Don't fast for Leanmaxxing (Mini Guide)



Jan 23, 2022
Let's say your bmr is 2000 calories/day.

Fasting reduces your metabolic rate ~ 30%

So in a fasting day you burn 1400 calories.

You would lose more weight if you ate 3 small low calories meals throught the day than a full day of fasting.

Plus you have more energy to exercise so you will burn more calories.

I think the benefits of fasting are not that well studied yet. The most benefits that you hear about are from caloric restriction in general.

Please don't fast if you are under 25, you need development and fasting will not do it.

And i've read that it's bad for collagen too.

My Leanmaxxing advice:

1) Count calories, you can have sweets and junkfood too, but count the calories. (For refference, almost all sweets, fastfood have ~ 500 cals/ 100g - enormous)

2) Check your bmr rate to learn how many calories you can consume to lose weight. 3500 calories deficit ~ 1 lb

3) Eat 3 meals, or snack fruit/veggies throught the day to not go into metabolic saving rate (apes ate all day in nature, anectode, ik, but might be some truth to it)

4) Don't exclude meat, fruits or veggies. You don't have to eat a lot of meat 50 - 100g is enough/day. Fats are pretty useless IMO (oils, butter, etc.)
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Cope. i lost 15lbs in 2 days dry fasting
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Cope. i lost 15lbs in 2 days dry fasting
Where did I say you don't lose weight fasting? Ofc you do, but it's better to eat 500 cals a day if you wanna go that extreme without deficiency risk
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yeah, fasting and extreme diets suck, I only lose muscle with these
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favorite HIM song?
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favorite HIM song?
Hard choice. Join me, Solitary Man, Right here in my arms. I like Loveletting too, from the new VV solo project. Yours?
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Cope. i lost 15lbs in 2 days dry fasting
I’ve always just done water fasts but maybe tmrw morning I’ll try a dry fast for two days.

Just no food and water? Were you active during the fast?
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Cope. i lost 15lbs in 2 days dry fasting
Nigga cap one of my relatives has told me about how they would starve them selfs 3 days in a row multiple times of the month and was still a lil chubby
Hard choice. Join me, Solitary Man, Right here in my arms. I like Loveletting too, from the new VV solo project. Yours?
It's all tears for favorite

Intermittent fasting increases several fat burning hormones​

Intermittent fasting has been shown to be just as effective as calorie-restricted diets for lowering your insulin levels (17Trusted Source, 18Trusted Source, 19Trusted Source).

In fact, this eating style could reduce fasting insulin levels by 20–31% (9Trusted Source).

Insulin is one of the main hormones involved in fat metabolism. It tells your body to store fat and stops your body from breaking fat down.

Fasting can cause a rise in blood levels of human growth hormone, an important hormone for promoting fat loss (20Trusted Source, 21Trusted Source).

Some studies have shown that in men, levels of human growth hormone may increase by as much as fivefold while fasting (22Trusted Source, 23Trusted Source).

Don't listen to OP, fasting (occassionally, or intermittently) is one of the best things you can do for your body composition and fat loss.

Short-term fasts boost metabolism by up to 14%​

Many people believe that skipping meals will cause your body to adapt by lowering its metabolic rate to save energy.

Aa 3-day fast actually increased the study participants metabolism by an impressive 14% (32Trusted Source).

This increase is thought to be due to the rise in the hormone norepinephrine, which promotes fat burning.

This is a peer reviewed academic study. OP provided zero academic sources or studies to his claims
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Doesn't fasting increase GH by crazy amounts?
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I’ve always just done water fasts but maybe tmrw morning I’ll try a dry fast for two days.

Just no food and water? Were you active during the fast?
No food no water 2 days. To be fair i was planning a 36 hour fast but fell asleep and then pushed into 50 hours. I did 4 workouts (2 strength) and 2 cardio sessions. It was brutal but it was worth it. I am now ready for the summer season. Needed to lose those 15lbs
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" Intermittent fasting has been shown to be just as effective as calorie-restricted diets for lowering your insulin levels " - Still no reason to put yourself to the hell that is fasting if you get the same benefits as cr.

