Being an attractive male is better than being an attractive female for dating.



Fuck you.
Jan 14, 2021
Main qimg 2fee716f07ded3e03569377bf1f7f891

1-4 makes up about 42% of the male population.
1-4 makes up about 24% of the female population.

Simply said, being between 1 and 4 on the scale and applying the looks-match theory, there is about 2 men for every 1 girl at this range. This is basically an infinite SMV, since even a small dis-balance makes a big difference. At this range you probably have to be rich or be interesting to even be able to date.

On the other hand:
6-8(there's no higher than 8) makes up about 17% of the female population.
6-7(there's no higher than 7) makes up about 4% of the male population.

It's basically a harem. There are at least 4 females for a given male at this range. And since humans prefer to looks-match, this means if you're in this range it's extremely easy to date an attractive female for you.

I've noticed this IRL too, it's almost always the average looking girls that have tons of males orbiting them.

"The first study Lehmiller reviewed found that both facial and body attractiveness were associated with having a higher number of short-term sexual partners (but not long-term partners) for men. For women, facial (but not body) attractiveness was associated with having more long-term partners but not short-term partners."

I'd never wanna be born as a female in this world tbh.
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yes so exactly what is easier? being born a woman having tonnes of orbiters who will pay for your shit 24/7 and sex w chads/gigachads? or giga chad salludon? hmmm
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unless it's online
is androgyny taken into account
yes so exactly what is easier? being born a woman having tonnes of orbiters who will pay for your shit 24/7 and sex w chads/gigachads? or giga chad salludon? hmmm
If you're an attractive male it's better for you in terms of dating. Obviously it's better to be a man in general, you're physically stronger and you're likely to earn more money. Even if you failo at dating, you can still get rich and spend money on traveling or whatever independently.
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unless it's online
Yeah, but OLD is never worth it, think about it, there are so many creeps on it, why would any self-respecting woman go on there to actually date? And if she's there only for ego-boost, then she's not attractive anyways.
If you're an attractive male it's better for you in terms of dating. Obviously it's better to be a man in general, you're physically stronger and you're likely to earn more money. Even if you failo at dating, you can still get rich and spend money on traveling or whatever independently.
more delusions. even obese ugly women are out here dating celebs and pro athletes. You can AFBB celebs and sleep w chads as a regular looking girl and if youre a stacy... well i dont even know what to say. Woman always win, period.
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more delusions. even obese ugly women are out here dating celebs and pro athletes. You can AFBB celebs and sleep w chads as a regular looking girl and if youre a stacy... well i dont even know what to say. Woman always win, period.
That's literally my fucking point, retard.

If you're an ugly girl you have more males orbiting around you than an attractive girl.

In general the more attractive a woman is, the more she is forced to "settle down" for someone less attractive xd.
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That's literally my fucking point, retard.

If you're an ugly girl you have more males orbiting around you than an attractive girl.

In general the more attractive a woman is, the more she is forced to "settle down" for someone less attractive xd.
literally doesnt matter. they can have 100+ chad rotations and have a beta buxx in the background. in what way is she losing? she can even become a single mom and have some rich loser pick up the bill.
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literally doesnt matter. they can have 100+ chad rotations and have a beta buxx in the background. in what way is she losing? she can even become a single mom and have some rich loser pick up the bill.

You're retarded, an attractive girl won't have 100+ chads around her. Based on math alone, there's only 1 chad for every 4 stacies.

IRL stacies almost always date guys that are looksmin.
You're retarded, an attractive girl won't have 100+ chads around her. Based on math alone, there's only 1 chad for every 4 stacies.

IRL stacies almost always date guys that are looksmin.
its like losers like yourself cant come to terms with reality. This this how you cope with being a genetic dead end?:forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:
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ssooooooo wwwaaaaaaaaaaater
and aging for us is easier
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You're retarded, an attractive girl won't have 100+ chads around her. Based on math alone, there's only 1 chad for every 4 stacies.

IRL stacies almost always date guys that are looksmin.
and moneymaxx.
So they still win
You're retarded, an attractive girl won't have 100+ chads around her. Based on math alone, there's only 1 chad for every 4 stacies.

