Why do Eurocucks hate gipsies?



Average ginger stacey enjoyer
Aug 1, 2022
Im from the US and don’t know shit about gipsies outside of Peaky Blinders. To all the Europeans, what did they do, and why do you hate them?
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they're good and honest people idk why they hate them
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Nothing they're Just mad because they live in campers and don't pay taxes to jews controlled governments
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Nothing they're Just mad because they live in campers and don't pay taxes to jews controlled governments
The jews and gipsies shoukd team up tbh. They would make a good combo
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Why do Americucks hate niggers?
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Im from the US and don’t know shit about gipsies outside of Peaky Blinders. To all the Europeans, what did they do, and why do you hate them?
Because @the BULL is taking our women, like horses.

No woman-horse can hide from @the BULL when he is around.

As they say: "Where @the BULL has visited, Jew has nothing to gain anymore..." :feelshehe:

Before @the BULL :

After @the BULL :
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  • JFL
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Im from the US and don’t know shit about gipsies outside of Peaky Blinders. To all the Europeans, what did they do, and why do you hate them?
Because they will pickpocket the shit of you.

gipsies are even worse than the classic thieves because they bring their children with them (and sometimes they let them do the job)
  • JFL
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Because they will pickpocket the shit of you.

gipsies are even worse than the classic thieves because they bring their children with them (and sometimes they let them do the job)
They mostly sell drugs. You have much higher probability to get pickpocket by some napoletano Wannabe mafioso kid
They mostly sell drugs. You have much higher probability to get pickpocket by some napoletano Wannabe mafioso kid
All the guys that ask me if I want to buy drugs are african (mena or nigerians)

I got asked 3 times in the last days while I was traveling
People wonder why some italian are racists: because we have some neighborhood like those who are fully populated by immigrants and they're usually the worst parts of the respective cities
Because they will pickpocket the shit of you.

gipsies are even worse than the classic thieves because they bring their children with them (and sometimes they let them do the job)
So they r kinda like fantasy goblins
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I have no hate in my hart for anyone only women
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go visit the Eiffel tower
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They mostly sell drugs. You have much higher probability to get pickpocket by some napoletano Wannabe mafioso kid
Listen to him, @khvirgin , he knows what he is talking about :feelshehe:

If they cast @the BULL as a Gypsy Ken:

Screenshot 2023 07 16 at 215810
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If u show me ONE, my world will shatter :feelswhat: :feelscry:
Gypsy Is not a pheno dude. Most of them come from Romania where there are like 5 phenos
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They sniff glue,steal and commit crimes. They get life mogged to oblivion by even africans living in decrepit shitholes. 90% of them don't even graduate high school
3270026 image 7
  • JFL
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How do you know if Someone Is a gypsy? Gypsies here drive bmws and dress good.
Boyo, gypsie lords drive bmws. MOST gypsies, like 99%, are homeless bums with weird dark pheno wearing strange clothes.
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Gypsy Is not a pheno dude. Most of them come from Romania where there are like 5 phenos
If you're talking about Romani they are an ethnic group and they originated in India, not Romania. Gypsy is just a generic term for various nomadic peoples.
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If you're talking about Romani they are an ethnic group and they originated in India, not Romania. Gypsy is just a generic term for various nomadic peoples.
Gypsies come from Romania too. All the ones i know. And they have all kind of pheno, either the south EE One or North EE. They're not some indians
Boyo, gypsie lords drive bmws. MOST gypsies, like 99%, are homeless bums with weird dark pheno wearing strange clothes.
Then you don't know gypsies at all. I would be surprised if they lived in finland anyway, seems like a shitty country for their business.
Gypsies come from Romania too. All the ones i know. And they have all kind of pheno, either the south EE One or North EE. They're not some indians
Cope. You just heard Romani once and assumed it meant Romanian, like the utter retard you are.
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Nobody gives a shit about them here (ger)
America have Arabs tho who are 10x more worse than gypsies. Gypsies are generally not as bold and know their place. Arabs on the other hand are organized, have access to weapons and are more dangerous
Cope. You just heard Romani once and assumed it meant Romanian, like the utter retard you are.
Gypsies are a mixed group now. Most of them have 40-60% white balkan DNA.