" Fasting can cause a rise in blood levels of human growth hormone, an important hormone for promoting fat loss (20Trusted Source, 21Trusted Source). " - Not fasting studies

" Some studies have shown that in men, levels of human growth hormone may increase by as much as fivefold while fasting (22Trusted Source, 23Trusted Source). " - Again, not a fasting study:

"The aim of this review is to summarize current knowledge on the reciprocal feedback among the GH/IGF-I axis, macro and micronutrients, and dietary regimens, including caloric restriction. "

"This review focuses on mechanisms of calorie restriction (CR)"

Your studies prove that CR (what i've said has all the benefits that are linked to fasting)

"Aa 3-day fast actually increased the study participants metabolism by an impressive 14% (32Trusted Source)." - Good, a fasting study. 11 participants and 3 days is pretty weak and they didn't put them into two groups. One fasting and one calorie restricting, so we can't know what's the real cause.

Sources: : The basal metabolic rate of (BMR) showed a significant decrease (25 per cent) during total fasting, : The prefasting bmr was 1040 cal/sq. m of body surface/24 and it fell to 520 by the end of the fasting periods.
i dont believe bodyfat effect face when skinnyfat
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so its effect face
Yes. This dude has no muscle, but its very very skinny so it shows in the face
Photo Feb 02 8 12 48 AM 1005x1024
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Fasting is dumb for weightloss purposes. It slows down metabolism because the body thinks you are starving, the opposite of what is ideal for fat loss
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Best hacks for natty fat loss:

- diet soda
- caffeine (with occasional low-caff days so you don’t habituate)
- lots and lots of sleep (8h+, no alarm clock on weekends, good sleep hygeine)
- progressive overload (slowly) if beginner, or maintain volume in gym if intermediate or advanced
- honest calorie counting
- a mild deficit you can stick to for months
- the occasional (mild, carby) refeed
- high protein diet (1g/lb of bw) with tasty protein shakes/bars
- spreading your meals out so you’re only just not feeling hungry at any time
Fasting is dumb for weightloss purposes. It slows down metabolism because the body thinks you are starving, the opposite of what is ideal for fat loss
do yiu still think creatine makes you 40 percent higher dht
do yiu still think creatine makes you 40 percent higher dht
I don't bother myself with it at all tbh
Like I do consume creatine inevitably with red meat but I don't really care if it does anything or not
I wouldn't spend money supplementing it
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Fasting is dumb for weightloss purposes. It slows down metabolism because the body thinks you are starving, the opposite of what is ideal for fat loss
this is a myth. you're actually clueless
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Don't listen to OP, fasting (occassionally, or intermittently) is one of the best things you can do for your body composition and fat loss.

This is a peer reviewed academic study. OP provided zero academic sources or studies to his claims
How to properly fast bro ?
How to properly fast bro ?
Drink water every few hours to offset feelings of hunger. If it gets too extreme, add a pinch of salt.

A 24 hour fast anyone can do, 48 hours takes some willpower, 72+ is hard mode. I don't remember the last time I did 72. But a 72 water fast is a great way to burn off almost a full kilo (0,8kg) of fat in 3 days!

Stay distracted during the fast so you don't think about food! Browse the internet, go walk outside with friends, play a game, binge watch movies or Netflix shows. Then after 48 hours have passed you can eat again as usual.
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Drink water every few hours to offset feelings of hunger. If it gets too extreme, add a pinch of salt.

A 24 hour fast anyone can do, 48 hours takes some willpower, 72+ is hard mode. I don't remember the last time I did 72. But a 72 water fast is a great way to burn off almost a full kilo (0,8kg) of fat in 3 days!

Stay distracted during the fast so you don't think about food! Browse the internet, go walk outside with friends, play a game, binge watch movies or Netflix shows. Then after 48 hours have passed you can eat again as usual.
this is a myth. you're actually clueless
How is it a myth? I have tried water fasting , intermittent fasting myself, as well as OMAD and they all suck. 5-6x small meals a day split into regular intervals is where is at.
How is it a myth? I have tried water fasting , intermittent fasting myself, as well as OMAD and they all suck. 5-6x small meals a day split into regular intervals is where is at.
short term fasts actually boost your metabolism due to norepinephrine.

but it's true that long-term caloric restriction can reduce the number of calories you burn over time, this happens no matter what weight loss strategy or method you use jfl

here it literally states that with caloric restriction you might lose more lean mass than doing intermittent fasting

but whatever works best for you buddy, whatever is the easiest :p
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3) Eat 3 meals, or snack fruit/veggies throught the day to not go into metabolic saving rate (apes ate all day in nature, anectode, ik, but might be some truth to it)

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