IRL stacies almost always date guys that are looksmin.
1 chad for 4 stacies LOL

aka you’re just overrating whores in fake up
1 chad for 4 stacies LOL

aka you’re just overrating whores in fake up
The higher average body-fat has contributed to a shift in male vs female attractiveness.

Prehistoric men had about 4-6% body-fat, while women had about 12% body-fat.
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It's true.

There isn't a big difference between a Stacy and an average girl. Both live on tuturial mode and have thousands of simps

But between Chad and average man....there's a night and day difference
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The higher average body-fat has contributed to a shift in male vs female attractiveness.

Prehistoric men had about 4-6% body-fat, while women had about 12% body-fat.
replying with an edgy tone and putting a full stop after “no.” doesn’t make you any more right

average whore looks like shit same with average man, and it’s a huge cope to say every 4 stacies there’s only one chad

women look like absolute shit without makeup
replying with an edgy tone and putting a full stop after “no.” doesn’t make you any more right

average whore looks like shit same with average man, and it’s a huge cope to say every 4 stacies there’s only one chad

women look like absolute shit without makeup
Cope with make-up more, the truth is is that adiposity is feminine and women look better at 22% body-fat than men do at 18%.
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List by SMV - mixed gender:

1. Chad
2. Stacy
3. Stacylite
4. HTNf
5. Chadlite
6. Normief
7. HTNm
8. LTN and below female
9. Normie and below male

More bottom of the list you are, the more effort required to obtain someone higher

Higher up the list you are, the less effort required to obtain someone lower

This reminds me of girls who say "Oh I wish I was a guy, it's so much easier". What they really mean is they wish they were a chad, because Chad has highest value
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Cope with make-up more, the truth is is that adiposity is feminine and women look better at 22% body-fat than men do at 18%.
yes it’s natural for women to be higher bf of course lol, it’s more of a falio for men to be higher bf too yes

it doesn’t change that you’re overrating women and underrating men, both look like shit on average
List by SMV - mixed gender:

1. Chad
2. Stacy
3. Stacylite
4. HTNf
5. Chadlite
6. Normief
7. HTNm
8. LTN and below female
9. Normie and below male

More bottom of the list you are, the more effort required to obtain someone higher

Higher up the list you are, the less effort required to obtain someone lower

This reminds me of girls who say "Oh I wish I was a guy, it's so much easier". What they really mean is they wish they were a chad, because Chad has highest value
Unironically chad gets smv mogged by stacylites, but that’s only before 30 it seems

lots of pua chad/chadlites have shit success ratios btw
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Unironically chad gets smv mogged by stacylites, but that’s only before 30 it seems

lots of pua chad/chadlites have shit success ratios btw
Depends how you define Chad tbh, my list considers Chad 1% in terms of height and looks

But yes, external factors do come into play a bit as well, such as money and fame and inhib - but a Chad with money, fame and low inhib outweighs everything. It's just much easier to obtain these factors when you're a 1%
View attachment 1153802

1-4 makes up about 42% of the male population.
1-4 makes up about 24% of the female population.

Simply said, being between 1 and 4 on the scale and applying the looks-match theory, there is about 2 men for every 1 girl at this range. This is basically an infinite SMV, since even a small dis-balance makes a big difference. At this range you probably have to be rich or be interesting to even be able to date.

On the other hand:
6-8(there's no higher than 8) makes up about 17% of the female population.
6-7(there's no higher than 7) makes up about 4% of the male population.

It's basically a harem. There are at least 4 females for a given male at this range. And since humans prefer to looks-match, this means if you're in this range it's extremely easy to date an attractive female for you.

I've noticed this IRL too, it's almost always the average looking girls that have tons of males orbiting them.

"The first study Lehmiller reviewed found that both facial and body attractiveness were associated with having a higher number of short-term sexual partners (but not long-term partners) for men. For women, facial (but not body) attractiveness was associated with having more long-term partners but not short-term partners."

