Porn as a catalyst for rage filled incel (this woman gets it)

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I don't care that this thread is old, this is bullshit.

"believes he has a natural “right” to a gorgeous woman. Not a fat woman. Not an ugly one, mind you. "

why the fuck would someone who takes care of themselves have to date a undisciplined swine with rotting teeth? Why is it even a question? Why are reporters so hellbent on twisting words at the expense of actual people?

"The list of ugly-but-funny-rich-successful men is literally endless."

LITERALLY ENDLESSSSSSSSSS :lul::feelskek::lul::feelskek::lul::feelskek::lul::feelskek::lul::feelskek:

"Good point, I was going to address women/girls but I decided to save it for another article…a lot to :feelskek:unpack:feelskek: there too!"

I read three other articles by her. She mentions porn in everyone (Even though the subject was something else) as a way to shame men for causing failed relationships. Of course porn is bad for the mind but she uses it as a crutch for the destruction of happy male/female relationships. Like the ones I see in movies all the time, teehee.
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Women are full of shit. Just lol at believing anything they say. They simply can't understand the plight of man because they are so far removed from the problems that we average men are faced with that they simply cannot fathom that it's impossible for some men to make it, and that porn is all they have. Yes the blackpill is retarded, but some people are indeed genetic shit and will never get laid.

Fuck that whore
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Don't be useful idiot OP. Incels are used as a prop by both political left and right to push their agendas.
That foid's argument is :feelsuhh: tier, on par with "video games cause violence", but il get in to that later.

But seriously don't fall for media's bs narratives, they will just say shit like insert thing we don't like is culprit/caused incel phenomenon, just take a moment to think critically and you will notice it next time you read a news article or watch political youtube video.

As for porn causing inceldom... No.
It's not harmless ether and there are some negative consequences which i will get in to, but it is not what makes guys incel.
Again, just like with the argument about video games causing violence, PEOPLE ARE SMARTER THAN THAT EVEN KIDS YES.
Even at that age they can recognize what is real and what is not (shocking, isn't it?), everyone in their right mind knows that those are payed hookers on screen and concept that getting sex from a hooker and finding a gf are different fucking things is not hard to grasp, even for 11 yo.

As for consequences of porn, it's mostly about masturbation, basically because u would be so used to it you would have hard time cumming or in some cases maintaining the erection during real sex because it's different from masturbation. Doesn't really affect the partner finding part.
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She finds two weakly coinciding elements and calls it direct causation, omitting to consider 1'000'000 other variables. JFL if you find any validity in her foids confirmation bias argument. Let's not even mention a word like Tinder in the article, just porn 27 times.
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I don't care that this thread is old, this is bullshit.

"believes he has a natural “right” to a gorgeous woman. Not a fat woman. Not an ugly one, mind you. "

why the fuck would someone who takes care of themselves have to date a undisciplined swine with rotting teeth? Why is it even a question? Why are reporters so hellbent on twisting words at the expense of actual people?

"The list of ugly-but-funny-rich-successful men is literally endless."

LITERALLY ENDLESSSSSSSSSS :lul::feelskek::lul::feelskek::lul::feelskek::lul::feelskek::lul::feelskek:

"Good point, I was going to address women/girls but I decided to save it for another article…a lot to :feelskek:unpack:feelskek: there too!"

I read three other articles by her. She mentions porn in everyone (Even though the subject was something else) as a way to shame men for causing failed relationships. Of course porn is bad for the mind but she uses it as a crutch for the destruction of happy male/female relationships. Like the ones I see in movies all the time, teehee.
Reported for bumping old thread
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Reactions: The Dude Abides
Just lol at reading articles from feminists. Look I found another one criticizing looksmaxing. That article gave me severe aids:lul::lul::lul:

Inside Incels’ Looksmaxing Obsession: Penis Stretching, Skull Implants And Rage

"Lookism, or discrimination based on appearance, is real. Research shows that people who are considered unattractive get paid less and have fewer job opportunities. One study found that juries are less likely to convict someone they consider good-looking.
But men and women respond very differently when discriminated against in a romantic or sexual context, experts say. While women often internalize or blame themselves when faced with rejection, men tend to lash out.
“Males tend to take rejection as a challenge to their masculinity or an insult to their perceived place in the social hierarchy. Women are likely to feel emotionally hurt by the rejection and to assume that there is something lacking in them that warranted the rejection,” according to Suzanne Degges-White, the chair of Northern Illinois University’s department of counseling. “Women are encouraged to ‘get over it,’ but men often feel the need to ‘get even.’"
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“Women are encouraged to ‘get over it,’ but men often feel the need to ‘get even.’"
Thats reversed. I was gonna critic more of what she said but the way she writes, every noun and adjective is used like a weapon of deceit to frame the conversion her way while also virtue signaling, it'd take too long to decipher.
There's a lot to unpack here
  • +1
Reactions: ChoSeungHui and Zeta ascended
Honestly these republican christian housewives that blame porn for everything bad are just as bad as SJW feminists, if there's one thing MGTOW is right about it's AWALT.
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Oh no don't tell me porn loving fap heads have come here... This is bad

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