Is Islam gonna collapse?



The Giantslayer
Jun 23, 2020
The use of tiktok and other shit is rising massively in the Middle East, foids in Egypt have been arrested over it, but who knows how long that can continue. Turkey is already pretty much westernized and girls with an immigrant background in the US and the EU are completely unrestrained at this point. How long till they lose control completely?
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no jfl
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yes, american judeo-christian imperialism will see to it. we are already seeing gay pride muslim parades in london jfl.


they will not cease until everyone embraces their Tikkun Olam "john lennon imagine" worldview.
  • JFL
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yes, american judeo-christian imperialism will see to it. we are already seeing gay pride muslim parades in london jfl.


they will not cease until everyone embraces their Tikkun Olam "john lennon imagine" worldview.

Holy fuck I didn't expect this, especially not in London jfllll
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yes, american judeo-christian imperialism will see to it. we are already seeing gay pride muslim parades in london jfl.


they will not cease until everyone embraces their Tikkun Olam "john lennon imagine" worldview.
ISIS would kill them all lol
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Reactions: Baldingman1998
Holy fuck I didn't expect this, especially not in London jfllll
conservative Western newspapers like the telegraph are celebrating Cuties as a "powder keg for an age that is terrified of child sexuality". we are completely done. islamic countries are maybe 10-15 years behind us in terms of being completely Judaised. you think it wont happen to u but it will.
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No, the Western world will be islamized and this technological degeneracy will end, humanity will return to a pre-industrial stage and people will be more happy.
yes, american judeo-christian imperialism will see to it. we are already seeing gay pride muslim parades in london jfl.


they will not cease until everyone embraces their Tikkun Olam "john lennon imagine" worldview.
You do realise that is an extreme minority here in the UK? Ask any of the men in those pictures and I can guarantee you they’ve all been disowned by their family
  • +1
Reactions: Chadelite and Sikkunt23
You do realise that is an extreme minority here in the UK? Ask any of the men in those pictures and I can guarantee you they’ve all been disowned by their family
give it time. people who were accepting of gay marriage were an extreme minority at one time jfl.

i don't know why people think islam is going to be magically immune to the cancer that has already killed every developed nation jfl.
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give it time. people who were accepting of gay marriage were an extreme minority at one time jfl.

i don't know why people think islam is going to be magically immune to the cancer that has already killed every developed nation jfl.
Nope. Even now, the vast majority of Muslims, despite what liberal and western media tell you, are very much opposed to homosexuality. I doubt the ‘Muslim LGBT community’ (Astafrilluah) will ever grow large enough to culturally change or alter the beliefs that we Muslims have held for hundreds of years
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europeans will become muslim and soyify islam like they did with christianity

it is inevitable
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  • Ugh..
Reactions: Baldingman1998, Deleted member 9355, Sikkunt23 and 3 others
Nope. Even now, the vast majority of Muslims, despite what liberal and western media tell you, are very much opposed to homosexuality. I doubt the ‘Muslim LGBT community’ (Astafrilluah) will ever grow large enough to culturally change or alter the beliefs that we Muslims have held for hundreds of years
i'm telling you, wait 20 years.
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Islam is Satanic.
  • Ugh..
  • JFL
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they come here, their women get brainwashed by our media, end of story. ur just helping my point. sorry akhmed, your grandchildren will be trans. no stopping the judeo-american train now.
Lol at this utter projection. As more migrants come from ultra conservative, poor and religious communities their children will eventually grow up with a similar mindset. We still beat out kids while Europeans give their kids ‘time outs’ jfl
Lol at this utter projection. As more migrants come from ultra conservative, poor and religious communities their children will eventually grow up with a similar mindset. We still beat out kids while Europeans give their kids ‘time outs’ jfl
it's okay bro, i know its hard to accept. your child will go to school and they will tell him he can become a girl when he grows up.

just accept it now, it won't hurt so much when it happens.
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Allah's word subhanahu wa ta3ala will always reign supreme, it is not necessary that people follow it, there is no force in deen, in the end Isa aleyhissalaam (Jesus) will descend to earth, and will kill the antichrist, break the cross and kill the pigs, and on the day of judgement the decision making will be with Allah as it always has been.

