Guide to torturemaxxing(empatheticcels gtfih)

Deleted member 13511

Deleted member 13511

I changed my mind, Asian women are ugly insects.
Apr 12, 2021
*This is for educational purposes only*

Benefits of torture:

Revenge on those who wronged you
Extract useful information like credit card details
Make an example of fools who question your wisdom

Torture motivation:
Anyone can betray you. It doesn't matter how much you think they love you or how much good you do for them. Any human is capable of true evil when pushed to their limit. If you think someone is plotting against you make sure to get them before they get you otherwise your existence will have been meaningless.

Psychological torture
Hurt their loved ones while they are forced to watch and listen helplessly. Even better is forcing them to hurt their own loved ones instead.

Here are some examples:
1)Slit the throats of their families and record the audio of them drowning and choking in their own blood. Lock the subject in a padded suicide watch solitary confinement cell and play the audio through loudspeakers 24/7. Watch through a security camera and laugh endlessly as the mental trauma builds exponentially and the tear streams become more frequent. Alternatively, this can be done with audio of their families crying, screaming and begging for their subhuman lives to be spared.

2)Take two of their closest loved ones(children, siblings, spouses, parents, best friends). Give your victim a choice of who they want you to kill e.g. their son or daughter and tell them that if they don't choose in ten seconds you will kill both. If they don't pick one then kill both of them and they will feel like they could have saved one of their children but they didn't and this will haunt them for the rest of their pathetic life. If they pick one to die then kill the one they didn't pick and leave them alone in a cell together. The victim will be distraught that their favourite child died and the child who was originally condemned to die will be left with the knowledge that their own parent wished them to die. You literally can't lose.

3)Lock them in a cell with their family. Give them a knife and the choice of killing one of their family members. Tell them you will let them go if they kill x number of family members. If they hesitate then kill one yourself just to show you're not kidding. After they kill x number of family members tell them "You took too long, kill one more" repeat the process until they stop killing their family members or all their family is eliminated. At this point you might as well just wait for them to starve so they can think about their actions or have an awkward chat with their surviving family members.

Physical torture
1)Remove their senses and watch them go crazy. Pluck out their eyeballs, deafen them by filling their ears with glue, sew their mouth shut(unless you want to hear them scream and cry), break their nose so they have trouble breathing through it, cut off their fingertips so they can't feel anything. At Guantanamo bay they torture by removing senses without actually maiming the prisoners but you might as well hurt them just to maximise the suffering.

2)The brazen bull

Lock the retard in a lifesized bull made out of brass. Light a fire underneath and they will slowly get roasted to death. To make it even more enjoyable there's a horn in the mouth of the bull that will convert their screaming into the sounds of a bull. An option is to have small holes in the bull so you can see the fuckwit struggling to escape and you can make eye contact with them and laugh, a disadvantage to this however is that the victim will have a bit of light whereas it's scarier completely dark. If you want then save them after a few minutes and dip them in an ice bath for a minute or so, after this put them right back in the bull to continue the agony.


Shove a wooden spike up their ass and pull their legs until it comes out their mouth. Hopefully if the stick is blunt then none of their organs will be damaged so the suffering will last for longer. Leave them in this position until they die. Of course if you want you can enhance the experience by beating or whipping them or making small incisions with a knife.

4)Flayed alive

Make some select cuts on their soon to be corpse and remove their skin while they're alive. Try to keep their heart beating for as long as possible so they don't die. If they're somehow still alive after the ordeal then why not dip them in lemon juice, salt or acid just to squeeze as much scream out of them as possible.

5)Rat torture

Secure them to a table. Put a bucket with a rat inside on their stomach. Put hot coals on the bucket so the rat will tunnel down and eat through the victim's body.


