Intellectualism is cancer of this world

We are not twlking about quantum physic here we talk about white is white and black is black.
You're begging the question in this statement. I could easily ask you if you can be absolutely sure that your perception of white and black is correct but since you are against questioning reality you would just ignore it.
He understood very well actually but you are cherrypicking some parts.
My post illustrated how he did not understand what i was saying and he also failed to answer my very simple question. It's not "cherrypicking" to point out how he misunderstood part of my post.
Werent you foot fetishit jfl ?
No, why?
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Again, it seems like you failed to comprehend the post. I'll try to ask you it again but maybe this time I'll use a bigger font and underline everthing. I'll also use smaller simpler words.

Lets say you figure out how researchers do research. Lets say you understand proper and correct methods for researching and evidence gathering. Following along so far? So, now that, hypothetically, you're well learned on how research is supposed to be done, how can you be absolutely certain that what you percieve to be a correct research method is absolutely true and real? I am basically asking you if you can be absolutely sure that your senses are giving you true and accurate information about the world.

Maybe to someone of your mental capacity I come across as a professor but I consider myself quite average.

Mirin projection. Care to respond this time?

Look bro, if scientists globally use the same method and it has been tested, tried and proofed giving the most accurate data. Then without a doubt my perception would say that it is true and provides accurate rep of the would.

Are women stronger than men? Stats done, shows men are much stronger. I can then see that irl if I go to my gym/while growing up, how the justice system works, lessons I've been taught(never hit a women blah blah).

You're the worst kind of person to hang out with a walking what if?, well actually:soy: kinda guy.
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Again, it seems like you failed to comprehend the post. I'll try to ask you it again but maybe this time I'll use a bigger font and underline everthing. I'll also use smaller simpler words.

Lets say you figure out how researchers do research. Lets say you understand proper and correct methods for researching and evidence gathering. Following along so far? So, now that, hypothetically, you're well learned on how research is supposed to be done, how can you be absolutely certain that what you percieve to be a correct research method is absolutely true and real? I am basically asking you if you can be absolutely sure that your senses are giving you true and accurate information about the world.

Maybe to someone of your mental capacity I come across as a professor but I consider myself quite average.

Mirin projection. Care to respond this time?
I understand what you are saying bro, most ssying that i agree but i witnessed this discussion and debate many times

We as religious people use that as an argument for the existence of God. (especially muslims since we have this concept of the natural inclination of the human being of believing in God, also known as Fitrah, which i believe no other religion speaks about or even address).

It goes like this: We know that logic, consciousness, mathematics, morals, language, etc have been accepted during the existence of the human being as self evident truths even tho you can't really prove them empirically, and 99,99999999% of the human population never questioned them.
We also know that every society from every corner of the world, even when they had zero contact between eachother, or when they were completely isolated from the rest of the world, accepted the existence of a Creator/creators, which is also a Designer, and also we know that metaphysics are very present in every society (jinn, ghosts, spirits, you name it).

You could try to debunk me by saying "Well, now people don't accept God as they did in the past, but still accept Maths or Morals or Language or Consciousness, but they don't accept God.

The answer is easy, people have known God as someone who gives orders and duties to the human being, and today's society don't accept some of those rules since for the sake of, for example, hedonism and other kind of ideologies which favour individual pleasure.
Therefore, by rejecting a Creator and an Owner of the Universe, you make yourself snd your own desire your own God, but at the same time, we know that we are not the creators. So people resort to things like "Mother Nature" or "Energy" and they give them the attributes of God, because contrary to what God does, "Energy" or "Mother Nature" doesn't require them to do this task or that one.

