HeightPill Gone Overboard?



Feb 17, 2022
I have spoken to many people who have claimed that nowadays it's 6'3+ or it's pretty much over.

Besides people who live on here or stare at studies all day of male height to success ratios.

IRL it doesn't play out like that from what I've seen.

I am 5'10 with a decent gym body and face. I have girls who think I'm tall. Very rarely do I get height and face mogged.

I would say if you are at least 5'7 with a good face and body you can have insanely good results.

Sure maybe height fraud as 5'10 on dating apps and wear lifts in person.
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Yes, it has.

5'10" + is fine.

5'9" and lower has significant dropoff in dating app filters, and IRL you have a good chance of getting heighmogged daily.
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ok greycel
  • JFL
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Yes, it has.

5'10" + is fine.

5'9" and lower has significant dropoff in dating app filters, and IRL you have a good chance of getting heighmogged daily.
5'9 with a good face, gym body, and social skills.

Really doesn't matter. Women will like you.
5'9 with a good face, gym body, and social skills.

Really doesn't matter. Women will like you.
I perfectly answered your question.

Yet, for some fucking reason.

You still said this.

  • JFL
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Being muscular and ripped at 5 foot 10 would make you mog tall lanklets, if you both have similar looks in the face.

But a muscular ripped 6 foot 2 guy would mog you (if he has similar looks in the face), just because taller is better, but muscles matter.

As for social skills, I don't agree with that. Most guys who struggle to get laid who aren't ugly don't lack social skills, they just lack opportunities because they don't go out enough or at least, not to the right places.

All an average looking guy needs to do is gain 20-30 lbs of muscle, get down to 10-15% body fat, wear some nice clothes that fit and go out to bars and clubs and he will get laid, as long as he isn't too picky. He doesn't even need to be confident, he just need to go up to women and talk to them, which is easy when you have that amount of muscle mass on your frame and the strength that comes with it.
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height is mostly cope, height wont save subpar face
  • +1
  • Hmm...
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Greycels consistently IQ mog the retarded faggot rotters here

90% of the quality info dense posts are by greys
teenage autists flood the forum with shit posts
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Being muscular and ripped at 5 foot 10 would make you mog tall lanklets, if you both have similar looks in the face.

But a muscular ripped 6 foot 2 guy would mog you (if he has similar looks in the face), just because taller is better, but muscles matter.

As for social skills, I don't agree with that. Most guys who struggle to get laid who aren't ugly don't lack social skills, they just lack opportunities because they don't go out enough or at least, not to the right places.

All an average looking guy needs to do is gain 20-30 lbs of muscle, get down to 10-15% body fat, wear some nice clothes that fit and go out to bars and clubs and he will get laid, as long as he isn't too picky. He doesn't even need to be confident, he just need to go up to women and talk to them, which is easy when you have that amount of muscle mass on your frame and the strength that comes with it.
Everbody for the most part on this site is a upper tier normie. If your not fat/ not excessively skinny, and facially like a 5/10 and at least close to average height no less then 2 inches then they could fuck a bitch at a bar/club, the problem is the quality. Getting Laid has never been the problem, rather getting some cute bitch with ease, and the problem men run into is thinking they can get their looks match at a bar/club scene which is the second most hypergamous besides online dating( the most hypergamous).

The only way and the historically best way to get one's looks match at minimum and some occasions above is through social circle game/getting to know a girl through some similar interest club/organization place. You have to meet in person first and not lay out your cards of wanting to smash immediately.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Mewton, Johanjohan and LooksOrDeath
height is mostly cope, height wont save subpar face
Like everything their is a nuance. I know legit subhumans who were 6ft 2 and taller and even without frame maxxing cute short girls had crushes on them, and the few who frame maxed had many short girls into them fetishizing them. Sure they liked the guy with the cute face of average/below average height but they went monkey mode for the tall jacked guys regardless of their face. But the catch is they were like 6f 2, and the average height where I'm from is 5f 10, so that's 4 inches above average, or like top 10% in terms of height.
Being muscular and ripped at 5 foot 10 would make you mog tall lanklets, if you both have similar looks in the face.

