Prettyboys are the result of giving women rights. No longer a need for masc ogres.



Jul 5, 2023
Both males and females seek something from their partners, be it resources, protection, safety, status, genetics, health, etc. As societies began to develop and everything became more organized, females sought after the strongest, amog, and most resourceful males, and this trend has ever continued since. However, as the women's rights movement progressed since the 1900s, women started to feel safer, more entitled, and they don't depend on men anymore. Nowadays, women can get a job, attention from other males, feel safe and be resourceful. So what the males had that women didn’t, is gone. As women now can get a job, feel safe, chose their partners, and they don't depend on men anymore. They don’t need to search for this stereotype of a big, high test, ogre mode, gymcel alpha male. Now women are the ones who chose their partners, as opposed to how things work in the past. So now the only thing that women seek in a mate is good indicators of health, genetics, status, and maybe some high test traits (but not as much as before). Evidence for this is that women from third-world shitholes prefer more masculine high test males, capable of providing, and protecting them from other aggressive males. Meanwhile, in higher societies, women search for less brutish men, often leaning for prettier-looking men, rather than ogre-maxxed males. The ideal man for women in wealthy good countries is vastly different from the ideal man for women that live in south America or Africa (aka shitholes). Now why is this a problem? As society continues to move forward, females will become more and more like men; as these shitholes progress, their women will start to prefer prettyboys more and more. The only way for masc orgrish brutish men to become the norm again will be for society to collapse.
TLDR: Women have no longer the necessity to seek strong men who can provide, protect, and make them feel safe. Ogremaxxing is preferred in shitholes.

Inb4: stfu greycel
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Good day to be chico
Too much text
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There aren't any viral "prettyboys" who don't have very masculine jawlines and cheekbones to go with their soft, kind facial features.

They are also often tall as hell. They have no facial recession at all (optimal maxillary development, bite and tongue posture)

All of which are high testosterone and good prenatal development indicators.

There is no reason why prime women wouldn't be giving those guys millions of likes. They are genetically optimal.

Men so often look through the male gaze lense and think an ogre like Brock Lesnar has any female appeal just because he has a big upper body, despite his face being appealing to exactly 0 young girls or women.

That's the biggest bluepill thinking flaw, imo. Not understanding how massively valuable facial attractiveness is.
  • Ugh..
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There aren't any viral "prettyboys" who don't have very masculine jawlines and cheekbones to go with their soft, kind facial features.

They are also often tall as hell. They have no facial recession at all (optimal maxillary development, bite and tongue posture)

All of which are high testosterone and good prenatal development indicators.

There is no reason why prime women wouldn't be giving those guys millions of likes. They are genetically optimal.

Men so often look through the male gaze lense and think an ogre like Brock Lesnar has any female appeal just because he has a big upper body, despite his face being appealing to exactly 0 young girls or women.

That's the biggest bluepill thinking flaw, imo. Not understanding how massively valuable facial attractiveness is.
This. Ogremaxxed men only appear to 25+ year old roasties.
Prettyboys from the dawn of time were attractive, all of this is cope

All the men simped upon back in the 1920s till 1990s were literally prettyboys with different haircuts and sometimes facial hair

There's a difference between a cutecel and prettyboy brother
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Both males and females seek something from their partners, be it resources, protection, safety, status, genetics, health, etc. As societies began to develop and everything became more organized, females sought after the strongest, amog, and most resourceful males, and this trend has ever continued since. However, as the women's rights movement progressed since the 1900s, women started to feel safer, more entitled, and they don't depend on men anymore. Nowadays, women can get a job, attention from other males, feel safe and be resourceful. So what the males had that women didn’t, is gone. As women now can get a job, feel safe, chose their partners, and they don't depend on men anymore. They don’t need to search for this stereotype of a big, high test, ogre mode, gymcel alpha male. Now women are the ones who chose their partners, as opposed to how things work in the past. So now the only thing that women seek in a mate is good indicators of health, genetics, status, and maybe some high test traits (but not as much as before). Evidence for this is that women from third-world shitholes prefer more masculine high test males, capable of providing, and protecting them from other aggressive males. Meanwhile, in higher societies, women search for less brutish men, often leaning for prettier-looking men, rather than ogre-maxxed males. The ideal man for women in wealthy good countries is vastly different from the ideal man for women that live in south America or Africa (aka shitholes). Now why is this a problem? As society continues to move forward, females will become more and more like men; as these shitholes progress, their women will start to prefer prettyboys more and more. The only way for masc orgrish brutish men to become the norm again will be for society to collapse.
TLDR: Women have no longer the necessity to seek strong men who can provide, protect, and make them feel safe. Ogremaxxing is preferred in shitholes.

Inb4: stfu greycel
A pretty boy = younger or more effeminate good looking man. Take an Asian male wit fem traits who is ugly recessed weird eyes and he is fucked. Masc can work on some ugly people but pretty boys would be fucked
Both males and females seek something from their partners, be it resources, protection, safety, status, genetics, health, etc. As societies began to develop and everything became more organized, females sought after the strongest, amog, and most resourceful males, and this trend has ever continued since. However, as the women's rights movement progressed since the 1900s, women started to feel safer, more entitled, and they don't depend on men anymore. Nowadays, women can get a job, attention from other males, feel safe and be resourceful. So what the males had that women didn’t, is gone. As women now can get a job, feel safe, chose their partners, and they don't depend on men anymore. They don’t need to search for this stereotype of a big, high test, ogre mode, gymcel alpha male. Now women are the ones who chose their partners, as opposed to how things work in the past. So now the only thing that women seek in a mate is good indicators of health, genetics, status, and maybe some high test traits (but not as much as before). Evidence for this is that women from third-world shitholes prefer more masculine high test males, capable of providing, and protecting them from other aggressive males. Meanwhile, in higher societies, women search for less brutish men, often leaning for prettier-looking men, rather than ogre-maxxed males. The ideal man for women in wealthy good countries is vastly different from the ideal man for women that live in south America or Africa (aka shitholes). Now why is this a problem? As society continues to move forward, females will become more and more like men; as these shitholes progress, their women will start to prefer prettyboys more and more. The only way for masc orgrish brutish men to become the norm again will be for society to collapse.
TLDR: Women have no longer the necessity to seek strong men who can provide, protect, and make them feel safe. Ogremaxxing is preferred in shitholes.

Inb4: stfu greycel
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Stfu greycel

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