Vulnerability - The key to successful relationships


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what would jordan do?
Oct 20, 2018
To truly experience love you have to be willing and able to be truly vulnerable. To exist and be within yourself without worry about anything else or how you’ll be received, being you for you and loving outwardly without condition.

This subcommunicates strength and belief in oneself, and a high vibrational attitude.
Someone that knows themselves, knows what they want and is going to not compromise on this vision but also not judge others for not aligning with such vision is a force to be reckoned with.

If you guard yourself for fear of being hurt, you may put those walls up and they might keep you ‘safe’ from ‘heartbreak’, but you also end up not allowing anyone else in, friend or foe. This is not a way to live life as a human being.

Not to mention that the constant fear will reduce the quality of your life in the meantime.
Okay, maybe something bad happens eventually, but being scared of it won’t change that, and will actively lower your enjoyment of the relationship up until that point, restricting you from developing DEEP and true relationships with those that truly resonate with you.

I understand the opposing view. Woman desire masculine, dependant, and dominent men. I have no doubt that being vunerable and can have a negative impact on your relationship. Your girlfriend might show disinterest and lose attraction towards you. If thats the case the thank her for revealing her true nature and move on. Ultimatly even if you pretend and hide your emotions, your character will break eventually. The facade of a dark triad slayer will slowly crumble, and your true nature will be reaveled, you are forced to be vunerable. Then when you are weak, and unable to pretend anymore, that is when they show their true nature. Find out if she is someone worth your love, before loving her.

This may result in your heart being broken, but the alternative is never to truly be loved either. I would say that there’s less chance of having your heart hurt when you are totally within the loving space, as you attract that which you think about - if you are worried about being hurt, always ‘looking round the corner’ for danger, guess what, you’re going to find something scary around the bend.

Within relationships, the quality of the love you feel will result on how willing you are to let go. With reservation, comes problems, lying, dissonance and expectations.

If you love with conditions, then you cannot fall into the beautiful space of loving regardless of all else. Why does a dog’s love feel so beautiful? Because they love without expectation, without condition and no matter what you are doing. The same reason many users here love their mothers unconditionally despite resenting all other females. Loving without reservation will attract others that feel and love similarly.

If the girl you are with doesnt accept your true self, it is not worth dating her. If you are with a girl who you know will leave you if she sees you weak, you are cuckholding the true version of yourself. You are a truly pathetic man, who changes himself for a woman. Not everyone has a privilege to a relationship like this. Looksmax and moneymax until you are considered worthy of sharing your emotions and truly being yourself. Empty and fake relationships are not worth it.
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imo it’s better to learn how to train a horse than to spend your life hunting for a unicorn.

Most women will eat you alive if you show genuine vulnerability to them.
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imo it’s better to learn how to train a horse than to spend your life hunting for a unicorn.

Most women will eat you alive if you show genuine vulnerability to them.
true, almost everything will be held against u/told to friends after a breakup
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imo it’s better to learn how to train a horse than to spend your life hunting for a unicorn.

Most women will eat you alive if you show genuine vulnerability to them.
Its impossible to change a woman.
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Its impossible to change a woman.
Who says you need to change their nature? It’s all about positioning yourself into a position of leverage in the relationship. Whoever cares less, even if it’s just a posture, has the power.
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imo it’s better to learn how to train a horse than to spend your life hunting for a unicorn.

Most women will eat you alive if you show genuine vulnerability to them.
All will. These unicorns dont exist. Its womens fundamental nature to discard weak men.
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Legit thread I never shared my emotional vulnerable side to my gf which made our conversation forced af. How long will looks work? U need to show who u truly are.
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Who says you need to change their nature? It’s all about positioning yourself into a position of leverage in the relationship. Whoever cares less, even if it’s just a posture, has the power.
Have you ever been in a relationship like this?
I was in a relationship exactly as you described. I held all the cards, I cared less, she loved me way more than I loved her. However, I hated being in the relationship because everything I did was with the intention of increasing power, not enjoying it.