Trap your victim in a floating object like a barrel or small boat. Cover them in milk and honey and put them in a river, they will attract insects that will eat their flesh alive.
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Lebron James What GIF by SB Nation
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Hi, fbi
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Not even dark triad. Just estrogenic behavior.
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  • JFL
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in american psycho the guy forced a rat to eat his way through a body. the book is very fucked up and i skipped a few torture scenes tbh
  • JFL
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*This is for educational purposes only*

Benefits of torture:

Revenge on those who wronged you
Extract useful information like credit card details
Make an example of fools who question your wisdom

Torture motivation:
Anyone can betray you. It doesn't matter how much you think they love you or how much good you do for them. Any human is capable of true evil when pushed to their limit. If you think someone is plotting against you make sure to get them before they get you otherwise your existence will have been meaningless.

Psychological torture
Hurt their loved ones while they are forced to watch and listen helplessly. Even better is forcing them to hurt their own loved ones instead.

Here are some examples:
1)Slit the throats of their families and record the audio of them drowning and choking in their own blood. Lock the subject in a padded suicide watch solitary confinement cell and play the audio through loudspeakers 24/7. Watch through a security camera and laugh endlessly as the mental trauma builds exponentially and the tear streams become more frequent. Alternatively, this can be done with audio of their families crying, screaming and begging for their subhuman lives to be spared.

2)Take two of their closest loved ones(children, siblings, spouses, parents, best friends). Give your victim a choice of who they want you to kill e.g. their son or daughter and tell them that if they don't choose in ten seconds you will kill both. If they don't pick one then kill both of them and they will feel like they could have saved one of their children but they didn't and this will haunt them for the rest of their pathetic life. If they pick one to die then kill the one they didn't pick and leave them alone in a cell together. The victim will be distraught that their favourite child died and the child who was originally condemned to die will be left with the knowledge that their own parent wished them to die. You literally can't lose.

3)Lock them in a cell with their family. Give them a knife and the choice of killing one of their family members. Tell them you will let them go if they kill x number of family members. If they hesitate then kill one yourself just to show you're not kidding. After they kill x number of family members tell them "You took too long, kill one more" repeat the process until they stop killing their family members or all their family is eliminated. At this point you might as well just wait for them to starve so they can think about their actions or have an awkward chat with their surviving family members.

Physical torture
1)Remove their senses and watch them go crazy. Pluck out their eyeballs, deafen them by filling their ears with glue, sew their mouth shut(unless you want to hear them scream and cry), break their nose so they have trouble breathing through it, cut off their fingertips so they can't feel anything. At Guantanamo bay they torture by removing senses without actually maiming the prisoners but you might as well hurt them just to maximise the suffering.
View attachment 1145740

2)The brazen bull
View attachment 1145744
Lock the retard in a lifesized bull made out of brass. Light a fire underneath and they will slowly get roasted to death. To make it even more enjoyable there's a horn in the mouth of the bull that will convert their screaming into the sounds of a bull. An option is to have small holes in the bull so you can see the fuckwit struggling to escape and you can make eye contact with them and laugh, a disadvantage to this however is that the victim will have a bit of light whereas it's scarier completely dark. If you want then save them after a few minutes and dip them in an ice bath for a minute or so, after this put them right back in the bull to continue the agony.

View attachment 1145753
Shove a wooden spike up their ass and pull their legs until it comes out their mouth. Hopefully if the stick is blunt then none of their organs will be damaged so the suffering will last for longer. Leave them in this position until they die. Of course if you want you can enhance the experience by beating or whipping them or making small incisions with a knife.

4)Flayed alive
View attachment 1145762
Make some select cuts on their soon to be corpse and remove their skin while they're alive. Try to keep their heart beating for as long as possible so they don't die. If they're somehow still alive after the ordeal then why not dip them in lemon juice, salt or acid just to squeeze as much scream out of them as possible.
Grimba tier thread. Very high quality and very useful 👌🏻 Concise and on point.
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You have a serious mental disorder
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Low T dog larping as a Brazilian cartel on a forum full of autists. Daddy must be proud.
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*This is for educational purposes only*

Benefits of torture:

Revenge on those who wronged you
Extract useful information like credit card details
Make an example of fools who question your wisdom

Torture motivation:
Anyone can betray you. It doesn't matter how much you think they love you or how much good you do for them. Any human is capable of true evil when pushed to their limit. If you think someone is plotting against you make sure to get them before they get you otherwise your existence will have been meaningless.

