How the fuck am I supposed to talk to girls



Aug 22, 2018
so dating dynamics in the middle east are very different from the west (though that is unfortunately changing). You can't just pump and dump.Make no mistake, the girls here are sluts too but the patriarchal order along with Islam keeps them in check and prevents their true nature from wrecking society. So in order to have sex a male needs to either secure a serious long-term relationship or marry (most LTRs progress to marriage)

I don't expect the average girl to be very bright and knowledgeable about real world issues. Which is fine with me. But if you think females in the west are vapid and narcissistic then just wait until you meet one from over here. The amount of emptiness and stupidity is astounding. 95% of female discourse revolves around celebrities and food and themselves and the latest meaningless social trends and other inconsequential shit like that. NOTHING OF SUBSTANCE WHATSOEVER.

I can't hold a conversation with the average slut for more than 3 minutes which is when I've exhausted the small talk. Then what? Talk to her about hormones and bone structure? fucking lol. What's worse, the few girls who actually have a functioning brain are either hideous or radical feminists. Beauty and intelligence are mutually exclusive.

Idk how you guys in the west deal with the empty sluts over there, the amount of mental effort that needs to be put in to hold a conversation and entertain them long enough for them to give u a dry handjob must be astounding.
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be good looking. if you have to try that hard to maintain the convo, the female is not into you in the slightest. Chad could talk about anything and still keep them interested.
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Dating is a fuck ton of work on the Guy's part, why do you think MGTOW exists? You either need to suck it up and talk about what they're into, or just go your own way, for now at least. Maybe you'll meet someone who you like spending time with in the future, I honestly can't say.
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so dating dynamics in the middle east are very different from the west (though that is unfortunately changing). You can't just pump and dump.Make no mistake, the girls here are sluts too but the patriarchal order along with Islam keeps them in check and prevents their true nature from wrecking society. So in order to have sex a male needs to either secure a serious long-term relationship or marry (most LTRs progress to marriage)

I don't expect the average girl to be very bright and knowledgeable about real world issues. Which is fine with me. But if you think females in the west are vapid and narcissistic then just wait until you meet one from over here. The amount of emptiness and stupidity is astounding. 95% of female discourse revolves around celebrities and food and themselves and the latest meaningless social trends and other inconsequential shit like that. NOTHING OF SUBSTANCE WHATSOEVER.

I can't hold a conversation with the average slut for more than 3 minutes which is when I've exhausted the small talk. Then what? Talk to her about hormones and bone structure? fucking lol. What's worse, the few girls who actually have a functioning brain are either hideous or radical feminists. Beauty and intelligence are mutually exclusive.

Idk how you guys in the west deal with the empty sluts over there, the amount of mental effort that needs to be put in to hold a conversation and entertain them long enough for them to give u a dry handjob must be astounding.

JuSt hAVe a G0oD PeRSoNaliTy bR0!!!
so dating dynamics in the middle east are very different from the west (though that is unfortunately changing). You can't just pump and dump.Make no mistake, the girls here are sluts too but the patriarchal order along with Islam keeps them in check and prevents their true nature from wrecking society. So in order to have sex a male needs to either secure a serious long-term relationship or marry (most LTRs progress to marriage)

I don't expect the average girl to be very bright and knowledgeable about real world issues. Which is fine with me. But if you think females in the west are vapid and narcissistic then just wait until you meet one from over here. The amount of emptiness and stupidity is astounding. 95% of female discourse revolves around celebrities and food and themselves and the latest meaningless social trends and other inconsequential shit like that. NOTHING OF SUBSTANCE WHATSOEVER.

I can't hold a conversation with the average slut for more than 3 minutes which is when I've exhausted the small talk. Then what? Talk to her about hormones and bone structure? fucking lol. What's worse, the few girls who actually have a functioning brain are either hideous or radical feminists. Beauty and intelligence are mutually exclusive.

Idk how you guys in the west deal with the empty sluts over there, the amount of mental effort that needs to be put in to hold a conversation and entertain them long enough for them to give u a dry handjob must be astounding.

Real talk my guy, just try to looksmax or statusmax. If you have money/status, get an arranged marraige.
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Honestly I don't take any girl serious in the west. I just become Low iq and low inhib around them because I know acting smart reduces my value
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Dating is a fuck ton of work on the Guy's part, why do you think MGTOW exists? You either need to suck it up and talk about what they're into, or just go your own way, for now at least. Maybe you'll meet someone who you like spending time with in the future, I honestly can't say.
Yeah I'm not going to act as her personal jester so I can sneak my way into her panties. Guess I'll stay cel until I leave and travel elsewhere
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Foids are dumb whores everywhere. Even in curryland it is the same. They all want male models who entertain them 24x7. Fuck them bitches.
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JuSt hAVe a G0oD PeRSoNaliTy bR0!!!

