The truth about therapy.



Sep 24, 2018
It's a bluepill cult designed to turn respectable men into feminist soycucks or mentally ill trannies, accelerating the collapse of society while our Jewish overlords sit back and laugh.

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therapists are just cuckolds tbh
they think anything that isnt pure bluepilled and cucked is unhealthy or damaging.
fuck therapy, its owned by the jews and is designed to subdue unattractive men who develop mental problems into even bigger cuckolds.
( gl men/ slayers dont get mentally ill so ofc the therapy system isnt designed to mentally vasectomize them)
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  • JFL
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Most people here have insecure attachment wounds which makes them high inhib so they would benefit from consulting a good psychotherapist tbh ngl. If you are overly high inhib for your looks level you probably would benefit from psychotherapy. That is the truth. I would avoid femoid ones especially as bad looking man though, they can't ever comprehend the incessant struggles of this existence.
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  • WTF
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therapists are for bluepilled cucks
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No therapy for your face
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It's a bluepill cult designed to turn respectable men into feminist soycucks or mentally ill trannies, accelerating the collapse of society while our Jewish overlords sit back and laugh.

High IQ thread literally Just had Therapy today and Told My main male therapist about This forum. And how it's making my day. Only going because If I don't Mike Won't grant me the Mew Vector. Telling him how at the end of the day foids only care abouts LOOKS, MONEY, Status. He Has a lot of respect for Femoids and Dissagrees with all this Culture even though He admitts to being a 4channer once. I think Maybe he's Is hiding atleast redpilled beliefs behind that facade of Soycuckary :soy: :soy: :soy:
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therapists are for bluepilled cucks
Or People forced By Cuck society and there parents. I got Detained So I was Forced to go initially. Now i'm just going for the Mew Vector
Or People forced By Cuck society and there parents. I got Detained So I was Forced to go initially. Now i'm just going for the Mew Vector
yeah i was talking about the ppl who go willingly
Or People forced By Cuck society and there parents. I got Detained So I was Forced to go initially. Now i'm just going for the Mew Vector
same bro, fuckk. Get out the system while you can
Most people here have insecure attachment wounds which makes them high inhib so they would benefit from consulting a good psychotherapist tbh ngl. If you are overly high inhib for your looks level you probably would benefit from psychotherapy. That is the truth. I would avoid femoid ones especially as bad looking man though, they can't ever comprehend the incessant struggles of this existence.
Have you Even Had therapy these days. It is dominated by male Feminists and Dykes. Stay away
Have you Even Had therapy these days. It is dominated by male Feminists and Dykes. Stay away
I had twice, and it was utterly useless ngl (my main problem was apnea in the end which made it complicated for them I must say). But I did my psychoanalysis on my own by reading books by the best authors and couple of content creators I liked and managed to substantially heal my attachment wounds, identify degrees of psychopathologies in my parents and self, I changed a lot for the better, which makes me convince that improving through psychotherapy is possible if you get a good one, but imo it is like the most complex job to do well, human beings are extensively complex and you need to work with the limited information that is often skew you get from the patient, the patients also need to be open and have some level of trust in the therapist for the therapy to work.
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Or People forced By Cuck society and there parents. I got Detained So I was Forced to go initially. Now i'm just going for the Mew Vector
how do people get forced to go? not even kidding i have no idea
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I got legally Detained and Put in a Ward And the Only way I could get discharged was if I blue pilled Them that I stopped believing In my delusion(Lookism and Mewing+Corrupt Orthodentic society) and that I would have to go to Bullshit therapy.
holy shit more details man? holy fucking shit this must be larp
like you told your parents you didnt want braces and they put u in ward? i will never get how saying looks are very very very important can get you in ward too. larp confirmed tbh
ragefuel if real tbh. ill pray to gandy for u man
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holy shit more details man? holy fucking shit this must be larp
like you told your parents you didnt want braces and they put u in ward?
Want me to make a thread on the whole story Under Rage fuel Tag
Speaking from experience? Just wondering.
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whole lookism hates psychologists and therapists. not a single shitposter that likes them there.
talk about problems bruh oh didnt fix shit? ignore it with these drugs. this is whole bullshit in one sentence.
Got it, man. What type of shit did they tell you?
,,its all in ur head''
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whole lookism hates psychologists and therapists. not a single shitposter that likes them there.
talk about problems bruh oh didnt fix shit? ignore it with these drugs. this is whole bullshit in one sentence.

