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you can't, i'm trying to save you money rn, you'll regret getting anything that isn't a lip lift

no it does not, but it will help and you should get it

View attachment 2999896 He's on the level of this barber, just your normal ugly guy with becky gf that's draining money from him. I see truecels like this one in the chair quite often on campus (except hairline jfl) and op mogs them hard at 6'1.

I don't remember what I sent you, but probably just frauded photos. I compared myself to op quickly he's got better chin, cheekbones, hairline and eyes. I only got pheno and lips on him and op is claiming that he's being outcasted and bullied for looks.
Let's asssume he's bottom 10%, one in a 10 ugly, nobody is getting bullied at this level unless a complete sperg that's why I'm telling you @trying_toascend get on meds schizo if you can't handle college and forget surgeries cause it'll and in disappointment. Also 3 kiss count compared to mine KHV and this bhai crying about no social circle meanwhile I got whole holidays booked traveling with friends jfl.
Yo, just want to say that I appreciate you pointing this out to me bro, I’m definitely just gonna get a lip lift and then call it a life bro. Just realized I need modified Lefort 3 and Bimax CCW to change my face, and obviously I’m not getting that lmaooo
Textbook ltn tbh, subhuman is like deformed/unfathomably ugly tier tbh op is just ugly af. Biggest failo is his midface and his philtrum and lips. Looks like a dr seuss character irl
Cheers boyo, modified lefort 3 and bimax CCW soon
  • Woah
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Good fucking luck dude. You need it to hopefully not perish on the operating table. This is bold.
Only way for me brother. Booking a flight to Rio to visit Augusto Pary and get this shit done after getting MSE and MSDO. Only way to ascend
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Good fucking luck dude. You need it to hopefully not perish on the operating table. This is bold.
Downswung maxilla = it’s over. And that’s what I have. Either I fix it or I can forget about anything else dating wise and just die alone.
  • +1
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Good fucking luck dude. You need it to hopefully not perish on the operating table. This is bold.
Actually never-mind, it’s over:

“The aim of the article is to report a 14-year-old female with Crouzon syndrome who underwent the modified LeFort III osteotomy and developed unexpected massive bleeding during the surgery. Post-surgery, she experienced complications including dysrhythmia, hypothermia, and cyanosis. Treatment included fluid therapy, blood transfusions, and antibiotic therapy for suspected septic shock. Differential diagnosis was disseminated intravascular coagulation but was ruled out. Post-discharge, coagulation tests suggested von Willebrand disease subtype 1 as the diagnosis. Excessive bleeding during surgery for craniosynostosis syndromes is a significant and concerning issue in the surgical management of Crouzon syndrome. For patients with von Willebrand disease who are candidates for elective surgeries, von Willebrand factor concentrates or recombinant von Willebrand factor can be used”

I’ll just arrange-marriage max. Never began for me and my shitty mouth breathing and allergies habits as a kid causing my downward growth.
LTN unfortunately and you seem capped at that level.
  • So Sad
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LTN unfortunately and you seem capped at that level.
Nope. Just need Bimax CCW and modified Lefort 3 to shorten the mid-face after MSE and MSDO.
  • +1
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I wasn't taking surgeries into account.
Okay, so not capped? Exactly. There’s a surgery for everything bro, it’s just I’m not sure whether I can find a surgeon that can do this on me
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I cannot find or name a single ratio on this dude’s face that is ideal tbh
Brooooo that’s actually so crazy. Neither can I lmaooooo. Downgrowth is a crazy thing. I think I just need MSE and MSDO, MLF3 + L1 and OBO + Tripod and I’ll be a slayer
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I never like to use "intelligence" as a weapon, but you have a very low awareness, you're very very stupid. You're gonna forget about blackpill soon or go full on schizo.

You kissed 3 girls, so you're not even an incel/ mentalcel just stop crying.

You're hardcapped you look almost identical to me bhai. You can only get a lip lift and that's it

He's not even deformed and you made it sound as if he was a beetlejuice. I get it was an exaggaration but cmon this man mogs couple subhumans daily especially at 6'1

He'd manage to mog couple white guys everyday in my college

Your biggest problem is long midface and narrow skull, both unfixable. Stop stressing over it, I was in your shoes it's pointless
Long midface can be fixed with MLF3 and LF1
I had genioplasty this month and realistically there have been little to no difference from the front and very little difference from the side and 3/4 view, maybe like 0.1 points+

Do not expect these surgeries to halo you, your front profile won't even change with these and others as well

If you have slightly bigger nose, not jewish humongous nose, it will do almost no change

Truth be told, realistically after being on this forum for some time and personally been to genio (8mm advancement, almost the max, which i was recessed before), i can say that sfter all these surgeries, realistically expect +0.5 point advancement

If you expect to go 2 points, i think it is unrealistic, 1 point would already be very very good result

Everyone is lying to you and gaslighting you. You are a proper ass subhuman. Any surgery is a waste of money and painful recovery for no gain.
You need to accept that that part of life isn't for you. Even if you become 4/10 (which is impossible), you'll never be able to compete with a 4/10 white or black guy. Enough with delusions - a lip lift it any other arbitrarily procedure won't help. You best bet is to move to Egypt and try to betabuxx some poor (as in unhappy) woman.
You know any surgeon willing to do MLF3 and LF1 combined for me?
You know any surgeon willing to do MLF3 and LF1 combined for me?

