1000+ ng/dl Testosterone Guide



I post only HQ.
Jan 16, 2025
Testosterone is the N°1 most important hormone you want to optimize in order to become more masculine.

It's the hormone responsible for everything that differentiates us from women: broader shoulders, more muscle mass, higher bone density, lower anxiety, less fat... But also increased sexual function and libido. Essentially, you absolutely need to make sure your testosterone is on point to make sure you're the strongest, most attractive version of yourself. Here are ways you can increase your T levels.

First of all, go on a dopamine detox.
The molecule for testosterone is basically synthesized from dopamine, meaning that you need to get your baseline dopamine up first.

Now dopamine is the hormone of pursuit, and testosterone is augmented as a result of pursuing certain things, like status or "victory" in the broad sense.

About getting the baseline up, you can:
  • Eliminate instant gratification: turn off notifications, stop consuming content on social media, stop playing video games, stop eating junk food, etc. And don't forget porn and masturbation. Pornography has on your brain the same effect as heroin, and I'm not exaggerating. Just looking at it kills your dopamine, in turn affecting your testosterone, so imagine how bad it is when you're combining it with sexual stimuli and ejactulation. Later on in the guide, I'll mention the benefits of abstinence.
  • Indulge in delayed gratification; exercise daily; take cold showers (proven to shoot your baseline dopamine and testosterone up); read books...

Now, about testosterone synthesis, essentially what you need to do is:

-Sleep sufficiently.

-Get some sunlight exposure.
Get at least 30min of sunlight a day at all costs. That stimulates the organism to release vitamin D, which is absolutely key to growth and allows for testosterone to be produced as well. If that’s not possible, you may consider vitamin D supplementation.

Cardio 2-3x a week; lift heavy weights; indulge in compound movements. Not only will that on its own increase your T levels, but it also teaches you patience and delayed gratification, things needed in any man of character. Furthermore, it makes you subconsciously more respectable and almost fearsome to others, which ties in with the last point of the guide and the most important. About bulking and cutting: when bulking, make sure not to put on too much fat. Get your cardio in, and keep the food clean. Fat in your body actually augments estrogen, which lowers the effect of testosterone in your body. Cutting puts you in a catabolic state, which can be bad for your testosterone when done wrong. Make sure to be in only a slight calorie deficit, which you should cause mainly by using intense cardio. An extreme cutting cycle will not only reduce your testosterone; it'll also make you lose more muscle mass than necessary and will reduce growth hormone, effectively slowing down—if not stunting—your growth.

-Eat right:
Eat above your calorie maintenance, even slightly. Avoid estrogenic foods (soy, flaxseed, vegetable oils, etc.) or otherwise processed foods. As well as that, make sure to consume foods that are high in elements such as Magnesium, Zinc, Omega-3, and healthy fats. Eat nuts, eggs, meat, vegetables... Snacks that can help increase testosterone are, for example, Brazil nuts, blueberries, and pumpkin seeds. Make sure to eat at least 4 eggs a day as they're extremely nutritive and fit the goal of increasing T levels.

-Avoid plastics and weird estrogenic shit:
Do it as much as you can, especially a substance known as Bisphenol-A (BPA) contained in a variety of tickets, notably receipts. As well as that, clothing made of things like polyester is also plastic, so no more compression shirts or football jerseys. Additionally, 9 out of 10 deodorants and fragrances contain weird chemicals known to decrease test. I'll link a website down below where they sell purely natural items for daily life, including natural deodorant.

-Drink right.
Now this should have been in the "Eat Right" section, but it's such an important topic that it deserves its own segment. Water bottles and tap water in general are filled with chemicals and minerals like pesticides and fluoride, which are essentially toxins you. Namely, the bottles themselves contain BPA which leeches into water over time. The solution to this issue that's not talked about enough is to always drink from a BPA-free metal bottle and drink pure filtered water. I suggest you put some money aside and purchase either a carbon water filter or what's called a Reverse Osmosis water filter. Try and get a quality, reviewed item that's sure to boost your health and T levels.

-Protect your balls:
Your sperm count is proven to be correlated to your testosterone, so don't do anything that can affect your sperm count. For example, exposure to heat is known to essentially kill your sperm. There's a reason why your testicles are the only organ placed externally from your body. Though there's been no significant research on the following, it coincides perfectly with the decrease in testosterone in the last few decades, and that's having your phone in your pocket. Don't trust the radiation; keep in mind that half of us right now are potentially infertile, and that wasn't the case before the invention of the smartphone.

-Reduce stress.
Cortisol, the hormone of stress, is a molecule made essentially from the same atoms as the testosterone molecule, meaning that when cortisol is secreted, it inhibits the production of T. In simple terms, stress kills testosterone; the two hormones can't be made at the same time in your body. In order to fix that, honestly, go extreme. Block all the people who trigger stress in you; disable the notifications. Meditate and journal daily. Indulge in what's called the "physiological sigh," essentially a deep inhale you double at the end, which is proven to reduce cortisol production by a significant percentage. Beyond stress, you can also eliminate the fear or anxiety you get from pressure from others. Learn a martial art, get in the gym and gain some muscle, gain confidence and security in yourself. In turn, your rate of testosterone will increase, which, following what I said earlier, can't be secreted at the same time as cortisol. The more masculine you get from the habits I'll cite in this guide, the less anxious you'll get.

Needless to say, also avoid things such as tobacco and alcohol. That was pretty much it for the lifestyle aspect. Now onto the social aspect of testosterone.

It's pretty well known that the "Alpha" in a community of animals (or even humans, for that matter) is the individual with the highest testosterone. But why is that? Well, testosterone is the hormone that motivates competition, hard work but also, and especially behavior aiming to climb a hierarchy. Here's how you need to approach life in society to optimize your testosterone:

-You must compete.
As said previously, testosterone encourages competition; but the contrary applies too. Competition increases testosterone. As well as that, winning in the context of competition gives you an instantaneous surge in testosterone. Whether that's winning a fight, getting first place in a race, or getting the top grade in your class, as long as you see it as a win, your brain will secrete more testosterone as your stress goes down.

-Interact with girls.
You must've understood by now that your self improvement journey has to include the opposite sex; and that's for good reason, as it's proven that interacting with a female that you find sexually attractive increases your testosterone. Inversely, men with higher T levels were found to indulge in more affiliative behavior (basically being more sociable) towards attractive women. As well as that, sex increases serum T levels in men, so you might want to have it more often. Something interesting, however, is that sexual abstinence in men is also shown to increase testosterone, this time by 400% within 7 days. So I'd also recommend you get on semen retention until you manage to get a girl.

-Climb the hierarchy, become the "Alpha.".
The single, most effective way to boost your T is to be perceived as at a high level in your hierarchy. Whether that be at work, at school, etc., the higher the rank, the higher the testosterone. Namely, the stereotypically popular kid, if he happens not to indulge in substances too much, probably has higher testosterone than most of the guys here. Because even if he might not be that healthy, he interacts with women you'd find attractive and is respected by other guys (even if they're Jeffries). Essentially, he's winning.
If you manage to get respect from your peers and climb the social hierarchy, your testosterone is 100% guaranteed to shoot up exponentially. That's up to the image you give off to people, which I might do a separate guide on. But overall, what you need to take into account for that goal is:

-Be social, don't be afraid to approach people. Gain experience and make friends. Be seen as an organizer of events; what I do is that I take random guys to the gym every week and give them pep talks, and now I'm pretty known around and popular, being welcome around the popular kids when I don't indulge in any of the degeneracy. The behavior I pointed out allows you to seem more confident and outgoing, and even in control on some level.

-Look good, smell good, sound good. Try to sound and look confident. Build yourself a respectable physique and maintain good posture, as well as expansive body language (take up space). Don't forget to breathe deeply, like a king.