And whoever submits his face to Allah while he is a doer of good - then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold. And to Allah will be the outcome of [all] matters.

Here you are - those invited to spend in the cause of Allah - but among you are those who withhold [out of greed]. And whoever withholds only withholds [benefit] from himself; and Allah is the Free of need, while you are the needy. And if you turn away, He will replace you with another people; then they will not be the likes of you.

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it's okay bro, i know its hard to accept. your child will go to school and they will tell him he can become a girl when he grows up.

just accept it now, it won't hurt so much when it happens.
Lol wtf? Parents beat their kids in order to teach them right from wrong. Did you just ignore the literal protests that happened in a school where all the Muslims stood outside holding signs about how they refuse to let their kids learn about LGBT and all the other shit.

You seem like a coping stormfrontcel who want Islam to follow the same path as Christianity. Gonna burst your bubble, but we aren't the same
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Reactions: Chadelite and Deleted member 8365
Lol wtf? Parents beat their kids in order to teach them right from wrong. Did you just ignore the literal protests that happened in a school where all the Muslims stood outside holding signs about how they refuse to let their kids learn about LGBT and all the other shit.

You seem like a coping stormfrontcel who want Islam to follow the same path as Christianity. Gonna burst your bubble, but we aren't the same
and what happens when they outlaw homeschooling

dude, you are short circuiting because i'm bringing you bad news. i'm as sad about it as you are.
  • +1
Reactions: ToursOverBoyo2020
yes, american judeo-christian imperialism will see to it. we are already seeing gay pride muslim parades in london jfl.


they will not cease until everyone embraces their Tikkun Olam "john lennon imagine" worldview.
The ones in the west will eventually be atheists. Will take 2-3 generations though
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and what happens when they outlaw homeschooling

dude, you are short circuiting because i'm bringing you bad news. i'm as sad about it as you are.
Tf are you talking about? Home schooling? Do you even live in the Uk?

We got our own masjids and schools for us. They cant ban homeschooling, the UK government is cucked and they wont do anything about it so they let them grow and build masjids above the chuches
  • +1
Reactions: Chadelite
Nope. Even now, the vast majority of Muslims, despite what liberal and western media tell you, are very much opposed to homosexuality. I doubt the ‘Muslim LGBT community’ (Astafrilluah) will ever grow large enough to culturally change or alter the beliefs that we Muslims have held for hundreds of years

Cope, American Muslims support Gay Marriage
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Every Westernized Muslim Foid I've seen on social media is pro phaggots, pro trannies, pro abortion, pro feminism, pro BLM, and hates Middle Eastern men.
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Islam will collapse within 50 years just like Christianity has collapsed within the last 50 years. This is very obvious to anyone whose paying attention to societal trends.
Cope, American Muslims support Gay Marriage
Lol do I give a fuck about American muslims? Half of them are liberal any way and they are what, like 2% of the US population. Jfl at trusting those sources too :feelskek:
Meanwhile this is what real Muslims think
It will endeed be a sad day when precius muslim women become total westernized sluts
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Reactions: ToursOverBoyo2020
Dinduism will rise
  • Woah
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Islam is finished especially when Yahawashi returns to make them bow down
Lol do I give a fuck about American muslims? Half of them are liberal any way and they are what, like 2% of the US population. Jfl at trusting those sources too :feelskek:
Meanwhile this is what real Muslims think

Bruh you have to take into consideration who these 50% are though. It's the first generation immigrants and mostly the males. Young westernized girls with immigrant background all believe in that SJW shit, not that it's good.
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europeans will become muslim and soyify islam like they did with christianity