Real talk my guy, just try to looksmax or statusmax. If you have money/status, get an arranged marraige.
over here there's a lot of ugly ass motherfuckers (all high status of course) with young bombshell wives. The wife gives him sex and children and in return gets to enjoy a life of luxury and privilege especially if he has political connections. I could theoretically do that but I can't spend the rest of my years with a dumb hoe.
be good looking. if you have to try that hard to maintain the convo, the female is not into you in the slightest. Chad could talk about anything and still keep them interested.
That wouldn't work for an LTR
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be good looking. if you have to try that hard to maintain the convo, the female is not into you in the slightest. Chad could talk about anything and still keep them interested.
This. An 8+/10 Chad could have Elliot Rodger levels of autism and still get laid like there’s no tomorrow.
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Out of curiosity OP, are you from Israel?
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Post ass to prove it
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Lebanon? Hopefully not Syria, for obvious reasons
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I know this Lebanese chick she has all the right proportions (big boobs, nice waist and ass) and her face is alright with the exception of the curry nose.But yeah, you should be happy that Arab girls are somewhat stuck up. If you really want to dare try to move out of your country to either Europe or North America where things are more liberal.
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honestly you're in the middle east's gonna be very rough for you. how would you feel about coming to the US (legally)
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I know this Lebanese chick she has all the right proportions (big boobs, nice waist and ass) and her face is alright with the exception of the curry nose.But yeah, you should be happy that Arab girls are somewhat stuck up. If you really want to dare try to move out of your country to either Europe or North America where things are more liberal.
Lebanese girls are so overrated. They can't compete with southern euros without all that plastic surgery and fakeup
honestly you're in the middle east's gonna be very rough for you. how would you feel about coming to the US (legally)
That is why I plan on doing as soon as I finish the 3 years of university.
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Alright let's be honest, if you can't get chicks in your own country, what makes you think you can get them elsewhere? I am serious. Do you even hang out with the Lebanese girls? I hear they are more liberal than other countries, unless they are pulling a Turkey. But dude, come on just find a strategy. 3 years is a lot of time, and by the end of it you probably won't even go to the USA.

Generally, the rule for travelling to other countries is that you have to live there or visit a lot, for example I used to live in Europe for a long time so I have an understanding of Turkish and German culture. I could move back to Europe and live comfortably, but currently North America is the best.
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Alright let's be honest, if you can't get chicks in your own country, what makes you think you can get them elsewhere? I am serious. Do you even hang out with the Lebanese girls? I hear they are more liberal than other countries, unless they are pulling a Turkey. But dude, come on just find a strategy. 3 years is a lot of time, and by the end of it you probably won't even go to the USA.

Generally, the rule for travelling to other countries is that you have to live there or visit a lot, for example I used to live in Europe for a long time so I have an understanding of Turkish and German culture. I could move back to Europe and live comfortably, but currently North America is the best.
Bullshit. A lot of the population is westernized but the other half is conservative Muslim / christian. There is no dating or premarital sex for them. And the reason why I'm looking elsewhere simply boils down to IQ. Average lebanese IQ is 82. That is nearing retarded. I expect a lot of western women to also be retarded and vain but at least some of them will be able to hold an intelligent conversation and provide with you mental stimulation instead of playing the role of a living fleshlight. Again I'm discussing LTRs and not casual sex.
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Bullshit. A lot of the population is westernized but the other half is conservative Muslim / christian. There is no dating or premarital sex for them. And the reason why I'm looking elsewhere simply boils down to IQ. Average lebanese IQ is 82. That is nearing retarded. I expect a lot of western women to also be retarded and vain but at least some of them will be able to hold an intelligent conversation and provide with you mental stimulation instead of playing the role of a living fleshlight. Again I'm discussing LTRs and not casual sex.

Dude, whats your university major? I am sure there are plenty of above average IQ girls that you can connect with. From your major, I can easily determine your IQ. There are lots of girls at your univesity that you can probably get LTRs, but I don't know what you are looking for unless you explain what you want more. Because you keep complaining about talking to girls, for me and a bunch of others it's really to talk with girls and go on """dates""" and etc.
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Dude, whats your university major? I am sure there are plenty of above average IQ girls that you can connect with. From your major, I can easily determine your IQ. There are lots of girls at your univesity that you can probably get LTRs, but I don't know what you are looking for unless you explain what you want more. Because you keep complaining about talking to girls, for me and a bunch of others it's really to talk with girls and go on """dates""" and etc.
I told you, there are women here who are not total airheads but they are unattractive (female incels...) or Rabid feminists. The girls in university are almost all leftie social justice warrior types. There's a few conservative hijabis but you can't even approach them. It's a dead end, you see?