Its just not worth it bro. If you believe no girls are capable of accepting someones vunerablities (which is cope imo), why even be in a relationship? Why fuck 1 girl who doesnt love you if you could fuck 10?
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Dn rd because you’re a pussy. The key is to be a real man, protect and provide and be a leader, that’s all that matters.
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Dn rd because you’re a pussy. The key is to be a real man, protect and provide and be a leader, that’s all that matters.
Being a real man is being true to your virtues. Real men dont need to hide their emotions to impress girls who have fucked 100s of guys before them because they are scared of being dumped.
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Have you ever been in a relationship like this?
I was in a relationship exactly as you described. I held all the cards, I cared less, she loved me way more than I loved her. However, I hated being in the relationship because everything I did was with the intention of increasing power, not enjoying it.

Its just not worth it bro. If you believe no girls are capable of accepting someones vunerablities (which is cope imo), why even be in a relationship? Why fuck 1 girl who doesnt love you if you could fuck 10?
Why would it be cope to think all women attack vulnerability? Do you think we want that to be true?

Also the reason to have a GF is to have something to fuck everynight and turn her into your betabux. Its also helpful for social lifemaxxing.
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DEEP and true relationships
DEEP and true relationships with women :lul: :lul:
thank her for revealing her true nature and move on
then you will be doing a lot of moving on I guess
alternative is never to truly be loved either
vast majority of men will never be truly loved by their partner
Looksmax and moneymax until you are considered worthy of sharing your emotions and truly being yourself
so essentialy you are saying that you must become such a high PSL that sharing your emotions wont destroy the relationship (because youre in the top 1% of looks)?

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DEEP and true relationships with women :lul: :lul:

then you will be doing a lot of moving on I guess

vast majority of men will never be truly loved by their partner

so essentialy you are saying that you must become such a high PSL that sharing your emotions wont destroy the relationship (because youre in the top 1% of looks)?

He seems a bit cucked ngl
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He seems a bit cucked ngl
I think its a waste of time to have to pretend and settle for someone who will never love you.

If you looksmax, moneymax, and become a genuinly happy and confident guy before you enter a relationship, then you will enjoy it much more. Im Obviously not saying to cry to your girlfriend, or to feel bad about pathetic things either. I wrote wait until "considered worthy of sharing your emotions". Solve all your deep routed problems, no one wants to be a therapist.

Basically what I was trying to say: As a male with high SMV you can be vunerable without seeming pathetic. Instead of hiding your emotions in a relationship, fix your problems before dating. Then you can enjoy a relationship where you can be yourself and open.

Why would you chose this kind of a relationship?

Tbh my essay does sound a bit cucked, I copypasted it and just added few things
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so essentialy you are saying that you must become such a high PSL that sharing your emotions wont destroy the relationship (because youre in the top 1% of looks)?
Top 20% is enough, and yes unless you are 20%+ relationships are incredibly cucked
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Top 20% is enough, and yes unless you are 20%+ relationships are incredibly cucked
Great - now your entire post in entirely pointless you absolute retard
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Great - now your entire post in entirely pointless you absolute retard
In essence yeah.

If you are a not a top 20% male, nothing you do will lead to a fullfilling relationship. Pretending you are someone who you are not will not work in the long term and it wont make you happy.

If you are top 20% male, Virtually every relationship is fullfilling. You have value and SMV, so you dont need to constantly be scared of girls leaving you so you can act how you want.

Solution: Looksmax
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I think its a waste of time to have to pretend and settle for someone who will never love you.

If you looksmax, moneymax, and become a genuinly happy and confident guy before you enter a relationship, then you will enjoy it much more. Im Obviously not saying to cry to your girlfriend, or to feel bad about pathetic things either. I wrote wait until "considered worthy of sharing your emotions". Solve all your deep routed problems, no one wants to be a therapist.

Basically what I was trying to say: As a male with high SMV you can be vunerable without seeming pathetic. Instead of hiding your emotions in a relationship, fix your problems before dating. Then you can enjoy a relationship where you can be yourself and open.

Why would you chose this kind of a relationship?

Tbh my essay does sound a bit cucked, I copypasted it and just added few things
No girl wants a man she has to mother, she wants you to be the daddy figure, not her.

