JFL give me normie advice

Wholesome BOI

Wholesome BOI

Sep 18, 2018
i wanna write down all normie advice in a journal and follow it for shits and giggles i want some more evidence from experience to see how much bs it really is.Ill write your advice down and create a 30 day challenge outta it :soy: for some refence im 17 Hispanic 4/10 MAXX skinnyfat black hair brown eyes tan skin
Just be confident dude
You are actually a handsome dude! My advice would be to try to take more photos of yourself outside and with other people and don't try to sound so depressing in your bio. I think also choosing a more rounded glasses frame that is better suited to your facial shape will do you wonders. If you haven't tried it already, clean up your diet a little.

Girls don't care about looks. Just be funny and have a laid back personality
Just be yourself bro0o0o
Just take a shower duuuude
Brush your teeth and run a mile, you'll be golden.
You don't need to be tall or beautiful, women like men who are smart, confident and intelligent.
Women need to look good, not men ( :feelskek: ).
Just focus on your career and your dreams and you will find that special one™ who will love you for who you are.
You need to smile more often! You‘re already cute, I‘d date you if I didn‘t have a Chad boyfriend Teehee
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dont be a pussy and start talking to ppl bro
(who would think this actually works????)
Honestly, women aren't magical creatures that are incomprehensible to the average man. You just have to get over the nervousness most people feel about the opposite sex. As an earlier comment mentions, making friends with women (platonic friends) is one of the easiest ways to realize this, and will definitely help you on the dating front in the long-run.

As for actually getting a girlfriend? Just remember that women are people just like you, and keep in mind these three things:

1.) Find someone there's a mutual "spark" with. You'll know it when it happens, and it won't happen with everyone. That's OK. You might have to wait a bit until you actually meet someone that gives you the "spark," but there's no point in rushing into a relationship for getting in a relationship's sake.

2.) Make a good first impression. The first impression is often the catalyst that ignites the "spark." Be relaxed, be friendly, and present yourself as the kind of person someone else would like to be in a relationship with. It kind of goes without saying, don't be a creeper.

3.) Show interest. Like all people, women like people who like them, too! Don't be too aloof--that's as much of a turn off for them as it is for you. Also, don't forget to ask them out--otherwise, you'd just be stalking.

Oh, and, this goes without saying, but, try not to be creepy. Don't go around trying to breach anyone's social boundaries, eh? People will let you in when they're ready to.
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Just get good haircut and lift bro
Just stick your chest out bro.
Try looking at it a different way: How do you get girls to talk to you? Unless you're super funny or super hot, standing there talking about yourself will not make a girl interested in you.

Walking up and saying 'hi, you're pretty, do you wanna go out?' comes off as either creepy or desperate.

Try just saying 'Hi' when you're going to walk past a girl you're interested in. If she smiles or says 'Hi' back, next time you pass by try adding 'how are you?'.

Then, next time you see her say 'Hi' again, and ask her a question to get her talking about herself. 'How's your day been?'. 'Looking forward to the weekend?'. 'How'd you go in your exam/sports event?' Something like that. Get her talking about herself. Chicks love to talk about themselves (most blokes do too).

If she stops to talk, ask her a couple more questions. Chat for a few minutes then wrap it up. 'Well, thanks for the chat, I'll let you get going. See ya!' If she asks you a question, keep the answer brief, then wrap it up.

This will hopefully show her that you're using the time to get to know her, and will also leave some mystery about you.

Next time you see her, try asking her another question, to see if she'll stop and chat again. If it gets to the point where she's standing there waiting for you to ask her another question, its a good time to ask her if she wants to hang out/go on a date.

But be prepared for both a Yes or a No. Don't freak or break down if she says no. Take it in your stride, like it's not a big deal, and she'll respect you for it. Cos it really isn't a big deal. If you make a big deal about it, you're being a weirdo.

If she doesn't want to hang out, and/or says she just wants to be friends, don't worry about it. You've just made a friend, who's a girl, and she can help you network. Cos if there's one thing girls love more than talking about themselves, it's setting up their friends.

Also, going back to the first 'Hi'. If you don't get a response, it doesn't necessarily mean she isn't interested. She may have been deep in thought and just didn't notice, or you caught her by surprise, and she just didn't react quick enough, or maybe she's shy.

Or she may actually not be interested. My brother used to say if a girl didn't say 'Hi' back to him, he would watch where she looked. If they looked sideways or straight, they weren't interested. If they looked down, they were too shy to say hello back.

Try saying 'Hi' again next time you see her. Give her one more chance to meet you. If you don't get a response, put your time and effort into meeting someone else.
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Just pee on yourself
Try looking at it a different way: How do you get girls to talk to you? Unless you're super funny or super hot, standing there talking about yourself will not make a girl interested in you.

Walking up and saying 'hi, you're pretty, do you wanna go out?' comes off as either creepy or desperate.

Try just saying 'Hi' when you're going to walk past a girl you're interested in. If she smiles or says 'Hi' back, next time you pass by try adding 'how are you?'.

Then, next time you see her say 'Hi' again, and ask her a question to get her talking about herself. 'How's your day been?'. 'Looking forward to the weekend?'. 'How'd you go in your exam/sports event?' Something like that. Get her talking about herself. Chicks love to talk about themselves (most blokes do too).

If she stops to talk, ask her a couple more questions. Chat for a few minutes then wrap it up. 'Well, thanks for the chat, I'll let you get going. See ya!' If she asks you a question, keep the answer brief, then wrap it up.