But a muscular ripped 6 foot 2 guy would mog you (if he has similar looks in the face), just because taller is better, but muscles matter.

As for social skills, I don't agree with that. Most guys who struggle to get laid who aren't ugly don't lack social skills, they just lack opportunities because they don't go out enough or at least, not to the right places.

All an average looking guy needs to do is gain 20-30 lbs of muscle, get down to 10-15% body fat, wear some nice clothes that fit and go out to bars and clubs and he will get laid, as long as he isn't too picky. He doesn't even need to be confident, he just need to go up to women and talk to them, which is easy when you have that amount of muscle mass on your frame and the strength that comes with it.
what kind of reality do you manlets live in where tall guys never go to the gym?
I have spoken to many people who have claimed that nowadays it's 6'3+ or it's pretty much over.

Besides people who live on here or stare at studies all day of male height to success ratios.

IRL it doesn't play out like that from what I've seen.

I am 5'10 with a decent gym body and face. I have girls who think I'm tall. Very rarely do I get height and face mogged.

I would say if you are at least 5'7 with a good face and body you can have insanely good results.

Sure maybe height fraud as 5'10 on dating apps and wear lifts in person.
Nono. Girls dont think that you Are tall. Its just a socially accepted compliment to say. Words dont mean anything
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Where do yall mfs live im 6ft1 and No girl ever cared about my height. Is my face really that subhuman
Like everything their is a nuance. I know legit subhumans who were 6ft 2 and taller and even without frame maxxing cute short girls had crushes on them, and the few who frame maxed had many short girls into them fetishizing them. Sure they liked the guy with the cute face of average/below average height but they went monkey mode for the tall jacked guys regardless of their face. But the catch is they were like 6f 2, and the average height where I'm from is 5f 10, so that's 4 inches above average, or like top 10% in terms of height.
Everbody for the most part on this site is a upper tier normie. If your not fat/ not excessively skinny, and facially like a 5/10 and at least close to average height no less then 2 inches then they could fuck a bitch at a bar/club, the problem is the quality. Getting Laid has never been the problem, rather getting some cute bitch with ease, and the problem men run into is thinking they can get their looks match at a bar/club scene which is the second most hypergamous besides online dating( the most hypergamous).

The only way and the historically best way to get one's looks match at minimum and some occasions above is through social circle game/getting to know a girl through some similar interest club/organization place. You have to meet in person first and not lay out your cards of wanting to smash immediately.
Cope this forum is full of indians
what kind of reality do you manlets live in where tall guys never go to the gym?
I'm not a manlet, I am 6 foot 4 and I have been going to the gym for a while, but at the beginning, I was very misinformed, due to many bad fitness youtubers and bad fitness advice online and in gyms, so I barely made any progress at first.

A lot of guys are in that same situation that I was in at the beginning and a lot of guys don't even go to the gym, no matter how tall they are. So since the vast majority of guys don't lift, the vast majority of tall guys are either lanklet or fat, so they can be easily mogged by muscular ripped short guys.

Also, building muscle is a slow process that can take a few years, and a lot of guys aren't willing to be patient and trust in the process so they quit very early on.
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Reactions: LooksOrDeath
Everbody for the most part on this site is a upper tier normie. If your not fat/ not excessively skinny, and facially like a 5/10 and at least close to average height no less then 2 inches then they could fuck a bitch at a bar/club, the problem is the quality. Getting Laid has never been the problem, rather getting some cute bitch with ease, and the problem men run into is thinking they can get their looks match at a bar/club scene which is the second most hypergamous besides online dating( the most hypergamous).

