need serious advice about girls

She's a hoe, just try to stay friendly with her after that
why does this shit always have to feel like a game 🤦‍♂️
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Also let me say this rq to put smth in perspective (i’m also positive she’s eventually gonna cheat on me even tho we’rw not officially together)

This girl posts semi revealing pics (pics that tightly show her body) , follows boys that she KNOWS want to/wanted to fuck her,

she reposted a couple videos on how “when u finally found the person that turns ur head and ur still so deeply in love with your ex to the point where u cant imagine it not being them”
shes also still on friend terms with her ex even tho he cheated on her 3 times

she goes out ALL the time with her guy friends (she has a lot which majority are gay/bi), she wants to go to a party college,

she literally calls other men attractive to my face (including guys we know irl), she follows a ton of boys, and to top it all off she has mood swings where she just fucking hates me some times.

This is so exhausting and i genuinely like this girl man its so fucking annoying its hurtful dude idk what to do

Thing is even if i break things off i WORK with this girl

sometimes when i tell her goodnight when shes been nice to my for days she just turns on read receipts and reads my gn message JUST to rub it in my face
I know exactly who to call for this

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I know exactly who to call for this

@greycel man i love you have i ever told you ik we dont interact a lot but ur one of my fav users
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  • JFL
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i hate woman man i hate being incel i hate nt i hate being subhuman
:feelswah: nigga you have women approaching you, I can count on 1 hand the number of time it happened to me, like I actually have to work on my personality to pull and even then I barely do, if I ever ascend I promise to mentally torture these hoes
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:feelswah: nigga you have women approaching you, I can count on 1 hand the number of time it happened to me,
me to, i got approached twice lol, i’m still incel scum dirtbag piece of subhuman garbage
like I actually have to work on my personality to pull and even then I barely do, if I ever ascend I promise to mentally torture these hoes
same boat here man, u have good advice but i guess we’re really both here for a reason at the end of the day
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That's asking the right question
Would u wait for a virgin non hoe or just fuck it and pump and dump this one?
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me to, i got approached twice lol, i’m still incel scum dirtbag piece of subhuman garbage

same boat here man, u have good advice but i guess we’re really both here for a reason at the end of the day
@KT-34 fucking hate being incel

If i wasbt subhuman garbage i wouldnt have to deal with this bs

Jfl i’m on an obscure indian incel forum asking for advice on girls how fucked can i possibly get
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Bro she approached me at my job man

I was always high inhib but after i got a job i’m a lot more outgoing like i can make friends at my jobs easily i even made 2 today when i came back i can easily talk to people now (this is within like 3-4 months)

Inhibited as in shy?
Inhibited as in having some sort of social drug in me. Alcohol has helped me meet + talk to so many foids in college even when not at parties or other normal social settings.
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@KT-34 fucking hate being incel

If i wasbt subhuman garbage i wouldnt have to deal with this bs

Jfl i’m on an obscure indian incel forum asking for advice on girls how fucked can i possibly get
Not too many options, just gotta accept it and rant about it on incel forums
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talk about the Blackpill
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Would u wait for a virgin non hoe or just fuck it and pump and dump this one?
I'd say fuck it, life is too short to wait for the perfect opportunity, plus way better, smarter, richer men than me are after a hot virgin,leaving us with trash, and I don't want to deflower a fucking whale
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I'd say fuck it, life is too short to wait for the perfect opportunity, plus way better, smarter, richer men than me are after a hot virgin,leaving us with trash, and I don't want to deflower a fucking whale
Did i mention this girl is fat?
  • JFL
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THAT fat or just chubby?

This but like 35-40% less stomach and bigger tits

Her legs are pretty much the dame as in the photo
  • JFL
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why are you entertaining that nigga :lul::lul::lul:
Its my only option

Jfl if u think i’m cucked enough to alproach a girl

She approached me first so less work for me fighting to get her interested
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Its my only option

Jfl if u think i’m cucked enough to alproach a girl

She approached me first so less work for me fighting to get her interested
option to what? whats your end goal or objective with this girl
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View attachment 3162449

This but like 35-40% less stomach and bigger tits

Her legs are pretty much the dame as in the photo
Honestly I'd tell you to run as far away from that thing as you possibly can, and even further

But beggars can't be choosers man, it's tough out there
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I just slap mine and give them a good reset
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option to what? whats your end goal or objective with this girl
I Honestly dont know lol, yeah i want to fuck but its not the only thing i want, i’m not that turned off by an ltr with this girl
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  • JFL
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  • JFL
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man i wouldnt even show this girl to my fam cuz id get clowned on by my brothers
Bro she probably doesn't even want to fuck you just using U for attention don't give it to her
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Fat women aren't human not joking
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  • JFL
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  • JFL
  • Hmm...
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what do you do when you run out of stuff to talk about?