Gypsies are a mixed group now. Most of them have 40-60% white balkan DNA.

Not a single traditional trade listed as "Three-card Monte dealer" calls into question the legitimacy of that study.
Cause they are high T
They are the stupid cousins of jews. Enough said.
Gypsies are a mixed group now. Most of them have 40-60% white balkan DNA.

I’ve seen this claim already but really struggle to believe it having been sharing a country with them for 2+ decades now.

Many of these people are 1:1 look like their Indian-Pakistani cousins, with similar darkness and facial features.

If you look at the history of them in Europe it’s also noteworthy that they always lived in segregation (mostly in caravans for a long time) so there was no intermixing.

They don’t look like nor do they behave in any way similar to white people.
Imagine the niggest of niggers, multiply it by six million, and maaaaybe you would approach the level of degeneracy that average gypsy posesses. There are also few bonuses which make them easily the most hate-able subhumans in existence.

Gypsies have utterly awful and xenophobic culture. To gypsy the non-gypsy (gadyo) is literally lower than a bug, so it is not only allowed but encouraged to fuck them over, steal from them and leech off them. Non-gypsy exists to serve gypsy. Gadjo works, creates and accumulates resources, and the gypsy takes the resources. Gadjo don't want to agree to this deal? Gypsy will simply steal. And since gadjo obviously never agrees, gypsy steals from gadjo for last hundreds of years. This is not an interpretation or something, this is actual belief and worldview of gypsy culture and religion.
So almost every single gypsy you will meet will be either a thief, or a panhandler. They also panhandle in extremely aggressive manner, forcing people to give them money to fuck off, if they don't they will often attack people verbally or try to harras them. They teach their children how to steal and panhandle, teaching them how to appear poor or sick to people on street and use people's empathy to get money.

The social structure of gypsies is also utterly degenerate and disgusting. Male is not supposed to work, never. He might steal, but even that mostly when he's younger. He uses his wife (or wives) and children to make money for him, by aforementioned stealing and panhandling. From the very youngest years the children are teached this, together with ideology of gypsy supremacy and hatred to non-gypsy, to override the dillemas of morality, if by some unlucky strike the gypsy's kid is born with it.
They also live like animals, in dirty campers, wearing dirty clothes, not bathing etc. The most wealthy of gypsies (you can google gypsy villas - lots of them actually make immense money on scams and stealing and various mafia-like operations, like fake panhandling) are flashing their wealth, but still dress like shit and don't bathe.

Also about this fake panhandling operations, this is some hardcore shit. They are employing gypsy women, children and teenagers to stand in streets and beg. They sometimes buy little children, because panhandling woman has way higher chance of getting good payday if she has a child - abusing empathy of gadjo. The most important thing is - no woman uses her own child, so that she can't run away on a job. """Working""" women give children to men who mix them, and each woman gets child of another (or a bought child). The children are often sedated using drugs - heroin, benzos, barbiturates, alcohol, so they don't cry and don't annoy the """working"""" woman and people around.
I don't know how it is today, but back in '90s and '00s there were many confirmed cases of mutilating children so that people feel bad and give more money - blinding them, amputating limbs, or bandaging arms of newborns so it atrophise and never develops.

Well I could write for hours about how disgusting they are. As I said, there's thousands of stuff that combines to make gypsy the most hateable creature on entire Earth. Suffice to say they were always hated and opposed throughout entire of Europe's history, and even biggest bleeding-heart liberals feel disgust to them.

There is a good saying that shows this:
Do you want to see even the most empathic and welcoming european leftist to turn into the most based man alive in just few seconds? Ask him what he thinks about gypsies!

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