How do you tell when someone dislikes you for your looks or your personality?



Jan 21, 2021

interesting seeing threads where people are treated a lot better once they looksmax (especially with hardmaxxing). and go from being disliked to liked by a lot of people in their life. as such it seems that it wasnt their personality that was a failo, but their looks.

wondering if anyone knows how we can tell the difference? say if your boss is a dick to you but nice to your coworkers, is it because of your looks or something else? same thing with a classmate, colleague, friend of a friend you just met etc.

think this would be useful knowledge for fellow looksmaxxers, especially as we will all face rejection at some point, and it is good to keep in mind that you weren't rejected for your personality/confidence, but rather something thats out of your control altogether. otherwise we risk self-gaslighting and telling ourselves to "just be more confident" and "act more normal" when in reality our personality is just fine.

also have found that by consciously reminding myself that whether or not people want to associate with you is usually determined by your looks, to be incredibly freeing, and I can be myself and lose a lot of my inhibitions. wondering what you guys think about this
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Whether people like or hate you off the start. Before I got surgery to fix my massive failo, people would think I was mean or an asshole, then they would become friends with my after they found out I was a nice guy.

If you're attractive, people will initially like you and start conversations with you.
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yeah. behaviours that can be percieved either way, like make a slightly offensive joke, seem to go a lot better when you are gl.
the same joke when

gl = funny, cheeky, carefree
not gl = offensive, rude, off-putting

halo effect is real
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apply this same halo effect to every behaviour that someone does, from the way you walk, to the way you hold your glass in conversation, and then gl people are much more likely to be seen as charming and likeable
What the fuck is all this overthinking. It’s not even hard to tell.

When people naturally want to be around you and everyone is surrounding you and making you a main character trying to get your attention it’s looks based. When someone isn’t all over you but just wants your company it’s your person they want to talk to.
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Whether people like or hate you off the start. Before I got surgery to fix my massive failo, people would think I was mean or an asshole, then they would become friends with my after they found out I was a nice guy.

If you're attractive, people will initially like you and start conversations with you.
and what was your massive failo?

interesting seeing threads where people are treated a lot better once they looksmax (especially with hardmaxxing). and go from being disliked to liked by a lot of people in their life. as such it seems that it wasnt their personality that was a failo, but their looks.

wondering if anyone knows how we can tell the difference? say if your boss is a dick to you but nice to your coworkers, is it because of your looks or something else? same thing with a classmate, colleague, friend of a friend you just met etc.

think this would be useful knowledge for fellow looksmaxxers, especially as we will all face rejection at some point, and it is good to keep in mind that you weren't rejected for your personality/confidence, but rather something thats out of your control altogether. otherwise we risk self-gaslighting and telling ourselves to "just be more confident" and "act more normal" when in reality our personality is just fine.

also have found that by consciously reminding myself that whether or not people want to associate with you is usually determined by your looks, to be incredibly freeing, and I can be myself and lose a lot of my inhibitions. wondering what you guys think about this
whether they like you or not is almost always because of your exterior
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whether they like you or not is almost always because of your exterior
View attachment 1087358
yeah starting to think this is more and more true tbh

its funny even in hs/college friend groups tend to be separated by how gl the members are. the more gl you are the more popular of a social group you will be able to join
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If your behavior didn't change, but the same people treat you different, it's easy to tell.

With new people, it's more difficult to know. Many will treat you better because of your looks, yeah, but maybe they would have been nice to you anyway, you can't know for sure. You could observe how they treat non-attractive people and compare it to how they treat you.

It's possible that your own behavior changes too after you ascend, for example you become more confident (your posture, how you talk, etc.). In that case the other people may also treat you different because of your different behavior.
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It's always looks bro. Always
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If your behavior didn't change, but the same people treat you different, it's easy to tell.
do you mean like, if my boss/classmate/colleague was nice one day, and then started acting like a douche every interaction after that.

cos yeah barring the fact that I unintentionally pissed him off, I don't see why he would be nice to me one day, and then not the next just cos he finds me unattractive
you got any interesting experiences bro?
I've been around this community long enough to the point where I've seen real weirdos. But most of us are just regular ass, normal dudes. We get treated poorly solely due to looks.

Since getting blackpilled in the early 2010's, I haven't been able to make genuine friends, let alone get close to women. I've become hyper aware of every subtle thing that people do that indicate that they do not like your presence. And sadly, that inherent dislike comes from looks. And just an FYI, this shit carries out just the same into adulthood. All the "people become less obsessed with looks as they age" shit is a myth.
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Whether people like or hate you off the start. Before I got surgery to fix my massive failo, people would think I was mean or an asshole, then they would become friends with my after they found out I was a nice guy.

