
Deleted member 1464

Deleted member 1464

Apr 14, 2019

Been taking very nice poo poos after eating these
Fructose is toxic.
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  • JFL
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Reactions: BigBoy and CupOfCoffee
OP is a woman.

Ban OP.
  • WTF
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JFL at the fruit is bad meme. Its ok to eat a few fruits a day....
Fruits good for you and your blood justvlol at copers
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Reactions: BigBoy, CupOfCoffee and Deleted member 1464
Cry more for my 5 seconds long shits
Says fucking thousands of years of humans eating
Our natural diet is a carnivorous one.

We only consumed fruits in their appropriate seasons, like berries etc...
Fruits good for you and your blood justvlol at copers
No proof it's good, all you do is say words and expect your posts to have meaning.
Fruits have no nutritional value and the fructose content is damaging.
Our natural diet is a carnivorous one.

We only consumed fruits in their appropriate seasons, like berries etc...

Man in his natural state is like a boa-constrictor.

Eat a deer, shit it 6 mo later

Our natural diet is a carnivorous one.

We only consumed fruits in their appropriate seasons, like berries etc...
We only consumed meat in their appropriate seasons/regions, like deer, fish etc...
We only consumed meat in their appropriate seasons/regions, like deer, fish etc...
You find animals every season, insects as well.
I believe either or is good, as long as u are healthy, what you are eating is irrelevant. Clearly there are healthy vegans and healthy people who only eat meat.
Our natural diet is a carnivorous one.

We only consumed fruits in their appropriate seasons, like berries etc...

No proof it's good, all you do is say words and expect your posts to have meaning.
Fruits have no nutritional value and the fructose content is damaging.
It improves blood flow and circulation and has important benefits with vitamins for skin and anti inflammatory benefits
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Which vegans are healthy?
I only know of one long term one.
Okinawa pretty much eat a full vegan diet for hundreds of years
Also, Vitamin C is found in the liver, you don't need to consume fruits to get it.
Because rocking up to work with a fucking liver instead of an orange is legit....
Okinawa pretty much eat a full vegan diet for hundreds of years
That's bullshit.
They switched to a highly plant-based diet due to the war, there was famine/starvation and the livestock was killed. Thus they had to switch to a slave diet.
Their diet before was very high in animal products especially fish and pork.
  • Woah
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Which vegans are healthy?
I only know of one long term one.

What's the mechanism behind this?

Benefits? Which?

Also, Vitamin C is found in the liver, you don't need to consume fruits to get it.
The negatives of eating fruits vastly outweigh the "positives" of eating fruit.
Blood flow circulates threw your body and affects everything organs, skin, muscles, penis etc. and the anti inflammatory and anti oxidants benefits are extremely beneficially for overall health and mental health. It will reduce chance of diseases and depression.

Lastly it alkanizes your blood. The western diet is extremely acidic causing inflammation throughout the body affecting everything. It even accelerates baldness, Dementia, muscle break down and higher risk of diabetes and depression. And way more I can’t think of right now
Blood should be alkanzed not acidic

Oh it also improves collagen production
Again, keep crying for my 5 second long shit. Couldn't care less about vegan/meat diets tbh.
  • +1
Reactions: CupOfCoffee, BigBoy and Deleted member 2581
the anti inflammatory and anti oxidants benefits are extremely beneficially for overall health and mental health.
It isn't anti-inflammatory, the fructose in fruits is actually pro-inflammatory.

Furthermore, you can obtain anti-oxidants from animal products as well. Such as vitamin E and C which can be found in things such as liver different kinds of fish.
It will reduce chance of diseases and depression.
Depression and "diseases", what kinds of diseases exactly? And how would it reduce the chance of depression, by what mechanism?
Lastly it alkanizes your blood.
Jfl, you cannot alkalize your blood.
Our stomach acid needs to have a Ph of 2-4 so it can properly digest the food we consume. It's a myth.
The western diet is extremely acidic causing inflammation throughout the body affecting everything.
This is true, I never recommended the Western diet (which is highly plant-based btw)
I recommend the carnivore diet.
It even accelerates baldness, Dementia, muscle break down and higher risk of diabetes and depression.
Oh it also improves collagen production
No Lmao, fructose ages you. Look at those raw vegans who eat mostly fruit, old and wrinkly, no life in them.
  • Woah
Reactions: Deleted member 1464
Tell me how to take quality shits on meat diet and im sold
So prunes are legit for constipation? Maybe I'll give them a try.
  • +1
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It isn't anti-inflammatory, the fructose in fruits is actually pro-inflammatory.

Furthermore, you can obtain anti-oxidants from animal products as well. Such as vitamin E and C which can be found in things such as liver different kinds of fish.

Depression and "diseases", what kinds of diseases exactly? And how would it reduce the chance of depression, by what mechanism?

Jfl, you cannot alkalize your blood.
Our stomach acid needs to have a Ph of 2-4 so it can properly digest the food we consume. It's a myth.

This is true, I never recommended the Western diet (which is highly plant-based btw)
I recommend the carnivore diet.


No Lmao, fructose ages you. Look at those raw vegans who eat mostly fruit, old and wrinkly, no life in them.
Almost all diseases in the modern age can be linked to inflammation

like alot of inflammatory based diseases like crohns, arhritis, heart disease etc, depressed peoples brains have abnormally high levels of inflammatory markers, EPA/DHA are anti-inflammatory chemicals find in fish and have been studied, they reduce inflammation in the brain
cbf to google for resources
Almost all diseases in the modern age can be linked to inflammation

like alot of inflammatory based diseases like crohns, arhritis, heart disease etc, depressed peoples brains have abnormally high levels of inflammatory markers, EPA/DHA are anti-inflammatory chemicals find in fish and have been studied, they reduce inflammation in the brain
cbf to google for resources
Carnivore diet vastly reduces inflammation.
Carnivore diet vastly reduces inflammation.
Meat is good in ok amounts to much meat causes inflammation. There are numerous studies proving this
There are numerous studies proving this
Which ones?
Also, there need to be mechanisms involved, no association like most are set up to fool us into the plant-based slave diet.
Meat is good in ok amounts to much meat causes inflammation.
No, man. No studies showing causal link.
Which ones?
Also, there need to be mechanisms involved, no association like most are set up to fool us into the plant-based slave diet.

No, man. No studies showing causal link.
It clearly says red meat causes inflammation
Just look up on google meat and inflammation and so many studies show up
It clearly says red meat causes inflammation
Just look up on google meat and inflammation and so many studies show up
It just states things, doesn't link studies.

If you really want to know about why this is bullshit just watch Bart Kay on Youtube, he's excellent at debunking pro-plant-based studies.
It just states things, doesn't link studies.

If you really want to know about why this is bullshit just watch Bart Kay on Youtube, he's excellent at debunking pro-plant-based studies.
I already watch his videos and I don’t agree with everything he says.

Just look up the studies with a google search I’m not trying to debate about which fringe diet is the best.
Way too much info, man.
squatting on the toilet is legit for shitting tbh. don't buy a retarded squatty potty though, i just put my feet up on the seat
  • +1
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squatting on the toilet is legit for shitting tbh. don't buy a retarded squatty potty though, i just put my feet up on the seat
i usually just bend so my head touched my feet
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High iq shitters itt
  • Ugh..
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