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Cheers boyo

Why he’s literally been bullied by everyone. It’s almost like ppl insult you just because you’re ugly. It’s not OP fault that he looks like that, he’s well-kept (beside the haircut) and still made fun of
Suicide is the only way and my method is painless.
Hahahaha bro legit didn’t even read my surgery plan. Absolute moron telling people to kill themselves and making themselves go to hell immediately over a face, that they can fix, probably because they are richer than you. You’re so clueless and late. Seek help.
dude wtf is wrong with you
Dude is actually insane, typing paragraph long essays on why someone else, who he doesn’t even know, should kill themselves. Absolutely insane that people like this exist. Lmaoo
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Hahahaha bro legit didn’t even read my surgery plan
Dude u want to cut your face for 4 fucking consecutive years just to became normal. Geomaxxing or suicide are better alternatives, why do you want to suffer?
Dude u want to cut your face for 4 fucking consecutive years just to became normal. Geomaxxing or suicide are better alternatives, why do you want to suffer?
+ I believe in reincarnation
Dude u want to cut your face for 4 fucking consecutive years just to became normal. Geomaxxing or suicide are better alternatives, why do you want to suffer?
Schizo fuck. This site is for improvement not telling people to rope. Fucking bum ass mf
  • +1
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Dude is actually insane, typing paragraph long essays on why someone else, who he doesn’t even know, should kill themselves. Absolutely insane that people like this exist. Lmaoo
Do a lip lift + rhino + grow out sides of your hair and put a long hair system on your crown and do some touch ups with fillers in the zygo and jaw area and you’ll be fine. Don’t do stupid surgeries with 2 years of swelling etc.
Just do the basic, then reassess
  • +1
Reactions: trying_toascend
Dude u want to cut your face for 4 fucking consecutive years just to became normal. Geomaxxing or suicide are better alternatives, why do you want to suffer?
Lmaoooo - cutting yourself is getting Bimax with CCW + Modified Lefort 3, getting a lip lift, and getting a jaw wider for my upper and lower. You’re literally clueless. Also, im Egyptian, so yes, geo maxing is a possibility, considering I have money. Just please become more educated before considering commenting to tell someone to kill themselves. Your actually so clueless.
Do a lip lift + rhino + grow out sides of your hair and put a long hair system on your crown and do some touch ups with fillers in the zygo and jaw area and you’ll be fine. Don’t do stupid surgeries with 2 years of swelling etc.
Just do the basic, then reassess
No you moron. All of this is worthless with a long midface you moron. Fix the base first, this will make a MTN minimum bro. All of those surgeries will ascend me to high MTN - HTN. No need to rope bro. You don’t need to tell me what to do, I already know.
Lmaoooo - cutting yourself is getting Bimax with CCW + Modified Lefort 3, getting a lip lift, and getting a jaw wider for my upper and lower. You’re literally clueless. Also, im Egyptian, so yes, geo maxing is a possibility, considering I have money. Just please become more educated before considering commenting to tell someone to kill themselves. Your actually so clueless.
Nigger I offered you a different solution, you said that you hate your life etc., you’re treated like shit etc. This is a fucking solution I’m not a tik tok kid I know what I’m talking about
Actually so clueless. I feel bad for you bro.
Come back in 3 years crying about wasting your entire life when you could have just roped from the beginning
Nigger I offered you a different solution, you said that you hate your life etc., you’re treated like shit etc. This is a fucking solution I’m not a tik tok kid I know what I’m talking about
Your different solution doesn’t adress the main problem - long midface, narrow face. That’s what’s fucking me. The base bro. You literally told me to kill myself. Just shut your mouth man and seek help.
Come back in 3 years crying about wasting your entire life when you could have just roped from the beginning
Hahahahahhahah. Insane that people like you are real. You should go outside.
The base bro
Bro I’m deadass serious, there’s no base but I’d like you to prove me wrong so I’ll follow you, but probably I’ll rope in a few months
Bro I’m deadass serious, there’s no base but I’d like you to prove me wrong so I’ll follow you, but probably I’ll rope in a few months
Find God bro.
Bro I’m deadass serious, there’s no base but I’d like you to prove me wrong so I’ll follow you, but probably I’ll rope in a few months
God doesn’t exist bro, otherwise everyone would be equal
Nope. Not how God works man. He gives you cards, and asks you to do the best with what he has given you. That’s the purpose of life bro. Doesn’t matter if it sucks, trust in him and life will become better and you will get eternal life. But again, I’m not gonna shove this down your throat. It’s up to you.
God doesn’t exist bro, otherwise everyone would be equal
Nope. Not how God works man. He gives you cards, and asks you to do the best with what he has given you. That’s the purpose of life bro. Doesn’t matter if it sucks, trust in him and life will become better and you will get eternal life. But again, I’m not gonna shove this down your throat. It’s up to you.
Bro you’re too optimistic. Also, doesn’t help the fact that you joined literally last month. With time you’ll understand, peace ✌️
Bro you’re too optimistic. Also, doesn’t help the fact that you joined literally last month. With time you’ll understand, peace ✌️
Nope, I’m very realistic actually. Literally consulted with surgeons and they agree with what on saying on how to fix my downward growth. But that’s okay bro, I know you just want to see me fail anyway.
Bro you’re too optimistic. Also, doesn’t help the fact that you joined literally last month. With time you’ll understand, peace ✌️

