Body Recomposition



May 23, 2020
Anyone had any success with body recomposition? if so can you explain what you did?
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Fancy word for building muscle and losing fat
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You'll need roids for that or at least some strong sarms. Losing fat and building muscle at the same time isn't really possible while being natural even though many fitness "gurus" will tell you otherwise.
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Stop eating carbs
Recomping is a total meme unless youre a fat novice or pinning.
“Body recomposition” is a phrase used by coaches/trainers to sell their programmes.
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Okay so there is no such thing as a recomp because you either lose fat or build muscle, your body can't do both at the same time just like you can't sleep and play basketball at the same time.
Here's what you can do to "recomp" without the help of AAS that have a better protein-sparring properties

-Get your training all together, go on a real program and work hard
-Cut, most of the skinny fat dudes should cut before bulk
-Bulk, you may not have enough muscle mass to begin with

Main factors for this are:
-Low t/high e2 levels
-Low Thyroid levels
-High insulin resistance

If you're in the first category you should train hard and do a slow (SLOW AF) lean bulk at a +100kcal intake, thus meaning that you should train hard and eat healtier
If you're in the second category you should do the same as the first but add zinc and a low dose of caffeine to your stack
If you're in the third category, you should do a keto diet while cutting kcals (-2/300kcal deficit) to better your insulin sensitivity

There are other things you could do and supplement with, but I'm not gonna expand on that as of now because they may be beneficial in one case but counter act in others and I don't know your situation as of now

If you want you could send me pics and bloodworks and I'll help you out but keep in mind that it may cost a little (not my help but the supplementation)
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What does cutting out carbs do for you then?
All eating carbs does is make you hungry for me since they nutritionally do shit. Unless you want to bulk up they are WORTHLESS.
All eating carbs does is make you hungry for me since they nutritionally do shit. Unless you want to bulk up they are WORTHLESS.

Carbohydrates are important. Your body defaults to using carbs unless you are in complete ketosis. If your glycogen stores are depleted, you will get tired easily.

Without enough carbohydrates in your system, you also risk using gluconeogenesis for energy - which is the breakdown of stored proteins (aka muscle) into glucose molecules.

Sure they are easily processed but no one is retarded enough to just eat plain carbs. There's a reason why even while cutting most pro bodybuilders have a cup of rice a day.

Unless you're ant to bulk up? Fat is by far the macro that will make you a fat fuck. You fell for the Jewish keto meme. Your supporters are 30 year old single moms.
It’s legit, but autistic retard bodybuilders online will say otherwise. If you work out and stay at the same weight, you will build muscle. But muscle has weight, so to stay at that same weight, you will have to lose fat.
All eating carbs does is make you hungry for me since they nutritionally do shit. Unless you want to bulk up they are WORTHLESS.
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It depends on where you are starting at.

Is your bodyfat percentage more than 30%?
It will be better to lose weight first and then do a lean bulk.

If you are at 15% skinny fat, when you lose weight you will just be skinny.
It will be better to do a slight clean bulk until you have some muscle and then go on a cut.

How do you determine your bodyfat percentage?

I use the navy method

or use the following formula:
Body Fat Percentage (%) = 86.010 x log10 (abdomen – neck) – 70.041 x log10 (height) + 36.76

Now, I know this isn't the most accurate method, but it is accurate within 1-3% of your true bodyfat. Use it as a method to see if you are going up or down.

If it was me, I would focus on building strength first, and then carving out greek statue underneath the fat.
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You'll need roids for that or at least some strong sarms. Losing fat and building muscle at the same time isn't really possible while being natural even though many fitness "gurus" will tell you otherwise.
You are out of your goddamn mind, if you think you can only do one at a time. Its like saying you can't eat and pee at the same time, they are 2 completely different actions. If you eat at maintenance and your lifts go up it means ur building muscle and by default losing fat or lowering the fat % because of the muscle. And for the carb debate, it comes down to the calories at the end of the day, personally carbs make me feel hungry even tho i ate the same calories, preference really.
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You'll need roids for that or at least some strong sarms. Losing fat and building muscle at the same time isn't really possible while being natural even though many fitness "gurus" will tell you otherwise.
Not true if it's beginner gains. True if you're intermediate though. But recomp is meant for beginners.
If you eat at maintenance and your lifts go up it means ur building muscle and by default losing fat or lowering the fat % because of the muscle.
Building muscle doesn't equal losing fat. Technically it's possible, for example, gaining 5lbs of weight in 2 months while losing 1% of body fat but that's not a recomp for me. If you want to see actual good results, you need juice. Unless you are 5'6, then building muscle is ez.
You are out of your goddamn mind, if you think you can only do one at a time. Its like saying you can't eat and pee at the same time, they are 2 completely different actions. If you eat at maintenance and your lifts go up it means ur building muscle and by default losing fat or lowering the fat % because of the muscle. And for the carb debate, it comes down to the calories at the end of the day, personally carbs make me feel hungry even tho i ate the same calories, preference really.

On this podcast of the Art of Manliness, doctor Jordan Feigenbaum flat out denies that it's possible to build muscle while losing fat.

Another interview with Alan Thrall on the same topic:

Note, they claim that one gain strength , but not muscle, while losing fat. (As there is not enough protein in the fat that you burn)

I don't know man. This medical doctor kinda sounds like he knows what he's talking about.
Exercised like hell boyo

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