-Find something you're good at and make yourself known for it. For me, it's fitness; I take some popular guys to the gym, they love it, and suddenly I'm popular too.

-Build a masculine persona for yourself. Honestly, that one varies from person to person. Whenever you're in a social situation, just remind yourself of a character you want to be seen as or want to be like. It could be Adonis, James Bond or even Napoleon; it's up to you.

Here are a couple of links that can be useful to you on your testosterone journey;

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nice post bhai red all of it 👍
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Testosterone is the N°1 most important hormone you want to optimize in order to become more masculine.

It's the hormone responsible for everything that differentiates us from women: broader shoulders, more muscle mass, higher bone density, lower anxiety, less fat... But also increased sexual function and libido. Essentially, you absolutely need to make sure your testosterone is on point to make sure you're the strongest, most attractive version of yourself. Here are ways you can increase your T levels.

First of all, go on a dopamine detox.
The molecule for testosterone is basically synthesized from dopamine, meaning that you need to get your baseline dopamine up first.

Now dopamine is the hormone of pursuit, and testosterone is augmented as a result of pursuing certain things, like status or "victory" in the broad sense.

About getting the baseline up, you can:
  • Eliminate instant gratification: turn off notifications, stop consuming content on social media, stop playing video games, stop eating junk food, etc. And don't forget porn and masturbation. Pornography has on your brain the same effect as heroin, and I'm not exaggerating. Just looking at it kills your dopamine, in turn affecting your testosterone, so imagine how bad it is when you're combining it with sexual stimuli and ejactulation. Later on in the guide, I'll mention the benefits of abstinence.
  • Indulge in delayed gratification; exercise daily; take cold showers (proven to shoot your baseline dopamine and testosterone up); read books...

Now, about testosterone synthesis, essentially what you need to do is:

-Sleep sufficiently.

-Get some sunlight exposure.
Get at least 30min of sunlight a day at all costs. That stimulates the organism to release vitamin D, which is absolutely key to growth and allows for testosterone to be produced as well. If that’s not possible, you may consider vitamin D supplementation.

Cardio 2-3x a week; lift heavy weights; indulge in compound movements. Not only will that on its own increase your T levels, but it also teaches you patience and delayed gratification, things needed in any man of character. Furthermore, it makes you subconsciously more respectable and almost fearsome to others, which ties in with the last point of the guide and the most important. About bulking and cutting: when bulking, make sure not to put on too much fat. Get your cardio in, and keep the food clean. Fat in your body actually augments estrogen, which lowers the effect of testosterone in your body. Cutting puts you in a catabolic state, which can be bad for your testosterone when done wrong. Make sure to be in only a slight calorie deficit, which you should cause mainly by using intense cardio. An extreme cutting cycle will not only reduce your testosterone; it'll also make you lose more muscle mass than necessary and will reduce growth hormone, effectively slowing down—if not stunting—your growth.

-Eat right:
Eat above your calorie maintenance, even slightly. Avoid estrogenic foods (soy, flaxseed, vegetable oils, etc.) or otherwise processed foods. As well as that, make sure to consume foods that are high in elements such as Magnesium, Zinc, Omega-3, and healthy fats. Eat nuts, eggs, meat, vegetables... Snacks that can help increase testosterone are, for example, Brazil nuts, blueberries, and pumpkin seeds. Make sure to eat at least 4 eggs a day as they're extremely nutritive and fit the goal of increasing T levels.

-Avoid plastics and weird estrogenic shit:
Do it as much as you can, especially a substance known as Bisphenol-A (BPA) contained in a variety of tickets, notably receipts. As well as that, clothing made of things like polyester is also plastic, so no more compression shirts or football jerseys. Additionally, 9 out of 10 deodorants and fragrances contain weird chemicals known to decrease test. I'll link a website down below where they sell purely natural items for daily life, including natural deodorant.

-Drink right.
Now this should have been in the "Eat Right" section, but it's such an important topic that it deserves its own segment. Water bottles and tap water in general are filled with chemicals and minerals like pesticides and fluoride, which are essentially toxins you. Namely, the bottles themselves contain BPA which leeches into water over time. The solution to this issue that's not talked about enough is to always drink from a BPA-free metal bottle and drink pure filtered water. I suggest you put some money aside and purchase either a carbon water filter or what's called a Reverse Osmosis water filter. Try and get a quality, reviewed item that's sure to boost your health and T levels.

-Protect your balls:
Your sperm count is proven to be correlated to your testosterone, so don't do anything that can affect your sperm count. For example, exposure to heat is known to essentially kill your sperm. There's a reason why your testicles are the only organ placed externally from your body. Though there's been no significant research on the following, it coincides perfectly with the decrease in testosterone in the last few decades, and that's having your phone in your pocket. Don't trust the radiation; keep in mind that half of us right now are potentially infertile, and that wasn't the case before the invention of the smartphone.

-Reduce stress.
Cortisol, the hormone of stress, is a molecule made essentially from the same atoms as the testosterone molecule, meaning that when cortisol is secreted, it inhibits the production of T. In simple terms, stress kills testosterone; the two hormones can't be made at the same time in your body. In order to fix that, honestly, go extreme. Block all the people who trigger stress in you; disable the notifications. Meditate and journal daily. Indulge in what's called the "physiological sigh," essentially a deep inhale you double at the end, which is proven to reduce cortisol production by a significant percentage. Beyond stress, you can also eliminate the fear or anxiety you get from pressure from others. Learn a martial art, get in the gym and gain some muscle, gain confidence and security in yourself. In turn, your rate of testosterone will increase, which, following what I said earlier, can't be secreted at the same time as cortisol. The more masculine you get from the habits I'll cite in this guide, the less anxious you'll get.

Needless to say, also avoid things such as tobacco and alcohol. That was pretty much it for the lifestyle aspect. Now onto the social aspect of testosterone.

It's pretty well known that the "Alpha" in a community of animals (or even humans, for that matter) is the individual with the highest testosterone. But why is that? Well, testosterone is the hormone that motivates competition, hard work but also, and especially behavior aiming to climb a hierarchy. Here's how you need to approach life in society to optimize your testosterone:

-You must compete.
As said previously, testosterone encourages competition; but the contrary applies too. Competition increases testosterone. As well as that, winning in the context of competition gives you an instantaneous surge in testosterone. Whether that's winning a fight, getting first place in a race, or getting the top grade in your class, as long as you see it as a win, your brain will secrete more testosterone as your stress goes down.

-Interact with girls.
You must've understood by now that your self improvement journey has to include the opposite sex; and that's for good reason, as it's proven that interacting with a female that you find sexually attractive increases your testosterone. Inversely, men with higher T levels were found to indulge in more affiliative behavior (basically being more sociable) towards attractive women. As well as that, sex increases serum T levels in men, so you might want to have it more often. Something interesting, however, is that sexual abstinence in men is also shown to increase testosterone, this time by 400% within 7 days. So I'd also recommend you get on semen retention until you manage to get a girl.

-Climb the hierarchy, become the "Alpha.".
The single, most effective way to boost your T is to be perceived as at a high level in your hierarchy. Whether that be at work, at school, etc., the higher the rank, the higher the testosterone. Namely, the stereotypically popular kid, if he happens not to indulge in substances too much, probably has higher testosterone than most of the guys here. Because even if he might not be that healthy, he interacts with women you'd find attractive and is respected by other guys (even if they're Jeffries). Essentially, he's winning.
If you manage to get respect from your peers and climb the social hierarchy, your testosterone is 100% guaranteed to shoot up exponentially. That's up to the image you give off to people, which I might do a separate guide on. But overall, what you need to take into account for that goal is:

-Be social, don't be afraid to approach people. Gain experience and make friends. Be seen as an organizer of events; what I do is that I take random guys to the gym every week and give them pep talks, and now I'm pretty known around and popular, being welcome around the popular kids when I don't indulge in any of the degeneracy. The behavior I pointed out allows you to seem more confident and outgoing, and even in control on some level.

