Simping for women can be okay



Nov 3, 2020
Sometimes a woman is beautiful and has a fun personality, so that being nice to her is just the only rational thing to do: You accept the reality that you find her beautiful in the inside and in the outside, instead of suppressing your inner urges to compliment her because "muh I'm not a simp muh alpha." Here is a good example, this woman was posted before:

A beautiful, genuinely nice lady. It's impossible to not treat her with special kindness, except when you suppress yourself which is not healthy.
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it looks like she's on drugs

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Sometimes a woman is beautiful and has a fun personality, so that being nice to her is just the only rational thing to do: You accept the reality that you find her beautiful in the inside and in the outside, instead of suppressing your inner urges to compliment her because "muh I'm not a simp muh alpha." Here is a good example, this woman was posted before:

A beautiful, genuinely nice lady. It's impossible to not treat her with special kindness, except when you suppress yourself which is not healthy.

Utter cuckoldry.

What's this shit fam.

Eat some protein and get your T shots.
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Treating someone with basic manners is not simping.
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Treating someone with basic manners is not simping.
What about special kindness, be nicer to her than to average persons?
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  • JFL
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Where do you see that?

over-active, doesn't know how to position her arms or head,

Very typical of someone who took stims.
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What about special kindness, be nicer to her than to average persons?
Cucked ngl. Although men probably are nicer to all women than other men.
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She is trying to act bubbly for the camera because she knows many basement dwelling fat incel watching will be like
"Whoa so jolly and quirky. She is literally goals"

Never understimate the narcissm of humans. Take it from me, a fellow narcy. And @MoggerGaston is on point as always
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She is trying to act bubbly for the camera because she knows many basement dwelling fat incel watching will be like
"Whoa so jolly and quirky. She is literally goals"
View attachment 2316129

Never understimate the narcissm of humans. Take it from me, a fellow narcy. And @MoggerGaston is on point as always
She hugs her Japanese male friends, probably prevents a few suicides per year. Why not just admit that she is a net positive to the world.
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Rape should be legal for women
Well, I wouldn't. She's nothing special and her personality is the same as every HTB positive outlook foid you'll see craving for attention in front of a camera.
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it looks like she's on drugs

She's just a happy upbeat person lol. There are women like that in my family and they were never even close to being druggies.

You are just a sad guy surrounded by sad people man.
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Female-privilege pilled again.
Lol. I have been like that in certain parts of my life too. It has nothing to do with attention seeking btw. It is all about beng a fun positive person.

In fact, I think the reson why I was bullied and excluded in middle grade was done by sad people like you. (Not projecting onto you, just saying) I was called if I was on drugs by some people as well. When I don't even smoke and use alcohol maybe 1 time a year on average.
She is nice and being nice to her is only rational.

However, when you are the ugly little boy with a small cock, you will always be a creepy simp cuckold and you can’t even get close to this.

It’s really over.

9C278FFD 8C93 47A8 B058 F3096BA9DFC2
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Lol. I have been like that in certain parts of my life too. It has nothing to do with attention seeking btw. It is all about beng a fun positive person.

In fact, I think the reson why I was bullied and excluded in middle grade was done by sad people like you. (Not projecting onto you, just saying) I was called if I was on drugs by some people as well. When I don't even smoke and use alcohol maybe 1 time a year on average.
It's easy to be a fun positive person when your life is fun and positive.

It's easy to lose your fun and positivity when all you know in life is abuse, pain and misery.

Positive people are just privileged people. Being lowIQ is also a privilege in this sense since you are delusional about your state and place.
it looks like she's on drugs


over-active, doesn't know how to position her arms or head,

Very typical of someone who took stims.
Nah, she's just Italian. Italian ppl are known to over-gesticulate with their hands. Also, the drug laws are pretty strict in Japan, so she would be stupid to be doing stims during the day in public.

She's happy because her existence as an attractive woman is a constant dopamine rush. Imagine going outside and everyone is complimenting you, everyone is being friendly, everyone is being helpful, everyone is smiling and everyone is treating u like a goddess. Easy, easy, easy existence compared to the average guy.

U would have never needed drugs to cope if u got even 10% of her daily treatment growing up.
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It's easy to be a fun positive person when your life is fun and positive.

It's easy to lose your fun and positivity when all you know in life is abuse, pain and misery.

Positive people are just privileged people. Being lowIQ is also a privilege in this sense since you are delusional about your state and place.
No that is not completely true. It is true that if your situation is shitty, being positive takes a certain type of delusion. But it is also true thats positive people can create things as opposed to just take and destroy. This desire to create doesprovide value which can also improve your situation.

It is far better to be negative/combative in dangerous situations and positive/relaxed in other situations. We have the capacity for both for a reason. They each have their advantage.
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This girl is on cocaine.
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No that is not completely true. It is true that if your situation is shitty, being positive takes a certain type of delusion. But it is also true thats positive people can create things as opposed to just take and destroy. This desire to create doesprovide value which can also improve your situation.

It is far better to be negative/combative in dangerous situations and positive/relaxed in other situations. We have the capacity for both for a reason. They each have their advantage.
My social interactions, especially when I was younger, have been so absolutely brutal that I simply can't relax anymore. I am always ready for something fucked up to happen. Since that's always what has happened.

Happiness is for privileged people, so especially for women.

Men largely lose their emotions and become more stoic, dead-inside, to cope with life. I can see that all around me although most have it better than me still.
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My social interactions, especially when I was younger, have been so absolutely brutal that I simply can't relax anymore. I am always ready for something fucked up to happen. Since that's always what has happened.

Happiness is for privileged people, so especially for women.

Men largely lose their emotions and become more stoic, dead-inside, to cope with life. I can see that all around me although most have it better than me still.
I think you just need to find genuinely nice and positive people. Being prepared for the worst is not a bad trait. But you must also see that things, especially people can be nice too.

I don't think this is something you can logic your way into unfortunately. You genuinely need to find and interact with nice people to give your brain a more varied perspective. Too bad most of those "nice" people, automatically reject negative people like you. You fall on the other end of the spectrum. So you either need someone nice and strong(unshakeable), or you're willing to "compromise" a little and adapt to them a little. Street musicians are usually not bad for this, in my experience. They're usually both positive but also adventerous.
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My social interactions, especially when I was younger, have been so absolutely brutal that I simply can't relax anymore. I am always ready for something fucked up to happen. Since that's always what has happened.

Happiness is for privileged people, so especially for women.

Men largely lose their emotions and become more stoic, dead-inside, to cope with life. I can see that all around me although most have it better than me still.
Also, as proof of my claims, I have the perfect example of what pure negative 0 positive person looks like: @Crestfallen95

You can't tell me he doesn't shoot himself in the foot with every girl he goes out with.
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You can't tell me he doesn't shoot himself in the foot with every girl he goes out with.
i dont? im always very positive with them, problem is they arent
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  • JFL
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Too bad most of those "nice" people, automatically reject negative people like you.
Water. Privileged people only hang-out with other privileged people.

The 'nice' people are mostly just elitist jerks and when your life hasn't been as good as theirs, it's because YOU did something wrong.
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Also, as proof of my claims, I have the perfect example of what pure negative 0 positive person looks like: @Crestfallen95

You can't tell me he doesn't shoot himself in the foot with every girl he goes out with.
I am known as a happy aloof hipster type guy IRL. At least on the surface.

I don't share my negativity with other people, but that's also why I can't ever get close to people since then I would have to share my negativity, which I can't since it's not socially acceptable to not be privileged, to not be happy.

It's impossible to win unless you are privileged and don't have to fake happiness.
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