Like to the point where its hard to keep a convo going cause its always

“how was ur day”


“What did u do”


“Did u have fhn”


Like running out if topics to talk about
if you cant keep a conversation the girl you guys just dont click and it wont work out
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What did she say when she approached
she sneaked it in with “can i get ur number i have a song to send u”

Then she started texting me about my type and what tpe of girls i like and within 2 hrs she starts talking about how bad she wants me and how much she wants an ltr with me
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  • JFL
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if you cant keep a conversation the girl you guys just dont click and it wont work out
this happened with BOTH girls i talked to, ir just gets to that point

Irl its a bit better tho
  • JFL
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this happened with BOTH girls i talked to, ir just gets to that point

Irl its a bit better tho
just gotta find a girl you can talk endless hours to without getting bored but trust me youll know when you find her right away
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she sneaked it in with “can i get ur number i have a song to send u”

Then she started texting me about my type and what tpe of girls i like and within 2 hrs she starts talking about how bad she wants me and how much she wants an ltr with me
Then just.fuxk her bro idk what to say don't date her she will use you and cheat just pump Nd dump
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  • JFL
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just gotta find a girl you can talk endless hours to without getting bored but trust me youll know when you find her right away
it was like that the first 2-4 days but then i just learned too much abt her lol

we just ran out of shit to talk about
Then just.fuxk her bro idk what to say don't date her she will use you and cheat just pump Nd dump
i mean any advice for the original post?
  • JFL
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@greycel man i love you have i ever told you ik we dont interact a lot but ur one of my fav users
I'll help you bro you don't have to say this.

Firstly, when talking with women you gotta prioritise not what you say, but how you say.
Do you see where I'm going with this?
It doesn't matter what you talk about, but how you convey your message.. because you should prioritise getting the girl to feel something
Prioritise making her feel emotions.

I hardly even talk IRL, with my guy friends or girls I want to see if I can pull.
I make sure whenever I talk, it has meaning. So it gives me respect from both men and women.. but with a girl, if I want to see if I can get her to like me, I'd make it implicitly known to her that I'm "opening up" to her.. revealing a bit more of what I believe, who I am... so she can see the contrast from how I am with my friends/ public setting.
It leaves a lasting impression. The idea of contrast.. and the idea of I'm doing it specifically for her. "Our little secret"
So contrast is good if you can create it, and the girl is present with you in other environments, so she's able to tell you are deeper than what you act.

I also make sure that how I say something isn't bland, but more emotion-fueled, so it can actually penetrate into her brain.
You see what I did there?
I used the word "penetrate". Ofc I won't use that with a foid but I used it in THIS context, because I am talking to you.
It made you feel more than me simply saying "..emotion-fueled, so she can understand"

It's more emotive.
You can create this if you improve your English, and learn how to paint a picture with your words.
Reading poetry might unironically help, you can drop emotive stuff (not in a cringe forceful way), but whilst joking around with her to feel something.

Also, I'll go back to contrast. Normally with my friends I'm straight faced. But when I'm going to talk to her, I'd always be lightly smiling. Not enough to stretch lips, but just enough to make them slightly upturned. Humans can notice even the smallest microexpressions on the face. It's worth practicing this in the mirror.
It's also worth noting that, I mostly smile through my eyes. Which brings me to the last point (I can keep on giving tips, but this is more than enough):

Eye Contact

Very self explanatory, but in the moment you'll be too weak to give her it. When she is talking, to show her I'm listening I wouldn't talk, and would look into her eyes while very slightly nodding my head every 5-10 seconds
This is the most important. You want to make a girl "feel", to associate how she's feeling in that moment with you.. you must give her eye contact.
Only look at her eyes, and when you have to break it, tilt your head slowly to the right and look off far into the distance to the right of her body
Then go back to looking into her eyes.
Practice these mannerisms in the mirror if you need to.

This is all beginner tips and tricks. Mastering these social cues/ etiquette will go way further than you think

As for the second part. Don't even bother entertaining such a girl. I think I told you multiple times to not go for a girl before first year University.. or if you do go then make sure 100% this will be the type of girl you marry.
You didn't listen to me, and now you're suffering from the consequences.
It's fine, there's nothing you can do about it now.
Other than prevent yourself from wasting more of your energy, more of your finite time for such a low class girl.
It's not your fault she's like this. This is her character
I suggest you end things with her and heed my advice.
This is what I want you to do. Don't get with a girl even as a gf for 1-2 years. In first year Uni, go around and find a girl that you really like and get to know her.

