Unpopular opinion: Org users are sub 5

The Grinch

The Grinch

Custom title
Aug 10, 2022
Ugly truth: You are not average looking, you are below average. Maybe you’re ok looking in your eyes, but it’s a scientific fact that people tend to overestimate their own looks level, it’s a common phenomenon among humans, no matter if their male, female, Chad or incel
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  • JFL
  • Hmm...
Reactions: RecessedChinCel, Deleted member 84615, Aero and 17 others
I haven't seen a new HTN+ on this forum in like half a year....
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  • Ugh..
Reactions: violentrose, watah, h111 and 3 others
Of course not. I’m sure the incel forum is filled with 6’6” chads. There’s no way it isn’t
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  • JFL
Reactions: chinprojectiongod, JustCallMeKash and The Grinch
Ugly truth: You are not average looking, you are below average. Maybe you’re ok looking in your eyes, but it’s a scientific fact that people tend to overestimate their own looks level, it’s a common phenomenon among humans, no matter if their male, female, Chad or incel
Jee, who could’ve seen that coming?
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Reactions: JustCallMeKash
ive been rated mtn/htn does that means org users overrate other org users
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  • JFL
Reactions: Cutecel2001 and Saint Casanova
Ugly truth: You are not average looking, you are below average. Maybe you’re ok looking in your eyes, but it’s a scientific fact that people tend to overestimate their own looks level, it’s a common phenomenon among humans, no matter if their male, female, Chad or incel
yea true. if you think you are 5/10, that means youre ugly. most 5/10 people think theyre attractive. and most chadlites think theyre dhad
wdym? average height in .org is 6'4 i thought they were all htn+
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Reactions: psychomandible
cope, i barely see any legit sub5 users
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: tombradylover, watah and Meteor21
I think im average looking
ive been rated mtn/htn does that means org users overrate other org users
It means you have a good jaw. If you have a good jaw, you are a PSL god according to this forum, the rest isn’t relevelant here. Org user can NOT rate men, they are too autistic for that. The way women treat you, this is your SMV.
It means you have a good jaw. If you have a good jaw, you are a PSL god according to this forum, the rest isn’t relevelant here. Org user can NOT rate men, they are too autistic for that. The way women treat you, this is your SMV.
let me guess you only rate based off eyes and whether they look like a "pretty boy"
im like 7.5 PSL 6'7 no joke
I think im average looking
I’ve seen you, you are average looking for Asian standards. If you’re average looking, it means you have to compensate with status or money, then you can participate in the dating game
let me guess you only rate based off eyes and whether they look like a "pretty boy"
The true (non autistic blackpill) = Everything matters, not only jaw. Jaw, eyes, mouth, cheeks, hair, color…
Screenshot 20240907 131624 Chrome
The true (non autistic blackpill) = Everything matters, not only jaw. Jaw, eyes, mouth, cheeks, hair, color…
good pheno and jaw means you wil most likely be GL
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@Putin liked my post, certified Chad :chad:
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It means you have a good jaw. If you have a good jaw, you are a PSL god according to this forum, the rest isn’t relevelant here. Org user can NOT rate men, they are too autistic for that. The way women treat you, this is your SMV.
my jaw is one of my failos
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Reactions: try2beme
Ugly truth: You are not average looking, you are below average. Maybe you’re ok looking in your eyes, but it’s a scientific fact that people tend to overestimate their own looks level, it’s a common phenomenon among humans, no matter if their male, female, Chad or incel
If anything, it's a "popular" opinion.
  • +1
Reactions: JustCallMeKash and the_machinist_786
Ugly truth: You are not average looking, you are below average. Maybe you’re ok looking in your eyes, but it’s a scientific fact that people tend to overestimate their own looks level, it’s a common phenomenon among humans, no matter if their male, female, Chad or incel
yeah. and you got to consider that a lot of users only post aspie cherrypicked selfies where they squint, jut, cheek bite, clench jaw and use the 'best' photo out of the 100 takes just to barely crack low MTN

there's a very good reason why they never post candids of them in outdoor lighting
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Reactions: try2beme
More than that, they dont believe in fashion, softmaxxing, gym and appeal so theyre literally a below average face with subhuman smv and appeal

Their excuses? “Chad doesnt…..” guess what buddy youre closer to subhuman than chad so start thinking accordingly
Ugly truth: You are not average looking, you are below average. Maybe you’re ok looking in your eyes, but it’s a scientific fact that people tend to overestimate their own looks level, it’s a common phenomenon among humans, no matter if their male, female, Chad or incel
Water is wet nigga :lul: There is a reason we are still on this forum after 50 posts
I got rated high LTN low MTN by niggas here it is what it is
average is still not enough to pull stacy

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