The only way and the historically best way to get one's looks match at minimum and some occasions above is through social circle game/getting to know a girl through some similar interest club/organization place. You have to meet in person first and not lay out your cards of wanting to smash immediately.
Yes, this is why, as I always say, the only way to be really successful at a bar with hot women is by acquiring a muscular ripped physique and wearing clothes that fit to show off those muscles, and beyond that point, you will only get mogged by guys who have a similar physique who are much taller than you and since there are not many men like that, you will not get mogged often.
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Reactions: LooksOrDeath and AscensionMan98
As for social skills, I don't agree with that. Most guys who struggle to get laid who aren't ugly don't lack social skills, they just lack opportunities because they don't go out enough or at least, not to the right places.
I guess I'd say more like social skills with women in a sexual way. (being able to turn convos sexual and portraying interest)

Like with women some guys never really get sexual. I tend to make it clear that I am interested sexually.

I'd say a 5'10 muscular guy with a 6/10 face who has "The sauce" can prob get similar results to a Chad with an average level of Game.

But that's only in-person obviously on dating apps Chad would win.
Even slaying Stacies daily as 8ft, 8 PSL, 8 inch, 8 pack Adonis is cope, it's either being god or coping with human lust and desires
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 13588
Nono. Girls dont think that you Are tall. Its just a socially accepted compliment to say. Words dont mean anything
I've been called tall even when I was Subpar in the face.

To a 5'2 girl, me being 5'10 is not bad at all. I'm also actually 5'10.5 literally girls have called me tall many times. Or when I was skinny and lanky I would get described as Tall and skinny.
I have spoken to many people who have claimed that nowadays it's 6'3+ or it's pretty much over.

Besides people who live on here or stare at studies all day of male height to success ratios.

IRL it doesn't play out like that from what I've seen.

I am 5'10 with a decent gym body and face. I have girls who think I'm tall. Very rarely do I get height and face mogged.

I would say if you are at least 5'7 with a good face and body you can have insanely good results.

Sure maybe height fraud as 5'10 on dating apps and wear lifts in person.
Your height is good, thing is atleast 90% people inflate their height by 1-2 inches for damn sure, for example I met few guys at around 183-184 claiming 190cm.
Your height is good, thing is atleast 90% people inflate their height by 1-2 inches for damn sure, for example I met few guys at around 183-184 claiming 190cm.

I have a friend who is a real 6'3.

I can't ever recall a situation where I've seen someone taller than him.
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I have a friend who is a real 6'3.

I can't ever recall a situation where I've seen someone taller than him.
Exactly, who doesn't believe it should just take out tape measure and see how tall a real 6'3 barefoot would be.
Exactly, who doesn't believe it should just take out tape measure and see how tall a real 6'3 barefoot would be.
yeah, I actually measured him barefoot.

The amount of people who claim 6'1-6'3 with him towering of them is funny.
yeah, I actually measured him barefoot.

The amount of people who claim 6'1-6'3 with him towering of them is funny.
Yeah people like coping, instead of accepting harsh reality.

I'm legit 6'1.5 (over 6'2 in morning) and I feel solid tall or above average even here where in live in Dinaric Alps where It's supposed to be around 6'0 to 6'1, everywhere height is slightly inflated.
Yeah people like coping, instead of accepting harsh reality.

I'm legit 6'1.5 (over 6'2 in morning) and I feel solid tall or above average even here where in live in Dinaric Alps where It's supposed to be around 6'0 to 6'1, everywhere height is slightly inflated.
yeah, the average height is around 5'11 from the studies I saw in Bosnia.

Dude tbh me being 5'10.5 I still think even in places like the Netherlands I would do decent.

Could be a stretch. But my height is good enough and my face/body is above average.

Plus we have to take into consideration Social Skills, money, and Resilience. It's not 100% looks. Especially in Warm environements.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 18372
Yes, this is why, as I always say, the only way to be really successful at a bar with hot women is by acquiring a muscular ripped physique and wearing clothes that fit to show off those muscles, and beyond that point, you will only get mogged by guys who have a similar physique who are much taller than you and since there are not many men like that, you will not get mogged often.
Correct, but their is a white pill. If your intelligent enough to social circle/social club max you could get a looks match or a point above your looks and out perform a chad who would dumpster dive and try to fuck some average girls.