Psychological torture
Hurt their loved ones while they are forced to watch and listen helplessly. Even better is forcing them to hurt their own loved ones instead.

Here are some examples:
1)Slit the throats of their families and record the audio of them drowning and choking in their own blood. Lock the subject in a padded suicide watch solitary confinement cell and play the audio through loudspeakers 24/7. Watch through a security camera and laugh endlessly as the mental trauma builds exponentially and the tear streams become more frequent. Alternatively, this can be done with audio of their families crying, screaming and begging for their subhuman lives to be spared.

2)Take two of their closest loved ones(children, siblings, spouses, parents, best friends). Give your victim a choice of who they want you to kill e.g. their son or daughter and tell them that if they don't choose in ten seconds you will kill both. If they don't pick one then kill both of them and they will feel like they could have saved one of their children but they didn't and this will haunt them for the rest of their pathetic life. If they pick one to die then kill the one they didn't pick and leave them alone in a cell together. The victim will be distraught that their favourite child died and the child who was originally condemned to die will be left with the knowledge that their own parent wished them to die. You literally can't lose.

3)Lock them in a cell with their family. Give them a knife and the choice of killing one of their family members. Tell them you will let them go if they kill x number of family members. If they hesitate then kill one yourself just to show you're not kidding. After they kill x number of family members tell them "You took too long, kill one more" repeat the process until they stop killing their family members or all their family is eliminated. At this point you might as well just wait for them to starve so they can think about their actions or have an awkward chat with their surviving family members.

Physical torture
1)Remove their senses and watch them go crazy. Pluck out their eyeballs, deafen them by filling their ears with glue, sew their mouth shut(unless you want to hear them scream and cry), break their nose so they have trouble breathing through it, cut off their fingertips so they can't feel anything. At Guantanamo bay they torture by removing senses without actually maiming the prisoners but you might as well hurt them just to maximise the suffering.
View attachment 1145740

2)The brazen bull
View attachment 1145744
Lock the retard in a lifesized bull made out of brass. Light a fire underneath and they will slowly get roasted to death. To make it even more enjoyable there's a horn in the mouth of the bull that will convert their screaming into the sounds of a bull. An option is to have small holes in the bull so you can see the fuckwit struggling to escape and you can make eye contact with them and laugh, a disadvantage to this however is that the victim will have a bit of light whereas it's scarier completely dark. If you want then save them after a few minutes and dip them in an ice bath for a minute or so, after this put them right back in the bull to continue the agony.

View attachment 1145753
Shove a wooden spike up their ass and pull their legs until it comes out their mouth. Hopefully if the stick is blunt then none of their organs will be damaged so the suffering will last for longer. Leave them in this position until they die. Of course if you want you can enhance the experience by beating or whipping them or making small incisions with a knife.

4)Flayed alive
View attachment 1145762
Make some select cuts on their soon to be corpse and remove their skin while they're alive. Try to keep their heart beating for as long as possible so they don't die. If they're somehow still alive after the ordeal then why not dip them in lemon juice, salt or acid just to squeeze as much scream out of them as possible.

5)Rat torture
View attachment 1145786
Secure them to a table. Put a bucket with a rat inside on their stomach. Put hot coals on the bucket so the rat will tunnel down and eat through the victim's body.

View attachment 1145793
Trap your victim in a floating object like a barrel or small boat. Cover them in milk and honey and put them in a river, they will attract insects that will eat their flesh alive.
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*This is for educational purposes only*

Benefits of torture:

Revenge on those who wronged you
Extract useful information like credit card details
Make an example of fools who question your wisdom

Torture motivation:
Anyone can betray you. It doesn't matter how much you think they love you or how much good you do for them. Any human is capable of true evil when pushed to their limit. If you think someone is plotting against you make sure to get them before they get you otherwise your existence will have been meaningless.

