breathing will get better over time and if you train long enough your tongue will go on the ridge when you sleep automatically.
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what lmao. read this entire thing. tongue behind upper teeth on roof of mouth
Ok so i read it all and i just want to make sure im doing this correctly, so i put my tongue at the tip and make sure my tongue also touches the roof of my mouth? is it normal my tongue automatically goes back to the tip if I move it away? i feel like im not doing something right. when i swallow i keep my tongue at the tip, so am i missing something? also i can't tell if my tongue is touching the roof or not, am i supposed to keep to keep my mouth shut and the roof of my mouth just touches the tongue, while the front of my tongue kind of arches up to touch the tip?

it subconsciously goes to the tip when its not touching, am i doing this wrong? also is the tip of the tongue supposed to arch up to reach the tip
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Also you might just be skinny fat. Gaining weight might actually reduce fat in your face. Gotta replace the fat with muscle
Also you might just be skinny fat. Gaining weight might actually reduce fat in your face. Gotta replace the fat with muscle
yeah im trying to gain weight, if i manage to gain like 1 or 2 pounds it goes back down
You're a fucking slayer if you aren't deformed.
You're 6'1 at 16 years old. If facial fat is your only problem, you're a slayer.
Only 146 lbs though, im a stick and its hard for me to gain weight

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