Men are more critical of short guys than womens



Looks Forever
Jul 13, 2019
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Women are pretty realistic about height requirements in a boyfriend, they just miss measure.

They are fine with a 5’9” guy but they think that physical height is 6’ because of guys lying, and as a result you see these outlier tiktoks and it just skews things drastically.

Even 5’10” girls are fine with guys just a tad bit taller than them, as long as their face is good looking.
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Reactions: MagaPutinism, ElTruecel, Thoux and 19 others
Women are pretty realistic about height requirements in a boyfriend, they just miss measure.

They are fine with a 5’9” guy but they think that physical height is 6’ because of guys lying, and as a result you see these outlier tiktoks and it just skews things drastically.

Even 5’10” girls are fine with guys just a tad bit taller than them, as long as their face is good looking.
What if the manlet is 5'3
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Reactions: MagaPutinism, ElTruecel, Thoux and 4 others
True actually, it matters even more for male respect. I have had tall dudes walk past me in public and extend their backs (just so they feel superior) and it's always the ugly ones that do it too (I never see a good looking one do this).
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Height is important dont get me wrong but if you dont have the right amount of masculinity and aesthetics you will not be seen as the pros of your height.

He is 6’ but everyone whos watched sex education thinks hes soy and cucked


Compare him to a fellow 6’ footer with a more masc face and its clear face allows you to use your height properly. Not the other way around.

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woman are short anyway
  • Ugh..
Reactions: borntosuffer
Men would use anything just to beat out competition.
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Women are pretty realistic about height requirements in a boyfriend, they just miss measure.

They are fine with a 5’9” guy but they think that physical height is 6’ because of guys lying, and as a result you see these outlier tiktoks and it just skews things drastically.

Even 5’10” girls are fine with guys just a tad bit taller than them, as long as their face is good looking.
How is 5’9 fine ? Average zoomer is 6’3 you can’t be a head shorter than average and be fine 🤣🤣🤣 unless you’re in curryland (India, Pakistan and Canada)
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No need to prove anything cause you are right and it actually hurt more that a man insulting because his is probably taller but women are short anyway
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How is 5’9 fine ? Average zoomer is 6’3 you can’t be a head shorter than average and be fine 🤣🤣🤣 unless you’re in curryland (India, Pakistan and Canada)
Nah as long as the face is good looking it is fine for them. Face is really important. This is in the US.
Prove me wrong
I spent a few days with some of the highest guys in oil and gas doing work on a site. They sat around and did nothing (looked after workers, I’m not saying supervisors do nothing but at this time they were) and measured one another’s heights. Literally they would be like “how tall are you? No way!!” And then measure and then be like oh yeah okay. These guys have million dollar homes easily. They also talked shit about a guy who was in a bad mood, guy was 5’6, probably shit on daily jfl.
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Reactions: borntosuffer, bloomercel and autistic_tendencies
Men would use anything just to beat out competition.
This is the most correct answer.

Ugly to mid-tier normies in the 6'0"-6'2" range are usually the most vocal about height.
They don't have the face to complete the package and they know it, so they feel the need to leverage their height against anyone shorter who's better looking to improve their own chances.
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Reactions: borntosuffer, autistic_tendencies and Clown Show
Women are disgusted and repulsed by small men, guys just mog you to feel better about themselves. It's not the instinctual revulsion as with women.
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Reactions: borntosuffer and PoopyFaceTomatoNose
Women are disgusted and repulsed by small men, guys just mog you to feel better about themselves. It's not the instinctual revulsion as with women.
It's worse because mens doesn't respect you when you are small and being respected by other mens will bring you much further in life than attracting girls.
This is why maesthetic mogs, the best of both worlds.
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Reactions: anthony111553, borntosuffer, PoopyFaceTomatoNose and 2 others
Women are pretty realistic about height requirements in a boyfriend, they just miss measure.

They are fine with a 5’9” guy but they think that physical height is 6’ because of guys lying, and as a result you see these outlier tiktoks and it just skews things drastically.

