Have any serious gymcels gotten into online coaching or been sponsored?



Nov 7, 2021
Feel like after nearly 9 years of hardcore gymceling and over 4 years of that not being natty I'm close to a point where if I wanted to I could make a full time living in the fitness industry somehow (at least looking at my physique in comparison to some guys that already manage it) and never have to spend another day staring at databases and spreadsheets that I don't give a toss about just to earn a tad above average.

I've considered online coaching, I've already had a couple of friends and dyel orbiters at the gym ask me to write training programs and diet plans for them but so far I've done this for free as a goodwill gesture and they've not followed them so I have no testimonials or anything like that. Before corona virus struck I was considering doing a mens physique show but these days my attitude towards gymceling and roidceling isn't where it would be for me to ever do any sort of competitive bodybuilding or strength sport so that's off the cards.

The other option (which could go hand in hand with the above) would be to get sponsorship from some fitness brand. When I used to inconsistently post on instagram I had a couple of really small clothing brands DM me but those sort of things aren't worth it. If I need this I would need to start posting again and have a much higher follower count.

Have any of the serious gymcels here had any experience with achieving money/status from the fitness industry?

I remember Preference on lookism had some success with this but afaik he isn't on this forum

@loox @6ft4 @ecig @Chadethnic101 @forevergymcelling
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If I was you I defo would
Start posting more gym shots and photos out showing off your physique

Literally just copy a fitness guy you follow on the types of pics
I would also take up the opportunities from clothing brands just to get your face out there tbh

Then once you get more hits you can charge more etc, along with your coaching you can earn decent money tbh, or just something extra.

I haven't got involved in the industry yet but once I put more size on I will consider it and see if it's possible for me

As you are not natty it'll be easy to appeal to people as you'll defo physique mog normies massively.
yeah I've already had people at puregym say I should post stuff and try and get into the industry but my aspie body dysmorphic mentality just dismisses their opinions because they're dyel
will probably just be a case of getting over my high inhib and posting normie fitness stuff consistently for a while
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The fitness industry is one of the most over saturated industries in the world. Literally every second person is a fitness influencer. You need to sit down and think really hard about what makes you stand out and then grind really really hard to get exposure. It will be a long, slow, uphill battle but it’s not impossible. You’ll need insta, Twitter, TikTok, and a YouTube channel. Build those up and then spend an inordinate amount of time commenting on other already famous fitness people to hopefully expose other commenters to your page. Good luck.
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yeah I've already had people at puregym say I should post stuff and try and get into the industry but my aspie body dysmorphic mentality just dismisses their opinions because they're dyel
will probably just be a case of getting over my high inhib and posting normie fitness stuff consistently for a while
Yeah that's just you being critical of yourself I'm literally the same lol

Coz there's guys out there who look like absolute shit fat as fuck yet they're preaching how to lose weight and have 100k followers
Search carter Goode dude looks like shit
Cut once (to skinny beginner level), then binged and never got lean again yet had fuck loads of followers jfl

You can defo it bro
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It’s all a matter of marketing yourself and pricing correctly tbh

Physique is way less important than how many followers/subscribers you have and your ability to sell to them, obviously looking great is ideal but it’s not the factor that will determine your success. Plenty of nattys who don’t even look that nuts are very successful. Being entertaining and/or informative is what’s important
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This was my career plan I was hardcore passionate about this was listening podcasts for years from the bests, learning everything I could.
And then after a few years of gymcelling and Roiding I realized I had trash genetic for gymmaxxing and muscles building so I quit.
This was my first blackpilling experience,genetic = everything
I will only do it if you love it and you wanna provide good coaching to people.
Online coaching you will need to be good at creating content as well but you can earn a decent living if you know what you are doing.
You will need to do a lot of social media stuff even youtube
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  • Woah
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This was my career plan I was hardcore passionate about this was listening podcasts for years from the bests, learning everything I could.
And then after a few years of gymcelling and Roiding I realized I had trash genetic for gymmaxxing and muscles building so I quit.
This was my first blackpilling experience,genetic = everything
I will only do it if you love it and you wanna provide good coaching to people.
Online coaching you will need to be good at creating content as well but you can earn a decent living if you know what you are doing.
You will need to do a lot of social media stuff even youtube
sorry to hear that fella
I do love it even if I'm past the point of caring about roiding to be as big as possible these days and care more about overall looks and health
not to try and rub it in to you or anything cunty like that but I do also feel like I have good genetics for it which does help
I just need to kick myself up the ass and start posting stuff on instagram and eventually youtube tbh
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i feel like fitness culture is over saturated with content so you will probably need to find an obscure niche that will garner attention. but thats the most difficult part, plus execution:p

things likely to fail unless u are a 10/10 face, top 1% genetic bones, insertions
1. information chanels
2. normie insta fitness feed

things least likely to fail
1. comedic/entertaining fitness
2. niche diets and techniques (calesthenics, keto bs)
3. niche audience (ethnics, exotic food diets)
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What does your instagram look like at the moment
DLTBB who used to post here and fitmisc made a new account since his old one lost all active followers since he went to prison and he only has 600 followers but seems to get loads of responses when he asks people to send him in questions
He made a website for his fitness posts and I'm willing to bet he's making above minimum wage from coaching clients in the short time he set up his new page
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What does your instagram look like at the moment
DLTBB who used to post here and fitmisc made a new account since his old one lost all active followers since he went to prison and he only has 600 followers but seems to get loads of responses when he asks people to send him in questions
He made a website for his fitness posts and I'm willing to bet he's making above minimum wage from coaching clients in the short time he set up his new page
since making this thread last week I've put my account public and posted twice and gained about 30 followers, both just clips of me gymceling
my goal is to grow from low 200s to 1000 by the end of summer and then set a new goal from there, I've taken a break from cutting and been eating around maintenance for the past few weeks for various reasons but I'm going to document the rest of this cut and then gaintain/leanbulk and try and go for some PR lifts afterwards (PR compared to now not lifetime PRs compared to when I was a bloated roidcel, rep PRs too rather than 1rms)
once I have a bit of a following I'll make some informative type posts just basic stuff like how to cut, how to lean bulk, best exercises for x muscle groups, best supplements for gymceling and for inflammation etc, rehab exercises for injuries and so on and use those as a platform to get clients
I'll need to setup a website for that as well, last time I setup a website was some runescape thing back in like 2010 so I'll need to brush up on how to do that or just use some free thing for the time being like wixx
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What’s your physique look like?
pm me your insta bro.
I am thinking about the same like to grow my insta and make some bucks.

Worth it at my physique level ?


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pm me your insta bro.
I am thinking about the same like to grow my insta and make some bucks.

Worth it at my physique level ?
just seen this, too paranoidcel to share mine but it is nothing special just generic UK millenial gymceling stuff
I've been posting gymcel stuff semi regularly since this thread and its been making a difference though srs
you have a good physique you mog a lot of those zoomer gymcels that post popular reels and tik toks, might post a thread about some of the more subhuman ones I've seen that still have tons of followers and likes, comments, etc. later if I can be bothered
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