Leftists are genetic sociopaths



Jan 2, 2019
This is a conclusion I have reached after interaction with these clowns through online forums plus just observing their general behavior.

Traits of a sociopath Vs how leftists behave:

Lack of empathy: Despite what they claim it's actually leftists who don't really have any empathy. They support the welfare state but only in the most regressive self-serving manner possible (example: are willing to throw welfare at migrants for votes but don't care about the disabled). Their generally poor behavior towards people who disagree with them is also indicative of lacking in empathy. Granted many conservatives are also not very empathetic, but at least some of them will donate to those whom they consider a member of their religion or whatever, where as leftists do not.

Inability to commit to others: Leftists have been the biggest instigators of sexual decadence so this one speaks for itself. In the past conservatives advocated for stable marriages and families. The left could not have this and created the soulless hookup culture that exists today. The left also doesn't care about things like family, community or nationalism/patriotism since all of those things involve some kind of commitment. They are loyal only to themselves and do not care about happens to anybody else.

Manipulative & Deceitful: Most of leftist ideology consists of bullshitting people into thinking they care about them when in reality they just see others are useful idiots to be exploited. A great example would be when a white liberal attacks white conservatives for racism but is secretly racist themselves anyway. Or a upper middle class leftist campaigning for the working class while also hating on that same working class when it doesn't behave or do as it's told. One could argue that some of leftist ideology has redeeming merits on paper, but that rarely seems to matter since leftists don't typically value any of it anyway despite their claims of doing so. 90% of leftism is just them cucking dumb people by promising them something they have no intention to deliver on.

Hostility and lack of impulse control: Just look at leftists after Trump won lol. Or any internet forum that is full of them for that matter. Leftists aren't able to engage in rational or civil debate. Not even against other leftists half the time which is why they often in-fight among themselves.

Irresponsibility: The inability to take any responsibility for the actions that you take is a trait of a sociopath, because sociopaths don't have any sense of self-awareness. And indeed, and it's not like this is lacking with leftists with their lax stance towards drugs, sex, etc. Amusingly, leftists themselves will often accuse conservatives of being irresponsible towards society because of their small government policy, because in their mind "not wanting to remove all individual responsibility via massive government spending = not being responsible towards others". Hilariously, this actually just highlights their lack of responsibility even more. That said tbf there are some free market fanatics whom are actually legit irresponsible, but they tend to be more libertarian than conservative.

Risky behavior: The willingness to make large and irresponsible gambles to get what they want is another sociopath trait. And sure enough, the left does this plenty. Look at their attempt to replace the native populations in their countries via massive immigration. This has massive potential to backfire horribly even for them and yet they do it anyway because they just don't care. After all it's not their lives being destroyed. Or so they assume...
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Yeah, I'm not gonna read all that
  • +1
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Yeah, I'm not gonna read all that

  • +1
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i think it's less about being sociopathic and more about genuinely being too stupid to understand other people's points of view
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Leaked pic of OP
  • JFL
Reactions: BigBoy
Read all and agreed, I hate the left
the only difference between a libertarian and generic western leftist is that libertarians are more honest.
Isn’t pyschopathy genetic, while sociopathy environmental.
the only difference between a libertarian and generic western leftist is that libertarians are more honest.
Libertarian is the second best political belief to hold after moderate conservative srs
Isn’t pyschopathy genetic, while sociopathy environmental.
I don't know honestly. but the distinction seems fishy to me. there are lots of people who have had experienced trauma and instead of turning them into sociopaths it has just made them more fragile. in order for a person to become a sociopath from having a hard life, they would have to be natural closer to sociopathy/psychopathy to begin with.
Isn’t pyschopathy genetic, while sociopathy environmental.
there is a clear difference between a generic NT "hardened criminal" and a true sociopath/psychopath. I don't believe that you can made into a sociopath/psychopath by environment, I believe it is genetic, and sociopaths are just sub-psychopaths with some slight capacity for more complex emotion. sociopaths clearly have some ability to feel stress and anxiety which is why their aren't as manipulative as full blown psychopaths.
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  • +1
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This is a conclusion I have reached after interaction with these clowns through online forums plus just observing their general behavior.

Traits of a sociopath Vs how leftists behave:

Lack of empathy: Despite what they claim it's actually leftists who don't really have any empathy. They support the welfare state but only in the most regressive self-serving manner possible (example: are willing to throw welfare at migrants for votes but don't care about the disabled). Their generally poor behavior towards people who disagree with them is also indicative of lacking in empathy. Granted many conservatives are also not very empathetic, but at least some of them will donate to those whom they consider a member of their religion or whatever, where as leftists do not.

Inability to commit to others: Leftists have been the biggest instigators of sexual decadence so this one speaks for itself. In the past conservatives advocated for stable marriages and families. The left could not have this and created the soulless hookup culture that exists today. The left also doesn't care about things like family, community or nationalism/patriotism since all of those things involve some kind of commitment. They are loyal only to themselves and do not care about happens to anybody else.

Manipulative & Deceitful: Most of leftist ideology consists of bullshitting people into thinking they care about them when in reality they just see others are useful idiots to be exploited. A great example would be when a white liberal attacks white conservatives for racism but is secretly racist themselves anyway. Or a upper middle class leftist campaigning for the working class while also hating on that same working class when it doesn't behave or do as it's told. One could argue that some of leftist ideology has redeeming merits on paper, but that rarely seems to matter since leftists don't typically value any of it anyway despite their claims of doing so. 90% of leftism is just them cucking dumb people by promising them something they have no intention to deliver on.