Even 5’10” girls are fine with guys just a tad bit taller than them, as long as their face is good looking.
Cope of the century
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I am kind to short kings. I know they struggle and i wish them the best. Society treats them so cruelly.
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Reactions: greycel and borntosuffer
True actually, it matters even more for male respect. I have had tall dudes walk past me in public and extend their backs (just so they feel superior) and it's always the ugly ones that do it too (I never see a good looking one do this).
Did you know that if you are gl. Some of men will not respect you because your are too intimidating to them? They will make you feel shit all the time.
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Reactions: greycel, risque_dew and autistic_tendencies
Prove me wrong
Have u been in the OG forums? That shit was more toxic and cancer than .org

Any nigga under 6”0 would get bullied for “being a manlet”

Non-mentally ill women doesn’t care if ur at least 1-2 inches taller than her
  • Ugh..
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Reactions: borntosuffer and autistic_tendencies
Have u been in the OG forums? That shit was more toxic and cancer than .org

Any nigga under 6”0 would get bullied for “being a manlet”

Non-mentally ill women doesn’t care if ur at least 1-2 inches taller than her
Prove me wrong
You are indeed correct.
In the past short men were brutally killed by larger men and were immediately removed from the gene pool.
And tall men do still have this tendency towards small men.
  • +1
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Reactions: autistic_tendencies and greycel
How is 5’9 fine? The average zoomer is 6’3 you can’t be a head shorter than average and be fine 🤣🤣🤣 unless you’re in Curryland (India, Pakistan, and Canada)
The average height among sexually active men in certain parts of the US and Europe is 6 feet
The bare minimum to avoid humiliation is indeed 6'3.

Women dont give a shit as long as you're taller than her. Most of my gfs have been barely shorter than me at 5'10, them being 5'8ish
  • Ugh..
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Reactions: greycel and borntosuffer
Women dont give a shit as long as you're taller than her. Most of my gfs have been barely shorter than me at 5'10, them being 5'8ish
Holy cope. 99% of women want a guy significantly taller than them and its proven by studies.
  • Ugh..
Reactions: AhappyPill4u and Autismcel
You are indeed correct.
In the past short men were brutally killed by larger men and were immediately removed from the gene pool.
And tall men do still have this tendency towards small men.
The greatest genetic advantage isn't even height.. it's limb length
We humans used spears for fighting. With spears we could kill massive animals

And all it takes for using a speak is to impale one person before he impales you

And for that reason whoever had a longer limb length (excluding those who shot their spear), would be far victorious

Taller people do have taller wingspan, but objective wingspan is logically the most important physical trait for a man, evolutionarily
  • +1
Reactions: autistic_tendencies
Holy cope. 99% of women want a guy significantly taller than them and its proven by studies.
Nah the taller women have less of a height requirement
Imagine a 6 1 girl, she'd be fine with a 6 2

A 5 10 girl will be fine with 6ft

That's why tall couples are very similar in height

It's exceedingly rare to have a tall girl with a tall guy of comparative heights similar to that of an average girl and average guy
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Reactions: autistic_tendencies and borntosuffer
The greatest genetic advantage isn't even height. it's limb length
We humans used spears for fighting. With spears, we could kill massive animals

And all it takes to use a speak is to impale one person before he impales you

And for that reason whoever had a longer limb length (excluding those who shot their spear), would be far victorious

Taller people do have taller wingspan, but objective wingspan is logically the most important physical trait for a man, evolutionarily
This is an interesting point of view.

I do feel that men who have longer arms look more intimidating compared to those who do not.
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Reactions: autistic_tendencies and greycel
This is an interesting point of view.

I do feel that men who have long arms do look more intimidating compared to those who have not.
I feel like that's how we defeated the distinct species that lived with humans.

Whilst neanderthals might have been physically much stronger than we were, our reach helped us kill a large number of them using these tools
They had broader shoulders, thicker bones but much shorter limbs
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I wouldn't think in a physical confrontation that our brains would lead to any significant advantage, at that time.. and it was also said that Neanderthals were as smart as the humans they co-existed with
The greatest genetic advantage isn't even height.. it's limb length
We humans used spears for fighting. With spears we could kill massive animals

And all it takes for using a speak is to impale one person before he impales you

And for that reason whoever had a longer limb length (excluding those who shot their spear), would be far victorious