It's a very wide subject and i really like it, anywas, Salamu Alaykum Brendio, i have to go now, maybe later we'll continue.
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He didn't understand because I explicitly said, "provided that the people running the experiments are using correct methods, etc etc." and he responded with "that's bias".
I didnt say that I said scientist stats can only be wrong if there is bias or incorrect protocol is followed. Didnt even read my shit right calling me the dumbass that cant understand
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I didnt say that I said scientist stats can only be wrong if their is bias or incorrect protocol is followed. Didnt even read my shit right calling me the dumbass that cant understand
This is why i said he cherrpy picked. He will never agree with us tbh he is so egoist.
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Then without a doubt my perception would say that it is true and provides accurate rep of the would.
I asked you if you can be absolutely sure that your perception of the world/what is accurate is truly accurate and for literally a THIRD TIME you failed to comprehend my insanely simple post and question. I'm not even sure what to say anymore, you arent actually capable of comprehending the idea that sensory information you recieve could be incorrect and I can't ask anything I have already asked in a simpler way.
I didnt say that I said scientist stats can only be wrong if their is bias or incorrect protocol is followed. Dodnt even read my dhit right calling me the dumbass that cant understand
If I asked you if you could be absolutely certain that your perception of correct/incorrect bias or correct/incorrect protocol could be wrong would you actually answer this time, or would you dodge the question?
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This is why i said he cherrpy picked. He will never agree with us tbh he is so egoist.
Dudes basically saying dont trust scientist, stats and data because ur perception of what's true could be wrong. Some hippy garbage tbh, surely that means he doesnt believe any blackpill stats so it cant be real bro.
  • Hmm...
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Dudes basically saying dont trust scientist, stats and data because ur perception of what's true could be wrong. Some hippy garbage tbh, surely that means he doesnt believe any blackpill stats so it cant be real bro.
This is his excuse for being a cuckold fetihist ask him would he want to be a woman he would accept in a milisecond. This kind of guys making excuses for being losers tbh.
Thinking without acting is sterile, acting without thinking is fool.
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Dudes basically saying dont trust scientist, stats and data because ur perception of what's true could be wrong. Some hippy garbage tbh, surely that means he doesnt believe any blackpill stats so it cant be real bro.
I don't think he is saying not trust them at all but don't trust them entirely they could be wrong in some aspects and u need to keep questioning to find the aspects where they are wrong.
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I asked you if you can be absolutely sure that your perception of the world/what is accurate is truly accurate and for literally a THIRD TIME you failed to comprehend my insanely simple post and question. I'm not even sure what to say anymore, you arent actually capable of comprehending the idea that sensory information you recieve could be incorrect and I can't ask anything I have already asked in a simpler way.

If I asked you if you could be absolutely certain that your perception of correct/incorrect bias or correct/incorrect protocol could be wrong would you actually answer this time, or would you dodge the question?
Nigga I literally answered for the 3rd time yes I could be absolutely certain that's it right. Near impossible for my perception to be wrong if I am educated like a scientist on how proof measure work. U can never be 100% certain about complex occurrences or things

U also word l ur language in a salesman way as if ur tryna rob me blind. Yh just sign here bro
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Dudes basically saying dont trust scientist, stats and data because ur perception of what's true could be wrong. Some hippy garbage tbh, surely that means he doesnt believe any blackpill stats so it cant be real bro.
Incorrect again. I only asked you if you can be absolutely certain that your senses give you correct information. From my limited perspective I of course believe in well backed truths, but the fact that I can't be absolutely certain my perception is 100% accurate means that I can question whether or not my senses are giving me absolutely accurate information.
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I don't think he is saying not trust them at all but don't trust them entirely they could be wrong in some aspects and u need to keep questioning to find the aspects where they are wrong.
Theres no point in me questioning tho. Like the rest of general populous I'm a low iq drone. That's for actual smart niggas to dissect, if I start doing it I will sound like Alex Jones or someone that believes 5g causes corona.
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Nigga I literally answered for the 3rd time yes I could be absolutely certain that's it right. Near impossible for my perception to be wrong if I am educated like a scientist on how proof measure work.
How can you be absolutely sure that what you perceive to be true is accurate? If your senses were faulty then how could you actually know this?
How can you be absolutely sure that what you perceive to be true is accurate? If your senses were faulty then how could you actually know this?
You can never be 100% but u can be 99% sure. Throwing other stuff in bag just distorts it, u might have dementia or aids bro. Water is vital for life, I am 100% sure that is true cus every human and animal needs it to live
Theres no point in me questioning tho. Like the rest of general populous I'm a low iq drone. That's for actual smart niggas to dissect, if I start doing it I will sound like Alex Jones or someone that believes 5g causes corona.
True u can sound foolish but if u get it right u will be seen as a genius. Even the "smart niggas" sounds foolish at first until they get it right and everyone consider them genius.
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True u can sound foolish but if u get it right u will be seen as a genius. Even the "smart niggas" sounds foolish at first until they get it right and everyone consider them genius.
True. Everyone does call revelourionary scientists, explorers etc nuts until they take action and prove it. But being too much of a skeptic leads people down the internet rabbit whole where they absorb hogwash from other crazy cunts. Once u leave the general thought/consensus u are an outcast in society.