Literally the contrary, I was just giving you a sense of reality
Did you study me like I have studied myself? Right exactly. I have literally spoken to surgeons within the past week who have given me advice on my surgery plan bro. Insane how you think it’s “over” when you are talking to someone who can afford all of this in the near future. Plus even if you can’t, imagine giving up? Isn’t that just insane? Like your just going quit because you don’t have a good spot. Literally crazy bro.
Try taking a better photo, perhaps one in the mirror from further away. Lens distortion can be diabolical and since you look like you have a longer midface already itll be even worse.
Try taking a better photo, perhaps one in the mirror from further away. Lens distortion can be diabolical and since you look like you have a longer midface already itll be even worse.
No worries man, already figured out what it is I need to do. I appreciate the input thi
Plus even if you can’t, imagine giving up? Isn’t that just insane? Like your just going quit because you don’t have a good spot. Literally crazy bro.
Na bro I believe in reincarnation and I’ve been suicidal for years and it’s actually very easy to quit and even peacefully. But hope you ascend
Na bro I believe in reincarnation and I’ve been suicidal for years and it’s actually very easy to quit and even peacefully. But hope you ascend
Preciate it man
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Reactions: its_over
As others have said, surgery is a good option. Once you get surgery, please update this thread, will be interesting to see results. Wishing you the best of luck.
I assume you have quite a lot of money ( all this surgeries and you live in a poor country) then you should just focus on money and business stuff, lol actually man money and status is the most important, looks are also but if you are broke your looks are worthless. Literally my sister is the living proof, she said for women the most important thing is a safety in terms of money and she is at least a stacylite. I tell you man really attractive women seek man with a lot of money
As others have said, surgery is a good option. Once you get surgery, please update this thread, will be interesting to see results. Wishing you the best of luck.
It’s just going to be a while man. I have to get 4 surgeries done, and I’m currently in school right now. I can most likely get a lip lift done in December with a closed rhinoplasty. But I won’t see any significant changes until I get done in 2027, once I begin treatment for MSE and MSDO to widen my maxilla and mandible. Then, it’ll still be another 2 years until I get modified Lefort 3 and Bimax CCW. So I probably won’t get this completely finished for another 5 or so years. But it worth it.
I assume you have quite a lot of money ( all this surgeries and you live in a poor country) then you should just focus on money and business stuff, lol actually man money and status is the most important, looks are also but if you are broke your looks are worthless. Literally my sister is the living proof, she said for women the most important thing is a safety in terms of money and she is at least a stacylite. I tell you man really attractive women seek man with a lot of money
It’s just going to be a while man. I have to get 4 surgeries done, and I’m currently in school right now. I can most likely get a lip lift done in December with a closed rhinoplasty. But I won’t see any significant changes until I get done in 2027, once I begin treatment for MSE and MSDO to widen my maxilla and mandible. Then, it’ll still be another 2 years until I get modified Lefort 3 and Bimax CCW. So I probably won’t get this completely finished for another 5 or so years. But it worth it.
I assume you have quite a lot of money ( all this surgeries and you live in a poor country) then you should just focus on money and business stuff, lol actually man money and status is the most important, looks are also but if you are broke your looks are worthless. Literally my sister is the living proof, she said for women the most important thing is a safety in terms of money and she is at least a stacylite. I tell you man really attractive women seek man with a lot of money
While what you say is true. No woman is going to genuinely love you without decent looks at the bare minimum. I need surgery. It’s as simple as that.
While what you say is true. No woman is going to genuinely love you without decent looks at the bare minimum. I need surgery. It’s as simple as that.
Okay bro I understand, btw are you an entrepreneur or stg?
While what you say is true. No woman is going to genuinely love you without decent looks at the bare minimum. I need surgery. It’s as simple as that.
Look at the positive side of things man, in 5 years time (which in the grand scheme of things is nothing), you’ll look better then 95% of men you see on the street. Just a waiting game man. In the meantime you can focus on “softmaxxing” with the gym, neck training, better hair, etc. That itself will ascend you will while you wait for surgeries in the meantime.