Please at first post pictures according to this guide bro

After you do that, you can judge better

Please at first post pictures according to this guide bro

After you do that, you can judge better
I have downward growth bri
You know any surgeon willing to do MLF3 and LF1 combined for me?
Also i'll tell this 1 last time, since it doesn't seem you get it

This is lens distortion:
Photographer comparing different lens

Lens compression doesnt exist featured image 2


Your photo, on which you judge and plan your brainrot surgeries is distorted, just look at the examples of distortion, easiest one are the ears
4212497 IMG 5902

Imagine you are building a house, but you are shit architect and your plans are bad as well, that is you right now

You have bad plans (distorted picture) and you are not knowledgable about it

I have had several consultations with plastic surgeons online and the first thing they asked of me was to get proffesional photos, NOT DISTORTED

if do not understand something this simple, i believe that you are too low iq for surgery
I have downward growth bri
This is top tier surgeon consultation guide on how to take pictures, read it, your own opinion of the process is worthless if you have real surgeons guide here, that will be asked of you as well if you go with ANY surgery

To make you understand once and for all, these are things from real life surgeon, one of the best rhinoplasty surgeons in the world, pietro palma, so READ IT CAREFULLY


Photos should be of good resolution (at least 1 MB each) and must be taken according to precise guidelines (Attachment 2), so they fit the specifics of our dedicated software.

Please pay attention while making photo (if you use your smartphone):

Make the photos in a well-lighted space from the distance not less than 1,0 m to avoid a "fish eye "effect that distorts facial features,
avoid shadows on the face.
Once ready, the photos are to be sent to contact@pietropalma.it either as attachments or (if too "heavy") via www.wetransfer.com .

If you are a revision rhinoplasty patient, photos of your "original" nose and previous surgery report(s) would be helpful.

IMG 20240907 014724
Also i'll tell this 1 last time, since it doesn't seem you get it

This is lens distortion:
View attachment 3153166
View attachment 3153169
View attachment 3153170

Your photo, on which you judge and plan your brainrot surgeries is distorted, just look at the examples of distortion, easiest one are the ears
View attachment 3153174

Imagine you are building a house, but you are shit architect and your plans are bad as well, that is you right now

You have bad plans (distorted picture) and you are not knowledgable about it

I have had several consultations with plastic surgeons online and the first thing they asked of me was to get proffesional photos, NOT DISTORTED

if do not understand something this simple, i believe that you are too low iq for surgery
Dude. I know im downgrown. Its obvious. I have all the traits, recessed chin, high gonial angle, slceral show, bad under eye support, narrow palate, narrow face, long midface, narrow skull, narrow ipd, no zygos, inward gonions, large forehead, sloped forehead
Dude. I know im downgrown. Its obvious. I have all the traits, recessed chin, high gonial angle, slceral show, bad under eye support, narrow palate, narrow face, long midface, narrow skull, narrow ipd, no zygos, inward gonions, large forehead, sloped forehead
Modified Lefort 3 + Bimax CCW + MSE and MSDO and I ascend to minimum MTN. Subhuman to MTN. Good chnage if you ask me
Modified Lefort 3 + Bimax CCW + MSE and MSDO and I ascend to minimum MTN. Subhuman to MTN. Good chnage if you ask me
dude u dont need lefort 3 lmfao you dont look fucked enough for lefort 3
  • +1
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Modified Lefort 3 + Bimax CCW + MSE and MSDO and I ascend to minimum MTN. Subhuman to MTN. Good chnage if you ask me
Not sure if you are trolling or just stupid...

I literally gave you guide how to take pictures from 1 of the best rhinoplasty surgeons in the world

And listen, you can judge shit about yourself, actually i believe it is truth of everyone on this forum

Everyone here has at least some degree of body dismorphia, me included, most likely you too, therefore you making decisions is like anorexic girl judgimg her figure - bad decision...