Psychological torture
Hurt their loved ones while they are forced to watch and listen helplessly. Even better is forcing them to hurt their own loved ones instead.

Here are some examples:
1)Slit the throats of their families and record the audio of them drowning and choking in their own blood. Lock the subject in a padded suicide watch solitary confinement cell and play the audio through loudspeakers 24/7. Watch through a security camera and laugh endlessly as the mental trauma builds exponentially and the tear streams become more frequent. Alternatively, this can be done with audio of their families crying, screaming and begging for their subhuman lives to be spared.

2)Take two of their closest loved ones(children, siblings, spouses, parents, best friends). Give your victim a choice of who they want you to kill e.g. their son or daughter and tell them that if they don't choose in ten seconds you will kill both. If they don't pick one then kill both of them and they will feel like they could have saved one of their children but they didn't and this will haunt them for the rest of their pathetic life. If they pick one to die then kill the one they didn't pick and leave them alone in a cell together. The victim will be distraught that their favourite child died and the child who was originally condemned to die will be left with the knowledge that their own parent wished them to die. You literally can't lose.

3)Lock them in a cell with their family. Give them a knife and the choice of killing one of their family members. Tell them you will let them go if they kill x number of family members. If they hesitate then kill one yourself just to show you're not kidding. After they kill x number of family members tell them "You took too long, kill one more" repeat the process until they stop killing their family members or all their family is eliminated. At this point you might as well just wait for them to starve so they can think about their actions or have an awkward chat with their surviving family members.

Physical torture
1)Remove their senses and watch them go crazy. Pluck out their eyeballs, deafen them by filling their ears with glue, sew their mouth shut(unless you want to hear them scream and cry), break their nose so they have trouble breathing through it, cut off their fingertips so they can't feel anything. At Guantanamo bay they torture by removing senses without actually maiming the prisoners but you might as well hurt them just to maximise the suffering.
View attachment 1145740

2)The brazen bull
View attachment 1145744
Lock the retard in a lifesized bull made out of brass. Light a fire underneath and they will slowly get roasted to death. To make it even more enjoyable there's a horn in the mouth of the bull that will convert their screaming into the sounds of a bull. An option is to have small holes in the bull so you can see the fuckwit struggling to escape and you can make eye contact with them and laugh, a disadvantage to this however is that the victim will have a bit of light whereas it's scarier completely dark. If you want then save them after a few minutes and dip them in an ice bath for a minute or so, after this put them right back in the bull to continue the agony.

View attachment 1145753
Shove a wooden spike up their ass and pull their legs until it comes out their mouth. Hopefully if the stick is blunt then none of their organs will be damaged so the suffering will last for longer. Leave them in this position until they die. Of course if you want you can enhance the experience by beating or whipping them or making small incisions with a knife.

4)Flayed alive
View attachment 1145762
Make some select cuts on their soon to be corpse and remove their skin while they're alive. Try to keep their heart beating for as long as possible so they don't die. If they're somehow still alive after the ordeal then why not dip them in lemon juice, salt or acid just to squeeze as much scream out of them as possible.

5)Rat torture
View attachment 1145786
Secure them to a table. Put a bucket with a rat inside on their stomach. Put hot coals on the bucket so the rat will tunnel down and eat through the victim's body.

View attachment 1145793
Trap your victim in a floating object like a barrel or small boat. Cover them in milk and honey and put them in a river, they will attract insects that will eat their flesh alive.
the fuck
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 13511
You know how I know you will never do this stuff?

