All recreational drugs I have tried [review]


Deleted member 23558

God make my neurotransmitters great inc
Nov 3, 2022
Alcohol - Not much to say, lacks a lot of things that enable a drug to be useful and the added liver damage and hangovers on top. Can be good for some fun and giggles here and there but much better GABAergic drugs out there. If phenibut could be dissolved in water and handed around in clubs im sure alcohol would be extinct in a few years.

rating: 4.5/10

Kratom - Nice laid back feeling, anxiety reduction and euphoria. To top it off its stimulating and not sedative like most other opioids while also being less addictive than traditional opioids like tramadol. Very fun to watch a movie on it but can destroy appetite- hence good for leanmaxing. Normal folk may not like this side of the drug.

rating: 7/10

baclofen - One of the most wonderful drugs ive tried and heavily underrated and easy to get. Anxiety is completely ameliorated with a steady euphoria that makes socialising fun. You also dont lose your wits at all like with alcohol or other GABA-B agonist drugs. Marketed as muscle relaxant but does much more than that. Also one of the best libido stimulators available. Cons: the tolerance sets in quite rapidly and can only be used rarely for maximum effectiveness. I have it on raincheck for the somewhat rare occasions I go out of the house with friends or when I decide to access pussy.

Rating: 9/10

Coffee- Whats not to like about this drug? Reduces mortality, cancer risk, abundant source of magnesium and niacinamide, improves thyroid function, anti histamine, anti-serotonergic, increases steroid bioavailability when co- administered, potent nootropic , anti- depression , nice stimulating feeling and it tastes very good when paired with cream gelatin and sugar. Gods gift to man.

Rating- 10/10

Tobacco - Nicotine and other alkaloids itself are not that pleasurable. In fact Ive never gotten anything more than a slight buzz from even cigars and the like. What is most pleasurable is the act of smoking itself. Placing the stick between your lips drawing the smoke feeling it in your lungs and exhaling a cloudy puff that rises in the air... very meditative and calming.

Rating- 6/10

LSD - Very mixed feelings on this one, microdosing lsd is a very good stimulant without any jitters like normal lsd dose but lacks (obviously) the psychedelic effect. Colours are a bit more saturated and a nice anti-serotenergic feel with a slight libido boost. Visualisation of spaces on microdosed lsd is very easy and detailed. Macrodosed lsd is a completely different animal and if your setting is good youll have a very good time (provided you eat a lot of sugar as lsd ramps up your metabolism and completely shuts down hunger). Au contraire if the setting is bad youll be depressed and cant wait for the trip to end. When done smartly 50-150 ug lsd makes everything better and can bring you out of a depressive state. Cons: lasts a bit too long for my taste hence why I want to try shrooms next

Rating: 8/10

Weed- Never laughed harder than my first few times on weed but after trying LSD weed feels more psychedelic and introspective than the typical stoner experience. Didnt like it after I did lsd, and the munchies made me pack on weight like nothing else. Very potent libido enhancer but rots your brain over time especially if its thc dominant. The first few times I did it tho it was one of the most fun experiences of my life esp when with a good friend or two.

Rating - 6/10
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Reactions: Deleted member 22123, User49, Deleted member 21863 and 8 others
Very useful thread, thank you bro.

I'd love to see a similar list from @TsarTsar444 and @MoggerGaston

I'll order kratom and baclofen when I get my paycheck this month.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 23558, MoggerGaston and Deleted member 22124
I had molly coke mushrooms acid hash weed adderoll

Jfl at coffee and alcohol
  • JFL
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If it numbs thoughts of suicide automatic 10/10
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Reactions: slavicpsycho and Deleted member 23558
"Didnt like it after I did lsd"

I felt like this OP, weed was weird for awhile after doing lsd. I took a long break and now weed is the same as before, not sure how weed will be if i take more psychs tho
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Reactions: Deleted member 23558
Very useful thread, thank you bro.

I'd love to see a similar list from @TsarTsar444 and @MoggerGaston

I'll order kratom and baclofen when I get my paycheck this month.
Get the white vein one if you want it to be stimulating. Baclofen makes you chill and laid back. Combining the two must be something else. Also didn’t you try shrooms last month?

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