1 in 4 millennials want to date someone "significantly older" than them



Drink Milk and Lift
Mar 18, 2021
Just when I finally turn old enough to become chad, I'm no longer old enough:

1 in 4 millennials want to date someone significantly older than them​

by John Patrick, Contributer

| May 09, 2018 01:22 PM

While millennials are notorious for their willingness to disrupt consumer practices of previous generations, new research indicates that a growing number of millennials may actually prefer dating individuals who are not part of the millennial generation, but instead are from Generation X.

According to a recent survey by the dating app Badoo more than 1 in 4 individuals aged 18 to 24 said that they would consider dating someone above the age of 35 years old. In that same survey, approximately 1 in 3 women reported having dated someone 10 years older than them, and nearly 10 percent of men expressed a willingness to date someone 20 years older than them.

These results may indicate a desire by millennials to add more stability to their life. According to one expert, the prospect of dating an older individual may add a sense of security in knowing that your partner is more established.

"Millennials are looking to date someone who is older; as with age comes maturity and also the connotation of having your life together," said Abbie Moujaes, a dating expert for Badoo. "Dating someone older can be seen as a fast-track route into leading a stable life, which for a lot of millennials is enticing."

Moujaes also noted that millennials may be more accepting of age gaps in relationships in part because there have been a number of famous couples with significant age differences, such as President Trump or French President Emmanuel Macron. Trump, 71, is married to First Lady Melania Trump who is 24 years his junior. Macron, 40, is married to his former high school teacher, who is 25 years his senior.

Another theory for the growing age gap in millennial dating is the declining collective desire of millennials to have children. Recent studies have indicated that a growing number of millennial women are choosing to put off having children, causing them to seek older men who may not be seeking a family in place of younger men who may be anxious to get married and start a family.

Clueless social scientist thinks it's because millenials want financial security when the reality is that this is fatherless generation (and many boys were raised by single mothers and have serious issues) combined with a high desire for testosterone-driven men (exacerbated by a vast shortage) that leads to these dynamics, and let's be honest: Many women who say they won't date an older man always end up doing it with the whole "one thing lead to another" bullshit.

It's over for younglingcels. You'll just have to let Old Chad have his droit du seigneur
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So they want old Chad's?
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Couples with the biggest age gaps do the best

But agecucks say that muh 14 is a toddler!!!1!1!
  • JFL
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date a college girl then
  • Hmm...
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So they want old Chad's?

Assuming you grew up with sisters who were fans of Lord of the Rings or Pirates of the Caribbean franchises, you'd know they *always* wanted old chads.
date a college girl then

Literally every college girl I know is looking for men +35, I'm not bad with women per se but I get mogged hard by older men all the time and you can't just defeat that status halo, I've never seen a younger man beat an older one who has the same physical stats (i.e same height, similar weight, etc, same sort of facial type) *ever*.

Everyone here acts like it's some sort of death sentence to become old when the reality is it just gives women a socially acceptable excuse to reject you for being a betacuck: If you age gracefully, women never stop chasing you (i.e, it literally never ends for Chad)
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Literally every college girl I know is looking for men +35, I'm not bad with women per se but I get mogged hard by older men all the time and you can't just defeat that status halo, I've never seen a younger man beat an older one who has the same physical stats (i.e same height, similar weight, etc, same sort of facial type) *ever*.

Everyone here acts like it's some sort of death sentence to become old when the reality is it just gives women a socially acceptable excuse to reject you for being a betacuck: If you age gracefully, women never stop chasing you (i.e, it literally never ends for Chad)
lie abt your age if youre just looking for quick slays
most prime women want late teen to early 20's guys

only outliers want even older guys and usually they aged well and look younger
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Due to the current posts of this user, either the OP is 40 years old or some redpilled Rolo Tomasi.
  • Hmm...
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This matches up with my experiences with life, Prime women status max with pretty boys but they don't fuck them.
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Lifefuel for @personalityinkwell
lie abt your age if youre just looking for quick slays
I look like I'm 21 at best and waiters literally only a few years older than me call me 'young man', it's not going to work. I don't have that older chad halo; I am starting to wonder if I ever will.

traumatisedOgre said:
most prime women want late teen to early 20's guys

I feel like only 12 year olds and really ugly 50 year olds want late teen-early 20s guys. The rest of the girls want chads (my sister was literally the equivalent of junior prom queen in secondary school and she had an obsession with Viggo Mortensen and Pierce Brosnan from a young age): That doesn't mean necessarily being a movie star, but it just means living your dreams, being attractive, and not losing your sense of fun (since girls value fun above all else except romantic encounters with goodlooking men).

Where does anyone get this idea that young women don't want older men? Jfl@the idea that 25yr old stacy is going to leave her 37yr old boyfriend for an 18yr old prettyboy :lul:
Due to the current posts of this user, either the OP is 40 years old or some redpilled Rolo Tomasi.
He's talking Chad old men, if you look anything like those Redpill single mother loving faggots from youtube, its over.
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  • JFL
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Due to the current posts of this user, either the OP is 40 years old or some redpilled Rolo Tomasi.

You've never been cucked by an older man taking your oneitis away as a high schooler, but it stamps a red-hot impression on your brain that forever makes you laugh at these idiots who thinks any girl wants a boy (only in the movies marketed towards boys perhaps).

I was 17, how the fuck am I supposed to compete with a dude who drove a BMW?
  • JFL
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He's talking Chad old men, if you look anything like those Redpill single mother loving faggots from youtube, its over.
There's a reason a 40+ anime chad like Erwin Smith is my avatar (speaking of which, Asian girls thirsting over anime characters is another topic for discussion) , it's the best age to be if you are a slayer and didn't spend a lifetime being a loser faggot who failed to drink milk and lift.

I reiterate: The Chase Never Ends For Chad.
There's a reason a 40+ anime chad like Erwin Smith is my avatar (speaking of which, Asian girls thirsting over anime characters is another topic for discussion) , it's the best age to be if you are a slayer and didn't spend a lifetime being a loser faggot who failed to drink milk and lift.

I reiterate: The Chase Never Ends For Chad.

So true, Young girls are bored of prettyboys, because every man under 21 is a prettyboy these days young men are all looksmaxed. It's extremely easy to be a pretty boy all you need is great skin and hair. I reckon 95% of HS/College men are looksmaxed.

a 30+ year old Chad on the other hand is extremely rare, looksmaxing after 30 is difficult there's very little single Chads at that age as either they've left themselves go or got married.

Girls get bored extremely fast of men and they want novelty they wanna be naughty they wanna fuck (their besties dad), imagine a Brad Pitt like chad walking into a HS or College, he would have an infinite amount of pussy.
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