-Look good, smell good, sound good. Try to sound and look confident. Build yourself a respectable physique and maintain good posture, as well as expansive body language (take up space). Don't forget to breathe deeply, like a king.

-Find something you're good at and make yourself known for it. For me, it's fitness; I take some popular guys to the gym, they love it, and suddenly I'm popular too.

-Build a masculine persona for yourself. Honestly, that one varies from person to person. Whenever you're in a social situation, just remind yourself of a character you want to be seen as or want to be like. It could be Adonis, James Bond or even Napoleon; it's up to you.

Here are a couple of links that can be useful to you on your testosterone journey;


Smart cookie you are my friend stupid question but our phones most cases are plastic what do you suggest
W thread for our natty bhais
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IMG 5410

Ignore my background. And I already have 1100ng/dl
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Too long, just take enanthate
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Testosterone is the N°1 most important hormone you want to optimize in order to become more masculine.

It's the hormone responsible for everything that differentiates us from women: broader shoulders, more muscle mass, higher bone density, lower anxiety, less fat... But also increased sexual function and libido. Essentially, you absolutely need to make sure your testosterone is on point to make sure you're the strongest, most attractive version of yourself. Here are ways you can increase your T levels.

First of all, go on a dopamine detox.
The molecule for testosterone is basically synthesized from dopamine, meaning that you need to get your baseline dopamine up first.

Now dopamine is the hormone of pursuit, and testosterone is augmented as a result of pursuing certain things, like status or "victory" in the broad sense.

About getting the baseline up, you can:
  • Eliminate instant gratification: turn off notifications, stop consuming content on social media, stop playing video games, stop eating junk food, etc. And don't forget porn and masturbation. Pornography has on your brain the same effect as heroin, and I'm not exaggerating. Just looking at it kills your dopamine, in turn affecting your testosterone, so imagine how bad it is when you're combining it with sexual stimuli and ejactulation. Later on in the guide, I'll mention the benefits of abstinence.
  • Indulge in delayed gratification; exercise daily; take cold showers (proven to shoot your baseline dopamine and testosterone up); read books...

Now, about testosterone synthesis, essentially what you need to do is:

-Sleep sufficiently.

-Get some sunlight exposure.
Get at least 30min of sunlight a day at all costs. That stimulates the organism to release vitamin D, which is absolutely key to growth and allows for testosterone to be produced as well. If that’s not possible, you may consider vitamin D supplementation.

Cardio 2-3x a week; lift heavy weights; indulge in compound movements. Not only will that on its own increase your T levels, but it also teaches you patience and delayed gratification, things needed in any man of character. Furthermore, it makes you subconsciously more respectable and almost fearsome to others, which ties in with the last point of the guide and the most important. About bulking and cutting: when bulking, make sure not to put on too much fat. Get your cardio in, and keep the food clean. Fat in your body actually augments estrogen, which lowers the effect of testosterone in your body. Cutting puts you in a catabolic state, which can be bad for your testosterone when done wrong. Make sure to be in only a slight calorie deficit, which you should cause mainly by using intense cardio. An extreme cutting cycle will not only reduce your testosterone; it'll also make you lose more muscle mass than necessary and will reduce growth hormone, effectively slowing down—if not stunting—your growth.

-Eat right:
Eat above your calorie maintenance, even slightly. Avoid estrogenic foods (soy, flaxseed, vegetable oils, etc.) or otherwise processed foods. As well as that, make sure to consume foods that are high in elements such as Magnesium, Zinc, Omega-3, and healthy fats. Eat nuts, eggs, meat, vegetables... Snacks that can help increase testosterone are, for example, Brazil nuts, blueberries, and pumpkin seeds. Make sure to eat at least 4 eggs a day as they're extremely nutritive and fit the goal of increasing T levels.

-Avoid plastics and weird estrogenic shit:
Do it as much as you can, especially a substance known as Bisphenol-A (BPA) contained in a variety of tickets, notably receipts. As well as that, clothing made of things like polyester is also plastic, so no more compression shirts or football jerseys. Additionally, 9 out of 10 deodorants and fragrances contain weird chemicals known to decrease test. I'll link a website down below where they sell purely natural items for daily life, including natural deodorant.

-Drink right.
Now this should have been in the "Eat Right" section, but it's such an important topic that it deserves its own segment. Water bottles and tap water in general are filled with chemicals and minerals like pesticides and fluoride, which are essentially toxins you. Namely, the bottles themselves contain BPA which leeches into water over time. The solution to this issue that's not talked about enough is to always drink from a BPA-free metal bottle and drink pure filtered water. I suggest you put some money aside and purchase either a carbon water filter or what's called a Reverse Osmosis water filter. Try and get a quality, reviewed item that's sure to boost your health and T levels.

-Protect your balls:
Your sperm count is proven to be correlated to your testosterone, so don't do anything that can affect your sperm count. For example, exposure to heat is known to essentially kill your sperm. There's a reason why your testicles are the only organ placed externally from your body. Though there's been no significant research on the following, it coincides perfectly with the decrease in testosterone in the last few decades, and that's having your phone in your pocket. Don't trust the radiation; keep in mind that half of us right now are potentially infertile, and that wasn't the case before the invention of the smartphone.

-Reduce stress.
Cortisol, the hormone of stress, is a molecule made essentially from the same atoms as the testosterone molecule, meaning that when cortisol is secreted, it inhibits the production of T. In simple terms, stress kills testosterone; the two hormones can't be made at the same time in your body. In order to fix that, honestly, go extreme. Block all the people who trigger stress in you; disable the notifications. Meditate and journal daily. Indulge in what's called the "physiological sigh," essentially a deep inhale you double at the end, which is proven to reduce cortisol production by a significant percentage. Beyond stress, you can also eliminate the fear or anxiety you get from pressure from others. Learn a martial art, get in the gym and gain some muscle, gain confidence and security in yourself. In turn, your rate of testosterone will increase, which, following what I said earlier, can't be secreted at the same time as cortisol. The more masculine you get from the habits I'll cite in this guide, the less anxious you'll get.

Needless to say, also avoid things such as tobacco and alcohol. That was pretty much it for the lifestyle aspect. Now onto the social aspect of testosterone.

It's pretty well known that the "Alpha" in a community of animals (or even humans, for that matter) is the individual with the highest testosterone. But why is that? Well, testosterone is the hormone that motivates competition, hard work but also, and especially behavior aiming to climb a hierarchy. Here's how you need to approach life in society to optimize your testosterone:

-You must compete.
As said previously, testosterone encourages competition; but the contrary applies too. Competition increases testosterone. As well as that, winning in the context of competition gives you an instantaneous surge in testosterone. Whether that's winning a fight, getting first place in a race, or getting the top grade in your class, as long as you see it as a win, your brain will secrete more testosterone as your stress goes down.

-Interact with girls.
You must've understood by now that your self improvement journey has to include the opposite sex; and that's for good reason, as it's proven that interacting with a female that you find sexually attractive increases your testosterone. Inversely, men with higher T levels were found to indulge in more affiliative behavior (basically being more sociable) towards attractive women. As well as that, sex increases serum T levels in men, so you might want to have it more often. Something interesting, however, is that sexual abstinence in men is also shown to increase testosterone, this time by 400% within 7 days. So I'd also recommend you get on semen retention until you manage to get a girl.