The beautiful lebanese girls u see on social media are extremely stupid, the arab equivalent of the basic thot.
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I told you, there are women here who are not total airheads but they are unattractive (female incels...) or Rabid feminists. The girls in university are almost all leftie social justice warrior types. There's a few conservative hijabis but you can't even approach them. It's a dead end, you see?

The beautiful lebanese girls u see on social media are extremely stupid, the arab equivalent of the basic thot.
Quick Question: How did your parents get married? Did they get arranged married or was it a love marriage? Depending on this answer you will have certain options available. Also are you Muslim or Christian.
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Quick Question: How did your parents get married? Did they get arranged married or was it a love marriage? Depending on this answer you will have certain options available. Also are you Muslim or Christian.
Hold on I'll answer in 10 mins
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Please answer and say what your current major is also, it matters if you want to move also.
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Lebanese girls are so overrated. They can't compete with southern euros without all that plastic surgery and fakeup

That is why I plan on doing as soon as I finish the 3 years of university.
Good luck my dude. It's gonna be a rough three years till then best wishes
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Normal marriage
Molecular Biology

Explain what you mean by "normal marriage", for example my parents are the only ones in both side of their family that are not arranged married.

Also, the "ex-muslim" thing is probably why you are so anti-social, I suggest fixing whatever problems you have with your religion or consider converting to Christianity and maybe even changing your name. If you want to have any chance with the girls in your country or a majority of them. No girl wants some ex-muslim guy, especially in Lebanon majority of them anyway, ex-muslim is mainly a thing for girls that want to drink and do drugs and that want to fuck a lot, this is mainly a thing in the West.

For guys, this is not a good strategy especially since you have a LOOKS or a social problem. But hey, it depends, do you want to have a proper LTR, or do you want to fuck a lot of girls and be a fuckboy? Because to do that you have to become an atheist, get a full on English sounding name and cut all your family connections :)

The Molecular Biology thing gives your IQ away, I suggest you change your major to something that will give you lots of money and make you a good candidate for the future job market. A person should be in school and cater their time there to get a degree that will make them money, unless your parents and family are wealthy or rich, than you can study whatever the fuck you want. IF you are on a scholarship than you can keep studying, otherwise consider changing your major.
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Explain what you mean by "normal marriage", for example my parents are the only ones in both side of their family that are not arranged married.

Also, the "ex-muslim" thing is probably why you are so anti-social, I suggest fixing whatever problems you have with your religion or consider converting to Christianity and maybe even changing your name. If you want to have any chance with the girls in your country or a majority of them. No girl wants some ex-muslim guy, especially in Lebanon majority of them anyway, ex-muslim is mainly a thing for girls that want to drink and do drugs and that want to fuck a lot, this is mainly a thing in the West.

For guys, this is not a good strategy especially since you have a LOOKS or a social problem. But hey, it depends, do you want to have a proper LTR, or do you want to fuck a lot of girls and be a fuckboy? Because to do that you have to become an atheist, get a full on English sounding name and cut all your family connections :)