I would rather be a blue pulled drone than some red pill loner that nobody takes seriously. I will never be a revolutionary and neither will u or any other avg iq person. So I just follow the pack like the rest.

Who tf wants to be the black sheep, I just wanna be the Chad sheep
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You can never be 100% but u can be 99% sure.
ok, This is the point I am getting at. You can't actually be 100% sure that your sensory information is accurate. If you are aware that it is possible that your senses could be incorrect then you CAN question these seemingly basic facts about the nature of reality. You also can't know for sure if you can even be 99% sure, because you can't actually know how distorted your sensory information is, the same way you wouldn't be able to know if, for example, your reality is illusory/simulated.
Water is vital for life, I am 100% sure that is true cus every human and animal needs it to live
That would seem to be the case on our planet, but I'm saying that an entire perception of reality could be flawed or illusory and you couldn't know for sure whether it is or not.
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Incorrect again. I only asked you if you can be absolutely certain that your senses give you correct information. From my limited perspective I of course believe in well backed truths, but the fact that I can't be absolutely certain my perception is 100% accurate means that I can question whether or not my senses are giving me absolutely accurate information.

ok, This is the point I am getting at. You can't actually be 100% sure that your sensory information is accurate. If you are aware that it is possible that your senses could be incorrect then you CAN question these seemingly basic facts about the nature of reality. You also can't know for sure if you can even be 99% sure, because you can't actually know how distorted your sensory information is, the same way you wouldn't be able to know if, for example, your reality is illusory/simulated.

That would seem to be the case on our planet, but I'm saying that an entire perception of reality could be flawed or illusory and you couldn't know for sure whether it is or not.
Nigga arent end of the day all of these about your own ego ?
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Nigga arent end of the day all of these about your own ego ?
i mean doesn't technically every human do what they do, due to their own ego or perception of self importance? i could say that your responses to me are about your ego because you view yourself important enough to engage in the discussion the same as I do so idk what your point is.
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ok, This is the point I am getting at. You can't actually be 100% sure that your sensory information is accurate. If you are aware that it is possible that your senses could be incorrect then you CAN question these seemingly basic facts about the nature of reality. You also can't know for sure if you can even be 99% sure, because you can't actually know how distorted your sensory information is, the same way you wouldn't be able to know if, for example, your reality is illusory/simulated.

That would seem to be the case on our planet, but I'm saying that an entire perception of reality could be flawed or illusory and you couldn't know for sure whether it is or not.
Yh but I'm in no place to ask these questions or act like some intellectual revolutionary. That sorta shit is for geniuses that appear once every century. I dont want to be like Tesla, dying a virgin and marrying a pigeon.

