Ending the clean shave cope once and for all...



Nov 9, 2020
Due to tiktokmaxxing here has been an influx of bad opinions suggesting looksmaxxers regardless of situation shave to look better. The truth is the clean shaven look only works for Anglosphere/North Europe (+ East Asia but it's not like most can even grow beard jfl) and only for young prettyboys with wide robust jaws and great collagen.

As you enter your mid 20s your collagen drops, wrinkles and nasolabial folds show as well as that that grey beard shadow which jbs are disgusted by as it reminds them of their shaven grandpas. Stubble becomes important to hide those signs of ageing, frame the face better, display dimorphism, increase sex appeal

For the Mediterranean, Latam, MENA, India (+blacks) stubble is important even from a younger age, as even in high school slayers tend to have facial hair and from 20s on you might as well be incel without facial hair (unless Chad bones).

Finally South East Asians should also consider growing facial hair, even if it's a pathetic goatee, because it makes them look much better and trying to K-popmaxx with their feautures and coloring is nearly always a failo. Same for East Asians in the West who don't have prettyboy looks.
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As you enter your mid 20s your collagen drops, wrinkles and nasolabial folds show as well
You are doing something very wrong (or have shit aging genetics) if you are getting wrinkles and nasolabial folds in your mid 20s.
That that grey beard shadow which jbs are disgusted by as it reminds them of their shaven grandpas.
You already have a grey beard too? Are you some sort of hyper-aging freak of nature?
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  • Hmm...
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Fuck white pigs
I agree. I look like lesbian without beard. im 31 years old..

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Stubble is best for most people. It will help a little if you don't have great bones. A thicker beard should only be used to hide a really weak chin.
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Not a single JB would have seen Twilight if Edward Cullen wasn't fully clean shaven
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if your nothing without the beard you dont deserve it
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For the Mediterranean, Latam, MENA, India (+blacks) stubble is important even from a younger age, as even in high school slayers tend to have facial hair and from 20s on you might as well be incel without facial hair (unless Chad bones).
Hahaha, no.
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Hahaha, no.
This dude is retarded
"muh clean shaved is bad muh facial hair is good"

The truth is that you need to do what fits your face better, if facial hair does indeed make you look better facially, hides your shit bones and your philtrum and signs of aging, then do it

But why the fuck would a prettyboy or just a dude with good pihltrum, soft features, and above average bones have facial hair? Facial hair is disguting, the most you guys have to do facial hair wise is grow a little mini goatee and that's the most
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Noone with a good jaw would make these type of threads
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but but but. JBs?
i dont wanna look like my damn fucking uncle, no young girls will want me 😭😭
You are doing something very wrong (or have shit aging genetics) if you are getting wrinkles and nasolabial folds in your mid 20s.

You already have a grey beard too? Are you some sort of hyper-aging freak of nature?
You can take care of your skin but genetics are genetics. Lots of people will lose collagen and start looking worse by their late 20s, not much can be done about it.

Also I didn't say grey beard but grey shadow. As your beard grows thicker, no amount of shaving will make you look like a teenager

Not a single JB would have seen Twilight if Edward Cullen wasn't fully clean shaven
Top 1% jaw and collagen. Doesn't contradict anything I said
Noone with a good jaw would make these type of threads
If that's you in the pic it doesn't concern you since you can't even grow facial hair jfl
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There is a lot of info/disinfo on here which is pure zoomer tiktok cope with no relevance to the real world. As the blackpill goes more and more mainstream there has been an influx of younger people with retarded opinions because they spend all their time online.
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You can take care of your skin but genetics are genetics. Lots of people will lose collagen and start looking worse by their late 20s, not much can be done about it.

