You're still young


Deleted member 6128

Pruhtty Women ๐Ÿซถ
Apr 2, 2020
Imagine spending your late teens and early 20s partying and then having to spend 40 years slaving away to make a living.

JFL at you if you havent somewhat achieved your goals by age 35 keep in mind a thousand years ago the average man only lived 40 or 50 years if he were lucky.

Death can come upon us at any minute it is more satisfactional to lie down and reminisce about what I have achieved in life rather than me reminisce me being a degenerate around people who have likely forgotten about me or soon will.

Time is precious value every millisecond of it, every man should aim for greatness for their name to be wrote in future children's textbooks.
  • +1
  • So Sad
  • Ugh..
Reactions: falcon1, horizontallytall, litaz and 14 others
Exactly what I did
Sacrifice nights out early 20s to try make sure I could live better in 30s

Yeah I've ascended later than I would've liked but if I can live a financially free life then I'm happy 100%
  • +1
Reactions: litaz and Deleted member 6128
Advice me as a Teenager, pls.
  • +1
every man should aim for greatness for their name to be wrote in future children's textbooks.
There is no greatness for short, ugly, brown, bug - eyed and horny fucks like me. I am doomed to a meek life of frustration, sin and misery. An easily replaceable cog in the machine of Chad's empire.
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Reactions: Deleted member 18840
I would rather partying on my 20s to late 30s and get in :forcedsmile: Sarco device on my 40s if I got wrinkles
  • +1
This is the fattest hamza gay ass Adonis Jeffery cope
You will have no stories to tell you children
You will have no experiences to reminisce on
You will miss out on meeting many people

It is better to burn out in your 20s than to live comfortably till 50 doing fuck all and advancing a career
The biggest regret on peoples death beds is literally working too hard
Your ancestors were likely fucking mad bitches and hunting with their bros in their 20s because its the prime of your life
Having a degree and good job is pointless if you have no fun in life
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  • Love it
Reactions: horizontallytall, litaz, Deleted member 3573 and 11 others
Advice me as a Teenager, pls.
Enjoy life like your peers are but don't fully neglect things like education
There are a lot of things you can only experience young so go and experience them
This is the fattest hamza gay ass Adonis Jeffery cope
You will have no stories to tell you children
You will have no experiences to reminisce on
You will miss out on meeting many people

It is better to burn out in your 20s than to live comfortably till 50 doing fuck all and advancing a career
The biggest regret on peoples death beds is literally working too hard
Your ancestors were likely fucking mad bitches and hunting with their bros in their 20s because its the prime of your life
Having a degree and good job is pointless if you have no fun in life
best post ive read today
  • +1
Reactions: horizontallytall, MoggerGaston and IWILLMAKEIT
have fun until you finish uni/college. No point being a tryhard when your young
This is the fattest hamza gay ass Adonis Jeffery cope
You will have no stories to tell you children
You will have no experiences to reminisce on
You will miss out on meeting many people

It is better to burn out in your 20s than to live comfortably till 50 doing fuck all and advancing a career
The biggest regret on peoples death beds is literally working too hard
Your ancestors were likely fucking mad bitches and hunting with their bros in their 20s because its the prime of your life
Having a degree and good job is pointless if you have no fun in life
  • +1
Reactions: horizontallytall and IWILLMAKEIT
This is the fattest hamza gay ass Adonis Jeffery cope
You will have no stories to tell you children
You will have no experiences to reminisce on
You will miss out on meeting many people

It is better to burn out in your 20s than to live comfortably till 50 doing fuck all and advancing a career
The biggest regret on peoples death beds is literally working too hard
Your ancestors were likely fucking mad bitches and hunting with their bros in their 20s because its the prime of your life
Having a degree and good job is pointless if you have no fun in life
I literally said in the post you can work hard and have fun.