I want you to find a girl early University, preferably in the First Week(s).
Get to know the women there and how they are first.
Don't be friends but be a guy who hangs out with the types of people you value. You'll likely find the right girl in these social groups.
When you have identified this girl, I want you to do what I told you.
Don't put this woman on a pedestal. Just follow the advice I gave, especially the eye contact.
This will hopefully be your gf, your wife, the love of your life.
Alright 👍
Last edited:
  • JFL
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Dont mention :blackpill: or .org, found out the hard way.
  • JFL
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I'll help you bro you don't have to say this.
nah bro i appreciate you a ton one of the most helpful and knowledgeable users
Firstly, when talking with women you gotta prioritise not what you say, but how you say.
Do you see where I'm going with this?
It doesn't matter what you talk about, but how you convey your message.. because you should prioritise getting the girl to feel something
Prioritise making her feel emotions.

I hardly even talk IRL, with my guy friends or girls I want to see if I can pull.
I make sure whenever I talk, it has meaning. So it gives me respect from both men and women.. but with a girl, if I want to see if I can get her to like me, I'd make it implicitly known to her that I'm "opening up" to her.. revealing a bit more of what I believe, who I am... so she can see the contrast from how I am with my friends/ public setting.
It leaves a lasting impression. The idea of contrast.. and the idea of I'm doing it specifically for her. "Our little secret"
So contrast is good if you can create it, and the girl is present with you in other environments, so she's able to tell you are deeper than what you act.

I also make sure that how I say something isn't bland, but more emotion-fueled, so it can actually penetrate into her brain.
You see what I did there?
I used the word "penetrate". Ofc I won't use that with a foid but I used it in THIS context, because I am talking to you.
It made you feel more than me simply saying "..emotion-fueled, so she can understand"

It's more emotive.
You can create this if you improve your English, and learn how to paint a picture with your words.
Reading poetry might unironically help, you can drop emotive stuff (not in a cringe forceful way), but whilst joking around with her to feel something.
Well give me an example for example right now she didnt reply for a while and left me on read for like 1 hr and then said “goodnight”

If i wanted her to add more T’s what would be a colorful way to say it

Also could you recommend me any poetry books?
Also, I'll go back to contrast. Normally with my friends I'm straight faced. But when I'm going to talk to her, I'd always be lightly smiling. Not enough to stretch lips, but just enough to make them slightly upturned. Humans can notice even the smallest microexpressions on the face. It's worth practicing this in the mirror.
It's also worth noting that, I mostly smile through my eyes. Which brings me to the last point (I can keep on giving tips, but this is more than enough):

Eye Contact

Very self explanatory, but in the moment you'll be too weak to give her it. When she is talking to show her I'm listening, I wouldn't talk and would look into her eyes while very slightly nodding my head every 5-10 seconds
This is the most important. You want to make a girl "feel", to associate how she's feeling in that moment with you.. you must give her eye contact.
Only look at her eyes, and when you have to break it, tilt your head slowly to the right and look off far into the distance to the right of her body
Then go back to looking into her eyes.
Practice these mannerisms in the mirror if you need to.

This is all beginner tips and tricks. Mastering these social cues/ etiquette will go way further than you think
very helpful part especially the bolded part

As for the second part. Don't even bother entertaining such a girl. I think I told you multiple times to not go for a girl before first year University.. or if you do go then make sure 100% this will be the type of girl you marry.
You didn't listen to me, and now you're suffering from the consequences.
It's fine, there's nothing you can do about it now.
Other than prevent yourself from wasting more of your energy, more of your finite time for such a low class girl.
It's not your fault she's like this. This is her character
I suggest you end things with her and heed my advice.
This is what I want you to do. Don't get with a girl even as a gf for 1-2 years. In first year Uni, go around and find a girl that you really like and get to know her.

I want you to find a girl early University, preferably in the First Week(s).
Get to know the women there and how they are first.
Don't be friends but be a guy who hangs out with the types of people you value. You'll likely find the right girl in these social groups.
When you have identified this girl, I want you to do what I told you.
Don't put this woman on a pedestal. Just follow the advice I gave, especially the eye contact.
This will hopefully be your gf, your wife, the love of your life.
Alright 👍
I’ll try man, i really like this girl and i know shes not good for me

also arent most of the girls ran through in university? and the first weeks is kinda hard dude idk of my looks level can make it happen. University is the most whoreish time for woman and i really want a virgin tbh even tho this fat girl isnt one

Another thing is if i break things off i literally work with her so its gonna be so awkward

Also bro i’m curious how are you so knowledgeable about this social stuff? Where did you learn all of this and how did you learn how to paint your words the way you do in real time irl?

How could turbo nt greycel end up on blackpill, and on top of that its pretty obvious you value personality
Just tell her you want to fcum women are incredibly simple no value in talking to them
Lol yeah and get called a weirdo by all my coworkers
  • JFL
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