If you're attractive, people will initially like you and start conversations with you.
Since getting blackpilled in the early 2010's, I haven't been able to make genuine friends, let alone get close to women.
damn man. sorry to hear that

and are you saying that your relationship problems started once you became blackpilled?

I've been around this community long enough to the point where I've seen real weirdos. But most of us are just regular ass, normal dudes. We get treated poorly solely due to looks.
yeah for sure. before I came here I thought everyone would be weird af. but from what Ive seen most people here are pretty normal and a fair few are actually quite high iq and witty, more so than 95% of people I meet irl
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damn man. sorry to hear that

and are you saying that your relationship problems started once you became blackpilled?

yeah for sure. before I came here I thought everyone would be weird af. but from what Ive seen most people here are pretty normal and a fair few are actually quite high iq and witty, more so than 95% of people I meet irl
I was ok looking when I was in HS/College, maybe 4.5 (given 4.25 average). But I aged poorly, my skin cratered, my shitty frame became exposed and life was never the same afterwards - was never good with women to begin with tho. The problems started before I fully joined the community ofc, otherwise I would not have found PSL in the first place.
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I was ok looking when I was in HS/College, maybe 4.5 (given 4.25 average). But I aged poorly, my skin cratered, my shitty frame became exposed and life was never the same afterwards - was never good with women to begin with tho. The problems started before I fully joined the community ofc, otherwise I would not have found PSL in the first place.
sounds rough man. did old friends from those days start treating you differently as well?
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If some becky makes a video about some dumb shit I'll never watch it but if a stacy makes a morning routine video or some dumb shit I just wont click away since my brain sends seratonin and dopamine or some shit when It recognizes a symmetrical/good face, our brains are literally prewired to like being around attractive people, even if its platonic. But to which extent the average people will like/dislike you for it is debatable.
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sounds rough man. did old friends from those days start treating you differently as well?
Yes, they simply did not want to be friends anymore. I spent so much time wondering what the reason was, maybe I did something wrong, maybe I rubbed someone the wrong way. But no, it's just that I was ugly and thus, had nothing to offer these people.
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If some becky makes a video about some dumb shit I'll never watch it but if a stacy makes a morning routine video or some dumb shit I just wont click away since my brain sends seratonin and dopamine or some shit when It recognizes a symmetrical/good face, our brains are literally prewired to like being around attractive people, even if its platonic. But to which extent the average people will like/dislike you for it is debatable.
Interesting because a lot of the girls that I became friends with also find me attractive. Maybe they did so in the hope that I eventually asked them out, or they just enjoyed seeing my face idk

but the brutal part is that it means to become friends with a girl she’s gotta first find u gl
Yes, they simply did not want to be friends anymore. I spent so much time wondering what the reason was, maybe I did something wrong, maybe I rubbed someone the wrong way. But no, it's just that I was ugly and thus, had nothing to offer these people.
Yeah not knowing why someone dislikes you is the worst thing. You end up overanalysing everything and that’s what creates social anxiety
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Pepople will find ways to like you for no reason if you look good or mog them. They will treat you better (except some envious guys).
Your personality is 10000 times less important if you look good.
If you look good people will automatically attribute you with good traits, as simple as that.

And if women criticize you when u look good is jut to make you pay attention to them.
So, personality is only really important if you look normie
If you look bad, u re done, just that
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I was ok looking when I was in HS/College, maybe 4.5 (given 4.25 average). But I aged poorly, my skin cratered, my shitty frame became exposed and life was never the same afterwards - was never good with women to begin with tho. The problems started before I fully joined the community ofc, otherwise I would not have found PSL in the first place.

Crazy stuff but I remember similar things happening to people in high school because puberty decided to take their looks away. Mostly guys but the best looking girl in junior highs bones decided to knock her for a curve in high school and turn her into a normie.

I found this site if I remember right after looking at some red pill videos which led me to some Blackpill incel stuff. I do honestly feel bad for people this has happened to because I was a late bloomer and remember dealing with that type of crap as a nerdy type kid before high school.
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Go To 13 m 13 s

How do you tell when someone dislikes you for your looks or your personality?

Do you get friendzoned?

Yes: Your personality is probably okay​
No: Either (1) your personality is unattractive or (2) you’re so hideous that people even don’t want to be friends with an ogre like you​
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act neutral/passive and you'll know. trust me.

I went from having people flock to me just out of nowhere before later on in highschool to being a quiet loner even though nothing in my behavior changed.

the average person has no idea how much looks really matter. I know because I've literally experienced it myself and didn't understand until much later.
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act neutral/passive and you'll know. trust me.

I went from having people flock to me just out of nowhere before later on in highschool to being a quiet loner even though nothing in my behavior changed.

the average person has no idea how much looks really matter. I know because I've literally experienced it myself and didn't understand until much later.

I went from getting random hugs from girls (albeit a very tiny number of hugs) to being a basement-dwelling permarotter, but my looks and personality improved.