The Molecular Biology thing gives your IQ away, I suggest you change your major to something that will give you lots of money and make you a good candidate for the future job market. A person should be in school and cater their time there to get a degree that will make them money, unless your parents and family are wealthy or rich, than you can study whatever the fuck you want. IF you are on a scholarship than you can keep studying, otherwise consider changing your major.
Ok so I don't understand why you think Molecular Biology isn't a viable major. I'm very passionate about History and politics and could have gotten through college very easily had I decided to pursue such a path but decided to major in STEM instead as these degrees are the only ones that have a good return on investment. A degree in biology qualifies you for so many future fields of work, as opposed to say Business management, Economics, Psychology, or even Medicine (the market is oversaturated with doctors here).
Ok so I don't understand why you think Molecular Biology isn't a viable major. I'm very passionate about History and politics and could have gotten through college very easily had I decided to pursue such a path but decided to major in STEM instead as these degrees are the only ones that have a good return on investment. A degree in biology qualifies you for so many future fields of work, as opposed to say Business management, Economics, Psychology, or even Medicine (the market is oversaturated with doctors here)
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That's strange. I did my research on the topic , and while computing majors always seemed to be the highest in demand there was never an impression that job opportunities for l.s are so low. oof
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That's strange. I did my research on the topic , and while computing majors always seemed to be the highest in demand there was never an impression that job opportunities for l.s are so low. oof
All my my friends that are in life sciences, that did not go through the doctor route or med school are doing SHIT. All my friends that graduated in the same major as me and related are doing extremely well in their profession and field right now. There are personal anecdotes that verifies that graph for me. I suggest you EITHER double major right now, or be fucked in a few years.
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All my my friends that are in life sciences, that did not go through the doctor route or med school are doing SHIT. All my friends that graduated in the same major as me and related are doing extremely well in their profession and field right now. There are personal anecdotes that verifies that graph for me. I suggest you EITHER double major right now, or be fucked in a few years.
C.S requires you to have really high grades in math from grades 10-12. I'm a complete retard when it comes to maths.
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so dating dynamics in the middle east are very different from the west (though that is unfortunately changing). You can't just pump and dump.Make no mistake, the girls here are sluts too but the patriarchal order along with Islam keeps them in check and prevents their true nature from wrecking society. So in order to have sex a male needs to either secure a serious long-term relationship or marry (most LTRs progress to marriage)

I don't expect the average girl to be very bright and knowledgeable about real world issues. Which is fine with me. But if you think females in the west are vapid and narcissistic then just wait until you meet one from over here. The amount of emptiness and stupidity is astounding. 95% of female discourse revolves around celebrities and food and themselves and the latest meaningless social trends and other inconsequential shit like that. NOTHING OF SUBSTANCE WHATSOEVER.

I can't hold a conversation with the average slut for more than 3 minutes which is when I've exhausted the small talk. Then what? Talk to her about hormones and bone structure? fucking lol. What's worse, the few girls who actually have a functioning brain are either hideous or radical feminists. Beauty and intelligence are mutually exclusive.

Idk how you guys in the west deal with the empty sluts over there, the amount of mental effort that needs to be put in to hold a conversation and entertain them long enough for them to give u a dry handjob must be astounding.

Sounds like you have to put a whole lot of effort for shallow women with no personality that you cant even pump and dump. :what: I would just move homie
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Sounds like you have to put a whole lot of effort for shallow women with no personality that you cant even pump and dump. :what: I would just move homie

He wants a LTR and doesn't want to pump and dump. He doesn't have his morals together which is why he is going to fail if he doesn't pick a side.
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He wants a LTR and doesn't want to pump and dump. He doesn't have his morals together which is why he is going to fail if he doesn't pick a side.
It's natural for men to want both...the validation, love, and sex from a relationship...being worshipped and such

On the other hand ioi's and sluts mirin is fun too. You just gotta pick which you value more
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Most middle eastern are curries, stop with the denial.

Gulf Arabs (Saudis, Yemenis, Qataris, etc) look the most South Asian, but generally speaking other Middle Eastern groups don't look South Asian.
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What's worse, the few girls who actually have a functioning brain are either hideous or radical feminists. Beauty and intelligence are mutually exclusive
1women cannot be intelligent , only men can
2 radical fem in ME? what
3 why do you want a convo with a woman?
4 can't you just arrange a marriage with the bitch's father?
5 do you live in turkey or something? it sounds like women have a lot of rights in your country
6 can a MAN like me get a subhuman muslim bitch? i'm white and taller than most mudshits , but i'm still a manlet by american standards for example.
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1women cannot be intelligent , only men can
2 radical fem in ME? what
3 why do you want a convo with a woman?
4 can't you just arrange a marriage with the bitch's father?
5 do you live in turkey or something? it sounds like women have a lot of rights in your country
6 can a MAN like me get a subhuman muslim bitch? i'm white and taller than most mudshits , but i'm still a manlet by american standards for example.
View attachment 541
1- no. It's a different IQ distribution but intelligent fems still exist. They're rare but they're out there
2- yes, they exist.
3- just fucking lol at this question
4- Yes, but that's a last resort
5- No
6- state exact height
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1- no. It's a different IQ distribution but intelligent fems still exist. They're rare but they're out there
2- yes, they exist.
3- just fucking lol at this question
4- Yes, but that's a last resort
5- No
6- state exact height
1if Yahweh wanted intelligent women to exist then why did he command us to stone them? Checkmate atheists
2 do they not have fathers?
3 not lol though , women are gay and boring
4 why? The Quran says iz ok
5 sounds weird though , i'm pretty sure they still stone women in public in UAE
6 178 cm
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