I'm just gonna fall in line and be normie, party, work have ltrs fuck a few girls and eventually settle down with my own family. A boring yet fulfilling existence for most.
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i mean doesn't technically every human do what they do, due to their own ego or perception of self importance? i could say that your responses to me are about your ego because you view yourself important enough to engage in the discussion the same as I do so idk what your point is.
Yes my responses about my own ego too i never disagreed with that. I say your thoughts is a coping mechanism for justifying a loner even though it can have little truth on it. You want to see yourself intellectually superior because you can be sucsesful at social life.
Yes my responses about my own ego too i never disagreed with that. I say your thoughts is a coping mechanism for justifying a loner even though it can have little truth on it. You want to see yourself intellectually superior because you can be sucsesful at social life.
Cant be*
Yh but I'm in no place to ask these questions or act like some intellectual revolutionary. That sorta shit is for geniuses that appear once every century. I dont want to be like Tesla, dying a birgin and marrying a pigeon.
You could ask the questions if you wanted to. Maybe you're not in a position to be doing research or whatever but neither am I. The anti-intellectualism road is just a dumb one to go down because by going down it you would unnecessarily, and seemingly for no reason, decide not to question reality.
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too much questioning and not enough action is bad for sure

but we should always question the world around us
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I say your thoughts is a coping mechanism for justifying a loner even though it can have little truth on it. You want to see yourself intellectually superior because you can be sucsesful at social life.
this just seems like projection and is offtopic
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too much questioning and not enough action is bad for sure

but we should always question the world around us
I never disagreed with that ?
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It is projection but it is what it is
but seriously anti-intellectualism is kinda retarded, why not choose to question your reality? seemed cucked to just roll over and decide not to question things, I wouldn't feel comfortable at all doing that.
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True. Everyone does call revelourionary scientists, explorers etc nuts until they take action and prove it. But being too much of a skeptic leads people down the internet rabbit whole where they absorb hogwash from other crazy cunts. Once u leave the general thought/consensus u are an outcast in society.

I would rather be a blue pulled drone than some red pill loner that nobody takes seriously. I will never be a revolutionary and neither will u or any other avg iq person. So I just follow the pack like the rest.

Who tf wants to be the black sheep, I just wanna be the Chad sheep
Im the opposite tbh i think it depends on people, i liked questioning things since i was a kid and ye i feel like it's not viewed good to do this in society cause even my own parents told me that i should stop questioning things so much and it's stupid.
but seriously anti-intellectualism is kinda retarded, why not choose to question your reality? seemed cucked to just roll over and decide not to question things, I wouldn't feel comfortable at all doing that.
I agree with that mate but saying race DONT exist or women ISNT inferior is just about power. This is just for a political agenda not because it is actual reality. People saing that actually would be happy if women were superior jfl. And questioning absolute things is total cope tbh i mean you can of course question but questions are for answers not more questions
I agree with that mate but saying race DONT exist or women ISNT inferior is just about power.
I am talking about the larger idea that even your perception of reality could be incorrect and thus can be questioned, since you can't be absolutely certain it is right. Idk what exactly you mean by "race doesn't exist", obviously humans have different phenotypes but there aren't officially any subspecies of human or anything like that.
And questioning absolute things is total cope tbh i mean you can of course question but questions are for answers not more questions
How can you be sure that something is absolute if you don't question it? lol. Also, questioning something could be part of a mental exercise you don't necessarily need to give an answer to every question. Anti intellectualism is rotting your mind bro.
but seriously anti-intellectualism is kinda retarded, why not choose to question your reality? seemed cucked to just roll over and decide not to question things, I wouldn't feel comfortable at all doing that.
I would question complex topics not obvious facts of life though. OP does not like the ladder and neither do most people, that shit is just annoying and retarded af.
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I would question complex topics not obvious facts of life though.
How can you be sure that an obvious fact is true if you decide not to question it, and if you have already conceded that your sensory perception could hypothetically be completely incorrect?
It is literal gaslighting at this point lol and check your pm
How can you be sure that an obvious fact is true if you decide not to question it, and if you have already conceded that your sensory perception could hypothetically be completely incorrect?
but seriously anti-intellectualism is kinda retarded, why not choose to question your reality? seemed cucked to just roll over and decide not to question things, I wouldn't feel comfortable at all doing that.
I think it depends some people just don't really enjoy doing it, u probably like questioning things but imagine if u didn't liked doing it, maby u would just find it stupid. On top of that some time intellectualism can bring "problems" for some so that's maby why some are anti intellectualism
It is literal gaslighting at this point lol and check your pm
Its not gaslighting he agreed that sensory perception could be flawed without one's own knowledge of it, and that you can't be 100% sure your sensory perception is correct. how am i gaslighting him with a question?
u probably like questioning things but imagine if u didn't liked doing it, maby u would just find it stupid.
true, but i would argue that those who find it stupid are probably stupid in and of themselves.
On top of that some time intellectualism can bring "problems" for some so that's maby why some are anti intellectualism
What kind of problems?
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How can you be sure that an obvious fact is true if you decide not to question it, and if you have already conceded that your sensory perception could hypothetically be completely incorrect?
Bro u sound nuts, literally talking like my criminal cousin that's been hooked on crack for the last year or two. Believes in numerology and bs like that, saying hes gonna change the education system while being a low iq drug dealer jfl.

