Rate me in this shitty quality ass picture

idk bhai
this is either frauded
or terra lens distortion pill bcz that and the pic in original post look like 2 different people
Haha that’s great news for me to hear. I’ve just ascended bro and taken shit ngl.
Ok ill make it easy
How to know if your Chad
- experience a bp moment
- say random things to a girl and still get to fuck her
- you are immune to friendzone
I have had much more luck with girls, 4 girls have given me their number at the gym in a month (good for my standards) and I’ve fucked one girl since college started
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idk bhai
this is either frauded
or terra lens distortion pill bcz that and the pic in original post look like 2 different people
lmao they clearly don't look like 2 different people your blind
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I have had much more luck with girls, 4 girls have given me their number at the gym in a month (good for my standards) and I’ve fucked one girl since college started
Girl giving you numbers means nothing today since they can just do it to get rid of you
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Reactions: grungymallard97
Girl giving you numbers means nothing today since they can just do it to get rid of you
no I mean they asked for my number
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Reactions: kalluss
It’s jus lighting bro, u know that is me you’ve seen me many times but this is a compliment for me
i know its u bhai im not disputing that at all
  • +1
Reactions: grungymallard97
i know its u bhai im not disputing that at all
I thought u said it wasn’t just now?😭 in confused just know it’s me unfrauded outside at evening with a old camera
they clearly look like the same person tho
ur missing the point nigga
im saying that this is either insane lens distortion or frauded hence why he should post selfies of him currently with similar angle and light as when he was uglier to see if he has actually ascended or just different angle lighting etc
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Never mind lol ig it’s a ioi
eah before I’d never had a gf now all of a sudden I’m the funny guy so even tho I’m not attractive yet it’s still crazy to see how well I’m treated in comparison

eah before I’d never had a gf now all of a sudden I’m the funny guy so even tho I’m not attractive yet it’s still crazy to see how well I’m treated in comparison
Are you nt
  • +1
Reactions: grungymallard97
ur missing the point nigga
im saying that this is either insane lens distortion or frauded hence why he should post selfies of him currently with similar angle and light as when he was uglier to see if he has actually ascended or just different angle lighting etc
I’ve done that before bro
Yeah very NT I was only on here due to being insecure asf
Ok damn I’m just shy as fuck I would prob be on the same lvl as you since my school is full of bloated and boneless mf and I luckily stand out alot
  • +1
Reactions: grungymallard97
Ok damn I’m just shy as fuck I would prob be on the same lvl as you since my school is full of bloated and boneless mf and I luckily stand out alot
Yeah bro probably, I’m kinda shy now too
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Do you stand out in scho?
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No face only
I get girls. And mog my friends now but idk if I stand out like a Chad would girls might think I’m “cute” but nothing special
  • +1
Reactions: kalluss
I get girls. And mog my friends now but idk if I stand out like a Chad would girls might think I’m “cute” but nothing special
Ok that was the answer I was waiting
  • +1
Reactions: grungymallard97
Ok that was the answer I was waiting
whys that? what does it show? I’m curious does it mean I’m average or slightly above
  • +1
Reactions: kalluss
Ok ill make it easy
How to know if your Chad
- experience a bp moment
- say random things to a girl and still get to fuck her
- you are immune to friendzone
Guesd im chad
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Strong htn
  • +1
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  • +1
Reactions: grungymallard97
No thank your genetics
Idrk if my genetics are good lol. Also what ethnicity or country do I look from I always get weird results when asking ts
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Reactions: grungymallard97
"Shitty ass picture"

Hey man you literally look 10x better than my best photos. You're a good looking guy.
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"Shitty ass picture"

Hey man you literally look 10x better than my best photos. You're a good looking guy.
Thanks bro. i didn’t think it was amazing till I posted it on here. What rating would u gimme bro👍
Thanks bro. i didn’t think it was amazing till I posted it on here. What rating would u gimme bro👍
If this is a bad picture of you I'd imagine you'd be High HTN tbh.
  • +1
Reactions: grungymallard97
  • +1
Reactions: grungymallard97
If this is a bad picture of you I'd imagine you'd be High HTN tbh.
it’s a mid picture of me ig. It was taken without my knowledge so coulda been better and lighting is ass and makes my nose look huge. Thanks tho man
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Reactions: Ceo of CrueltySquad

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