-Climb the hierarchy, become the "Alpha.".
The single, most effective way to boost your T is to be perceived as at a high level in your hierarchy. Whether that be at work, at school, etc., the higher the rank, the higher the testosterone. Namely, the stereotypically popular kid, if he happens not to indulge in substances too much, probably has higher testosterone than most of the guys here. Because even if he might not be that healthy, he interacts with women you'd find attractive and is respected by other guys (even if they're Jeffries). Essentially, he's winning.
If you manage to get respect from your peers and climb the social hierarchy, your testosterone is 100% guaranteed to shoot up exponentially. That's up to the image you give off to people, which I might do a separate guide on. But overall, what you need to take into account for that goal is:

-Be social, don't be afraid to approach people. Gain experience and make friends. Be seen as an organizer of events; what I do is that I take random guys to the gym every week and give them pep talks, and now I'm pretty known around and popular, being welcome around the popular kids when I don't indulge in any of the degeneracy. The behavior I pointed out allows you to seem more confident and outgoing, and even in control on some level.

-Look good, smell good, sound good. Try to sound and look confident. Build yourself a respectable physique and maintain good posture, as well as expansive body language (take up space). Don't forget to breathe deeply, like a king.

-Find something you're good at and make yourself known for it. For me, it's fitness; I take some popular guys to the gym, they love it, and suddenly I'm popular too.

-Build a masculine persona for yourself. Honestly, that one varies from person to person. Whenever you're in a social situation, just remind yourself of a character you want to be seen as or want to be like. It could be Adonis, James Bond or even Napoleon; it's up to you.

Here are a couple of links that can be useful to you on your testosterone journey;


Keep in mind someone injecting 50 mg of test prop EOD would have higher T then you
  • +1
Reactions: Mike141, AscensionMan98, likenesss and 1 other person
Testosterone is the N°1 most important hormone you want to optimize in order to become more masculine.

It's the hormone responsible for everything that differentiates us from women: broader shoulders, more muscle mass, higher bone density, lower anxiety, less fat... But also increased sexual function and libido. Essentially, you absolutely need to make sure your testosterone is on point to make sure you're the strongest, most attractive version of yourself. Here are ways you can increase your T levels.

First of all, go on a dopamine detox.
The molecule for testosterone is basically synthesized from dopamine, meaning that you need to get your baseline dopamine up first.

Now dopamine is the hormone of pursuit, and testosterone is augmented as a result of pursuing certain things, like status or "victory" in the broad sense.

About getting the baseline up, you can:
  • Eliminate instant gratification: turn off notifications, stop consuming content on social media, stop playing video games, stop eating junk food, etc. And don't forget porn and masturbation. Pornography has on your brain the same effect as heroin, and I'm not exaggerating. Just looking at it kills your dopamine, in turn affecting your testosterone, so imagine how bad it is when you're combining it with sexual stimuli and ejactulation. Later on in the guide, I'll mention the benefits of abstinence.
  • Indulge in delayed gratification; exercise daily; take cold showers (proven to shoot your baseline dopamine and testosterone up); read books...

Now, about testosterone synthesis, essentially what you need to do is:

-Sleep sufficiently.

-Get some sunlight exposure.
Get at least 30min of sunlight a day at all costs. That stimulates the organism to release vitamin D, which is absolutely key to growth and allows for testosterone to be produced as well. If that’s not possible, you may consider vitamin D supplementation.

Cardio 2-3x a week; lift heavy weights; indulge in compound movements. Not only will that on its own increase your T levels, but it also teaches you patience and delayed gratification, things needed in any man of character. Furthermore, it makes you subconsciously more respectable and almost fearsome to others, which ties in with the last point of the guide and the most important. About bulking and cutting: when bulking, make sure not to put on too much fat. Get your cardio in, and keep the food clean. Fat in your body actually augments estrogen, which lowers the effect of testosterone in your body. Cutting puts you in a catabolic state, which can be bad for your testosterone when done wrong. Make sure to be in only a slight calorie deficit, which you should cause mainly by using intense cardio. An extreme cutting cycle will not only reduce your testosterone; it'll also make you lose more muscle mass than necessary and will reduce growth hormone, effectively slowing down—if not stunting—your growth.

-Eat right:
Eat above your calorie maintenance, even slightly. Avoid estrogenic foods (soy, flaxseed, vegetable oils, etc.) or otherwise processed foods. As well as that, make sure to consume foods that are high in elements such as Magnesium, Zinc, Omega-3, and healthy fats. Eat nuts, eggs, meat, vegetables... Snacks that can help increase testosterone are, for example, Brazil nuts, blueberries, and pumpkin seeds. Make sure to eat at least 4 eggs a day as they're extremely nutritive and fit the goal of increasing T levels.

-Avoid plastics and weird estrogenic shit:
Do it as much as you can, especially a substance known as Bisphenol-A (BPA) contained in a variety of tickets, notably receipts. As well as that, clothing made of things like polyester is also plastic, so no more compression shirts or football jerseys. Additionally, 9 out of 10 deodorants and fragrances contain weird chemicals known to decrease test. I'll link a website down below where they sell purely natural items for daily life, including natural deodorant.

-Drink right.
Now this should have been in the "Eat Right" section, but it's such an important topic that it deserves its own segment. Water bottles and tap water in general are filled with chemicals and minerals like pesticides and fluoride, which are essentially toxins you. Namely, the bottles themselves contain BPA which leeches into water over time. The solution to this issue that's not talked about enough is to always drink from a BPA-free metal bottle and drink pure filtered water. I suggest you put some money aside and purchase either a carbon water filter or what's called a Reverse Osmosis water filter. Try and get a quality, reviewed item that's sure to boost your health and T levels.

-Protect your balls:
Your sperm count is proven to be correlated to your testosterone, so don't do anything that can affect your sperm count. For example, exposure to heat is known to essentially kill your sperm. There's a reason why your testicles are the only organ placed externally from your body. Though there's been no significant research on the following, it coincides perfectly with the decrease in testosterone in the last few decades, and that's having your phone in your pocket. Don't trust the radiation; keep in mind that half of us right now are potentially infertile, and that wasn't the case before the invention of the smartphone.

-Reduce stress.
Cortisol, the hormone of stress, is a molecule made essentially from the same atoms as the testosterone molecule, meaning that when cortisol is secreted, it inhibits the production of T. In simple terms, stress kills testosterone; the two hormones can't be made at the same time in your body. In order to fix that, honestly, go extreme. Block all the people who trigger stress in you; disable the notifications. Meditate and journal daily. Indulge in what's called the "physiological sigh," essentially a deep inhale you double at the end, which is proven to reduce cortisol production by a significant percentage. Beyond stress, you can also eliminate the fear or anxiety you get from pressure from others. Learn a martial art, get in the gym and gain some muscle, gain confidence and security in yourself. In turn, your rate of testosterone will increase, which, following what I said earlier, can't be secreted at the same time as cortisol. The more masculine you get from the habits I'll cite in this guide, the less anxious you'll get.

Needless to say, also avoid things such as tobacco and alcohol. That was pretty much it for the lifestyle aspect. Now onto the social aspect of testosterone.

It's pretty well known that the "Alpha" in a community of animals (or even humans, for that matter) is the individual with the highest testosterone. But why is that? Well, testosterone is the hormone that motivates competition, hard work but also, and especially behavior aiming to climb a hierarchy. Here's how you need to approach life in society to optimize your testosterone:

-You must compete.
As said previously, testosterone encourages competition; but the contrary applies too. Competition increases testosterone. As well as that, winning in the context of competition gives you an instantaneous surge in testosterone. Whether that's winning a fight, getting first place in a race, or getting the top grade in your class, as long as you see it as a win, your brain will secrete more testosterone as your stress goes down.

-Interact with girls.
You must've understood by now that your self improvement journey has to include the opposite sex; and that's for good reason, as it's proven that interacting with a female that you find sexually attractive increases your testosterone. Inversely, men with higher T levels were found to indulge in more affiliative behavior (basically being more sociable) towards attractive women. As well as that, sex increases serum T levels in men, so you might want to have it more often. Something interesting, however, is that sexual abstinence in men is also shown to increase testosterone, this time by 400% within 7 days. So I'd also recommend you get on semen retention until you manage to get a girl.

