You can’t be a classic conservative and be blackpilled



Sep 13, 2019
By classic conservatism I mean the conservatism that advocates for mass tax cuts, mass deregulation, completely denies racism is happening at any level in society, thinks that the work of individuals is all noticed and appreciated equally and that everything that you have and the situations you’re in are determined by your actions.

If you believe in what I stated above and subscribe to those beliefs, you cannot be blackpilled. At best, you can be redpilled and there’s a good chance that you’re bluepilled.

For example,

Classic conservatism: Just pull yourself up by the bootstraps! Success is attainable for everyone

Blackpill: Pulling yourself up by the bootstraps won’t do shit if you’re genetic trash. If you’re ugly and low IQ, there’s no place for you in society. You’re meant to rot, not win. Everything you do will be hampered by society. Every card that can be played is stacked against you.

classic conservatism: All hard work is valued equally

Blackpill: Your hard work and effort being noticed depends on how you look. If you work your ass off as someone who looks good and respectable, you’re more likely to be noticed. Meanwhile if you’re a subhuman working, people may not even appreciate your presence

classic conservatism: People value character

Blackpill: Your “character” being valued is determined by how you look. People will appreciate your “character” if you look good and dominant. People will take advantage of your good “character” if you’re a manlet subhuman with no physical presence. Notice how I put “character” in quotation marks? Because character is cope. How you look determines the character that people perceive you to have. You will have to actively work against people’s expectations if you look like shit. This is known as the halo effect.

You can’t be a “classic conservative” and be blackpilled. Your limit is the bluepill. Now, I’m not saying ALL of conservatism is in conflict with the blackpill. It’s not, conservatism is a word for a broad part of the political spectrum. What I attacked in this thread was a small part of it.

Disclaimer: I’m 76 IQ. Don’t take what I say seriously, I severely lack even the most basic intelligence that one needs to function in a modern society. Don’t expect me to have intelligent takes, that’s beyond my abilities. If you want that, go to @disillusioned.
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thx bro

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By classic conservatism I mean the conservatism that advocates for mass tax cuts, mass deregulation, completely denies racism is happening at any level in society, thinks that the work of individuals is all noticed and appreciated equally and that everything that you have and the situations you’re in are determined by your actions.

If you believe in what I stated above and subscribe to those beliefs, you cannot be blackpilled. At best, you can be redpilled and there’s a good chance that you’re bluepilled.

For example,

Classic conservatism: Just pull yourself up by the bootstraps! Success is attainable for everyone

Blackpill: Pulling yourself up by the bootstraps won’t do shit if you’re genetic trash. If you’re ugly and low IQ, there’s no place for you in society. You’re meant to rot, not win. Everything you do will be hampered by society. Every card that can be played is stacked against you.

classic conservatism: All hard work is valued equally

Blackpill: Your hard work and effort being noticed depends on how you look. If you work your ass off as someone who looks good and respectable, you’re more likely to be noticed. Meanwhile if you’re a subhuman working, people may not even appreciate your presence

classic conservatism: People value character

Blackpill: Your “character” being valued is determined by how you look. People will appreciate your “character” if you look good and dominant. People will take advantage of your good “character” if you’re a manlet subhuman with no physical presence. Notice how I put “character” in quotation marks? Because character is cope. How you look determines the character that people perceive you to have. You will have to actively work against people’s expectations if you look like shit. This is known as the halo effect.

You can’t be a “classic conservative” and be blackpilled. Your limit is the bluepill. Now, I’m not saying ALL of conservatism is in conflict with the blackpill. It’s not, conservatism is a word for a broad part of the political spectrum. What I attacked in this thread was a small part of it.

Disclaimer: I’m 76 IQ. Don’t take what I say seriously, I severely lack even the most basic intelligence that one needs to function in a modern society. Don’t expect me to have intelligent takes, that’s beyond my abilities. If you want that, go to @disillusioned.
Another good thread. Although, I think you should've put it together with the leftist thread.
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Disclaimer: I’m 76 IQ.