Hostility and lack of impulse control: Just look at leftists after Trump won lol. Or any internet forum that is full of them for that matter. Leftists aren't able to engage in rational or civil debate. Not even against other leftists half the time which is why they often in-fight among themselves.

Irresponsibility: The inability to take any responsibility for the actions that you take is a trait of a sociopath, because sociopaths don't have any sense of self-awareness. And indeed, and it's not like this is lacking with leftists with their lax stance towards drugs, sex, etc. Amusingly, leftists themselves will often accuse conservatives of being irresponsible towards society because of their small government policy, because in their mind "not wanting to remove all individual responsibility via massive government spending = not being responsible towards others". Hilariously, this actually just highlights their lack of responsibility even more. That said tbf there are some free market fanatics whom are actually legit irresponsible, but they tend to be more libertarian than conservative.

Risky behavior: The willingness to make large and irresponsible gambles to get what they want is another sociopath trait. And sure enough, the left does this plenty. Look at their attempt to replace the native populations in their countries via massive immigration. This has massive potential to backfire horribly even for them and yet they do it anyway because they just don't care. After all it's not their lives being destroyed. Or so they assume...

Empathy every leftist that care about migrants generally care about the disable . Not being able to say retarded comes from the left. Nobody likes people that disagree with them completly

Inabilty to commit to other they think everyone is allowes to have sex freely witout anyone judging . They do care about family but that everyone can be included . And they care about everyones happiness

Manuplative .if a person is more racist and called out by a racist but less racist it is still a good thing. The upper middle class person they can still care about about people and complain when they do something bad.

Hostilty and lack of control
Lefitist think donal trump is nazi and lefitst dont like nazis so they will get obviously mad .

They do . You know afftivmatir action . Its about fixing the wrongs of the past .

Risky behavior. The left dont want to replace the native population
Empathy every leftist that care about migrants generally care about the disable . Not being able to say retarded comes from the left. Nobody likes people that disagree with them completly

Inabilty to commit to other they think everyone is allowes to have sex freely witout anyone judging . They do care about family but that everyone can be included . And they care about everyones happiness

Manuplative .if a person is more racist and called out by a racist but less racist it is still a good thing. The upper middle class person they can still care about about people and complain when they do something bad.

Hostilty and lack of control
Lefitist think donal trump is nazi and lefitst dont like nazis so they will get obviously mad .

They do . You know afftivmatir action . Its about fixing the wrongs of the past .

Risky behavior. The left dont want to replace the native population
you must be a troll
i think it's less about being sociopathic and more about genuinely being too stupid to understand other people's points of view
this is conservatism 101
theyre too stupid to counter basic liberal viewpoints so prop up extreme strawmen to taken down them libral cuks
this is conservatism 101
theyre too stupid to counter basic liberal viewpoints so prop up extreme strawmen to taken down them libral cuks

Reddit 2008 twitter post


  • 1562705160129.jpg
    91.9 KB · Views: 6
is this guy actually spending time to write this much of stuffs on looksmax.me?
  • So Sad
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those are the big 3 in the US and the only ones i care about, but conservatives are on the far opposite on those issues
There is no such thing as a conservative. And quite frankly I have other things to worry about than religion or leftism.
Say it with me.
Politics is a COPE.
There is no such thing as a conservative. And quite frankly I have other things to worry about than religion or leftism.
Say it with me.
Politics is a COPE.
unlike u im fucking poor, so these things matter to me

idc ab religion, its fucking bullshit.
both of those are pressing issues in our times. universal healthcare is the #1 thing america needs rn
  • JFL
Reactions: Petsmart
Have you tried getting a job?
im 16 and go to school so i cant. but i got one over the summer and saved up 4k, both my parents work full tiem and we cant support ourselves
poor niggas:i work 3 part-time jobs but i can barely pay rent and eat cup noodles for dinner every night
conservatives:dId YoU gEt A jOb, lOl jUsT hArDeR. i HaD tO wOrK hArD tO gEt HeRe iT dEfInAtElY wAsNt My TrUsT fUnD dAdDy ThAt SpOoN-fEd Me My EnTiRe LiFe
im 16 and go to school so i cant. but i got one over the summer and saved up 4k, both my parents work full tiem and we cant support ourselves
poor niggas:i work 3 part-time jobs but i can barely pay rent and eat cup noodles for dinner every night
conservatives:dId YoU gEt A jOb, lOl jUsT hArDeR. i HaD tO wOrK hArD tO gEt HeRe iT dEfInAtElY wAsNt My TrUsT fUnD dAdDy ThAt SpOoN-fEd Me My EnTiRe LiFe
Your parents are probably mentally retarded and also spend all their disposable income.
Your parents are probably mentally retarded and also spend all their disposable income.
no, we're immigrants and dont have a strong base to work with. their degrees are worthless in the states.

literally the same fucking shit every conservative says
no, we're immigrants and dont have a strong base to work with. their degrees are worthless in the states.
literally the same fucking shit every conservative says
You immigrate to somebody else's country and complain. You are a choosing beggar. Just fucking lol
Nobody needs your PhD in burrito rolling
You immigrate to somebody else's country and complain. You are a choosing beggar. Just fucking lol
Nobody needs your PhD in burrito rolling
im not mexican
and this is my country, i was born here. hang yourself you have no arguments left to make. literally how this question goes for every conservative, theyre all so fucking low iq
im not mexican
and this is my country, i was born here. hang yourself you have no arguments left to make. literally how this question goes for every conservative, theyre all so fucking low iq
Nobody gives a fuck!
Leftists are women, weak men and men with low testosterone.

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