The real blackpill is when other people change as they grow up. As girls mature, they talk to subhumans less and less.
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I went from getting random hugs from girls to being a basement-dwelling permarotter, but my looks and personality improved.

The real blackpill is when other people change as they grow up. As girls mature, they start talking to subhumans less and less.
Yeah true, I had girls giving me candy in elementary school and acting nice toward me, nowadays I'm invisible to those same girls.
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Yeah true, I had girls giving me candy in elementary school and acting nice toward me, nowadays I'm invisible to those same girls.

They gave candy just to you cus they felt like it? Or did they give candy to all the kids as part of class activities or something like that?
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They gave you candy just cus they felt like it? Or did they give candy to all the kids as part of class activities or something like that?
No they definitely gave me candy because I was special, I guess I would be considered a cutecel back then. It was funny, she would give me candy and refuse to give it to this other kid who was nearly begging for it.
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No they definitely gave me candy because I was special, I guess I would be considered a cutecel back then. It was funny, she would give me candy and refuse to give it to this other kid who was nearly begging for it.

Holy shit, brutal for the other kid :feelsbadman::feelscry::feelsrope:
I went from getting random hugs from girls (albeit a very tiny number of hugs) to being a basement-dwelling permarotter, but my looks and personality improved.

The real blackpill is when other people change as they grow up. As girls mature, they talk to subhumans less and less.
Eh. You may be better looking than your past self but you probably fell behind the curve compared to others even further after puberty.
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yeah. behaviours that can be percieved either way, like make a slightly offensive joke, seem to go a lot better when you are gl.
the same joke when

gl = funny, cheeky, carefree
not gl = offensive, rude, off-putting

halo effect is real
Some Stacy milf got her life destroyed for using n word lol
titbot said he hates me and I've been wondering this exact question.
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Tbh I’ve never seen people treat others like shit for no reason
And I’ve seen deformed looking people treated normally
Tbh I’ve never seen people treat others like shit for no reason
And I’ve seen deformed looking people treated normally
you haven’t seen all of their interactions though, especially the most brutal ones

and yeah irl most people that I see are generally treated with a decent amount of respect
Tbh I’ve never seen people treat others like shit for no reason
And I’ve seen deformed looking people treated normally

Never thought about it much years ago but now that I pay attention to interactions more I can notice it. It seems to mostly be with how females interact with males with adults. From how many females interact with someone that dares hit on them without being a chadlite to even how females working a job with the public sometimes act with male customers who are very short or lacking in the looks department. Definitely some worse than others and its pretty subtle many times (just treating the better looking male customers with a smile/talk etc.). I did learn my lesson years ago after hitting on decent looking females while being 20 pounds overweight. I will not even bother now unless I am at my good weight and they are giving clear signals they are interested. No more giving them the satisfaction of shooting someone down.
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Yes, they simply did not want to be friends anymore. I spent so much time wondering what the reason was, maybe I did something wrong, maybe I rubbed someone the wrong way. But no, it's just that I was ugly and thus, had nothing to offer these people.
Damn thats actually fucked up man, I have some friends in my group that are like 2.5/3 PSL but I'd never drop them as a friend based off their looks. They are always genuine and friends I could count on. Sad to hear people did you like that based on nothing but looks. On the other side it might be better to not have people like that in your life but that is not for me to decide.
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Damn thats actually fucked up man, I have some friends in my group that are like 2.5/3 PSL but I'd never drop them as a friend based off their looks. They are always genuine and friends I could count on. Sad to hear people did you like that based on nothing but looks. On the other side it might be better to not have people like that in your life but that is not for me to decide.
it's the sad truth of life, especially as you age. Once you get to the work force, your coworkers will not want to be around you, invite you to happy hour etc. if you are not facially attractive. I've learned to accept this, I don't expect anyone to be friendly with me
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it's the sad truth of life, especially as you age. Once you get to the work force, your coworkers will not want to be around you, invite you to happy hour etc. if you are not facially attractive. I've learned to accept this, I don't expect anyone to be friendly with me
are you looksmaxxing at the moment/created a plan to improve?

because then you can verify whether or not what you are thinking is true or not. if people (especially those former friends of yours) start treating you better all of a sudden, it would be night and day at what caused the mistreatment to happen in the first place
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are you looksmaxxing at the moment/created a plan to improve?

because then you can verify whether or not what you are thinking is true or not. if people (especially those former friends of yours) start treating you better all of a sudden, it would be night and day at what caused the mistreatment to happen in the first place
there's really nothing left for me to do. I'm lean, height is fine, I'm white. The things that make me ugly are not exactly fixable, so I'm shit out of luck tbh for the most part. I still do some softmaxes like teeth whitening and eyebrow shaping, just for my own sanity.
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