You realize that 76 IQ is bordering on moderate retardation? For someone who feels the need to tell us how stupid he is, you sure put a lot of effort into trying to come off as intelligent. Its not subtle. You've said nothing of substance here. Is that it? Are you so disillusioned with looksmaxing, are you so repulsive to look at, you've begun seeking validation here in other ways? Is that what you want, to be told how clever you are? Why don't you just completely abandon the last bit of dignity you have, and just be known as the nice guy on the forum. Just compliment everyone, and just be real pleasant in your replies. And everyone will be like "There he goes, the nice guy." Maybe that'll be enough, for your attention starved brain to be acknowledged enough to the point where you don't feel like roping every morning you wake up. Or at least enough for you to not have to make absolutely autistic threads like this.
  • WTF
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You realize that 76 IQ is bordering on moderate retardation? For someone who feels the need to tell us how stupid he is, you sure put a lot of effort into trying to come off as intelligent. Its not subtle. You've said nothing of substance here. Is that it? Are you so disillusioned with looksmaxing, are you so repulsive to look at, you've begun seeking validation here in other ways? Is that what you want, to be told how clever you are? Why don't you just completely abandon the last bit of dignity you have, and just be known as the nice guy on the forum. Just compliment everyone, and just be real pleasant in your replies. And everyone will be like "There he goes, the nice guy." Maybe that'll be enough, for your attention starved brain to be acknowledged enough to the point where you don't feel like roping every morning you wake up. Or at least enough for you to not have to make absolutely autistic threads like this.
Who said I’m trying to come off as intelligent? Someone is helping me rn with typing this

I’ve said nothing of substance? You’re right brother. But the question here is, why are you so mad about it?
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“No matter who you vote for the government always gets in”

You realize that 76 IQ is bordering on moderate retardation? For someone who feels the need to tell us how stupid he is, you sure put a lot of effort into trying to come off as intelligent. Its not subtle. You've said nothing of substance here. Is that it? Are you so disillusioned with looksmaxing, are you so repulsive to look at, you've begun seeking validation here in other ways? Is that what you want, to be told how clever you are? Why don't you just completely abandon the last bit of dignity you have, and just be known as the nice guy on the forum. Just compliment everyone, and just be real pleasant in your replies. And everyone will be like "There he goes, the nice guy." Maybe that'll be enough, for your attention starved brain to be acknowledged enough to the point where you don't feel like roping every morning you wake up. Or at least enough for you to not have to make absolutely autistic threads like this.
dnr greycel keep crying for his 760 iq
  • JFL
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yeah i can't stand the jordan peterson "individualism/civil liberties" meme.

didnt work out very well for him or his trainwreck daughter , but he has millions of followers thinking he knows what he's talking about.
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Blackpill is Marxism+ Nazism
Bro i definetely could argue with you but didnt read
apparently you CAN write walls of autism tho
Disclaimer: I’m 76 IQ. Don’t take what I say seriously, I severely lack even the most basic intelligence that one needs to function in a modern society. Don’t expect me to have intelligent takes, that’s beyond my abilities.
Disclaimer: I’m 76 IQ. Don’t take what I say seriously, I severely lack even the most basic intelligence that one needs to function in a modern society. Don’t expect me to have intelligent takes, that’s beyond my abilities.
You realize that 76 IQ is bordering on moderate retardation? For someone who feels the need to tell us how stupid he is, you sure put a lot of effort into trying to come off as intelligent. Its not subtle. You've said nothing of substance here. Is that it? Are you so disillusioned with looksmaxing, are you so repulsive to look at, you've begun seeking validation here in other ways? Is that what you want, to be told how clever you are? Why don't you just completely abandon the last bit of dignity you have, and just be known as the nice guy on the forum. Just compliment everyone, and just be real pleasant in your replies. And everyone will be like "There he goes, the nice guy." Maybe that'll be enough, for your attention starved brain to be acknowledged enough to the point where you don't feel like roping every morning you wake up. Or at least enough for you to not have to make absolutely autistic threads like this.
I find blackpill is ironically a form of cope, tbh. It's like saying everything is worthless and pointless so therefor I don't have to worry or even try.
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There are no "classic conservatives" in the western world today. The whole concept and notion of society taking a greater priority over individual needs and degeneracy died decades ago. Now 90+% of people are literally sociopaths whom literally cannot even begin to think of the idea of actually giving a shit about something else than themselves. Democracy doesn't work for this reason. The western world was at it's strongest during the period of time where it was also the least democratic and liberal.