Taller people do have taller wingspan, but objective wingspan is logically the most important physical trait for a man, evolutionarily
Some short guys have very long limbs which make them look taller and more proportionate
I think even body proportions is just as important
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Reactions: greycel
That's cope. I don't see shitting on short guys between male groups. We used to call people ugly or fat but surprisingly height wasn't a big thing. Nobody really thought about it that much. Women care a lot more because it's so big for attraction. Nothing more to elab because you had no points.
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Some short guys have very long limbs which make them look taller and more proportionate
I think even body proportions is just as important
From an aesthetic point of view yeah
But back in the day, the strongest fighter who survived got to procreate

Not the most attractive one. That's based on societal preferences nowadays, as we aren't bound by nature, to that extent

And likely the "most attractive one" would've been the one who won the most fights.

This reasoning is why women have a different criteria for fighters. If a girl knows you are a fighter, it plays with her biological side
  • +1
Reactions: autistic_tendencies
That's cope. I don't see shitting on short guys between male groups. We used to call people ugly or fat but surprisingly height wasn't a big thing. Nobody really thought about it that much. Women care a lot more because it's so big for attraction. Nothing more to elab because you had no points.
Same with me

But recent trends in social media has led a lot of ppl to be insecure and clutch at any straws they can

A dude ik died in a game and we were jokingly making fun of him. He then started bragging about his height, seriously, and saying he is more genetically superior
Guy is LTN btw, we were caging at this guy

0 matches on dating apps
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Same with me

But recent trends in social media has led a lot of ppl to be insecure and clutch at any straws they can

A dude ik was died in a game and we were jokingly making fun of him. He then started bragging about his height, seriously, and saying he is more genetically superior
Guy is LTN btw, we were caging at this guy
Wait don't get me wrong. Height is HUGE in online settings (between males too) because it's a dry stat you can brag on. I'm talking IRL. IRL manlets didn't get much shit about their height. It's almost like nobody cared or noticed. People used to make fun of people faces and bodies like how fat or skinny they are. Ofc that happened but I believe I can count it on one hand.
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Wait don't get me wrong. Height is HUGE in online settings (between males too) because it's a dry stat you can brag on. I'm talking IRL. IRL manlets didn't get much shit about their height. It's almost like nobody cared or noticed. People used to make fun of people faces and bodies like how fat or skinny they are. Ofc that happened but I believe I can count it on one hand.
It's really stupid to brag for something you didn't even work for

If I was tall I still wouldn't. I'm taller than average (6ft) but never brag about it, or look down on friends shorter

Even if I was Chad I would never make fun of ppl uglier. I would just destroy the promiscuous women's egos.. only the promiscuous ones though
t's really stupid to brag for something you didn't even work for
Cope. That's nature. People do it with faces all the time. Even your body is genetic for the most part and your mental strength to change it is genetic too. Nothing wrong with bragging about your genetics because everything is determined anyway. At least that's my view. You don't work for shit it's all your genetics and enviroment.
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Cope. That's nature. People do it with faces all the time. Even your body is genetic for the most part and your mental strength to change it is genetic too. Nothing wrong with bragging about your genetics because everything is determined anyway. At least that's my view. You don't work for shit it's all your genetics and enviroment.
Nah I'm not saying you shouldn't be able to benefit from it.
There's competition that exists ofc.
And the competition leads to change what we know as evolution..

That being said, you shouldn't brag about it
Nah I'm not saying you shouldn't be able to benefit from it.
There's competition that exists ofc.
And the competition leads to change what we know as evolution..

That being said, you shouldn't brag about it
I don't see a solid reason of why you shouldn't that just a convenient rule you made up. Everything is determined. Your work ethic too. Your success in ANY field. You don't truly work for anything 'by yourself' it's a combination of things outside of your control. Also, the drive to brag is also determined. Is what it is.
Ofc we are. intrinsically every man as soon as he meets another, even without reasoning and only for a tenth second, in my opinion, thinks "could this guy break my ass?"
From an aesthetic point of view yeah
But back in the day, the strongest fighter who survived got to procreate

Not the most attractive one. That's based on societal preferences nowadays, as we aren't bound by nature, to that extent

And likely the "most attractive one" would've been the one who won the most fights.

This reasoning is why women have a different criteria for fighters. If a girl knows you are a fighter, it plays with her biological side
Yeah fighters are slayers
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