unpopular opinion, fat people are not fat by choice and we should stop shaming them

future slavic chad

future slavic chad

Sep 8, 2023
how much of a piece of shit would i be if i shamed fat people for being lazy meanwhile i can eat total shit garbage in large quantities and EVEN not workout and still be around 15ish percent bodyfat because of my drumroll....genetics. i'd be a total self unaware loser. fat people truly have it harder in life.
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It's actually true. Anti-woke tards have some really dumb take on this
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i was on this shit

i didnt wanna work out or anything cos i thought ppl would laugh

mfw i realised nobody cares :ogre:
  • JFL
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It's actually true. Anti-woke tards have some really dumb take on this
their ego cant accept that its not the JIM that got them ripped, they always had a huge advantage
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being fat is genetic?
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''but he should still try to lean max and work hard''
knuckle dragging your way through life is not ideal and never will be, its not sustainable. its all about how good your body is engineered.
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i believe fat people dont deserve a place in society and should be exiled until they lose weight, i actually feel nauseous and ill when im around fatties, especially when they stink
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  • JFL
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how much of a piece of shit would i be if i shamed fat people for being lazy meanwhile i can eat total shit garbage in large quantities and EVEN not workout and still be around 15ish percent bodyfat because of my drumroll....genetics. i'd be a total self unaware loser. fat people truly have it harder in life.
I've read somewhere that genetics only accounts for between both extremes of around 300 or 400 calories
It's not that large of a difference you make it seem

Mostly, fat people are fat because they eat more
Skinny people are skinny because they eat less
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  • JFL
Reactions: boss8055, Ken and Suns9999
i believe fat people dont deserve a place in society and should be exiled until they lose weight, i actually feel nauseous and ill when im around fatties, especially when they stink
low iq, less competition for you
  • JFL
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  • JFL
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I've read somewhere that genetics only accounts for between both extremes of around 300 or 400 calories
It's not that large of a difference you make it seem

Mostly, fat people are fat because they eat more
Skinny people are skinny because they eat less
well its not like i force myself to eat less, im always satisfied. which has to be some genetic quality.
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i dont date, i hate women actually and i want to be alone

before i die im going ER on a sorority house and mcdonalds
i call cap on that but make sure to live stream it
  • JFL
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You could say the same thing for

Propensity to commit crimes
Propensity to get addicted to drugs/gambling/alcohol

Literally anything you want ...

Nobody should be held accountable for anything


The fat thing only gives allowances for maybe +5kg give or take... if you exceed that ... that's on you
  • JFL
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Could you expand upon that point further? I'm pretty sure being fat is simply just a reflection of one's eating habits
  • JFL
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You could say the same thing for

Propensity to commit crimes
Propensity to get addicted to drugs/gambling/alcohol

Literally anything you want ...

Nobody should be held accountable for anything


The fat thing only gives allowances for maybe +5kg give or take... if you exceed that ... that's on you
they shouldnt be tbh, we're just preprogammed bots, unless its something illegal then we hold them accountable
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  • JFL
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Could you expand upon that point further? I'm pretty sure being fat is simply just a reflection of one's eating habits
well my eating habits are garbage and im slim. there you go
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Genes don't make you fat calories in and out does
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  • JFL
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Genes don't make you fat calories in and out does
sigh, nigga... I COULDNT GET TO 300 POUNDS EVEN IF MY LIFE DEPENDED ON IT. what does this say, it says theres some major genetic quality going on here
  • JFL
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sigh, nigga... I COULDNT GET TO 300 POUNDS EVEN IF MY LIFE DEPENDED ON IT. what does this say, it says theres some major genetic quality going on here
Just eat more
  • JFL
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cope, they just eat more than u and do even less exercise
  • JFL
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how much of a piece of shit would i be if i shamed fat people for being lazy meanwhile i can eat total shit garbage in large quantities and EVEN not workout and still be around 15ish percent bodyfat because of my drumroll....genetics. i'd be a total self unaware loser. fat people truly have it harder in life.
although there is a genetic part id argue that childhood is just as important in setting up your appetite and habits
  • JFL
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Just eat more
yes and i would never get fat you dumbass hoe, i dont have the monstrous appetite to eat 10k calories which is obviously genetic
  • JFL
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Skinny people are not skinny by choice and shouldn't be shamed.