Because you make posts about it on a public forum.
  • +1
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This is what autism does to a men
  • JFL
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Anyone can betray you. It doesn't matter how much you think they love you or how much good you do for them. Any human is capable of true evil when pushed to their limit. If you think someone is plotting against you make sure to get them before they get you otherwise your existence will have been meaningless.
*This is for educational purposes only*

Benefits of torture:

Revenge on those who wronged you
Extract useful information like credit card details
Make an example of fools who question your wisdom

Torture motivation:
Anyone can betray you. It doesn't matter how much you think they love you or how much good you do for them. Any human is capable of true evil when pushed to their limit. If you think someone is plotting against you make sure to get them before they get you otherwise your existence will have been meaningless.

Psychological torture
Hurt their loved ones while they are forced to watch and listen helplessly. Even better is forcing them to hurt their own loved ones instead.

Here are some examples:
1)Slit the throats of their families and record the audio of them drowning and choking in their own blood. Lock the subject in a padded suicide watch solitary confinement cell and play the audio through loudspeakers 24/7. Watch through a security camera and laugh endlessly as the mental trauma builds exponentially and the tear streams become more frequent. Alternatively, this can be done with audio of their families crying, screaming and begging for their subhuman lives to be spared.

2)Take two of their closest loved ones(children, siblings, spouses, parents, best friends). Give your victim a choice of who they want you to kill e.g. their son or daughter and tell them that if they don't choose in ten seconds you will kill both. If they don't pick one then kill both of them and they will feel like they could have saved one of their children but they didn't and this will haunt them for the rest of their pathetic life. If they pick one to die then kill the one they didn't pick and leave them alone in a cell together. The victim will be distraught that their favourite child died and the child who was originally condemned to die will be left with the knowledge that their own parent wished them to die. You literally can't lose.

3)Lock them in a cell with their family. Give them a knife and the choice of killing one of their family members. Tell them you will let them go if they kill x number of family members. If they hesitate then kill one yourself just to show you're not kidding. After they kill x number of family members tell them "You took too long, kill one more" repeat the process until they stop killing their family members or all their family is eliminated. At this point you might as well just wait for them to starve so they can think about their actions or have an awkward chat with their surviving family members.

Physical torture
1)Remove their senses and watch them go crazy. Pluck out their eyeballs, deafen them by filling their ears with glue, sew their mouth shut(unless you want to hear them scream and cry), break their nose so they have trouble breathing through it, cut off their fingertips so they can't feel anything. At Guantanamo bay they torture by removing senses without actually maiming the prisoners but you might as well hurt them just to maximise the suffering.
View attachment 1145740

2)The brazen bull
View attachment 1145744
Lock the retard in a lifesized bull made out of brass. Light a fire underneath and they will slowly get roasted to death. To make it even more enjoyable there's a horn in the mouth of the bull that will convert their screaming into the sounds of a bull. An option is to have small holes in the bull so you can see the fuckwit struggling to escape and you can make eye contact with them and laugh, a disadvantage to this however is that the victim will have a bit of light whereas it's scarier completely dark. If you want then save them after a few minutes and dip them in an ice bath for a minute or so, after this put them right back in the bull to continue the agony.

View attachment 1145753
Shove a wooden spike up their ass and pull their legs until it comes out their mouth. Hopefully if the stick is blunt then none of their organs will be damaged so the suffering will last for longer. Leave them in this position until they die. Of course if you want you can enhance the experience by beating or whipping them or making small incisions with a knife.

4)Flayed alive
View attachment 1145762
Make some select cuts on their soon to be corpse and remove their skin while they're alive. Try to keep their heart beating for as long as possible so they don't die. If they're somehow still alive after the ordeal then why not dip them in lemon juice, salt or acid just to squeeze as much scream out of them as possible.

5)Rat torture
View attachment 1145786
Secure them to a table. Put a bucket with a rat inside on their stomach. Put hot coals on the bucket so the rat will tunnel down and eat through the victim's body.