How you look determines the character that people perceive you to have.

Also this. "Personality" is a meme:

When you are chad:

Aggressive: Confident
Shy: Cute
Extroverted: A party person
Introverted: Mysterious

When you are incel:

Aggressive: Prick
Shy: Insecure
Extroverted: Annoying attention whore
Introverted: Neckbeard faggot/creep

Personality doesn't even fucking exist. Your so called personality is just how people react to your behavior depending on your looks. Fuck I even do this irl despite being blackpilled. I don't like other ugly people either (though tbh I'm not really ugly myself, just low tier normie).
There are no "classic conservatives" in the western world today. The whole concept and notion of society taking a greater priority over individual needs and degeneracy died decades ago. Now 90+% of people are literally sociopaths whom literally cannot even begin to think of the idea of actually giving a shit about something else than themselves. Democracy doesn't work for this reason. The western world was at it's strongest during the period of time where it was also the least democratic and liberal.

Also this. "Personality" is a meme:

When you are chad:

Aggressive: Confident
Shy: Cute
Extroverted: A party person
Introverted: Mysterious

When you are incel:

Aggressive: Prick
Shy: Insecure
Extroverted: Annoying attention whore
Introverted: Neckbeard faggot/creep

Personality doesn't even fucking exist. Your so called personality is just how people react to your behavior depending on your looks. Fuck I even do this irl despite being blackpilled. I don't like other ugly people either (though tbh I'm not really ugly myself, just low tier normie).
By classic conservatives I mean the ones that have been in power since the late 70’s. The neo-liberal conservatives like thatcher, Reagan, Chirac, Bush, etc.
By classic conservatism I mean the conservatism that advocates for mass tax cuts, mass deregulation, completely denies racism is happening at any level in society, thinks that the work of individuals is all noticed and appreciated equally and that everything that you have and the situations you’re in are determined by your actions.

If you believe in what I stated above and subscribe to those beliefs, you cannot be blackpilled. At best, you can be redpilled and there’s a good chance that you’re bluepilled.

For example,

Classic conservatism: Just pull yourself up by the bootstraps! Success is attainable for everyone

Blackpill: Pulling yourself up by the bootstraps won’t do shit if you’re genetic trash. If you’re ugly and low IQ, there’s no place for you in society. You’re meant to rot, not win. Everything you do will be hampered by society. Every card that can be played is stacked against you.

classic conservatism: All hard work is valued equally

Blackpill: Your hard work and effort being noticed depends on how you look. If you work your ass off as someone who looks good and respectable, you’re more likely to be noticed. Meanwhile if you’re a subhuman working, people may not even appreciate your presence

classic conservatism: People value character

Blackpill: Your “character” being valued is determined by how you look. People will appreciate your “character” if you look good and dominant. People will take advantage of your good “character” if you’re a manlet subhuman with no physical presence. Notice how I put “character” in quotation marks? Because character is cope. How you look determines the character that people perceive you to have. You will have to actively work against people’s expectations if you look like shit. This is known as the halo effect.

You can’t be a “classic conservative” and be blackpilled. Your limit is the bluepill. Now, I’m not saying ALL of conservatism is in conflict with the blackpill. It’s not, conservatism is a word for a broad part of the political spectrum. What I attacked in this thread was a small part of it.

Disclaimer: I’m 76 IQ. Don’t take what I say seriously, I severely lack even the most basic intelligence that one needs to function in a modern society. Don’t expect me to have intelligent takes, that’s beyond my abilities. If you want that, go to @disillusioned.

Judging from your writing , I doubt you have only 76 IQ.

Disagreed , You don't need to be "noticed" by others all the time. You can still do what you love and enjoy and let your works manifest its values.
Look at great minds from the pas , Beethoven ,one of the greatest composers , didn't look like a Chad at all.
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I am a follower of Rene Guenon (pbuh). He was extremely based and blackpilled.
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