Imagine shaming skinny men for being the little weak twigs they are with 0 sex appeal, when it's only their genetics to blame.


Being male starts at 200lbs.

Being an attractive male starts at 300lbs.
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The more fat males there are the better you look by comparison
I would say "the less competition there is" but that would be false since every male, even subhumans are your competition since so many foids end up fucking and in relationships with subhumans when they could choose superior men.
That being said I still have a hatred for fat males who have a shred of arrogance about them, they should know their place as inferior subhumans. As for the cucked fat males, they aren't even really males, just emotional foids in ugly fat bodies with a micropenis

As for foids, I have attraction to some fat foids and have found them to have more submissive personalities and be more modest and humble in line with what I desire.
You could argue that a lot of subhuman, low IQ ugly foids end up fat but I never would have went near them anyway if they were slim because their entire genetic package is shit.
Then when it comes for foids who are fuckable when slim but not when they are fat, I think this only applies to girls who are naturally petite with incel facial bone structure as they always look the worst from gaining weight if they had tiny appeal prior.
An average plain 5'5 becky getting fat doesn't make me feel like anything has been lost, maybe it's lost on guys who just want a plain slim girl but it's not lost for me

It's legit though that in most cases of people being fat (prior to 20) it's simply their genetics
I simply cant surpass 83kg as a man in his late 20s who lifts regularly for muscle gain and eats in accordance with his appetite and does next to no cardio
I have to force feed to surpass a weight that most men my age who are 6+ inches shorter can get their weight UNDER while eating in accordance with their appetite
Ecto genes are fucking OP
  • JFL
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yes and i would never get fat you dumbass hoe, i dont have the monstrous appetite to eat 10k calories which is obviously genetic
Ypu are a retard when you go up in weight you require more calories
  • JFL
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Some people have an easier time putting on fat just like some people have an easier time putting on muscle. You can still get lean/gain muscle though irrespective of your genetics it just won’t be as quick.
  • JFL
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Some people have an easier time putting on fat just like some people have an easier time putting on muscle. You can still get lean/gain muscle though irrespective of your genetics it just won’t be as quick.
well no shit they can potentially do it and its not about how fast they can get slim but its about maintaining it. imagine knuckle draging through life all the time worrying how to not over eat, its not sustainable. everyone feels like shit eventually and guess what they'll cope with food cuz its the easiest source of dopamine. but i can afford this luxury when i feel like total crap and not gain anything.
  • JFL
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Some people just move more than others. Have you ever spent time around fat people? I've noticed they move so much less than I do on average and they're generally very lazy.

You also claim that you can eat nothing but shit all day (and in large quantities) but I don't think you realize just how much a fat person is actually eating. You can eat 2500 calories of garbage but a lot of fat people will be eating like 4k calories of garbage. There will obviously be a difference. You might be overestimating how many calories you're eating a day even when the food is all just goyslop.
  • JFL
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Some people just move more than others. Have you ever spent time around fat people? I've noticed they move so much less than I do on average and they're generally very lazy.