View attachment 1145793
Trap your victim in a floating object like a barrel or small boat. Cover them in milk and honey and put them in a river, they will attract insects that will eat their flesh alive.
Nah the autism is too funny
*This is for educational purposes only*

Benefits of torture:

Revenge on those who wronged you
Extract useful information like credit card details
Make an example of fools who question your wisdom

Torture motivation:
Anyone can betray you. It doesn't matter how much you think they love you or how much good you do for them. Any human is capable of true evil when pushed to their limit. If you think someone is plotting against you make sure to get them before they get you otherwise your existence will have been meaningless.

Psychological torture
Hurt their loved ones while they are forced to watch and listen helplessly. Even better is forcing them to hurt their own loved ones instead.

Here are some examples:
1)Slit the throats of their families and record the audio of them drowning and choking in their own blood. Lock the subject in a padded suicide watch solitary confinement cell and play the audio through loudspeakers 24/7. Watch through a security camera and laugh endlessly as the mental trauma builds exponentially and the tear streams become more frequent. Alternatively, this can be done with audio of their families crying, screaming and begging for their subhuman lives to be spared.

2)Take two of their closest loved ones(children, siblings, spouses, parents, best friends). Give your victim a choice of who they want you to kill e.g. their son or daughter and tell them that if they don't choose in ten seconds you will kill both. If they don't pick one then kill both of them and they will feel like they could have saved one of their children but they didn't and this will haunt them for the rest of their pathetic life. If they pick one to die then kill the one they didn't pick and leave them alone in a cell together. The victim will be distraught that their favourite child died and the child who was originally condemned to die will be left with the knowledge that their own parent wished them to die. You literally can't lose.

3)Lock them in a cell with their family. Give them a knife and the choice of killing one of their family members. Tell them you will let them go if they kill x number of family members. If they hesitate then kill one yourself just to show you're not kidding. After they kill x number of family members tell them "You took too long, kill one more" repeat the process until they stop killing their family members or all their family is eliminated. At this point you might as well just wait for them to starve so they can think about their actions or have an awkward chat with their surviving family members.

Physical torture
1)Remove their senses and watch them go crazy. Pluck out their eyeballs, deafen them by filling their ears with glue, sew their mouth shut(unless you want to hear them scream and cry), break their nose so they have trouble breathing through it, cut off their fingertips so they can't feel anything. At Guantanamo bay they torture by removing senses without actually maiming the prisoners but you might as well hurt them just to maximise the suffering.
View attachment 1145740

2)The brazen bull
View attachment 1145744
Lock the retard in a lifesized bull made out of brass. Light a fire underneath and they will slowly get roasted to death. To make it even more enjoyable there's a horn in the mouth of the bull that will convert their screaming into the sounds of a bull. An option is to have small holes in the bull so you can see the fuckwit struggling to escape and you can make eye contact with them and laugh, a disadvantage to this however is that the victim will have a bit of light whereas it's scarier completely dark. If you want then save them after a few minutes and dip them in an ice bath for a minute or so, after this put them right back in the bull to continue the agony.

View attachment 1145753
Shove a wooden spike up their ass and pull their legs until it comes out their mouth. Hopefully if the stick is blunt then none of their organs will be damaged so the suffering will last for longer. Leave them in this position until they die. Of course if you want you can enhance the experience by beating or whipping them or making small incisions with a knife.

4)Flayed alive
View attachment 1145762
Make some select cuts on their soon to be corpse and remove their skin while they're alive. Try to keep their heart beating for as long as possible so they don't die. If they're somehow still alive after the ordeal then why not dip them in lemon juice, salt or acid just to squeeze as much scream out of them as possible.

5)Rat torture
View attachment 1145786
Secure them to a table. Put a bucket with a rat inside on their stomach. Put hot coals on the bucket so the rat will tunnel down and eat through the victim's body.

View attachment 1145793
Trap your victim in a floating object like a barrel or small boat. Cover them in milk and honey and put them in a river, they will attract insects that will eat their flesh alive.
Sanest .org user

Cartel are the god of torturemaxx

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