The minute you cry to a bitch or show vulnerability, you put yourself lower status than her. It doesn't matter if you have all the Looks and Money in the World, once she feels your lower status its good game and thats a wrap, in terms of attraction + respect + wanting to stay with you.

Also I absolutely treat women like shit because I feel they're below me, this is not some contrived act or PUA script reading, its just how I feel. If it was fake I agree it would be tiresome and unhappy, but guys should not therefore accept a cucked mentality, they should evolve their mentality like I did.
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I agree, it's better to just let loose instead of putting on an act but it's a privilege of good-looking men
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I agree with you OP, but I also think your post misses the point.

My view is that you can be a turbo dark triad and be cheated on, cucked and left - or you could be an open, emotionally available and honest guy and be guaranteed no cheating or similar behavior from your gf.

If we can agree that both those scenarios can exist, we can also agree that the deciding factor isn't whether or not you are emotionally available and so on, but other factors.

In my eyes, the deciding factor will always be your total market value compared to:

1. her market value
2. the market value of men available to her

So for instance, if we take a completely arbitrary number system from 1-10 where all factors are accounted for (looks, status, money, personality, blabla): Lets say you are an 8, she is a 7 - however, she has access to a 9 - you're fucked no matter if you are dark triad or not.

Now obviously, being in a relationship with a girl can be very powerful in heightening her percieved value of you - and I think how you behave is pretty important - mostly through not literally cucking yourself via your behavior. But being vulnerable or not shouldn't really matter. I can't imagine some turbo chad with all the success in the world being left because he "opened up".
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To truly experience love you have to be willing and able to be truly vulnerable. To exist and be within yourself without worry about anything else or how you’ll be received, being you for you and loving outwardly without condition.

This subcommunicates strength and belief in oneself, and a high vibrational attitude.
Someone that knows themselves, knows what they want and is going to not compromise on this vision but also not judge others for not aligning with such vision is a force to be reckoned with.

If you guard yourself for fear of being hurt, you may put those walls up and they might keep you ‘safe’ from ‘heartbreak’, but you also end up not allowing anyone else in, friend or foe. This is not a way to live life as a human being.

Not to mention that the constant fear will reduce the quality of your life in the meantime.
Okay, maybe something bad happens eventually, but being scared of it won’t change that, and will actively lower your enjoyment of the relationship up until that point, restricting you from developing DEEP and true relationships with those that truly resonate with you.

I understand the opposing view. Woman desire masculine, dependant, and dominent men. I have no doubt that being vunerable and can have a negative impact on your relationship. Your girlfriend might show disinterest and lose attraction towards you. If thats the case the thank her for revealing her true nature and move on. Ultimatly even if you pretend and hide your emotions, your character will break eventually. The facade of a dark triad slayer will slowly crumble, and your true nature will be reaveled, you are forced to be vunerable. Then when you are weak, and unable to pretend anymore, that is when they show their true nature. Find out if she is someone worth your love, before loving her.

This may result in your heart being broken, but the alternative is never to truly be loved either. I would say that there’s less chance of having your heart hurt when you are totally within the loving space, as you attract that which you think about - if you are worried about being hurt, always ‘looking round the corner’ for danger, guess what, you’re going to find something scary around the bend.

Within relationships, the quality of the love you feel will result on how willing you are to let go. With reservation, comes problems, lying, dissonance and expectations.

If you love with conditions, then you cannot fall into the beautiful space of loving regardless of all else. Why does a dog’s love feel so beautiful? Because they love without expectation, without condition and no matter what you are doing. The same reason many users here love their mothers unconditionally despite resenting all other females. Loving without reservation will attract others that feel and love similarly.

If the girl you are with doesnt accept your true self, it is not worth dating her. If you are with a girl who you know will leave you if she sees you weak, you are cuckholding the true version of yourself. You are a truly pathetic man, who changes himself for a woman. Not everyone has a privilege to a relationship like this. Looksmax and moneymax until you are considered worthy of sharing your emotions and truly being yourself. Empty and fake relationships are not worth it.
forgot the bluepill tag
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You can show vulnerability and still be masculine. There’s a limit, though.
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You can show vulnerability and still be masculine. There’s a limit, though.
It also depends on the woman. If you’re dating a shitty woman, there’s no changing that.
It's tiresome and pointless, for real.

