Why do we see so much Racism here?



Adidasmaxxed Chad
Dec 8, 2018
At first I thought the neo Nazi shit was just to keep the normies from joining. But I red more and more about it and since the beginning of lookism and this forum it seems like half the site is extremely racist and anti semitic.

Which gives me the impression half the people here are muslims, is this correct? Since I dont know any white person hating on Jews, only Muslims do that. Also jfl, no matter if you hate against jews or blacks or other ethnics it shows you are the same caliber of autist conspiracy basement dweller like the reddit counterpart
  • JFL
Reactions: LampPostPrime
Edit: nevermind, just pathetic overall
This forum is actually not that racist. Blacks can actually exist here compared to 4chan
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  • Hmm...
  • JFL
Reactions: aspiringexcel, LampPostPrime, Deleted member 18522 and 3 others
This forum is actually not that racist. Blacks can actually exist here compared to 4chan
Every second thread is some made up shit justifying the hate of some kind of nationality
Every second thread is some made up shit justifying the hate of some kind of nationality
I never said this forum WASN'T racist.
  • JFL
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Reactions: aspiringexcel, Lethbridge, Deleted member 18522 and 1 other person
At first I thought the neo Nazi shit was just to keep the normies from joining. But I red more and more about it and since the beginning of lookism and this forum it seems like half the site is extremely racist and anti semitic.

Which gives me the impression half the people here are muslims, is this correct? Since I dont know any white person hating on Jews, only Muslims do that. Also jfl, no matter if you hate against jews or blacks or other ethnics it shows you are the same caliber of autist conspiracy basement dweller like the reddit counterpart
JFL if youre on obscure forums in 2023 and you dont know about the JQ
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Reactions: cell0xide, OnlyHeightMatters and BloodClot
All races need to collectively stand against the jews
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  • JFL
Reactions: cell0xide, aspiringexcel, Deleted member 18522 and 2 others
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Reactions: cell0xide
JFL if youre on obscure forums in 2023 and you dont know about the JQ
All races need to collectively stand against the jews
Thats what I mean lmao
How about you blame yourself or your shit genetics for everything that has failed in your life insted of muh jews
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Reactions: Deleted member 5467

Thats what I mean lmao
How about you blame yourself or your shit genetics for everything that has failed in your life insted of muh jews
Look at the Jew posts I replied to earlier

Thats what I mean lmao
How about you blame yourself or your shit genetics for everything that has failed in your life insted of muh jews
Jewish Question
  • +1
Reactions: aspiringexcel and Splinter901
At first I thought the neo Nazi shit was just to keep the normies from joining. But I red more and more about it and since the beginning of lookism and this forum it seems like half the site is extremely racist and anti semitic.

Which gives me the impression half the people here are muslims, is this correct? Since I dont know any white person hating on Jews, only Muslims do that. Also jfl, no matter if you hate against jews or blacks or other ethnics it shows you are the same caliber of autist conspiracy basement dweller like the reddit counterpart
Most guys here are white, actually.
Racism has pretty much always been an inherent feature of the PSL subculture, which is very Eurocentric and also very focused on physical appearance. Couple that with the age demographic of most guys here and it's not terribly surprising.
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Reactions: Corleone and Deleted member 24444
Most guys here are white, actually.
Racism has pretty much always been an inherent feature of the PSL subculture, which is very Eurocentric and also very focused on physical appearance. Couple that with the age demographic of most guys here and it's not terribly surprising.
Where is @Komesarj89 ?
JoinedDec 8, 2018

On that note, how are you still asking these questions when you've been here for nearly five years?
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 33379
Most guys here are white, actually.
Racism has pretty much always been an inherent feature of the PSL subculture, which is very Eurocentric and also very focused on physical appearance. Couple that with the age demographic of most guys here and it's not terribly surprising.
I think I focused too much on the good quality stuff that I just ignored the rest but since I am more active on this forum I see these tendencies more and more. Jfl and they call themselves high IQ
half the site is extremely racist and anti semitic.

Which gives me the impression half the people here are muslims, is this correct? Since I dont know any white person hating on Jews, only Muslims do that. Also jfl, no matter if you hate against jews
Go cry to the ADL, you zionist dog.

