Brutal Kinh seeding


Deleted member 16960

Rope nigger
Jan 2, 2022

I had sex with an Asian police officer without protection in Vietnam to keep my friend out of jail...

When I was 22 and my friends and I had just gotten out of college we decided to do a summer "trip around the world" because we wanted to get some cultural experiences.

I went with 3 friends, 2 girls and 1 guy that was dating my friend. One night, me and my single friend were out at a bar alone getting inebriated and flirting with some of the local guys. We were not really into Asian guys at the time so we were mostly joking around and not planning to do anything more. This was probably a bad idea as one of the guys got a bit handsy with my friend and a fight broke out and the police came to calm everything down and this is where the trouble began.

We had a guide to interpret for us, but he had gone home for the night and the police barely spoke english. Well my friend was significantly more drunk than me and thought it would be a good idea to "play with" a police radio.

The police officer she took it from found out because she says she accidently put it in her purse as we were leaving the station and they stopped us again. My friend thought it was a big joke and thought they were messing around but I knew it was serious when the two officers were yelling at us and put us in a holding room... Once inside she started to cry and the officers were just sitting outside looking at us while I opened an app on my phone to try to communicate with the officers. While I thought I was offering a bribe to get us out of the jail cell, I think something got lost in the communication and they thought I was offering a sexual bribe instead.

While normally I am not into Asian guys, something about the situation and my level of intoxication made me want to just go with it because they seemed to be into the idea. I went with one of them to the back office of the station where there was a room and he took out his penis through his pants and waved it in the air letting me know to suck it. I got down on my knees with my bracelets and hair getting in the way and went to work on his dick. Surprisingly average size, I was assuming it would be small because idk lol. Well I polished his rod quite nicely and tried to make him cum with just my tongue, but that was not enough for him I guess. after about 10 minutes my jaw got tired and he notices my decreased enthusiasm and lifts me to my feet. I knew what was coming so I started spitting on my hand and prepared myself to receive him. Before I knew it he had yanked down my pants and his hand was down my shirt and I was bent over on his table with his dick tickling my insides. I would have liked for him to use a condom, but at this point I just wanted it over with and did not protest because it was so much of a difficulty communicating with him. At this point I caught a reflection in a mirror in the corner of the room and saw how buff he was without the uniform on and I will admit it excited and surprised me a bit. The entire time he was saying things that I couldn't understand but I could tell it was a good experience for him as he was mesmerized by my pink tits and dirty blond hair. It took forever for this man to cum, but when he did it was so much that it was dripping down my leg.

After he came his entire demeanor and mood changed from authoritative and anger to kind and friendly. He rushed to his cabinet and pulled out wet wipes for me and him to clean off and then we sort of just tried to make small talk while we got dressed and I tried to fix my hair. I was a little uncomfortable with everything that happened but he put my mind at ease by just making jokes and stuff as best he could, I could tell he was a little embarrassed and just wanted to make me feel comfortable. He ended up not letting the other officer have a go at me (drunk friend was clearly off limits for obvious reasons) and he drove us all back to our hotel. We had a flight the next day and although I frantically searched for plan B at the local pharmacies, I could not find it. The flight lasted 34 hours with layovers and I ended up taking plan B with a few hours to spare between the 72-hr window that you are supposed to take it. Well, my cycle must have been on overdrive that day because it just didn't seem to work at all and I found out I was pregnant 6 weeks after getting home.

I prayed to God that it was the Swedish guy that I hooked up with but when that little girl came out with her jet black hair and olive skin I loved her as much as ever. It took me two years to even consider dating again after her birth but when I did, I started noticing Asian guys more for some reason. I didn't see them in the same stereotype as before and I ended up marrying an Asian man a year ago. I did try to contact the guy in Vietnam but had no luck with the language barrier and he probably didn't want to deal with it either, but my SO did adopt her so we are a happy family now. Just remember, what happens abroad doesn't always stay abroad lol.


Sounds like one of those porn where the women get caught breaking the laws and fuck the officer to get away with it

Also over for Swede cucks, Swedish wombs belong to Kinh men, rofl

Decisive Kinh victory.
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 21661, Cheesyrumble, BongMog and 1 other person
>Be Kinh police officer
>Be bored
>Get approached by white women and offered sex in exchange for releasing their friend
>Cant lose as a Kinh.

  • JFL
Reactions: Cheesyrumble, BongMog and Deleted member 16960
" my SO did adopt her"
Funny GIF
  • Love it
Reactions: Deleted member 16960

Stop hiding you cumskins
Dnr tbh
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 16960
brutal kinh seething
lol at this seething imbecile begging for attention from white people on a daily basis
lol at this seething imbecile begging for attention from white people on a daily basis
Keep flocking to my threads like the abused cumskin dog you are
  • JFL
Reactions: PointOfNoReturn

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