Imagine spending your time on blackpill forums blurting random bullshittery like "hurr durr do not change for a woman" "chad does not need to change" then, guess what...

You start pretending to be an invulnerable dark triad "slayer" only to come off as an edgy tryhard in the end JFL

You incoherent fuck.
The sole fact you started acting like a jerk because it's considered "ideal" by some incel aspie means you have failed to comply to any and all of your self-imposed rules.
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The key to being loved is being good-looking.
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It's tiresome and pointless, for real.

Imagine spending your time on blackpill forums blurting random bullshittery like "hurr durr do not change for a woman" "chad does not need to change" then, guess what...

You start pretending to be an invulnerable dark triad "slayer" only to come off as an edgy tryhard in the end JFL

You incoherent fuck.
The sole fact you started acting like a jerk because it's considered "ideal" by some incel aspie means you have failed to comply to any and all of your self-imposed rules.
This is not true.

I've become an invulnerable dark triad "slayer" personality wise. Not out of tryharding, but because the deeper I learn about female nature, my hatred grows DEEPER. This means I now treat women like absolute shit and feel good about it, I know they deserve it and its the righteous thing to do.

Now bitches like me, and I continue to hate them even more because their primitive masochism disgusts me.

This is achievable for any guy here imo, but it does mean you will never love a bitch ever except your mom.
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This is not true.

I've become an invulnerable dark triad "slayer" personality wise. Not out of tryharding, but because the deeper I learn about female nature, my hatred grows DEEPER. This means I now treat women like absolute shit and feel good about it, I know they deserve it and its the righteous thing to do.

Now bitches like me, and I continue to hate them even more because their primitive masochism disgusts me.

This is achievable for any guy here imo, but it does mean you will never love a bitch ever except your mom.
Well nothing to blame about a natural evolution. You don't even need to read threads in here just talk to a couple of foids and the damage is already done.

I was referring to the typical manosphere incel, too high inhib to even talk to women and discover their true nature.
This is the kind of individual who can only pretend to not be a sissy.
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Well nothing to blame about a natural evolution. You don't even need to read threads in here just talk to a couple of foids and the damage is already done.

I was referring to the typical manosphere incel, too high inhib to even talk to women and discover their true nature.
This is the kind of individual who can only pretend to not be a sissy.
In the beginning I was too high inhib like typical manosphere incel too. They can evolve dark triad pimp hatred like I did, at the start through The Black Phillip Show. From that point, I only became more and more low inhib/hateful (yes from irl experience after gaining some baseline hatred from Black Phillip), still plunging deeper to this day.
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In the beginning I was too high inhib like typical manosphere incel too. They can evolve dark triad pimp hatred like I did, at the start through The Black Phillip Show. From that point, I only became more and more low inhib/hateful (yes from irl experience after gaining some baseline hatred from Black Phillip), still plunging deeper to this day.
Ahead of its times jfl the name is a literal wordplay on "blackpill"
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Ahead of its times jfl the name is a literal wordplay on "blackpill"
Yeh it was mocking the horseshit advice men get from Dr Phil Show haha
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Gigacope, only vulnerability u should show are crocodile tears and fake promises
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Never be honest with women
tbh. it doesn't matter. so it's easier to be honest.
What matters, is you attractive or not.

No woman will be like. Oh, I find this guy unattractive. But he is honest so i'll screw him.
No woman will be like. Oh, I find this guy unattractive. But he tells cool shit (lies) so i'll screw him.
  • +1
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tbh. it doesn't matter. so it's easier to be honest.
What matters, is you attractive or not.

No woman will be like. Oh, I find this guy unattractive. But he is honest so i'll screw him.
No woman will be like. Oh, I find this guy unattractive. But he tells cool shit (lies) so i'll screw him.
Depends on what u lie about
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be honest with them

David X was (sadly he died not so long ago) the GOAT, he was the lowest inhib of all, telling the bitches that he came back from fucking their friend and they liked him even more.