I'd never wanna be born as a female in this world tbh.
So this is one of the reasons why female 4-6 have a very inflated self perceived smv, (many orbiters) even more than stacies ego
If you're an attractive male it's better for you in terms of dating. Obviously it's better to be a man in general, you're physically stronger and you're likely to earn more money. Even if you failo at dating, you can still get rich and spend money on traveling or whatever independently.
you are NOT likely to earn more money what a cope men make more because they work more
View attachment 1153802

1-4 makes up about 42% of the male population.
1-4 makes up about 24% of the female population.

Simply said, being between 1 and 4 on the scale and applying the looks-match theory, there is about 2 men for every 1 girl at this range. This is basically an infinite SMV, since even a small dis-balance makes a big difference. At this range you probably have to be rich or be interesting to even be able to date.

On the other hand:
6-8(there's no higher than 8) makes up about 17% of the female population.
6-7(there's no higher than 7) makes up about 4% of the male population.

It's basically a harem. There are at least 4 females for a given male at this range. And since humans prefer to looks-match, this means if you're in this range it's extremely easy to date an attractive female for you.

I've noticed this IRL too, it's almost always the average looking girls that have tons of males orbiting them.

"The first study Lehmiller reviewed found that both facial and body attractiveness were associated with having a higher number of short-term sexual partners (but not long-term partners) for men. For women, facial (but not body) attractiveness was associated with having more long-term partners but not short-term partners."

I'd never wanna be born as a female in this world tbh.
tbh i would. if nothing else i would do an onlyfans and bank in $10K a month, and then looksmaxx with the money I've made.
List by SMV - mixed gender:

1. Chad
2. Stacy
3. Stacylite
4. HTNf
5. Chadlite
6. Normief
7. HTNm
8. LTN and below female
9. Normie and below male

More bottom of the list you are, the more effort required to obtain someone higher

Higher up the list you are, the less effort required to obtain someone lower

This reminds me of girls who say "Oh I wish I was a guy, it's so much easier". What they really mean is they wish they were a chad, because Chad has highest value
But if you're a 7 would you really go for a girl that's a 5?

yes it’s natural for women to be higher bf of course lol, it’s more of a falio for men to be higher bf too yes

it doesn’t change that you’re overrating women and underrating men, both look like shit on average
Literally makes no logical sense. You just agreed it's more of a failo to be higher bf for men, which means no one is underrating anyone, men just look like dog shit today. Average girl mogs average guy.

I've been a bodpod verified 4% bodyfat and you literally feel like you are dying man. And at 12% bf most women don't have a period anymore. You don't know what you are talking about. Hunter gatherers were 8% at best and that's still pushing it
Yeah, with unhealthy lifestyle and obviously the body being used to high body-fat level it will be hard to maintain low body-fat. Doesn't however disprove that prehistoric men were very low body-fat and did fine. Even closely related primates barely have any body-fat.
tbh i would. if nothing else i would do an onlyfans and bank in $10K a month, and then looksmaxx with the money I've made.
Can't onlyfans if you're a 0-4...
But if you're a 7 would you really go for a girl that's a 5?

Literally makes no logical sense. You just agreed it's more of a failo to be higher bf for men, which means no one is underrating anyone, men just look like dog shit today. Average girl mogs average guy.

Yeah, with unhealthy lifestyle and obviously the body being used to high body-fat level it will be hard to maintain low body-fat. Doesn't however disprove that prehistoric men were very low body-fat and did fine. Even closely related primates barely have any body-fat.
i agreed it’s a more of a falio, but i dont think there’s one chad for 4 stacies lol

i really think you’re overrating women, it’s natural men have sex drives like rabid abused dogs

still it’s a cope, women on average look like shit, not saying men don’t either
i agreed it’s a more of a falio, but i dont think there’s one chad for 4 stacies lol

i really think you’re overrating women, it’s natural men have sex drives like rabid abused dogs

still it’s a cope, women on average look like shit, not saying men don’t either
Men look worse though than women do, no? At least in Europe they do.