Also I didn't say grey beard but grey shadow. As your beard grows thicker, no amount of shaving will make you look like a teenager

Top 1% jaw and collagen. Doesn't contradict anything I said

If that's you in the pic it doesn't concern you since you can't even grow facial hair jfl
Does he really have top-tier collagen though look at his collagen in The Batman premiere photos
Noone with a good jaw would make these type of threads
Bro he is 100% right. When I was young my jawline looked very sharp and I did look fine with clean shaven.. After I got older. my collagen started to go down bit. My skin does not look as sharp as I did when I was younger and my nasion skin has grown bit. Also when you get older your testosterone levels go down which make people bloated looking. That is reason why many 28-30 years old rocks stubbles. In older age its twice as harder to lose weight comparing the young age. The the bone thing is just myth... It just aging that makes you look baby faced. Not lack of bones.
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Does he really have top-tier collagen though look at his collagen in The Batman premiere photos
He looks like shit now objectively and despite his top tier bones would look better with some stubble but he seems incapable of trimming it evenly so he doesn't look like a hobo
He looks like shit now objectively and despite his top tier bones would look better with some stubble but he seems incapable of trimming it evenly so he doesn't look like a hobo
JFL at you for thinking he "looks like shit objectively" even now he still mogs
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JFL at you for thinking he "looks like shit objectively" even now he still mogs
Giga halo-cope. I can walk down the street and see regular guys who mog him in smv. His jaw means little when his collagen has become so shit
Clean shaven is ideal if you have a good third .
Due to tiktokmaxxing here has been an influx of bad opinions suggesting looksmaxxers regardless of situation shave to look better. The truth is the clean shaven look only works for Anglosphere/North Europe (+ East Asia but it's not like most can even grow beard jfl) and only for young prettyboys with wide robust jaws and great collagen.

As you enter your mid 20s your collagen drops, wrinkles and nasolabial folds show as well as that that grey beard shadow which jbs are disgusted by as it reminds them of their shaven grandpas. Stubble becomes important to hide those signs of ageing, frame the face better, display dimorphism, increase sex appeal

For the Mediterranean, Latam, MENA, India (+blacks) stubble is important even from a younger age, as even in high school slayers tend to have facial hair and from 20s on you might as well be incel without facial hair (unless Chad bones).

Finally South East Asians should also consider growing facial hair, even if it's a pathetic goatee, because it makes them look much better and trying to K-popmaxx with their feautures and coloring is nearly always a failo. Same for East Asians in the West who don't have prettyboy looks.
I always said, after a age when your beard is thicker, will appear that shadow clean shaven and making You old, growing a stubble will protect your skin also.
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Giga halo-cope. I can walk down the street and see regular guys who mog him in smv. His jaw means little when his collagen has become so shit View attachment 1899724
You’re retarded if you think he wasn’t making girls horny left and right while they were watching Tenet or Batman

And you don’t know what clearly don’t understand what objective means
shaved fits me better but majority of men should fraud because they don't have the lower thirds required to shave and end up looking subhuman baby faced
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I always said, after a age when your beard is thicker, will appear that shadow clean shaven and making You old, growing a stubble will protect your skin also.
Yep, that shadow ages you more than stubble. Some people just can't let go of their prettyboy phase of teenage/early 20s
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Stubble is best for most people. It will help a little if you don't have great bones. A thicker beard should only be used to hide a really weak chin.
from gay alien to good looking
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if you are getting any wrinkles before 40 you are subhuman
Most people here are legit 16 years old, that's why they hate facial hair so much. They strive to be like their tiktok prettyboy idols, but they never ever will look like them.
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Most people here are legit 16 years old, that's why they hate facial hair so much. They strive to be like their tiktok prettyboy idols, but they never ever will look like them.

I could grow a full beard at 15, jfl at subhumans here, also all those tik fag subhumans should be executed
sounds like you need bimax and custom peek implants designed by giant
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if you are getting any wrinkles before 40 you are subhuman
Even plasticmaxxed celebrities with 100Ks worth of surgeries and botox will get wrinkles by 40. And you're acting like some random looksmaxxer won't because he uses sunscreen and tretinoin...

Most people here are legit 16 years old, that's why they hate facial hair so much. They strive to be like their tiktok prettyboy idols, but they never ever will look like them.
I mean I could understand the 16 year olds being liek this. But this forum is full of 25 year oldcels who try to look like tiktok prettyboys and then complain why they're incels and why women date "other prettyboys"(AKA actual teenagers) or ogres (AKA NT 20's men who grow stubble and don't dress/behave like femboys)
Even plasticmaxxed celebrities with 100Ks worth of surgeries and botox will get wrinkles by 40. And you're acting like some random looksmaxxer won't because he uses sunscreen and tretinoin...