You’ll be fine man.
Look at the positive side of things man, in 5 years time (which in the grand scheme of things is nothing), you’ll look better then 95% of men you see on the street. Just a waiting game man. In the meantime you can focus on “softmaxxing” with the gym, neck training, better hair, etc. That itself will ascend you will while you wait for surgeries in the meantime.

You’ll be fine man.
Hopefully man. If everything goes will I should be High MTN - Low HTN, Assuming I address the following -

Lip Lift for thin upper lip, philtrum, and 1:1 proprtions
Rhinoplasty for straight nose
MSE and MSDO for narrow palate, more defined cheekbones, narrow jaw, and a bit of IPD gain
Modified Lefort 3 and Bimax CCW for downswung mandible and maxilla, long midface, scleral show, bad under eye support.

Then probably just get a hair transplant by that time as well.

Probably should be good, any other flaws you think?
Look at the positive side of things man, in 5 years time (which in the grand scheme of things is nothing), you’ll look better then 95% of men you see on the street. Just a waiting game man. In the meantime you can focus on “softmaxxing” with the gym, neck training, better hair, etc. That itself will ascend you will while you wait for surgeries in the meantime.

You’ll be fine man.
Yea, it really is nothing tbh. Just a waiting game.
I think that’s a pretty comprehensive list man and should solve all your flaws. Only other thing that’s crucial is gym.
Gotcha, I’ll start hitting the gym as well
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Rio ferdinand
Why he’s literally been bullied by everyone. It’s almost like ppl insult you just because you’re ugly. It’s not OP fault that he looks like that, he’s well-kept (beside the haircut) and still made fun of
Suicide is the only way and my method is painless.
Can you give me an full guide on a painless death in PM?
How is ur english so good?

Anyways the real question I wanna ask you is how are you able to be so optimistic with 7 pages of people shitting on u and the fact that u have to wait 5 years to ascend, when you will be subhuman and still looked at everybody the same in those 5 years. And the fact that you still need some amount of motivation to keep making money with your job and etc. Also not to mention the potential botches or issues especially if u are considering obo which may be a troll. I genuinely envy ur optimism tho hope u ascend.
  • +1
Reactions: future_
Why he’s literally been bullied by everyone. It’s almost like ppl insult you just because you’re ugly. It’s not OP fault that he looks like that, he’s well-kept (beside the haircut) and still made fun of
Suicide is the only way and my method is painless.
pm method
go long hair faggot
  • +1
Reactions: trying_toascend
How is ur english so good?

