Fucked up my lower back from deadlifts



Asexual peaceful balkan monk
May 5, 2019
Fuck fuck fcuk fuck fuuuuuckkk. What to do now? This retarded excercise perma damaged my lower back, 3 years ago i had zero back problems, the past 2 years do my lower back is in bad condition from doing deadlifts. Starting going to the gym today again, and did deads, my lower back started hurting like hell and i stopped, now im home feeling like shit and can't bent down even slightly from the pain. This is the routine i started doing.

3 times per week (monday, wednesday, friday) full body compounds

Squats 4 × 8
Bench press 4 × 8
Bent over row 4 × 8
Stiff leg deadlift 4 × 8
OHP 2 × 8
Barbell curls 2 × 8
Calf raises 2 × 8

Any better routine that doesn't involve dead lifts or bent over row? Those excercise destroy my lower back it seems
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Deadlifts are cope. Do 5-6 days a week PPL or bro split
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Deadlifts are cope. Do 5-6 days a week PPL or bro split
You sure about it? Wouldn't having a completely flabby lower back muscles bring muscle imbalances later on?
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You sure about it? Wouldn't having a completely flabby lower back muscles bring muscle imbalances later on?
Barbell rows, tbar row, RDL, rack pulls, hyper extensions. All fit better and isolate the back without as much legs
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Barbell rows, tbar row, RDL, rack pulls, hyper extensions. All fit better and isolate the back without as much legs
But i already did stiff leg deadlifts, are those super bad for the lower back or something in comparison to romanian? I remember when i did romanian and had almost no back problems
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oh sweet tser tser
But i already did stiff leg deadlifts, are those super bad for the lower back or something in comparison to romanian? I remember when i did romanian and had almost no back problems
Nah. Romanian just has more back whereas stiff is more hamstrings. I believe lying leg curls, seated curls and kneeling curls are the absolute best hamstring builders (ofc do squats, leg press etc). Rack pulls are a very good exercise for all back and mog deadlift
risk to benefit ratio of deadlift is not worth it
top tier athletes use power cleans and other exercises

deads are too susceptible to bad form, its super easy to have bad form and even a slight bad form can do damage

and rest i dont remember i watched this a long time ago
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Why deadlifts? do pull ups, youre already doing squats and stiff leg deadlifts, if you cant do stiff deadlift do nordic curls

I would reccomend:

-bench or push ups if you can add weight
-pull ups
-rows(bodyweight or barbell)
-nordic curls


-bicep curls
-tricep extensions
-lateral raises
-core work

2 sets of 3 followed by 3 sets of 8 on main lifts and 3 sets of 8 on accessories, find a way do incorporate the exercises, youre not going to be doing dips and bench on the same day for example
deadlift is a meme
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Trapbar deadlifts
dude its aight give it some time and be patient. good luck.
How did you injure yourself doing deadlifts? Usually it’s from bad form, which is typically a result of trying to lift heavier than you can handle. My advice would be to NEVER ego-lift with deadlifts. No 1-rep-maxing etc. Just use a relatively low weight that you can easily move 6-8 reps per set. Strengthening the lower back muscles is one of the best things you can do for your body in terms of injury prevention and overall longevity. You just need to use some self control and move reasonable amounts of weight and resist the urge to ego lift.
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Fuck fuck fcuk fuck fuuuuuckkk. What to do now? This retarded excercise perma damaged my lower back, 3 years ago i had zero back problems, the past 2 years do my lower back is in bad condition from doing deadlifts. Starting going to the gym today again, and did deads, my lower back started hurting like hell and i stopped, now im home feeling like shit and can't bent down even slightly from the pain. This is the routine i started doing.

3 times per week (monday, wednesday, friday) full body compounds

Squats 4 × 8
Bench press 4 × 8
Bent over row 4 × 8
Stiff leg deadlift 4 × 8
OHP 2 × 8
Barbell curls 2 × 8
Calf raises 2 × 8

Any better routine that doesn't involve dead lifts or bent over row? Those excercise destroy my lower back it seems
people actually squat and deadlift ?
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Fuck fuck fcuk fuck fuuuuuckkk. What to do now? This retarded excercise perma damaged my lower back, 3 years ago i had zero back problems, the past 2 years do my lower back is in bad condition from doing deadlifts. Starting going to the gym today again, and did deads, my lower back started hurting like hell and i stopped, now im home feeling like shit and can't bent down even slightly from the pain. This is the routine i started doing.

3 times per week (monday, wednesday, friday) full body compounds

Squats 4 × 8
Bench press 4 × 8
Bent over row 4 × 8
Stiff leg deadlift 4 × 8
OHP 2 × 8
Barbell curls 2 × 8
Calf raises 2 × 8

Any better routine that doesn't involve dead lifts or bent over row? Those excercise destroy my lower back it seems
people actually squat and deadlift ?
i dont do squats, deads, or flat bench tbh. i take advantage of machines and dumbells, I would much rather do a seated v grip cable row for lower back and pulldowns then deads, flat bench is the exercise in which most people tear pecs, and squats are difficult on my knees because of my height, so I do hack squats, leg press, and other machine alternatives. whatever works for you.
Been lifting for a couple years and I don’t even DL
I've said this many many times: never do deadlifts
Wtf are u supposed to do then? It's one of the big 4 compound lifts lol
Literally anything. Squats are good, pullups, cable rows, hip thrusts are amazing substitutes.

"Big 4 or big 3" is all BS. The best exercises hands-down are weighted Chinups, OHP, Hip thrusts and side laterals
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Literally anything. Squats are good, pullups, cable rows, hip thrusts are amazing substitutes.

"Big 4 or big 3" is all BS. The best exercises hands-down are weighted Chinups, OHP, Hip thrusts and side laterals
Bro i actually like deadlifts know when i learned proper form, my back stopped hurting too. In fact squats are my most hated excercise my knees feel terrible
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