,,its all in ur head''
I see your point.
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Lol if you guys think you are all psychologically healthy here and therefore, it is best to do nothing about it. I am not saying all psychologists are competent or they could fix everything, but most are normal looking here, there are without a doubt psychological issues lying underneath the inceldom of many members here.
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Lol if you guys think you are all psychologically healthy here and therefore, it is best to do nothing about it. I am not saying all psychologists are competent or they could fix everything, but most are normal looking here, there are without doubt psychological issues lying underneath the inceldom of many members here.
No doubt, people have issues here. But how exactly would a psychologist help? As someone who's been in and out the system for almost 10 years, I can say they're completely fucking useless.
Most people here have insecure attachment wounds which makes them high inhib so they would benefit from consulting a good psychotherapist tbh ngl. If you are overly high inhib for your looks level you probably would benefit from psychotherapy. That is the truth. I would avoid femoid ones especially as bad looking man though, they can't ever comprehend the incessant struggles of this existence.
Except therapists are trying to make incels more high inhibition. That's all they've done with me.
No doubt, people have issues here. But how exactly would a psychologist help? As someone who's been in and out the system for almost 10 years, I can say they're completely fucking useless.
That's the sad part. I absolutely need psychological help. But, the current system can't help me at all, I know it and they know it, but the charade needs to continue for the almighty shekel.
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Except therapists are trying to make incels more high inhibition. That's all they've done with me.
Curious to know in what ways/how (not for the sake of arguing, just curiosity in your experience)
Except therapists are trying to make incels more high inhibition. That's all they've done with me.
therapy made all my issues worse tbh. The only time my mood improves is when I'm missing appointments.
No doubt, people have issues here. But how exactly would a psychologist help? As someone who's been in and out the system for almost 10 years, I can say they're completely fucking useless.
Just by reading the literature of attachment styles most can already make small improvements by identifying and understanding their attachment style.
Curious to know in what ways/how (not for the sake of arguing, just curiosity in your experience)
My experience was that my female therapist became my oneitis, she led me on to the point where she could press harassment charges on me, and try leading me to suicide.

After this, I've been told by about 10 therapists the usual runaround. Keep going out in public and getting rejected, in the hopes of getting me arrested again after suffering rejection after rejection. Thankfully, I've finally recently not been forced to go therapy any further.
That's the sad part. I absolutely need psychological help. But, the current system can't help me at all, I know it and they know it, but the charade needs to continue for the almighty shekel.
My experience was that my female therapist became my oneitis, she led me on to the point where she could press harassment charges on me, and try leading me to suicide.

After this, I've been told by about 10 therapists the usual runaround. Keep going out in public and getting rejected, in the hopes of getting me arrested again after suffering rejection after rejection. Thankfully, I've finally recently not been forced to go therapy any further.
If a trained psychotherapist was blackpill would you be interested in working with him?
If a trained psychotherapist was blackpill would you be interested in working with him?
No. The last counselor I had was sort of blackpill as he was an uglier old dude, and numerous times he'd say like "we're not this top 20% of these handsome guys.... so we just have to keep trying more!". I can't see a scenario where a therapist would actually give good advice and work with an incel, because all of them are working with a majority of females, and whatever they learned is based from feminists that hate ugly males and have no idea what they're suffering.
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Just by reading the literature of attachment styles most can already make small improvements by identifying and understanding their attachment style.
I think most are intelligent enough to understand their issues. It doesn't really make a difference.
I think most are intelligent enough to understand their issues. It doesn't really make a difference.
Well, I can say from my experience I didn't, human psychological development is the most intricate subject I ever explored, I taught I had good healthy parents, never lived traumas, after investigation I realized they weren't as healthy as I think and live countless minor forms of trauma throughout my youth by their seemingly normal way of parenting, I believe most people would make similar realizations if they were to do the same exercise.
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Well, I can say from my experience I didn't, human psychological development is the most intricate subject I ever explored, I taught I had good healthy parents, never lived traumas, after investigation I realized they weren't as healthy as I think and live countless minor forms of trauma throughout my youth by their seemingly normal way of parenting, I believe most people would make the same realization as me if they were to do the same experience.
This is one of the few subjects where therapy actually did help me. I didn't realize how much dumb shit my family drilled in my head. That's a common thing for everyone in therapy though, I heard it all the time in group therapy.