I mean I could understand the 16 year olds being liek this. But this forum is full of 25 year oldcels who try to look like tiktok prettyboys and then complain why they're incels and why women date "other prettyboys"(AKA actual teenagers) or ogres (AKA NT 20's men who grow stubble and don't dress/behave like femboys)

lol you don't know shit retard, you are talking as if it was impossible to not get wrinkles by 40 u r probably some prematurely aged coping subhuman that started drinking alcohol at 13 and now has fucking wrinkles in their early-mid 20's. I've seen multiple old hags with 0 wrinkles in their face and no, they didn't look young.
lol you don't know shit retard, you are talking as if it was impossible to not get wrinkles by 40 u r probably some prematurely aged coping subhuman that started drinking alcohol at 13 and now has fucking wrinkles in their early-mid 20's. I've seen multiple old hags with 0 wrinkles in their face and no, they didn't look young.
Well go on retard. Post some pics of your typical 40s males with no wrinkles. I'll wait
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Well go on retard. Post some pics of your typical 40s males with no wrinkles. I'll wait

you start saying that not even those that do the most extreme things to not age have wrinkles at 40 when there are +70 year old who didn't do jack shit for antiaging who do not have wrinkles even thought they look old.

here is chris chan at 40, someone who did 0 antiaging stuff and lived a terrible lifestyle see if he has any wrinkles


I'd whoop your 16 year old ass so hard it ain't even funny, dunno why this forum allows underage subhumans to post here.
It's possible to be a 25 year old prettyboy
25 is not 30 or 40. Unless you have top tier collagen, you can't be a "prettyboy" then
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My facial hair looks cringe and my mother hates it
This beard shadow thing is also something that dont make you able to look better clean shaven

Til i was 24 i still could look very good clean shaven

But now at 28 when i shave, the beard shadow of my neck connects with the beard shadow of my face and destroy the entire contrast of my features in many lightings. When i couldnt grow a beard it wasnt a problem, now that i have full facial hair pattern and im older despite still having good collagen, being clean shaven doesnt seem to suit my face at all because of this beard shadowing, it's strange as fuck. A light or heavy stubble with me shaving my neckbeard highlights my jaw and my facial features in absolutely every lighting, it also highlights the contrast of my thick eyebrows in a positive way. I dont even think is a option for me to consider clean shaven nowdays because of this.

Not having much of facial hair is important to look better clean shaven, if you have thick beard pattern you will probably look worse clean shaven
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This beard shadow thing is also something that dont make you able to look better clean shaven

Til i was 24 i still could look very good clean shaven

But now at 28 when i shave, the beard shadow of my neck connects with the beard shadow of my face and destroy the entire contrast of my features in many lightings. When i couldnt grow a beard it wasnt a problem, now that i have full facial hair pattern and im older despite still having good collagen, being clean shaven doesnt seem to suit my face at all because of this beard shadowing, it's strange as fuck. A light or heavy stubble with me shaving my neckbeard highlights my jaw and my facial features in absolutely every lighting, it also highlights the contrast of my thick eyebrows in a positive way. I dont even think is a option for me to consider clean shaven nowdays because of this.

Not having much of facial hair is important to look better clean shaven, if you have thick beard pattern you will probably look worse clean shaven

jfl at being being ''alive'' in the year 2022 when aging exists and when you can't freely and easily modify your appearance like in a rpg.
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jfl at being being ''alive'' in the year 2022 when aging exists and when you can't freely and easily modify your appearance like in a rpg.
Fucking shitty times isnt it?
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This dude is retarded
"muh clean shaved is bad muh facial hair is good"

The truth is that you need to do what fits your face better, if facial hair does indeed make you look better facially, hides your shit bones and your philtrum and signs of aging, then do it

But why the fuck would a prettyboy or just a dude with good pihltrum, soft features, and above average bones have facial hair? Facial hair is disguting, the most you guys have to do facial hair wise is grow a little mini goatee and that's the most
which you think works for me?
Fucking shitty times isnt it?