Majority of people arent even doing either of the two theyre just rotting in their room doing nothing to even have fun in the first place you need a decent amount of cash. Pretty much showing the causation the harder someone works the more fun he gets to experience

I would rather be 30 making $50,000 a month while enjoying life meanwhile your 22 Minimum Wage who cant even do shit with the money he owns and all his friends are fucking bums
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: horizontallytall, Deleted member 14392 and IWILLMAKEIT
I literally said in the post you can work hard and have fun.
Literally you don't say that anywhere in the post you literally say that going out is degenerate
Imagine spending your late teens and early 20s partying and then having to spend 40 years slaving away to make a living.
^Against partying which is fun
Majority of people arent even doing either of the two theyre just rotting in their room
Agree ngl
to even have fun in the first place you need a decent amount of cash
Depends what you derive enjoyment from

Partying is only expensive if you're constantly going to big clubs buying bitches drinks, house parties are dirt cheap the most you'll need to bring in alc and drugs which is not that expensive unless you're a veteran druggie and is optional cause you can take other peoples if you have friends
And you make friends who can let you experience a good time not by wage slaving your prime years but by going out etc

The only other thing I can think of that would make it expensive is getting food while out which isn't that deep cause you don't need to go to a 5* restaurant every time you're out and clothes (which are a cope for your appearance)

The average 17-23 year old is still in full time education nobody is spending thousands unless you host huge parties
I would rather be 30 making $50,000 a month while enjoying life meanwhile your 22 Minimum Wage who cant even do shit with the money he owns and all his friends are fucking bums
Realistically you'll work a 9-5 for most your life and not make 50000 a month even if you grind your hardest
But even if you do you'll be fucking 30 what are you going to do with that money
Cause at 30 with that many funds and especially if you're on looksmax you're
  • Not getting bitches that want you for anything other than your money
  • Not getting invited to any good parties cause you're fucking 30
  • Buying materialistic things that you'll get 0 enjoyment from after a while and also will have no one to experience them with cause you spent your prime grinding at textbooks and job applications while normal people go out and socialise to make lifelong friends
You're legit setting yourself up for betabuxing and living a empty materialistic life cause your chasing numbers that get you things you don't need to enjoy life
22 Minimum Wage who cant even do shit with the money he owns and all his friends are fucking bums
The 22 year old minimum wage guy and his friends is probably fucking your future wife who you'll betabux for
Unless you're a fucking retard who picked a degree like philosophy or English you're and you have 0 savings you are not making minimum wage at 22
Almost no one is making even $10000 a month at 22 unless they're extremely lucky with things like crypto or with a extremely rare job
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Reactions: Prince88 and Deleted member 5815
Time is precious value every millisecond of it, every man should aim for greatness for their name to be wrote in future children's textbooks
Also this is achieved by becoming someone that is known in history for having great influence
I guarantee no one on this site will ever be in a children's textbook for a good reason
Also this is achieved by becoming someone that is known in history for having great influence
I guarantee no one on this site will ever be in a children's textbook for a good reason
Hey bro. I saw a year ago you made a thread that you made a facepuller with a mold of your palate. Did you get any results from it?
  • +1
Hey bro. I saw a year ago you made a thread that you made a facepuller with a mold of your palate. Did you get any results from it?
Nah bro I stopped trying to make it cause I was being retarded and sucked at making it and I just got caught up with school
If I end up using it Ill probably do mse first and Ill post here about it and ill tag you
  • +1
Reactions: horizontallytall and lonelycurry
live fast die young my nigga.

living past my 20s ainโ€™t even something I be thinking about, scares me fr.
  • +1
Lol look at this cope
CLASSIC fox and the grapes situation
  • +1
Reactions: IWILLMAKEIT and Prince88
I mean do you really need to sacrifice going out during uni and high school to have a successful career etc?

In high school itโ€™s mostly final year grades that matter.

First year of uni doesnt even count in the UK- you pretty much just need to knuckle down a bit at the end of final year and get good grades then and youโ€™re sweet

Even then - studying about 25-30 hours a week is more than sufficient for most degrees - and yes I did a STEM degree before people reply Muh STEM is so much harder.

Then once youโ€™re a wagie you just work set hours anyway so may as well do whatever it is you find fun in your free time during weekend and hokidays

I think this shit youโ€™re saying is just cope. Just enjoy your youth without being a tryhard cos itโ€™ll probably make fuck all differnece in the long run either way but you wonโ€™t get those years back if you waste them
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Reactions: Deleted member 22611 and IWILLMAKEIT
I'm not young

Despite being 16, I am ugly with comically low collagen, which makes me a creepy old man

It never began
I'm still broke and about to hit 30 sooner than I'd hope for.....

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