-Climb the hierarchy, become the "Alpha.".
The single, most effective way to boost your T is to be perceived as at a high level in your hierarchy. Whether that be at work, at school, etc., the higher the rank, the higher the testosterone. Namely, the stereotypically popular kid, if he happens not to indulge in substances too much, probably has higher testosterone than most of the guys here. Because even if he might not be that healthy, he interacts with women you'd find attractive and is respected by other guys (even if they're Jeffries). Essentially, he's winning.
If you manage to get respect from your peers and climb the social hierarchy, your testosterone is 100% guaranteed to shoot up exponentially. That's up to the image you give off to people, which I might do a separate guide on. But overall, what you need to take into account for that goal is:

-Be social, don't be afraid to approach people. Gain experience and make friends. Be seen as an organizer of events; what I do is that I take random guys to the gym every week and give them pep talks, and now I'm pretty known around and popular, being welcome around the popular kids when I don't indulge in any of the degeneracy. The behavior I pointed out allows you to seem more confident and outgoing, and even in control on some level.

-Look good, smell good, sound good. Try to sound and look confident. Build yourself a respectable physique and maintain good posture, as well as expansive body language (take up space). Don't forget to breathe deeply, like a king.

-Find something you're good at and make yourself known for it. For me, it's fitness; I take some popular guys to the gym, they love it, and suddenly I'm popular too.

-Build a masculine persona for yourself. Honestly, that one varies from person to person. Whenever you're in a social situation, just remind yourself of a character you want to be seen as or want to be like. It could be Adonis, James Bond or even Napoleon; it's up to you.

Here are a couple of links that can be useful to you on your testosterone journey;


Yes bro but if lazy just go inject testosterone
  • +1
Reactions: Mike141 and averagenormie
Testosterone is the N°1 most important hormone you want to optimize in order to become more masculine.

It's the hormone responsible for everything that differentiates us from women: broader shoulders, more muscle mass, higher bone density, lower anxiety, less fat... But also increased sexual function and libido. Essentially, you absolutely need to make sure your testosterone is on point to make sure you're the strongest, most attractive version of yourself. Here are ways you can increase your T levels.

First of all, go on a dopamine detox.
The molecule for testosterone is basically synthesized from dopamine, meaning that you need to get your baseline dopamine up first.

Now dopamine is the hormone of pursuit, and testosterone is augmented as a result of pursuing certain things, like status or "victory" in the broad sense.

About getting the baseline up, you can:
  • Eliminate instant gratification: turn off notifications, stop consuming content on social media, stop playing video games, stop eating junk food, etc. And don't forget porn and masturbation. Pornography has on your brain the same effect as heroin, and I'm not exaggerating. Just looking at it kills your dopamine, in turn affecting your testosterone, so imagine how bad it is when you're combining it with sexual stimuli and ejactulation. Later on in the guide, I'll mention the benefits of abstinence.
  • Indulge in delayed gratification; exercise daily; take cold showers (proven to shoot your baseline dopamine and testosterone up); read books...

Now, about testosterone synthesis, essentially what you need to do is:

-Sleep sufficiently.

-Get some sunlight exposure.
Get at least 30min of sunlight a day at all costs. That stimulates the organism to release vitamin D, which is absolutely key to growth and allows for testosterone to be produced as well. If that’s not possible, you may consider vitamin D supplementation.

Cardio 2-3x a week; lift heavy weights; indulge in compound movements. Not only will that on its own increase your T levels, but it also teaches you patience and delayed gratification, things needed in any man of character. Furthermore, it makes you subconsciously more respectable and almost fearsome to others, which ties in with the last point of the guide and the most important. About bulking and cutting: when bulking, make sure not to put on too much fat. Get your cardio in, and keep the food clean. Fat in your body actually augments estrogen, which lowers the effect of testosterone in your body. Cutting puts you in a catabolic state, which can be bad for your testosterone when done wrong. Make sure to be in only a slight calorie deficit, which you should cause mainly by using intense cardio. An extreme cutting cycle will not only reduce your testosterone; it'll also make you lose more muscle mass than necessary and will reduce growth hormone, effectively slowing down—if not stunting—your growth.

-Eat right:
Eat above your calorie maintenance, even slightly. Avoid estrogenic foods (soy, flaxseed, vegetable oils, etc.) or otherwise processed foods. As well as that, make sure to consume foods that are high in elements such as Magnesium, Zinc, Omega-3, and healthy fats. Eat nuts, eggs, meat, vegetables... Snacks that can help increase testosterone are, for example, Brazil nuts, blueberries, and pumpkin seeds. Make sure to eat at least 4 eggs a day as they're extremely nutritive and fit the goal of increasing T levels.

-Avoid plastics and weird estrogenic shit:
Do it as much as you can, especially a substance known as Bisphenol-A (BPA) contained in a variety of tickets, notably receipts. As well as that, clothing made of things like polyester is also plastic, so no more compression shirts or football jerseys. Additionally, 9 out of 10 deodorants and fragrances contain weird chemicals known to decrease test. I'll link a website down below where they sell purely natural items for daily life, including natural deodorant.

-Drink right.
Now this should have been in the "Eat Right" section, but it's such an important topic that it deserves its own segment. Water bottles and tap water in general are filled with chemicals and minerals like pesticides and fluoride, which are essentially toxins you. Namely, the bottles themselves contain BPA which leeches into water over time. The solution to this issue that's not talked about enough is to always drink from a BPA-free metal bottle and drink pure filtered water. I suggest you put some money aside and purchase either a carbon water filter or what's called a Reverse Osmosis water filter. Try and get a quality, reviewed item that's sure to boost your health and T levels.

-Protect your balls:
Your sperm count is proven to be correlated to your testosterone, so don't do anything that can affect your sperm count. For example, exposure to heat is known to essentially kill your sperm. There's a reason why your testicles are the only organ placed externally from your body. Though there's been no significant research on the following, it coincides perfectly with the decrease in testosterone in the last few decades, and that's having your phone in your pocket. Don't trust the radiation; keep in mind that half of us right now are potentially infertile, and that wasn't the case before the invention of the smartphone.

-Reduce stress.
Cortisol, the hormone of stress, is a molecule made essentially from the same atoms as the testosterone molecule, meaning that when cortisol is secreted, it inhibits the production of T. In simple terms, stress kills testosterone; the two hormones can't be made at the same time in your body. In order to fix that, honestly, go extreme. Block all the people who trigger stress in you; disable the notifications. Meditate and journal daily. Indulge in what's called the "physiological sigh," essentially a deep inhale you double at the end, which is proven to reduce cortisol production by a significant percentage. Beyond stress, you can also eliminate the fear or anxiety you get from pressure from others. Learn a martial art, get in the gym and gain some muscle, gain confidence and security in yourself. In turn, your rate of testosterone will increase, which, following what I said earlier, can't be secreted at the same time as cortisol. The more masculine you get from the habits I'll cite in this guide, the less anxious you'll get.

Needless to say, also avoid things such as tobacco and alcohol. That was pretty much it for the lifestyle aspect. Now onto the social aspect of testosterone.

It's pretty well known that the "Alpha" in a community of animals (or even humans, for that matter) is the individual with the highest testosterone. But why is that? Well, testosterone is the hormone that motivates competition, hard work but also, and especially behavior aiming to climb a hierarchy. Here's how you need to approach life in society to optimize your testosterone:

-You must compete.
As said previously, testosterone encourages competition; but the contrary applies too. Competition increases testosterone. As well as that, winning in the context of competition gives you an instantaneous surge in testosterone. Whether that's winning a fight, getting first place in a race, or getting the top grade in your class, as long as you see it as a win, your brain will secrete more testosterone as your stress goes down.