Pictures do not lie (if you get good pictures without lens distortion), your brain does... So just make those pictures and judge it based on those at least, not on yourself
dude u dont need lefort 3 lmfao you dont look fucked enough for lefort 3
He needs brain transplant 🤣

Getting healthy brain without body dismorphia otherwise he will fuck himself up 😔💀
  • +1
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This is top tier surgeon consultation guide on how to take pictures, read it, your own opinion of the process is worthless if you have real surgeons guide here, that will be asked of you as well if you go with ANY surgery

To make you understand once and for all, these are things from real life surgeon, one of the best rhinoplasty surgeons in the world, pietro palma, so READ IT CAREFULLY


Photos should be of good resolution (at least 1 MB each) and must be taken according to precise guidelines (Attachment 2), so they fit the specifics of our dedicated software.

Please pay attention while making photo (if you use your smartphone):

Make the photos in a well-lighted space from the distance not less than 1,0 m to avoid a "fish eye "effect that distorts facial features,
avoid shadows on the face.
Once ready, the photos are to be sent to contact@pietropalma.it either as attachments or (if too "heavy") via www.wetransfer.com .

If you are a revision rhinoplasty patient, photos of your "original" nose and previous surgery report(s) would be helpful.

View attachment 3153193
back cam pics or doesnt matter? serious q
Bro I need craniofacial surgery
Bro a combined OBO + Lefort 3 + trimax sounds extraordinarly dangerous. Judging by your willingness to do these surgeries, you are not looking around and taking into consideration of risk/benefits of these surgeries.
  • +1
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Bro a combined OBO + Lefort 3 + trimax sounds extraordinarly dangerous. Judging by your willingness to do these surgeries, you are not looking around and taking into consideration of risk/benefits of these surgeries.
Modified Lefort 3 + Bimax is safe
Back cam, ideal would be 2 m back, look at the threads linked in my answers
i see. selfie cam wont have a terrible lens distortion if used from 2m afar as well, or would it still be very distorted?
yeah but you stacking it with a OBO which sounds like you gonna go blind
Probably wont do OBO tbh, sure, I have a 58 mm IPD, but so do other good looking people, it just needs to harmonize well with the compact midface. Bad IPD + Long Midface + Narrow Skull = Over

Narrow Skull + Bad IPD is okay, since they usually go hand in hand. What doesn't go hand in hand is the downward growth, which is what I am trying to fix.
He needs brain transplant 🤣

Getting healthy brain without body dismorphia otherwise he will fuck himself up 😔💀
No dude. I will no fuck myself up. All of these surgeries are going to be done by very well-trained professional maxofacial surgeons and orthodontists.
i see. selfie cam wont have a terrible lens distortion if used from 2m afar as well, or would it still be very distorted?
No, use back camera, it has bigger lenses that are better to show your true face

Do this:

- Go to natural lighting (room at 10 am or so is the best) - DO NOT have sun directly on your face
Look bad good selfie photo picture lighting how to

We want number 9, face the window, you see? No shadows on the face and neither the light source like sun, that is perfect condition

- put camera at the height of your eyes and go back 1.5-2m
Tripod height

Put a timer for 10 seconds and have neutral and natural face

- congrats, this is how others see you (or very similiar) most likely if you did everything good 👍😃
No, use back camera, it has bigger lenses that are better to show your true face

Do this:

- Go to natural lighting (room at 10 am or so is the best) - DO NOT have sun directly on your face
View attachment 3154543

We want number 9, face the window, you see? No shadows on the face and neither the light source like sun, that is perfect condition

- put camera at the height of your eyes and go back 1.5-2m
View attachment 3154551

Put a timer for 10 seconds and have neutral and natural face

- congrats, this is how others see you (or very similiar) most likely if you did everything good 👍😃
awesome - thank you
still, OP is schizo af. almost everyone looks worse in 2D pictures compared to motion, im sure he doesnt even look terrible in motion.
awesome - thank you
still, OP is schizo af. almost everyone looks worse in 2D pictures compared to motion, im sure he doesnt even look terrible in motion.
Schizo when you have downward growth and an fwhr of 1.5? Yea right bro.
Schizo when you have downward growth and an fwhr of 1.5? Yea right bro.
you really think people IRL are gonna analyze your fwhr / downward growth / esr / maxilla projection?
awesome - thank you
still, OP is schizo af. almost everyone looks worse in 2D pictures compared to motion, im sure he doesnt even look terrible in motion.
Probably a troll, i'm 90% sure, or really dumb guy, if he can't understand lens distortion after i explained it to him in detail
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you really think people IRL are gonna analyze your fwhr / downward growth / esr / maxilla projection?
Yes bro. Everyone does it subconsciously when they see you. They know a properly developed face from a face that was fucked up. My face is all fucked up because its not properly developed. All of my problems stem from my downward growth from a dating life point of view. Talking to women is literally so easy. Its actually not hard at all if you have a half decent IQ. The problem has always been my face. I'm also 6'1 bro, and i'm neurotypical.
Probably a troll, i'm 90% sure, or really dumb guy, if he can't understand lens distortion after i explained it to him in detail
No "lense distortion" cope when you cant get play

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