It's an obvious fact that there are two genders for example. I do not decide to question it cus ik and have seen that men have dicks and women have have pussies. obvious shit is True
Bro u sound nuts, literally talking like my criminal cousin that's been hooked on crack for the last year or two. Believes in numerology and bs like that, saying hes gonna change the education system while being a low iq drug dealer jfl.
all of these are non-arguments
It's an obvious fact that there are two genders for example. I do not decide to question it cus ik and have seen that men have dicks and women have have pussies.
Ok, I don't disagree that currently we recognize two main genders or sexes or whatever, male and female. I agree with this. It seemed like you understood earlier what i was getting at, and it is that your basic sensory perception could be incorrect entirely, thus making it not absolute, thus making it questionable.
true, but i would argue that those who find it stupid are probably stupid in and of themselves.

What kind of problems?
Don't really know but he talked about homosexuality, race and things. When questioning things you can sometimes be completely wrong trying to find the truth and it can maybe creates new problems.
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Don't really know but he talked about homosexuality, race and things. When questioning things you can sometimes be completely wrong trying to find the truth and it can maybe creates new problems.
The only problem I can intuitively come up with for intellectualism would be reaching a question that you can't answer. But this in and of itself isn't a problem, not necessarily, because all it would mean is that you do not currently have an answer for something. You could just try looking for the answer or theorizing about what the answer might be.
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The only problem I can intuitively come up with for intellectualism would be reaching a question that you can't answer. But this in and of itself isn't a problem, not necessarily, because all it would mean is that you do not currently have an answer for something. You could just try looking for the answer or theorizing about what the answer might be.
A question u cant answer = what happens after life?
A question u cant answer = what happens after life?
I mean if your brain dies you would seemingly be incapable of perceiving any sensory information, so from the perspective of a dead person nothing at all would be happening. From the perspective of those who aren't dead, witnessing a person who is dead, that person would begin to decompose or they would bury them or whatever.
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Absolute truths don't exist, absolute truths will require absolute knowledge which can technically never be achieved or at least has never bee:feelswat:been achieved that's why scientific theories are adjusted and fine tuned often.

We are certain about things at different levels and rates. Especially in science where there are a lot of variables.

Think about how people in the past were absolutely certain the earth was stationary and the other celestial bodies were moving relative to the earth. To most people this seemed like an objective truth and could be verified by most people just by looking up at the sky, nevertheless someone questioned what seems like an obvious truth and in the end it turns it wasn't obvious or true.

So many other things came from questioning the 'obvious'
Intellectuals in reality have zero value and they question absolute truths in life for lulz. Do women really inferior to men ? Are race a social construct ? Can 8 billion people live in peace in one state ? Are traditional roles social construct ? Is homosexuality normal ? In my opinion one hardworking and action taking man is 1000x more valuable than one retarded "intellectual" who doesnt know anything except thinking in his basement. Some things shouldnt be even debated in life. And i even think anti-intellectualism should be a norm in society.
Most philosophers are what you describe. 2000 years of wastefull debates for nothing.

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