it is inevitable
Yes, I bet by the end of this century Islam will compete with christianity in being the world's largest religion
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The use of tiktok and other shit is rising massively in the Middle East, foids in Egypt have been arrested over it, but who knows how long that can continue. Turkey is already pretty much westernized and girls with an immigrant background in the US and the EU are completely unrestrained at this point. How long till they lose control completely?
Islam won’t collapse but it will get westernized and liberalized like Christianity did
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Yes, I bet by the end of this century Islam will compete with christianity in being the world's largest religion
It’s already competing with it
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True. It will probably be the largest religion in the world one day this century
It’ll be a shallow of its former self when that happens though
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Reactions: ToursOverBoyo2020
The use of tiktok and other shit is rising massively in the Middle East, foids in Egypt have been arrested over it, but who knows how long that can continue. Turkey is already pretty much westernized and girls with an immigrant background in the US and the EU are completely unrestrained at this point. How long till they lose control completely?
jfl at thinking islam could collapse
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Reactions: Shrek2OnDvD
Definitely, Turkey, Bosnia, Albania, Azerbaijan, Tunisia, Lebanon, Morocco are already very liberal and majority in these countries sre non practicing muslims. In a BBC study from 2014 to 2019 practicing of religion in the middle east dropped from 80% to 60% in the Maghreb.
And @Shrek2OnDvD is 14yo, he still doesn't understand how the world works, he sends a study where only half of muslims think homosexuality should be illegal, for muslim standards thats very bad, literally 50% of muslims in the UK think a great sin like that is ok, what do you think will happen in 15 years when no further new muslim immigrants come
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Definitely, Turkey, Bosnia, Albania, Azerbaijan, Tunisia, Lebanon, Morocco are already very liberal and majority in these countries sre non practicing muslims. In a BBC study from 2014 to 2019 practicing of religion in the middle east dropped from 80% to 60% in the Maghreb.
And @Shrek2OnDvD is 14yo, he still doesn't understand how the world works, he sends a study where only half of muslims think homosexuality should be illegal, for muslim standards thats very bad, literally 50% of muslims in the UK think a great sin like that is ok, what do you think will happen in 15 years when no further new muslim immigrants come
Lol you clearly never talk to any muslims. All the muslims I know detest gay people especially those in our own community. No matter the race, culture, gender or age all Muslims share their equal hatred of gays
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Bruh you have to take into consideration who these 50% are though. It's the first generation immigrants and mostly the males. Young westernized girls with immigrant background all believe in that SJW shit, not that it's good.
Women are naturally extremely social and will always follow whats trendy in order to show that off to other women. Also who gives a fuck what women have to say, imagine taking their opinions seriously 😂
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Lol wtf? Parents beat their kids in order to teach them right from wrong. Did you just ignore the literal protests that happened in a school where all the Muslims stood outside holding signs about how they refuse to let their kids learn about LGBT and all the other shit.

You seem like a coping stormfrontcel who want Islam to follow the same path as Christianity. Gonna burst your bubble, but we aren't the same
The moment Islam becomes a threat you are going to get the same treatment as "white nationalists" who get all their organizations banned. The jews have already leveled the middle east and if you complaint your western guettoes are going to get leveled too. So i expect a lot of cucked islam sects appearing, just like all the cucked christian sects, the israel firsters and all the rest, that is, if they don't put mozlems and europeans at war, which was probably the plan from the start.
So good luck.
Women are naturally extremely social and will always follow whats trendy in order to show that off to other women. Also who gives a fuck what women have to say, imagine taking their opinions seriously 😂

Jesus the delusion. Everyone literally simps for young women and follows them. As if people care one bit about the opinion of low status middle aged men. :lul:
Jesus the delusion. Everyone literally simps for young women and follows them. As if people care one bit about the opinion of low status middle aged men. :lul:
‘Everyone simps for young women’
-Simp who pays 200 dollars a month for only fans
The moment Islam becomes a threat you are going to get the same treatment as "white nationalists" who get all their organizations banned. The jews have already leveled the middle east and if you complaint your western guettoes are going to get leveled too. So i expect a lot of cucked islam sects appearing, just like all the cucked christian sects, the israel firsters and all the rest, that is, if they don't put mozlems and europeans at war, which was probably the plan from the start.
So good luck.
Fuck the zionists too. Jews are scummy cockroaches who seem small and insignificant yet control the majority of the media and what we see online
What a high IQ comeback, jfl at this autist
Am I wrong tho, you just admitted to being a pushover simp pussy

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