-Interact with girls.
You must've understood by now that your self improvement journey has to include the opposite sex; and that's for good reason, as it's proven that interacting with a female that you find sexually attractive increases your testosterone. Inversely, men with higher T levels were found to indulge in more affiliative behavior (basically being more sociable) towards attractive women. As well as that, sex increases serum T levels in men, so you might want to have it more often. Something interesting, however, is that sexual abstinence in men is also shown to increase testosterone, this time by 400% within 7 days. So I'd also recommend you get on semen retention until you manage to get a girl.

-Climb the hierarchy, become the "Alpha.".
The single, most effective way to boost your T is to be perceived as at a high level in your hierarchy. Whether that be at work, at school, etc., the higher the rank, the higher the testosterone. Namely, the stereotypically popular kid, if he happens not to indulge in substances too much, probably has higher testosterone than most of the guys here. Because even if he might not be that healthy, he interacts with women you'd find attractive and is respected by other guys (even if they're Jeffries). Essentially, he's winning.
If you manage to get respect from your peers and climb the social hierarchy, your testosterone is 100% guaranteed to shoot up exponentially. That's up to the image you give off to people, which I might do a separate guide on. But overall, what you need to take into account for that goal is:

-Be social, don't be afraid to approach people. Gain experience and make friends. Be seen as an organizer of events; what I do is that I take random guys to the gym every week and give them pep talks, and now I'm pretty known around and popular, being welcome around the popular kids when I don't indulge in any of the degeneracy. The behavior I pointed out allows you to seem more confident and outgoing, and even in control on some level.

-Look good, smell good, sound good. Try to sound and look confident. Build yourself a respectable physique and maintain good posture, as well as expansive body language (take up space). Don't forget to breathe deeply, like a king.

-Find something you're good at and make yourself known for it. For me, it's fitness; I take some popular guys to the gym, they love it, and suddenly I'm popular too.

-Build a masculine persona for yourself. Honestly, that one varies from person to person. Whenever you're in a social situation, just remind yourself of a character you want to be seen as or want to be like. It could be Adonis, James Bond or even Napoleon; it's up to you.

Here are a couple of links that can be useful to you on your testosterone journey;


Inject or cope
  • +1
  • Ugh..
Reactions: likenesss, Deleted member 124404 and averagenormie
1000ng/dl + or death
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: NeedBoneMassASAP, EthiopianMaxxer and Deleted member 124404
Testosterone is the N°1 most important hormone you want to optimize in order to become more masculine.

It's the hormone responsible for everything that differentiates us from women: broader shoulders, more muscle mass, higher bone density, lower anxiety, less fat... But also increased sexual function and libido. Essentially, you absolutely need to make sure your testosterone is on point to make sure you're the strongest, most attractive version of yourself. Here are ways you can increase your T levels.

First of all, go on a dopamine detox.
The molecule for testosterone is basically synthesized from dopamine, meaning that you need to get your baseline dopamine up first.

Now dopamine is the hormone of pursuit, and testosterone is augmented as a result of pursuing certain things, like status or "victory" in the broad sense.

About getting the baseline up, you can:
  • Eliminate instant gratification: turn off notifications, stop consuming content on social media, stop playing video games, stop eating junk food, etc. And don't forget porn and masturbation. Pornography has on your brain the same effect as heroin, and I'm not exaggerating. Just looking at it kills your dopamine, in turn affecting your testosterone, so imagine how bad it is when you're combining it with sexual stimuli and ejactulation. Later on in the guide, I'll mention the benefits of abstinence.
  • Indulge in delayed gratification; exercise daily; take cold showers (proven to shoot your baseline dopamine and testosterone up); read books...

Now, about testosterone synthesis, essentially what you need to do is:

-Sleep sufficiently.

-Get some sunlight exposure.
Get at least 30min of sunlight a day at all costs. That stimulates the organism to release vitamin D, which is absolutely key to growth and allows for testosterone to be produced as well. If that’s not possible, you may consider vitamin D supplementation.

Cardio 2-3x a week; lift heavy weights; indulge in compound movements. Not only will that on its own increase your T levels, but it also teaches you patience and delayed gratification, things needed in any man of character. Furthermore, it makes you subconsciously more respectable and almost fearsome to others, which ties in with the last point of the guide and the most important. About bulking and cutting: when bulking, make sure not to put on too much fat. Get your cardio in, and keep the food clean. Fat in your body actually augments estrogen, which lowers the effect of testosterone in your body. Cutting puts you in a catabolic state, which can be bad for your testosterone when done wrong. Make sure to be in only a slight calorie deficit, which you should cause mainly by using intense cardio. An extreme cutting cycle will not only reduce your testosterone; it'll also make you lose more muscle mass than necessary and will reduce growth hormone, effectively slowing down—if not stunting—your growth.

-Eat right:
Eat above your calorie maintenance, even slightly. Avoid estrogenic foods (soy, flaxseed, vegetable oils, etc.) or otherwise processed foods. As well as that, make sure to consume foods that are high in elements such as Magnesium, Zinc, Omega-3, and healthy fats. Eat nuts, eggs, meat, vegetables... Snacks that can help increase testosterone are, for example, Brazil nuts, blueberries, and pumpkin seeds. Make sure to eat at least 4 eggs a day as they're extremely nutritive and fit the goal of increasing T levels.

-Avoid plastics and weird estrogenic shit:
Do it as much as you can, especially a substance known as Bisphenol-A (BPA) contained in a variety of tickets, notably receipts. As well as that, clothing made of things like polyester is also plastic, so no more compression shirts or football jerseys. Additionally, 9 out of 10 deodorants and fragrances contain weird chemicals known to decrease test. I'll link a website down below where they sell purely natural items for daily life, including natural deodorant.

-Drink right.
Now this should have been in the "Eat Right" section, but it's such an important topic that it deserves its own segment. Water bottles and tap water in general are filled with chemicals and minerals like pesticides and fluoride, which are essentially toxins you. Namely, the bottles themselves contain BPA which leeches into water over time. The solution to this issue that's not talked about enough is to always drink from a BPA-free metal bottle and drink pure filtered water. I suggest you put some money aside and purchase either a carbon water filter or what's called a Reverse Osmosis water filter. Try and get a quality, reviewed item that's sure to boost your health and T levels.

-Protect your balls:
Your sperm count is proven to be correlated to your testosterone, so don't do anything that can affect your sperm count. For example, exposure to heat is known to essentially kill your sperm. There's a reason why your testicles are the only organ placed externally from your body. Though there's been no significant research on the following, it coincides perfectly with the decrease in testosterone in the last few decades, and that's having your phone in your pocket. Don't trust the radiation; keep in mind that half of us right now are potentially infertile, and that wasn't the case before the invention of the smartphone.

-Reduce stress.
Cortisol, the hormone of stress, is a molecule made essentially from the same atoms as the testosterone molecule, meaning that when cortisol is secreted, it inhibits the production of T. In simple terms, stress kills testosterone; the two hormones can't be made at the same time in your body. In order to fix that, honestly, go extreme. Block all the people who trigger stress in you; disable the notifications. Meditate and journal daily. Indulge in what's called the "physiological sigh," essentially a deep inhale you double at the end, which is proven to reduce cortisol production by a significant percentage. Beyond stress, you can also eliminate the fear or anxiety you get from pressure from others. Learn a martial art, get in the gym and gain some muscle, gain confidence and security in yourself. In turn, your rate of testosterone will increase, which, following what I said earlier, can't be secreted at the same time as cortisol. The more masculine you get from the habits I'll cite in this guide, the less anxious you'll get.

Needless to say, also avoid things such as tobacco and alcohol. That was pretty much it for the lifestyle aspect. Now onto the social aspect of testosterone.