You'll be surprised how frequently chads dumpster dive. They don't obsess over looks. They do fuck hot girls , but that's only if their the slutty ones. Most of them still prefer validation with no commitment, meaning they would rather just get some attention from chads rather then actually fuck cause they like the ego boost but dont want to keep racking body counts ( like this forum seems to think ).

The reality is most hot girls dont really whore around. To many foids, attention= sex. For men its the opposite. Their are slutty hot girls but not that common.
yeah, the average height is around 5'11 from the studies I saw in Bosnia.

Dude tbh me being 5'10.5 I still think even in places like the Netherlands I would do decent.

Could be a stretch. But my height is good enough and my face/body is above average.

Plus we have to take into consideration Social Skills, money, and Resilience. It's not 100% looks. Especially in Warm environements.
Northern parts of Bosnia is probably around 5'10 average
Middle parts are closer to 5'11 average
Herzegovians could be probably tallest on average around to maybe even 6'

So yeah whole country would be around 5'11 average

Netherlands height is self reported, so it's obviously inflated.
I've got two friends there who are 6'1 and 6', they told me they feel tall there lol

And if you wanna slay honestly you could be socially retarded like some I knew and still recieve simping from girls thanks to looks.
5'10" is ideal height. Shorter or taller is less attractive to women generally. Add a few inches an you need steroids or insane muscle genetics which most lanklets don't have to have attractive proportions.
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  • JFL
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5'10" is ideal height. Shorter or taller is less attractive to women generally. Add a few inches an you need steroids or insane muscle genetics which most lanklets don't have to have attractive proportions.
I'd say it's more like 5'10-6'3 for women is ideal.

For muscle building, I'd agree 5'10 is a good height for proportions.

I have a friend who is a real 6'3.

I can't ever recall a situation where I've seen someone taller than him.
Youve literally never met anyone taller than 6'3? The copes of manlets just get worse every day🥲
Gael García is 5'5'' still he got sexy roles cause f a c e
Youve literally never met anyone taller than 6'3? The copes of manlets just get worse every day🥲
that's gigachad height here in Chile but not something that I haven't seen. However they're never handsome. That's more of an American thing to have both i guess
Everbody for the most part on this site is a upper tier normie. If your not fat/ not excessively skinny, and facially like a 5/10 and at least close to average height no less then 2 inches then they could fuck a bitch at a bar/club, the problem is the quality. Getting Laid has never been the problem, rather getting some cute bitch with ease, and the problem men run into is thinking they can get their looks match at a bar/club scene which is the second most hypergamous besides online dating( the most hypergamous).

The only way and the historically best way to get one's looks match at minimum and some occasions above is through social circle game/getting to know a girl through some similar interest club/organization place. You have to meet in person first and not lay out your cards of wanting to smash immediately.
yeah they are all trying to ascend but u niggas are weird and somehow find everything to be cope noying ass niggas
  • +1
Reactions: AscensionMan98
I have spoken to many people who have claimed that nowadays it's 6'3+ or it's pretty much over.

Besides people who live on here or stare at studies all day of male height to success ratios.

IRL it doesn't play out like that from what I've seen.

I am 5'10 with a decent gym body and face. I have girls who think I'm tall. Very rarely do I get height and face mogged.

I would say if you are at least 5'7 with a good face and body you can have insanely good results.

Sure maybe height fraud as 5'10 on dating apps and wear lifts in person.
Where do you live to get rarely heightmogged wtf
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Reactions: johncruz12345
Dude tbh me being 5'10.5 I still think even in places like the Netherlands I would do decent.

