Can psychotherapy help non-rich chronologically twice older white man from Belarus to search for cute ~18-20yo girls from East and Southeast Asia?

Napoleon de Geso

Napoleon de Geso

I swipe right on 0,12% of females in Tinder
Jul 2, 2023
I am both no rich and dislike concept of traditional family based on economical cohabitation and relations based on capitalist transactions, so usual route of white men seeking for poor females from Southeast Asia is not fitting me. Instead my interest are cute girls with interesting personalities and alternative worldviews and lifestyles, who may be emotionally/psychologically insecure, and maybe even with mental problems, but too bad I myself also have problems like OCD and anxiety, what makes searching and travelling much harder, so psychotherapy maybe could help. Not necessary from those part of world, just girls there more often are cute, and if them having fetish upon white men is atleast slightly true - thats also good and works for my gains and goals to be worshipped as man, not economical donor

Reminder for cucks that this my Tinder match and only this level of cuteness I accept as matches and potential waifus:


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