If only that aging bullcrap didn't exist... truly the worst thing imaginable, I get traumatised every single day when I go out and see how absolutely obliterated by aging most of the population is. I feel constant anxiety about not wasting a single day, doing stuff every single day, can't waste entire days, weeks, months, years carelessly rotting and procrastinating as I used to do not ever since I took the agepill.
If only that aging bullcrap didn't exist... truly the worst thing imaginable, I get traumatised every single day when I go out and see how absolutely obliterated by aging most of the population is. I feel constant anxiety about not wasting a single day, doing stuff every single day, can't waste entire days, weeks, months, years carelessly rotting and procrastinating as I used to do not ever since I took the agepill.
The agepill is indeed brutal. I didnt thought so much about it til 25.. Maximum we can do is to keep our mind sharp and do whatever can be done to retain our young features and mog those who are already obliterated by time at our age (IQ wise and lookwise). Time wont spare no one regardless, everything is doomed
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See my thread

Stubble or heavy stubble is legit, you don't need to have subhuman jaw to get stubble or any facial hair. In most cases it improves contrast, sex appeal and makes your jaw look more angular in some cases.

Laughing at these copers, even Chads and gigachad would look better with a stubble, literally no reason not to get one. Muh jb, go outside you rats and see who are the real slayers, fucking and being lusted over by girls of all ages.

Go clean shaven and prettyboy(tranny) max and see you will be good only as a teddy bear for ltr, no lust, no intimidation, nothing. Cope more with this retarded shit

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My theory of these conflicting opinions is that they're caused by different ages of facial hair growth between countries.

For example in South Europe, we tend to grow facial hair much earlier so prime girls end up crushing on the high-school boys with facial hair (clear dimorphic trait and stands out). This carries on to college girls and so on.

In North Europe, facial hair growth in teenagers is barely existent so prime girls end up crushing on shaved guys with robust jaws (dimorphic trait). This ends up carrying to college even though at this stage some guys can actually grow facial hair. After early 20s hair fills in so there's so many guys with stubble that the shift in preference happens there too.

It's all about exposure. East Asians girls are a good example too. The ones in Asia don't like facial hair precisely because the guys can't really grow it. And those that can get socially pressured not to.
On the other hand, the ones who grow up in the West will also end up liking facial hair if exposed to it, that is if they don't just hang with other Asians and don't get socially conditioned by their family/circle to dislike it.
You are doing something very wrong (or have shit aging genetics) if you are getting wrinkles and nasolabial folds in your mid 20s.
you're being a smartass for no good reason when op actually made some good points
it's not about when you get nasolabial folds it's the fact that facial hair can like help hide nasolabial folds which is a good point
You already have a grey beard too?

he's talking about the greenish shadow you get after shaving, this is especially true for those with a thick and dense facial hair pattern
Not a single JB would have seen Twilight if Edward Cullen wasn't fully clean shaven
you got shit reading comprehension mate
he said
clean shaven look only works for Anglosphere/North Europe (+ East Asia but it's not like most can even grow beard jfl) and only for young prettyboys with wide robust jaws and great collagen

But why the fuck would a prettyboy or just a dude with good pihltrum, soft features, and above average bones have facial hair?
mate you need to reread the op he literally said
clean shaven look only works for Anglosphere/North Europe (+ East Asia but it's not like most can even grow beard jfl) and only for young prettyboys with wide robust jaws and great collagen.

sounds like you need bimax and custom peek implants designed by giant
sounds like you are shilling scam companies
if your nothing without the beard you dont deserve it
it's you're not your
You’re retarded if you think he wasn’t making girls horny left and right while they were watching Tenet or Batman

And you don’t know what clearly don’t understand what objective means
you're missing the point he is making and pointing to outliers and exceptions doesn't help to make a valid argument against what he is saying are guys like trolling at this point or just plain retarded?
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you're missing the point he is making and pointing to outliers and exceptions doesn't help to make a valid argument against what he is saying are guys like trolling at this point or just plain retarded?
I'm simply addressing something stupid he said, I don't have any opinion on this thread except for that this thread is irrelevant for most users since most people on this forum are in their late teens or early twenties.

And yeah anyone who thinks an actor who became famous bc of his looks is ugly is a retard. And yes, saying an opinion you agree with is objective is stupid as fuck.

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