However, what OP posted is a Mark Manson propaganda bullshit, if you don't know this guy, Mark Manson is the former PUA who started teaching this bluepill bullshit (not surprising since PUA is an another bluepill, just with a big hat on it) about "muh showing your feelings" and lol, he wrote about how he fucked some girl cuz they were talking about their own problems from the past lolololol

So ask yourself, would you like to learn from pimps and the guy like David X or from a guy who says that if you tell a girl about your childhood trauma, then she will like you more?
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  • +1
Reactions: AsGoodAsItGets and Deleted member 4797
tbh. it doesn't matter. so it's easier to be honest.
What matters, is you attractive or not.

No woman will be like. Oh, I find this guy unattractive. But he is honest so i'll screw him.
No woman will be like. Oh, I find this guy unattractive. But he tells cool shit (lies) so i'll screw him.
Lies are more about stringing a bitch along in LTR, you dont need lies to keep the bitch but they're useful to get money out of her (sell her the false hope that you want future with her).

A guy she doesnt find attractive wont even reach the LTR point so its redundant (unless he's betabux, in which case he's cucked either way).
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  • +1
Reactions: Sub0, autistic_tendencies and IdiAmin
So ask yourself, would you like to learn from pimps and the guy like David X or from a guy who says that if you tell a girl about your childhood trauma, then she will like you more?
pitty he went away. i liked davidx in it's basis and his 2 rules, from what remember from past. his style, was and is farr of from my persona, so i could never copy-paste. Mason I dunno.

i like to learn from neither. I'm kinda in large finished learning from others, it's kinda figured out of what works for me personally.

no way, a woman will be attracted to you because talking about childhood trauma; nor acting fake ro even real tough guy like.
It matter limited imo.

Just don't be a soy-bitch, and don't be overcompensating fake tough guy. Both is pathetic, imo.
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i liked davidx in it's basis, from what remember from past. his style, was and is farr of from my persona, so i could never copy-paste.

i like to learn from neither. I'm kinda finished learning largely.

no way, a woman will be attracted to you because talking about childhood trauma; nor acting fake ro even real tough guy like.
It matter limited imo.

Just don't be a soy-bitch, and don't be overcompensating fake tough guy. Both is pathetic, imo.

It's not about being a fake tough guy, it's about being confident in yourself and having a good mindset, so that you will not feel intimidated by any girl
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Reactions: autistic_tendencies, eduardkoopman and Deleted member 4797
It's not about being a fake tough guy, it's about being confident in yourself and having a good mindset, so that you will not feel intimidated by any girl
Confidence Pill.
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Warner Bros Lol GIF by Joker Movie
jimmy fallon laughing GIF by Obama
Michael Jordan Reaction GIF
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first rule of chicks is don’t tell ‘em anything
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To truly experience love you have to be willing and able to be truly vulnerable. To exist and be within yourself without worry about anything else or how you’ll be received, being you for you and loving outwardly without condition.

This subcommunicates strength and belief in oneself, and a high vibrational attitude.
Someone that knows themselves, knows what they want and is going to not compromise on this vision but also not judge others for not aligning with such vision is a force to be reckoned with.

If you guard yourself for fear of being hurt, you may put those walls up and they might keep you ‘safe’ from ‘heartbreak’, but you also end up not allowing anyone else in, friend or foe. This is not a way to live life as a human being.

Not to mention that the constant fear will reduce the quality of your life in the meantime.
Okay, maybe something bad happens eventually, but being scared of it won’t change that, and will actively lower your enjoyment of the relationship up until that point, restricting you from developing DEEP and true relationships with those that truly resonate with you.

I understand the opposing view. Woman desire masculine, dependant, and dominent men. I have no doubt that being vunerable and can have a negative impact on your relationship. Your girlfriend might show disinterest and lose attraction towards you. If thats the case the thank her for revealing her true nature and move on. Ultimatly even if you pretend and hide your emotions, your character will break eventually. The facade of a dark triad slayer will slowly crumble, and your true nature will be reaveled, you are forced to be vunerable. Then when you are weak, and unable to pretend anymore, that is when they show their true nature. Find out if she is someone worth your love, before loving her.