Gets kicked out of 109 countries and thinks that other people must be the problem, JFL.
  • JFL
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Reactions: cell0xide, schizolool and Tabula Rasa
Where is @Komesarj89 ?
His fake ascénsion story got exposed and he ran, his twatter is deleted too
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 24444

Thats what I mean lmao
How about you blame yourself or your shit genetics for everything that has failed in your life insted of muh jews

Goes way deep if you wanna do your own research (use Yandex as your search engine bc big tech censors everything)

You hear about "anti-semitism" and probably think about muh anne frank (literally a fictional pedo made-up book published as non-fictional) or the hollywood jew propaganda movies


dk if you can get banned for talking about it on .org, not even gonna get into it cause its 4chan chud type-shit
  • +1
Reactions: Corleone
>I don't know any white person hating on jews
Then how did the holocaust happen?
  • JFL
Reactions: schizolool, mogstars and gonion wanter
to cope. when someone is a complete and utter loser the only way they can feel better about themselves is to punch down at someone lower on the totem pole. “sure i might be an ugly subhuman with no sex life, but at least i’m not as subhuman as THOSE people”
  • +1
Reactions: audimax
Gets kicked out of 109 countries and thinks that other people must be the problem, JFL.
If you want to be loved by the yeast life masses then you are kinda missing the point tbh
All great men were envied by the ugly mob, it's no different with antisemitism
JoinedDec 8, 2018

On that note, how are you still asking these questions when you've been here for nearly five years?
Tbh I wasnt that active earlier on and when i was active, I just focused on the stuff that got my interest and ignored the rest of the autists (aside from some shitposting). I thought they were just some 16 year old ethnic greycels spewing their bullshit. But now I see users with 10k+ posts and older accounts saying the same stuff and wondering how the fuck can you call yourself blackpilled and high IQ if you still follow the same conspiracy shit like redneck Americans or neo Nazi groups
If you want to be loved by the yeast life masses then you are kinda missing the point tbh
All great men were envied by the ugly mob, it's no different with antisemitism
Or they are pesky leeches that try to undermine every society they infiltrate.
Or they are pesky leeches that try to undermine every society they infiltrate.
"Jews are managerial money grubbers who don't deserve my respect" as a statement is functionally the same as "the evil whitey stole all the resources of my ooba gooba 60 IQ shitskin country so I must complain"
Tbh I wasnt that active earlier on and when i was active, I just focused on the stuff that got my interest and ignored the rest of the autists (aside from some shitposting). I thought they were just some 16 year old ethnic greycels spewing their bullshit. But now I see users with 10k+ posts and older accounts saying the same stuff and wondering how the fuck can you call yourself blackpilled and high IQ if you still follow the same conspiracy shit like redneck Americans or neo Nazi groups
Maybe you’re just low iq
  • +1
Reactions: cell0xide
Lmao how about you go outside for once in your life. Shit is hilarious
"Jews are managerial money grubbers who don't deserve my respect" as a statement is functionally the same as "the evil whitey stole all the resources of my ooba gooba 60 IQ shitskin country so I must complain"
I do respect them for being high-IQ, looking out for their racial group, and wielding the power they do today.

But they shouldn‘t cry when people resist their nepotistic destructive world views.
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I do respect them for being high-IQ, looking out for their racial group, and wielding the power they do today.

But they shouldn‘t cry when people resist their nepotistic destructive world views.
Youre talking maybe about a handful of people. I doubt the average Jew you see on the street even knows about the shit that you accuse them of.
I have Jewish friends and the hate they get just for existing is quite sad tbh. At least most of the people see through this BS and would help immediately. But the same thing goes for any other ethnicity that is victim of hate or hate crimes, most of the people nowadays are not Racists but there are always people that need to act on their hate unfortunately. You guys should meditate and start thinking were your thought come from. It is not normal to hate random people you never met in your life because of some 150 year old books.
  • JFL
Reactions: LampPostPrime
Dont come at me with Im brainwashed by the media or some dumb shit and instead put your focus on looksmaxxing as long as you have time left
Youre talking maybe about a handful of people. I doubt the average Jew you see on the street even knows about the shit that you accuse them of.

I don‘t accuse the average jew of anything. Its the zionist leaders they prop up, that everyone should take issue with.

No one cares about Stan Lee or Einstein; its the Epsteins, Sacklers, and Soroses we have an issue with.
  • +1
Reactions: LampPostPrime
How did you stumble across this forum, what were the steps? How was your life before?
Found .is link on 4channing Tatum when I was 16 got banned on .is then linked to Looksmax.org made account there lost password after taking 3 year break made this account.
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Reactions: audimax
Most guys here are white, actually.
Racism has pretty much always been an inherent feature of the PSL subculture, which is very Eurocentric and also very focused on physical appearance. Couple that with the age demographic of most guys here and it's not terribly surprising.
"most guys here are white"


also OP and you are both ethnic crying copers lol
I have Jewish friends and the hate they get just for existing is quite sad tbh. At least most of the people see through this BS and would help immediately. But the same thing goes for any other ethnicity that is victim of hate or hate crimes, most of the people nowadays are not Racists but there are always people that need to act on their hate unfortunately. You guys should meditate and start thinking were your thought come from. It is not normal to hate random people you never met in your life because of some 150 year old books.
holy NPC lmfao. you're definitely shitskin coper lol
holy NPC lmfao. you're definitely shitskin coper lol
Im white and have posted my physique here before. Talking about NPC, common basement dweller lingi
  • JFL
Reactions: LampPostPrime

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