Could be a stretch. But my height is good enough and my face/body is above average.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 15577
biggest cope thread I have seen so far. Yeah height isn't that important after 5'10 but jesus you wankers are unironically saying tall people don't exist/look worse HAHAHA :lul:. Statistical average height is 173 in Turkey and I get heightmogged constantly at 183cm. Keep coping.
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Yes, it has.

5'10" + is fine.

5'9" and lower has significant dropoff in dating app filters, and IRL you have a good chance of getting heighmogged daily.
one of the truest posts on this forum

who said "6'3+ or its over"??? THIS IS BULLSHIT

The Korean guy is absolutely right.. MINIMUM 5'9-5'10 and everything is OKAY
BUT your Face will be more important..... im 6'1 and i think im fine with my height
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Youve literally never met anyone taller than 6'3? The copes of manlets just get worse every day🥲
Come on bro, obviously, I've seen taller in my life it's very rare though.

But when my friend and I go out to parties and daily life activities in general, no time comes to mind when I've noticed someone taller than him.
tbh gigachad height is 6'4.5+

chad height is 6'1.5 - 6'4.5

chadlite height - 6'0 - 6'1.5

htn height - 5'11.5 - 6'0

low tier normie - mid tier normie - 5'8 - 5'11.5

incel - sub 5'8
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Come on bro, obviously, I've seen taller in my life it's very rare though.

But when my friend and I go out to parties and daily life activities in general, no time comes to mind when I've noticed someone taller than him.
Youre not making any sense
biggest cope thread I have seen so far. Yeah height isn't that important after 5'10 but jesus you wankers are unironically saying tall people don't exist/look worse HAHAHA :lul:. Statistical average height is 173 in Turkey and I get heightmogged constantly at 183cm. Keep coping.
No one said tall people don't exist. They def do.

This thread is just saying the prevalence of the 6'3+ height pill going around isn't true.

The face is more important.
tbh gigachad height is 6'4.5+

chad height is 6'1.5 - 6'4.5

chadlite height - 6'0 - 6'1.5

htn height - 5'11.5 - 6'0

low tier normie - mid tier normie - 5'8 - 5'11.5

incel - sub 5'8
In terms of height, I'd agree there.

But if someone is 5'8 (incel height) with Chad's face and chad's Body. Then his incel height doesn't really matter.
In terms of height, I'd agree there.

But if someone is 5'8 (incel height) with Chad's face and chad's Body. Then his incel height doesn't really matter.
duhh, honestly being short but not dwarf (5'6.5 - 5'9) can easily be overcome by pheno and good face
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  • Woah
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Youre not making any sense
How is this not making sense?

I have seen taller than 6'3 it's just very rare.

When I am with my friend who is a legitimate barefoot 6'3 I don't recall ever seeing someone who is noticeably taller than him in day-to-day life situations. (But possibly some 6'7 dude could have walked past and i just didn't notice or forgot)
I have spoken to many people who have claimed that nowadays it's 6'3+ or it's pretty much over.

Besides people who live on here or stare at studies all day of male height to success ratios.

IRL it doesn't play out like that from what I've seen.

I am 5'10 with a decent gym body and face. I have girls who think I'm tall. Very rarely do I get height and face mogged.

I would say if you are at least 5'7 with a good face and body you can have insanely good results.

Sure maybe height fraud as 5'10 on dating apps and wear lifts in person.
People who cope with height are short narcies who are clinging to ANYTHING being the reason besides their ugly ass face.

ANYWHERE near average height and you’re fine. People who disagree are literal incels, that’s all that needs to be said tbh.
  • +1
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duhh, honestly being short but not dwarf (5'6.5 - 5'9) can easily be overcome by pheno and good face
Yes, I couldn't agree more.

I've just seen it too often my friends or dudes at partys who are 1-3 inches shorter than me slaying with good face and social skills.
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I think 5”10+ is ideal. Leg lengthening surgery can easily take you up 3 inches just with the femur surgery. You can do another 3 inches in the lower leg after if you so wish. The bone is actually stronger after surgery.

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