Follow up from last thread, a new problem



Oct 7, 2023
So my last post was about how I find my knee and wrist plates to be fused. I have been told by many people that I should still inject HGH and still try heightmaxxing, since either my plates are not fully closed or my spine plates may still be open

A new problem I find myself in, is that my dad, who I thought was supportive is actually not. My parents think HGH is going to mess me up (like getting one ear bigger than the other etc). My dads friend also took HGH once, and he didn't grow tall but grew a big beard.

What do I do now? They are both shorter than me, (d-5'4, m-5'3) and their arguement is if they managed being short, why can't I? Why must I put myself through risky procedures while I'm 5'6 without any natural disabilities. I know there are a lot of misconceptions with them etc etc but please do not curse my parents.

What I think am going to do is send a big ass message explaining everything from why height is important to me to how stuff like HGH, AIs going to work.

Actually I just don't know I'm so lost pls help me
So my last post was about how I find my knee and wrist plates to be fused. I have been told by many people that I should still inject HGH and still try heightmaxxing, since either my plates are not fully closed or my spine plates may still be open

A new problem I find myself in, is that my dad, who I thought was supportive is actually not. My parents think HGH is going to mess me up (like getting one ear bigger than the other etc). My dads friend also took HGH once, and he didn't grow tall but grew a big beard.

What do I do now? They are both shorter than me, (d-5'4, m-5'3) and their arguement is if they managed being short, why can't I? Why must I put myself through risky procedures while I'm 5'6 without any natural disabilities. I know there are a lot of misconceptions with them etc etc but please do not curse my parents.

What I think am going to do is send a big ass message explaining everything from why height is important to me to how stuff like HGH, AIs going to work.

Actually I just don't know I'm so lost pls help me
5'4 5'3 lmaoo where are u from
What do I do now? They are both shorter than me, (d-5'4, m-5'3)
it's unlikely that you're going to be much taller than they are, hgh isn't some wonder hormone that makes people grow past their predicted height unless you have an actual disorder where it's constantly elevated which isn't replicable with injections.

at best all it does it help people reach their predicted height faster, but considering you are already taller than your parents it's likely that you are near your predicted height anyway.
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it's unlikely that you're going to be much taller than they are, hgh isn't some wonder hormone that makes people grow past their predicted height unless you have an actual disorder where it's constantly elevated which isn't replicable with injections.

at best all it does it help people reach their predicted height faster, but considering you are already taller than your parents it's likely that you are near your predicted height anyway.
This is a revelation to me lmao I thought the genetic element works in closing the plates and that if you are quick enough blasting HGH will hell you reach your desired height before your plates fuse
This is a revelation to me lmao I thought the genetic element works in closing the plates and that if you are quick enough blasting HGH will hell you reach your desired height before your plates fuse
there's a genetic limit on how tall you're able to get, growth hormone has only ever been used to help children with diagnoseable short stature based on predicted height reach this faster, but they don't grow beyond that.

the amount required for anything past that will not come without sides and is unaffordable.


people with growth hormone disorders are constantly at a high level, you can't replicate that.
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there's a genetic limit on how tall you're able to get, growth hormone has only ever been used to help children with diagnoseable short stature based on predicted height reach this faster, but they don't grow beyond that.

the amount required for anything past that will not come without sides and is unaffordable.

View attachment 2618665

people with growth hormone disorders are constantly at a high level, you can't replicate that.
So basically I have reached my max potential and now injecting hgh will do nothing but maybe fuck my proportions?
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So basically I have reached my max potential and now injecting hgh will do nothing but maybe fuck my proportions?
anything you'll gain at this point you probably would've gained anyway, as long as you're eating, the experiments that have been done with growth hormone only speeds this process up, but it's possible that the kids that underwent therapy would've grown to the same height anyway, just slower.

you're already taller than your parents, which means you're in the top range of the predicted height.
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So my last post was about how I find my knee and wrist plates to be fused. I have been told by many people that I should still inject HGH and still try heightmaxxing, since either my plates are not fully closed or my spine plates may still be open

A new problem I find myself in, is that my dad, who I thought was supportive is actually not. My parents think HGH is going to mess me up (like getting one ear bigger than the other etc). My dads friend also took HGH once, and he didn't grow tall but grew a big beard.

What do I do now? They are both shorter than me, (d-5'4, m-5'3) and their arguement is if they managed being short, why can't I? Why must I put myself through risky procedures while I'm 5'6 without any natural disabilities. I know there are a lot of misconceptions with them etc etc but please do not curse my parents.

What I think am going to do is send a big ass message explaining everything from why height is important to me to how stuff like HGH, AIs going to work.

Actually I just don't know I'm so lost pls help me
i pray you stay 5'6 hgh aint saving you midget
my parents say the same shit but atleast they let me do it.
it's unlikely that you're going to be much taller than they are, hgh isn't some wonder hormone that makes people grow past their predicted height unless you have an actual disorder where it's constantly elevated which isn't replicable with injections.

at best all it does it help people reach their predicted height faster, but considering you are already taller than your parents it's likely that you are near your predicted height anyway.
So my last post was about how I find my knee and wrist plates to be fused. I have been told by many people that I should still inject HGH and still try heightmaxxing, since either my plates are not fully closed or my spine plates may still be open

A new problem I find myself in, is that my dad, who I thought was supportive is actually not. My parents think HGH is going to mess me up (like getting one ear bigger than the other etc). My dads friend also took HGH once, and he didn't grow tall but grew a big beard.

What do I do now? They are both shorter than me, (d-5'4, m-5'3) and their arguement is if they managed being short, why can't I? Why must I put myself through risky procedures while I'm 5'6 without any natural disabilities. I know there are a lot of misconceptions with them etc etc but please do not curse my parents.

What I think am going to do is send a big ass message explaining everything from why height is important to me to how stuff like HGH, AIs going to work.

Actually I just don't know I'm so lost pls help me

Well, how educated are you on taking HGH and other heightmaxxing compounds? Do you have the understanding of any of this stuff to take it safely and do it for more than 6+ months? Can you afford to take it? Are you able to do it on your own?

There are many factors to consider, and while I'll never say to or not to heightmax as that's not my place, I recommend that if you can honestly answer those questions with a yes and are willing to take the risk, you have to find your own way and go ahead with it.

As why would your parents, who are short themselves, want tp make their son go through injections and take different synthetic hormones at the chance that's not guaranteed that you get taller? It'd be hard for them to find to reason with that logic within themselves. And if you seen any sort of substance in that same line of thinking, you may want to reconsider heightmaxxing yourself.
Well, how educated are you on taking HGH and other heightmaxxing compounds? Do you have the understanding of any of this stuff to take it safely and do it for more than 6+ months? Can you afford to take it? Are you able to do it on your own?

There are many factors to consider, and while I'll never say to or not to heightmax as that's not my place, I recommend that if you can honestly answer those questions with a yes and are willing to take the risk, you have to find your own way and go ahead with it.

As why would your parents, who are short themselves, want tp make their son go through injections and take different synthetic hormones at the chance that's not guaranteed that you get taller? It'd be hard for them to find to reason with that logic within themselves. And if you seen any sort of substance in that same line of thinking, you may want to reconsider heightmaxxing yourself.
I can say yes and even work on "getting the knowledge" but I think its going to be a very hard and uphill battle if I do it myself. No money, living in hostel so hard to meet dietary requirements etc etc. And now I am told HGH does nothing but only take your height to your genetically predestined height quicker, so I guess HGH wont do me the best I want from it.
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