This will hopefully show her that you're using the time to get to know her, and will also leave some mystery about you.

Next time you see her, try asking her another question, to see if she'll stop and chat again. If it gets to the point where she's standing there waiting for you to ask her another question, its a good time to ask her if she wants to hang out/go on a date.

But be prepared for both a Yes or a No. Don't freak or break down if she says no. Take it in your stride, like it's not a big deal, and she'll respect you for it. Cos it really isn't a big deal. If you make a big deal about it, you're being a weirdo.

If she doesn't want to hang out, and/or says she just wants to be friends, don't worry about it. You've just made a friend, who's a girl, and she can help you network. Cos if there's one thing girls love more than talking about themselves, it's setting up their friends.

Also, going back to the first 'Hi'. If you don't get a response, it doesn't necessarily mean she isn't interested. She may have been deep in thought and just didn't notice, or you caught her by surprise, and she just didn't react quick enough, or maybe she's shy.

Or she may actually not be interested. My brother used to say if a girl didn't say 'Hi' back to him, he would watch where she looked. If they looked sideways or straight, they weren't interested. If they looked down, they were too shy to say hello back.

Try saying 'Hi' again next time you see her. Give her one more chance to meet you. If you don't get a response, put your time and effort into meeting someone else.
I'd rather ram my cock through a blender than go through those elaborate steps
I'd rather ram my cock through a blender than go through those elaborate steps
Violent behaviour can't be tolerated - if you need to get him a punching bag or some other venting tool, fine, but he can't hit people. This could get him in a lot of trouble and it's not fair for you guys either.

Regarding the poor hygiene, look into executive function (planning, executing, task switching etc) disorders. Be aware that he may be as frustrated as you are: frustrated that you don't get his perspective, perhaps; frustrated because he can't do something he feels is easy for a lot of people; frustrated because he can't communicate with you about it; frustrated because he doesn't get why it matters; or something else.

Regarding mum doing the chores, it's not a great long-term strategy. Suggesting that she start doing the chores with him - not for him - might help, and she can devolve more responsibility as time goes on. Related to executive dysfunction, you may need to talk with him to understand what he struggles with the most and to formulate a more effective strategy (e.g. some people need tasks to be done at a consistent time every day, others need lists, others physically need to be told what to do and how to do it).

The psychological stuff is harder - to some extent he has to want to let you in. If you haven't already, read up on autistic symptoms, experiences and stories: you might be able to relate to him better. Life can be very hard for people on the spectrum and it doesn't sound like he's happy with how things are going at the moment. Suicidal thinking and low self-esteem are really prevalent in those on the spectrum - I offer no solution but it is worth knowing and understanding. Remember he's still a human and has a lot of the same needs you do, he may just be much less able to meet them himself. He's a human with problems, not a problem to be solved.
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@DeformAspergerCel he's a female LARP don't pay attention to him
I am too but this a cock measuring contest. Just look at this beautiful cock

20364511 rooster photo realistic vector
Violent behaviour can't be tolerated - if you need to get him a punching bag or some other venting tool, fine, but he can't hit people. This could get him in a lot of trouble and it's not fair for you guys either.

Regarding the poor hygiene, look into executive function (planning, executing, task switching etc) disorders. Be aware that he may be as frustrated as you are: frustrated that you don't get his perspective, perhaps; frustrated because he can't do something he feels is easy for a lot of people; frustrated because he can't communicate with you about it; frustrated because he doesn't get why it matters; or something else.

Regarding mum doing the chores, it's not a great long-term strategy. Suggesting that she start doing the chores with him - not for him - might help, and she can devolve more responsibility as time goes on. Related to executive dysfunction, you may need to talk with him to understand what he struggles with the most and to formulate a more effective strategy (e.g. some people need tasks to be done at a consistent time every day, others need lists, others physically need to be told what to do and how to do it).

The psychological stuff is harder - to some extent he has to want to let you in. If you haven't already, read up on autistic symptoms, experiences and stories: you might be able to relate to him better. Life can be very hard for people on the spectrum and it doesn't sound like he's happy with how things are going at the moment. Suicidal thinking and low self-esteem are really prevalent in those on the spectrum - I offer no solution but it is worth knowing and understanding. Remember he's still a human and has a lot of the same needs you do, he may just be much less able to meet them himself. He's a human with problems, not a problem to be solved.

My favourite 6'x" Tyrone LARP
You write white, you should consider a writing career :feelsahh:
My favourite 6'x" Tyrone LARP
You write white, you should consider a writing career :feelsahh:
I'm a white chick. The male lead in my story is black. I'm not blatant about it, much more than mentioning his color here and there. The thing is, I could make him white, yellow, red, whatever, and it wouldn't change much more than a few descriptions. He just felt right as a black dude, and I couldn't begin to picture him any other way at this point.

I'm much more obvious about who he is. He's a workaholic (thanks to his dad passing away and leaving his family in terrible debt) with commitment issues (because of his workaholic ways) and a dumb sense of humor (the part I like best about him). He loves terrible art and movies, can't cook to save his life, and he hates when people use finger quotes. He struggles to reconcile his past, but he moves through life with quiet confidence. He's the kind of person most people would sit down and have a beer with - which was really a key characteristic in my mind.

To me, the stuff that makes him a person is far more interesting and important than his skin color. Most of my characters, unless I've made them a "stereotype" for a reason, are far more about their individuality than their skin color/race/species.
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I have a friend and her ex looked JUST like you! Im sure theres someone like her near you who would date you! :)

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