Think about it, all of these factors have less impact on women than men:

  • Higher body-fat = feminine.
  • Recessed jaw = feminine.
  • Less muscle mass = feminine.
  • Lower T levels = feminine.
Men look worse though than women do, no? At least in Europe they do.

Think about it, all of these factors have less impact on women than men:

  • Higher body-fat = feminine.
  • Recessed jaw = feminine.
  • Less muscle mass = feminine.
  • Lower T levels = feminine.
do you think these things are caused by our environment?

anyway as i said i agree it’s harder for men to look good, but the difference is most of the time men who truly look good are actually good looking whereas for women a lot of it is just their youth and fraud

ask yourself how much more focus do women put into their looks? they looksmax more than average softmaxxer too

men don’t give a shit
do you think these things are caused by our environment?

anyway as i said i agree it’s harder for men to look good, but the difference is most of the time men who truly look good are actually good looking whereas for women a lot of it is just their youth and fraud

ask yourself how much more focus do women put into their looks? they looksmax more than average softmaxxer too

men don’t give a shit
Society and environment. Low T and being fat are synonymous.
And it doesn't matter who puts more effort or less effort, my point is average 20 year old female mogs average guy between 20-30.
Can't onlyfans if you're a 0-4...
bro there's toilets out there who make 5 figures a month just selling their feet pics and you don't even need to show face. Hell, you probably don't even need to show your own feet and still make close to the same amount.

Foids have their lives on easy mode.

Meanwhile us guys have no choice but to make money the old fashioned actually using our bodies and working hard to achieve our goals.
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Maybe for "dating" (having a steady partner), but men are never going to get the attention and privileges of being a hot woman.
Maybe for "dating" (having a steady partner), but men are never going to get the attention and privileges of being a hot woman.
If the bottom 80% of men really compete for the bottom 20% of women and top 80% of women compete for 20% of men, then obviously being in that 20% male top is better than being in that 20% female top, cause you get 4-to-1 females.
If the bottom 80% of men really compete for the bottom 20% of women and top 80% of women compete for 20% of men, then obviously being in that 20% male top is better than being in that 20% female top, cause you get 4-to-1 females.
Yeah, but that's dating. Hot women are treated like royalty, even if they do nothing with their lives. With men, I know a lot of you people don't want to admit it, but it's just not like that. Good looking men don't get raped at the public library by supermodels. If you want women to approach you, you have to go to places where that kind of thing is normal, like the beach, pool, bars, nightclubs, house parties, etc.
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Disagree, chad may have higher smv than everyone but stacies and even stacylites have a much easier life, they have servants helping them and supporting them 24/7. People approach them more than chads. They have more value as a human than chad because they have limited eggs and not infinite sperm. Dont look at graphs, sit down and think about your life and your experience seeing stuff in real life. When a chad seems confused i dont see many people approaching him and trying to help him to get his validation but when a htn and higher foid acts the same she has dozens of men and other women proactively trying to help her.
I disagree. Only when you combine money and looks does chad>stacy apply. You can do literally anything in your life. As a stacy you are expected To find a husband before 30
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It's kinda like this, imo:

"Just" be top 4% of males, where you MOGG 96% of men (aged 18-40). And you have will have alot of normie ranged women to chose from.

3 factors, or addings I like to do:

1* "just be top 4% of men, overall, in looks. Not easy obviously, and for plenty unattainable due to certain unfixable disadvantages.
2* WHILE that normie woman, the so called "looksmatch", it's easy to be average and ACTUALLY she is genetic trash with her average looks compared to the dude being a top 4% MOGGER.
3* An attractive male OBJECTIVELY, is to women a normie. It seems. A VERY ATTRACTIVE male, is only ranking as ATTRACTIVE.
I disagree. Only when you combine money and looks does chad>stacy apply. You can do literally anything in your life. As a stacy you are expected To find a husband before 30

This. When the Chad is up into his 30s and has the money also he can get Stacys in their 20s for long term deals. Unlike Chads Stacys can go have one night stands with Chad anytime they choose but they cant easily get a well to do financially Chad to do the long term deal with them once they are in their 30s. Its why so many career women are hollering where have all the good men went because they waited too long.

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