It's pretty well known that the "Alpha" in a community of animals (or even humans, for that matter) is the individual with the highest testosterone. But why is that? Well, testosterone is the hormone that motivates competition, hard work but also, and especially behavior aiming to climb a hierarchy. Here's how you need to approach life in society to optimize your testosterone:

-You must compete.
As said previously, testosterone encourages competition; but the contrary applies too. Competition increases testosterone. As well as that, winning in the context of competition gives you an instantaneous surge in testosterone. Whether that's winning a fight, getting first place in a race, or getting the top grade in your class, as long as you see it as a win, your brain will secrete more testosterone as your stress goes down.

-Interact with girls.
You must've understood by now that your self improvement journey has to include the opposite sex; and that's for good reason, as it's proven that interacting with a female that you find sexually attractive increases your testosterone. Inversely, men with higher T levels were found to indulge in more affiliative behavior (basically being more sociable) towards attractive women. As well as that, sex increases serum T levels in men, so you might want to have it more often. Something interesting, however, is that sexual abstinence in men is also shown to increase testosterone, this time by 400% within 7 days. So I'd also recommend you get on semen retention until you manage to get a girl.

-Climb the hierarchy, become the "Alpha.".
The single, most effective way to boost your T is to be perceived as at a high level in your hierarchy. Whether that be at work, at school, etc., the higher the rank, the higher the testosterone. Namely, the stereotypically popular kid, if he happens not to indulge in substances too much, probably has higher testosterone than most of the guys here. Because even if he might not be that healthy, he interacts with women you'd find attractive and is respected by other guys (even if they're Jeffries). Essentially, he's winning.
If you manage to get respect from your peers and climb the social hierarchy, your testosterone is 100% guaranteed to shoot up exponentially. That's up to the image you give off to people, which I might do a separate guide on. But overall, what you need to take into account for that goal is:

-Be social, don't be afraid to approach people. Gain experience and make friends. Be seen as an organizer of events; what I do is that I take random guys to the gym every week and give them pep talks, and now I'm pretty known around and popular, being welcome around the popular kids when I don't indulge in any of the degeneracy. The behavior I pointed out allows you to seem more confident and outgoing, and even in control on some level.

-Look good, smell good, sound good. Try to sound and look confident. Build yourself a respectable physique and maintain good posture, as well as expansive body language (take up space). Don't forget to breathe deeply, like a king.

-Find something you're good at and make yourself known for it. For me, it's fitness; I take some popular guys to the gym, they love it, and suddenly I'm popular too.

-Build a masculine persona for yourself. Honestly, that one varies from person to person. Whenever you're in a social situation, just remind yourself of a character you want to be seen as or want to be like. It could be Adonis, James Bond or even Napoleon; it's up to you.

Here are a couple of links that can be useful to you on your testosterone journey;


Just inject it
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: likenesss and Deleted member 124404
Bascally 200mg weekly
I’m 15 and injecting 250mg test E weekly like stop naturally test maxing bro pinning is cost effective and low effort bro u just sit there and become a chad
  • Love it
Reactions: puffer234234
I’m 15 and injecting 250mg test E weekly like stop naturally test maxing bro pinning is cost effective and low effort bro u just sit there and become a chad
You become infertile :owo:
  • JFL
Reactions: michael_demiurgos
Testosterone is the N°1 most important hormone you want to optimize in order to become more masculine.

It's the hormone responsible for everything that differentiates us from women: broader shoulders, more muscle mass, higher bone density, lower anxiety, less fat... But also increased sexual function and libido. Essentially, you absolutely need to make sure your testosterone is on point to make sure you're the strongest, most attractive version of yourself. Here are ways you can increase your T levels.

First of all, go on a dopamine detox.
The molecule for testosterone is basically synthesized from dopamine, meaning that you need to get your baseline dopamine up first.

Now dopamine is the hormone of pursuit, and testosterone is augmented as a result of pursuing certain things, like status or "victory" in the broad sense.

About getting the baseline up, you can:
  • Eliminate instant gratification: turn off notifications, stop consuming content on social media, stop playing video games, stop eating junk food, etc. And don't forget porn and masturbation. Pornography has on your brain the same effect as heroin, and I'm not exaggerating. Just looking at it kills your dopamine, in turn affecting your testosterone, so imagine how bad it is when you're combining it with sexual stimuli and ejactulation. Later on in the guide, I'll mention the benefits of abstinence.
  • Indulge in delayed gratification; exercise daily; take cold showers (proven to shoot your baseline dopamine and testosterone up); read books...

Now, about testosterone synthesis, essentially what you need to do is:

-Sleep sufficiently.

-Get some sunlight exposure.
Get at least 30min of sunlight a day at all costs. That stimulates the organism to release vitamin D, which is absolutely key to growth and allows for testosterone to be produced as well. If that’s not possible, you may consider vitamin D supplementation.

Cardio 2-3x a week; lift heavy weights; indulge in compound movements. Not only will that on its own increase your T levels, but it also teaches you patience and delayed gratification, things needed in any man of character. Furthermore, it makes you subconsciously more respectable and almost fearsome to others, which ties in with the last point of the guide and the most important. About bulking and cutting: when bulking, make sure not to put on too much fat. Get your cardio in, and keep the food clean. Fat in your body actually augments estrogen, which lowers the effect of testosterone in your body. Cutting puts you in a catabolic state, which can be bad for your testosterone when done wrong. Make sure to be in only a slight calorie deficit, which you should cause mainly by using intense cardio. An extreme cutting cycle will not only reduce your testosterone; it'll also make you lose more muscle mass than necessary and will reduce growth hormone, effectively slowing down—if not stunting—your growth.

-Eat right:
Eat above your calorie maintenance, even slightly. Avoid estrogenic foods (soy, flaxseed, vegetable oils, etc.) or otherwise processed foods. As well as that, make sure to consume foods that are high in elements such as Magnesium, Zinc, Omega-3, and healthy fats. Eat nuts, eggs, meat, vegetables... Snacks that can help increase testosterone are, for example, Brazil nuts, blueberries, and pumpkin seeds. Make sure to eat at least 4 eggs a day as they're extremely nutritive and fit the goal of increasing T levels.

-Avoid plastics and weird estrogenic shit:
Do it as much as you can, especially a substance known as Bisphenol-A (BPA) contained in a variety of tickets, notably receipts. As well as that, clothing made of things like polyester is also plastic, so no more compression shirts or football jerseys. Additionally, 9 out of 10 deodorants and fragrances contain weird chemicals known to decrease test. I'll link a website down below where they sell purely natural items for daily life, including natural deodorant.

-Drink right.
Now this should have been in the "Eat Right" section, but it's such an important topic that it deserves its own segment. Water bottles and tap water in general are filled with chemicals and minerals like pesticides and fluoride, which are essentially toxins you. Namely, the bottles themselves contain BPA which leeches into water over time. The solution to this issue that's not talked about enough is to always drink from a BPA-free metal bottle and drink pure filtered water. I suggest you put some money aside and purchase either a carbon water filter or what's called a Reverse Osmosis water filter. Try and get a quality, reviewed item that's sure to boost your health and T levels.

-Protect your balls:
Your sperm count is proven to be correlated to your testosterone, so don't do anything that can affect your sperm count. For example, exposure to heat is known to essentially kill your sperm. There's a reason why your testicles are the only organ placed externally from your body. Though there's been no significant research on the following, it coincides perfectly with the decrease in testosterone in the last few decades, and that's having your phone in your pocket. Don't trust the radiation; keep in mind that half of us right now are potentially infertile, and that wasn't the case before the invention of the smartphone.