Traumas for incels go way beyond shitty parenting, though. It starts with being genetically inferior, and that's obviously much more difficult for therapy to fix.
This is one of the few subjects where therapy actually did help me. I didn't realize how much dumb shit my family drilled in my head. That's a common thing for everyone in therapy though, I heard it all the time in group therapy.

Traumas for incels go way beyond shitty parenting, though. It starts with being genetically inferior, and that's obviously much more difficult for therapy to fix.
Yeah, solving inceldom and everything that relates to it for an ugly man is trying to fix the unfixable I must say.
I gave up on therapy the second they decided to take away my xanax script.
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Well, I can say from my experience I didn't, human psychological development is the most intricate subject I ever explored, I taught I had good healthy parents, never lived traumas, after investigation I realized they weren't as healthy as I think and live countless minor forms of trauma throughout my youth by their seemingly normal way of parenting, I believe most people would make the same realization as me if they were to do the same experience.
But how does that make a difference?
Like I'm diagnosed AvPD and I know why, but it doesn't change anything. The disorder is just a part of who I am.
But how does that make a difference?
Like I'm diagnosed AvPD and I know why, but it doesn't change anything. The disorder is just a part of who I am.
The literature on the subject shows it is fixable to a certain extent, a therapist can offer a new secure attachment base in which you can learn to create new healthy forms of attachment. In a way to maximize your survival, you have adapted yourself to the parenting style of your parents which formed your inner working models of self and others, assuming your parents didn't offer you secure based of attachment, you had to develop insecure attachment in order to survive (like being emotionally unresponsive, cutting off your emotions, to the presence/treatment of your parent in a way to limit the damage done to you), by understanding how this came to be and dedicated learning of healthier interpretations of the self/others, you can overtime rewrite the way you interpret self/others through neuroplasticity, the sooner the better.
dedicated learning of healthier interpretations of the self/others, you can overtime rewrite the way you interpret self/others through neuroplasticity, the sooner the better.
But... I can't bro. This is like telling a blind person to start seeing. FFS I feel like I'm at an appointment now
But... I can't bro. This is like telling a blind person to start seeing. FFS I feel like I'm at an appointment now
Well, I have AvPD as well, I honestly operate much more within a secure attachment style after following what just has been mentioned.
Well, I have AvPD as well, I honestly operate much more within a secure attachment style after following what just has been mentioned.
elab cuck. Give me examples
elab cuck. Give me examples
Previous self -> always try to read other people, how they are perceiving you, adjust the way you speak/act to gain their respect/love/affection/admiration/etc, try to be the best at everything / try to act cool, this is how I maximize my interactions with others and through the process my representation of self, so I can come to accept and love myself fully. Avoid being vulnerable it might show flaws of your imperfect self to others.

New self -> you are just fine/good enough the way you are (went through my traumas, saw how my parents were pathological, were projecting their own imperfection onto me, heal my attachment wounds), you have nothing to hide, you have come to accept yourself, seek to be as authentic as you can be, this is how you form nourishing relationships with others, truly connect with them, lower your anxiety, easier way of being, being authentic always pays off in the long run, I wouldn't want people to like me for someone I am not anyway, I am more likable by letting myself express itself fully.

I don't know how cheesy that sound, but that is pretty much the leap I made. I believe it is quite a large one, but obviously, I am still aiming to continue moving toward the second way of being, I am not perfect by any means, I am still catching myself being into the previous self construct in certain contexts.
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Well, I can say from my experience I didn't, human psychological development is the most intricate subject I ever explored, I taught I had good healthy parents, never lived traumas, after investigation I realized they weren't as healthy as I think and live countless minor forms of trauma throughout my youth by their seemingly normal way of parenting, I believe most people would make similar realizations if they were to do the same exercise.
Curious what normal parenting behaviors do you mean?
Curious what normal parenting behaviors do you mean?
Parents need to constantly help you express and reflect your inner experience as a child so you can come to understand your inner experience, they must be very curious and connected with that inner experience, they are emotionally attuned with you, they must show to be accepting of your inner world, they don't interpret with a certain bias, show that the emotions you experience are normal, bad emotions aren't to be rejected, they are to be understood, no matter what they display unconditional love and affection to you, if they aren't doing this well, they aren't doing good parenting.
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