You also claim that you can eat nothing but shit all day (and in large quantities) but I don't think you realize just how much a fat person is actually eating. You can eat 2500 calories of garbage but a lot of fat people will be eating like 4k calories of garbage. There will obviously be a difference. You might be overestimating how many calories you're eating a day even when the food is all just goyslop.
ah yes we just move more bro. this is exactly like chad saying just smile more and you'll get laid works for me!
  • JFL
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how much of a piece of shit would i be if i shamed fat people for being lazy meanwhile i can eat total shit garbage in large quantities and EVEN not workout and still be around 15ish percent bodyfat because of my drumroll....genetics. i'd be a total self unaware loser. fat people truly have it harder in life.
i agree
  • JFL
Reactions: Suns9999
ah yes we just move more bro. this is exactly like chad saying just smile more and you'll get laid works for me!
You're not understanding what I'm trying to say. Fat people more often than not just inherently move/do less. Look up what Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis is. That can account for a difference of up to around 2000 calories burned every day in people of similar sizes.
  • JFL
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imma be honest, as someone who was overweight as a kid: its all about discipline and willpower. Unless you have a diagnosed condition you simply cannot blame being fat on muh geneddiggs in order to keep sitting on that couch and shoving dorito after dorito into your mouth.
  • JFL
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how much of a piece of shit would i be if i shamed fat people for being lazy meanwhile i can eat total shit garbage in large quantities and EVEN not workout and still be around 15ish percent bodyfat because of my drumroll....genetics. i'd be a total self unaware loser. fat people truly have it harder in life.
Anyone can technically lose fat, if your fat it's your own choice, tbh yeah I agree some people have it harder to loose weight
  • JFL
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You're not understanding what I'm trying to say. Fat people more often than not just inherently move/do less. Look up what Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis is. That can account for a difference of up to around 2000 calories burned every day in people of similar sizes.
well im watching a weight loss journey currently and this guy does nothing but move all day, the weight is still barely coming off. uce gang if you wanna look him up
  • JFL
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You're not understanding what I'm trying to say. Fat people more often than not just inherently move/do less. Look up what Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis is. That can account for a difference of up to around 2000 calories burned every day in people of similar sizes.
Studies show that activity doesn't improve weight loss. They compared hunter-gatherer tribes in Africa and compared it with the average office worker and showed that they have the same TDEE.
  • JFL
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Anyone can technically lose fat, if your fat it's your own choice, tbh yeah I agree some people have it harder to loose weight
it doesnt matter if they can, you can become the world champion in boxing but you'd never do it
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Studies show that activity doesn't improve weight loss. They compared hunter-gatherer tribes in Africa and compared it with the average office worker and showed that they have the same TDEE.
If you think about that logically, that just doesn't make sense. If two people are both eating 5000 calories a day and one person does no exercise & the other person burns 2000 calories a day from exercise, do you think they will be the same weight after 3 months?
  • JFL
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If you think about that logically, that just doesn't make sense. If two people are both eating 5000 calories a day and one person does no exercise & the other person burns 2000 calories a day from exercise, do you think they will be the same weight after 3 months?
Because the body logically slows down its metabolism if you do more exercise. But it depends on various factors like genetics if the two will have the same weight, 2 people can eat the same things and one will turn into a fat Nickocado while the other will look shredded and lean
  • JFL
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If you think about that logically, that just doesn't make sense. If two people are both eating 5000 calories a day and one person does no exercise & the other person burns 2000 calories a day from exercise, do you think they will be the same weight after 3 months?
well then appetite is genetic. i dont need to eat 5000 calories to feel full. clearly i have an unfair atvantage in some way and its not because im simply david goggins pilled
  • JFL
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im always caging when landwhales trying too hard to get attention from men. Same as men trying to get into panties with game.

I hate fat bitches. They should be starved until they get good
  • JFL
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im always caging when landwhales trying too hard to get attention from men. Same as men trying to get into panties with game.

I hate fat bitches. They should be starved until they get good
Real a landwhale tried to flirt with me once, I never had a more uncomfortable and black pilling experience in my life
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  • JFL
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Many fat people are not fat because they eat a lot, i agree. But how do you explain the high rate of obesity in American society, isn't it because they eat a lot?
Real a landwhale tried to flirt with me once, I never had a more uncomfortable and black pilling experience in my life
i once (actually twice) got skinnyfished on tinder by a girl that turned out to be a landwhale irl. I was literally insulted that she thought she we could date :forcedsmile:
  • JFL
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If you think about that logically, that just doesn't make sense. If two people are both eating 5000 calories a day and one person does no exercise & the other person burns 2000 calories a day from exercise, do you think they will be the same weight after 3 months?
You're right however,
OP is oversimplifying and falling for the genetics trap, he probably means losing weight isn't 100% concentrated power of will which is true, it's mostly goyslop addiction (which's sensitivity is partly genetically determined), even in samoan-type populations who are more genetically predisposed to obesity, their obesity rates mostly skyrocketed after the introduction of goyslop (it's cheaper than water in the cook islands, mexico, etc)

We just need to push semaglutide, healthy food affordability, etc rather than 'just workout bro'
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Real a landwhale tried to flirt with me once, I never had a more uncomfortable and black pilling experience in my life
should've kidnapped her and give her water only until she turned into stacy
being fat is genetic?
If your mom or dad are fat there is a far grearter chance that u and you kids will end up fat and with an eating disorder. its epigenetics
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