This may result in your heart being broken, but the alternative is never to truly be loved either. I would say that there’s less chance of having your heart hurt when you are totally within the loving space, as you attract that which you think about - if you are worried about being hurt, always ‘looking round the corner’ for danger, guess what, you’re going to find something scary around the bend.

Within relationships, the quality of the love you feel will result on how willing you are to let go. With reservation, comes problems, lying, dissonance and expectations.

If you love with conditions, then you cannot fall into the beautiful space of loving regardless of all else. Why does a dog’s love feel so beautiful? Because they love without expectation, without condition and no matter what you are doing. The same reason many users here love their mothers unconditionally despite resenting all other females. Loving without reservation will attract others that feel and love similarly.

If the girl you are with doesnt accept your true self, it is not worth dating her. If you are with a girl who you know will leave you if she sees you weak, you are cuckholding the true version of yourself. You are a truly pathetic man, who changes himself for a woman. Not everyone has a privilege to a relationship like this. Looksmax and moneymax until you are considered worthy of sharing your emotions and truly being yourself. Empty and fake relationships are not worth it.
Don't listen to this dude, I've already taken this advice. Learn from my mistake. Lead, protect, and provide. Be a man. Equality and vulnerability are hard BS virtue-signaling garbage platitudes that exist only in movies.​
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To truly experience love you have to be willing and able to be truly vulnerable. To exist and be within yourself without worry about anything else or how you’ll be received, being you for you and loving outwardly without condition.

This subcommunicates strength and belief in oneself, and a high vibrational attitude.
Someone that knows themselves, knows what they want and is going to not compromise on this vision but also not judge others for not aligning with such vision is a force to be reckoned with.

If you guard yourself for fear of being hurt, you may put those walls up and they might keep you ‘safe’ from ‘heartbreak’, but you also end up not allowing anyone else in, friend or foe. This is not a way to live life as a human being.

Not to mention that the constant fear will reduce the quality of your life in the meantime.
Okay, maybe something bad happens eventually, but being scared of it won’t change that, and will actively lower your enjoyment of the relationship up until that point, restricting you from developing DEEP and true relationships with those that truly resonate with you.

I understand the opposing view. Woman desire masculine, dependant, and dominent men. I have no doubt that being vunerable and can have a negative impact on your relationship. Your girlfriend might show disinterest and lose attraction towards you. If thats the case the thank her for revealing her true nature and move on. Ultimatly even if you pretend and hide your emotions, your character will break eventually. The facade of a dark triad slayer will slowly crumble, and your true nature will be reaveled, you are forced to be vunerable. Then when you are weak, and unable to pretend anymore, that is when they show their true nature. Find out if she is someone worth your love, before loving her.

This may result in your heart being broken, but the alternative is never to truly be loved either. I would say that there’s less chance of having your heart hurt when you are totally within the loving space, as you attract that which you think about - if you are worried about being hurt, always ‘looking round the corner’ for danger, guess what, you’re going to find something scary around the bend.

Within relationships, the quality of the love you feel will result on how willing you are to let go. With reservation, comes problems, lying, dissonance and expectations.

If you love with conditions, then you cannot fall into the beautiful space of loving regardless of all else. Why does a dog’s love feel so beautiful? Because they love without expectation, without condition and no matter what you are doing. The same reason many users here love their mothers unconditionally despite resenting all other females. Loving without reservation will attract others that feel and love similarly.

If the girl you are with doesnt accept your true self, it is not worth dating her. If you are with a girl who you know will leave you if she sees you weak, you are cuckholding the true version of yourself. You are a truly pathetic man, who changes himself for a woman. Not everyone has a privilege to a relationship like this. Looksmax and moneymax until you are considered worthy of sharing your emotions and truly being yourself. Empty and fake relationships are not worth it.

Why do I need a woman when I got offtopic?
I understand this but I had a happy childhood and don't have anything to share or open up about, also I would like her to open up to me first, I want to show that I'm independent and a secure man, idk how being vulnerable will help here

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