Anyways the real question I wanna ask you is how are you able to be so optimistic with 7 pages of people shitting on u and the fact that u have to wait 5 years to ascend, when you will be subhuman and still looked at everybody the same in those 5 years. And the fact that you still need some amount of motivation to keep making money with your job and etc. Also not to mention the potential botches or issues especially if u are considering obo which may be a troll. I genuinely envy ur optimism tho hope u ascend.
Lmaoooo becuase it’s my only choice bro, and I have a plan in place man. It’s not like I’m completely subhuman, just bad looking. I’m very loaded man, it’s no big deal. I’m optimistic because I know it’s very possible for me man. Everyone deserves to look good, but not everyone can due to financial reasons. I can, and I’m grateful for that, even tho my face isn’t obviously the best, as I’m being called a low tier normie all the time. Whatever man. I know I can improve, that’s why I don’t care if people shit on me, they are shitting on me because they assume I will never do anything serious. I’m not getting OBO, I will however, be getting a rhinoplasty, a lip lift, MSE and MSDO with Dr.Yousefian and Bimax CCW and Modified Lefort 3 with Dr.Augusto Pary. This should solve the majority of my problems man. And will give me a new life. A life with a woman who actually loves me for who I am and not my money. That’s why I’m doing this. I already have it all figured out. It’s just a waiting game.
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Lmaoooo becuase it’s my only choice bro, and I have a plan in place man. It’s not like I’m completely subhuman, just bad looking. I’m very loaded man, it’s no big deal. I’m optimistic because I know it’s very possible for me man. Everyone deserves to look good, but not everyone can due to financial reasons. I can, and I’m grateful for that, even tho my face isn’t obviously the best, as I’m being called a low tier normie all the time. Whatever man. I know I can improve, that’s why I don’t care if people shit on me, they are shitting on me because they assume I will never do anything serious. I’m not getting OBO, I will however, be getting a rhinoplasty, a lip lift, MSE and MSDO with Dr.Yousefian and Bimax CCW and Modified Lefort 3 with Dr.Augusto Pary. This should solve the majority of my problems man. And will give me a new life. A life with a woman who actually loves me for who I am and not my money. That’s why I’m doing this. I already have it all figured out. It’s just a waiting game.
Hey man, i remember advicing you a long time ago, a month or so, i think that being on this forum has negative effects on you, you got even more autistic

I mean, lefort 3? Do you really think you can just go to plastic surgeon and get surgery like food in shopping card?

Look at the advice i gave you, it is most realistic and forget shit like lefort 3 which you don't need, it is bloody surgery and you literally risk death to get it, also no reputable surgeon will even perform it on healthy person
Hey man, i remember advicing you a long time ago, a month or so, i think that being on this forum has negative effects on you, you got even more autistic

I mean, lefort 3? Do you really think you can just go to plastic surgeon and get surgery like food in shopping card?

Look at the advice i gave you, it is most realistic and forget shit like lefort 3 which you don't need, it is bloody surgery and you literally risk death to get it, also no reputable surgeon will even perform it on healthy person
Modified Lefort 3 to shorten the midface brother. It is performed with Dr Augusto Pary in Rio De Janiero. And please, for the love of God, please don’t call me autistic, I am probably more sane than the people above me telling me to kill myself and asking me if I want a painless guide to kill myself.
Hey man, i remember advicing you a long time ago, a month or so, i think that being on this forum has negative effects on you, you got even more autistic

I mean, lefort 3? Do you really think you can just go to plastic surgeon and get surgery like food in shopping card?

Look at the advice i gave you, it is most realistic and forget shit like lefort 3 which you don't need, it is bloody surgery and you literally risk death to get it, also no reputable surgeon will even perform it on healthy person
Also, what even was your advice anyway? I must of forgotten it, since I did my own research anyway

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