-Reduce stress.
Cortisol, the hormone of stress, is a molecule made essentially from the same atoms as the testosterone molecule, meaning that when cortisol is secreted, it inhibits the production of T. In simple terms, stress kills testosterone; the two hormones can't be made at the same time in your body. In order to fix that, honestly, go extreme. Block all the people who trigger stress in you; disable the notifications. Meditate and journal daily. Indulge in what's called the "physiological sigh," essentially a deep inhale you double at the end, which is proven to reduce cortisol production by a significant percentage. Beyond stress, you can also eliminate the fear or anxiety you get from pressure from others. Learn a martial art, get in the gym and gain some muscle, gain confidence and security in yourself. In turn, your rate of testosterone will increase, which, following what I said earlier, can't be secreted at the same time as cortisol. The more masculine you get from the habits I'll cite in this guide, the less anxious you'll get.

Needless to say, also avoid things such as tobacco and alcohol. That was pretty much it for the lifestyle aspect. Now onto the social aspect of testosterone.

It's pretty well known that the "Alpha" in a community of animals (or even humans, for that matter) is the individual with the highest testosterone. But why is that? Well, testosterone is the hormone that motivates competition, hard work but also, and especially behavior aiming to climb a hierarchy. Here's how you need to approach life in society to optimize your testosterone:

-You must compete.
As said previously, testosterone encourages competition; but the contrary applies too. Competition increases testosterone. As well as that, winning in the context of competition gives you an instantaneous surge in testosterone. Whether that's winning a fight, getting first place in a race, or getting the top grade in your class, as long as you see it as a win, your brain will secrete more testosterone as your stress goes down.

-Interact with girls.
You must've understood by now that your self improvement journey has to include the opposite sex; and that's for good reason, as it's proven that interacting with a female that you find sexually attractive increases your testosterone. Inversely, men with higher T levels were found to indulge in more affiliative behavior (basically being more sociable) towards attractive women. As well as that, sex increases serum T levels in men, so you might want to have it more often. Something interesting, however, is that sexual abstinence in men is also shown to increase testosterone, this time by 400% within 7 days. So I'd also recommend you get on semen retention until you manage to get a girl.

-Climb the hierarchy, become the "Alpha.".
The single, most effective way to boost your T is to be perceived as at a high level in your hierarchy. Whether that be at work, at school, etc., the higher the rank, the higher the testosterone. Namely, the stereotypically popular kid, if he happens not to indulge in substances too much, probably has higher testosterone than most of the guys here. Because even if he might not be that healthy, he interacts with women you'd find attractive and is respected by other guys (even if they're Jeffries). Essentially, he's winning.
If you manage to get respect from your peers and climb the social hierarchy, your testosterone is 100% guaranteed to shoot up exponentially. That's up to the image you give off to people, which I might do a separate guide on. But overall, what you need to take into account for that goal is:

-Be social, don't be afraid to approach people. Gain experience and make friends. Be seen as an organizer of events; what I do is that I take random guys to the gym every week and give them pep talks, and now I'm pretty known around and popular, being welcome around the popular kids when I don't indulge in any of the degeneracy. The behavior I pointed out allows you to seem more confident and outgoing, and even in control on some level.

-Look good, smell good, sound good. Try to sound and look confident. Build yourself a respectable physique and maintain good posture, as well as expansive body language (take up space). Don't forget to breathe deeply, like a king.

-Find something you're good at and make yourself known for it. For me, it's fitness; I take some popular guys to the gym, they love it, and suddenly I'm popular too.

-Build a masculine persona for yourself. Honestly, that one varies from person to person. Whenever you're in a social situation, just remind yourself of a character you want to be seen as or want to be like. It could be Adonis, James Bond or even Napoleon; it's up to you.

Here are a couple of links that can be useful to you on your testosterone journey;


Botb bump
Cringed at jeffries but still high iq post

Also i want to add a few things

First is music, even though i personally dont like phonk music or motivational type of videos listening to them helps increase testosterone drastically, cringe but dgaf if it works
Testosterone is the N°1 most important hormone you want to optimize in order to become more masculine.

It's the hormone responsible for everything that differentiates us from women: broader shoulders, more muscle mass, higher bone density, lower anxiety, less fat... But also increased sexual function and libido. Essentially, you absolutely need to make sure your testosterone is on point to make sure you're the strongest, most attractive version of yourself. Here are ways you can increase your T levels.

First of all, go on a dopamine detox.
The molecule for testosterone is basically synthesized from dopamine, meaning that you need to get your baseline dopamine up first.

Now dopamine is the hormone of pursuit, and testosterone is augmented as a result of pursuing certain things, like status or "victory" in the broad sense.

About getting the baseline up, you can:
  • Eliminate instant gratification: turn off notifications, stop consuming content on social media, stop playing video games, stop eating junk food, etc. And don't forget porn and masturbation. Pornography has on your brain the same effect as heroin, and I'm not exaggerating. Just looking at it kills your dopamine, in turn affecting your testosterone, so imagine how bad it is when you're combining it with sexual stimuli and ejactulation. Later on in the guide, I'll mention the benefits of abstinence.
  • Indulge in delayed gratification; exercise daily; take cold showers (proven to shoot your baseline dopamine and testosterone up); read books...

Now, about testosterone synthesis, essentially what you need to do is:

-Sleep sufficiently.

-Get some sunlight exposure.
Get at least 30min of sunlight a day at all costs. That stimulates the organism to release vitamin D, which is absolutely key to growth and allows for testosterone to be produced as well. If that’s not possible, you may consider vitamin D supplementation.

Cardio 2-3x a week; lift heavy weights; indulge in compound movements. Not only will that on its own increase your T levels, but it also teaches you patience and delayed gratification, things needed in any man of character. Furthermore, it makes you subconsciously more respectable and almost fearsome to others, which ties in with the last point of the guide and the most important. About bulking and cutting: when bulking, make sure not to put on too much fat. Get your cardio in, and keep the food clean. Fat in your body actually augments estrogen, which lowers the effect of testosterone in your body. Cutting puts you in a catabolic state, which can be bad for your testosterone when done wrong. Make sure to be in only a slight calorie deficit, which you should cause mainly by using intense cardio. An extreme cutting cycle will not only reduce your testosterone; it'll also make you lose more muscle mass than necessary and will reduce growth hormone, effectively slowing down—if not stunting—your growth.

-Eat right:
Eat above your calorie maintenance, even slightly. Avoid estrogenic foods (soy, flaxseed, vegetable oils, etc.) or otherwise processed foods. As well as that, make sure to consume foods that are high in elements such as Magnesium, Zinc, Omega-3, and healthy fats. Eat nuts, eggs, meat, vegetables... Snacks that can help increase testosterone are, for example, Brazil nuts, blueberries, and pumpkin seeds. Make sure to eat at least 4 eggs a day as they're extremely nutritive and fit the goal of increasing T levels.

-Avoid plastics and weird estrogenic shit:
Do it as much as you can, especially a substance known as Bisphenol-A (BPA) contained in a variety of tickets, notably receipts. As well as that, clothing made of things like polyester is also plastic, so no more compression shirts or football jerseys. Additionally, 9 out of 10 deodorants and fragrances contain weird chemicals known to decrease test. I'll link a website down below where they sell purely natural items for daily life, including natural deodorant.

-Drink right.
Now this should have been in the "Eat Right" section, but it's such an important topic that it deserves its own segment. Water bottles and tap water in general are filled with chemicals and minerals like pesticides and fluoride, which are essentially toxins you. Namely, the bottles themselves contain BPA which leeches into water over time. The solution to this issue that's not talked about enough is to always drink from a BPA-free metal bottle and drink pure filtered water. I suggest you put some money aside and purchase either a carbon water filter or what's called a Reverse Osmosis water filter. Try and get a quality, reviewed item that's sure to boost your health and T levels.

-Protect your balls:
Your sperm count is proven to be correlated to your testosterone, so don't do anything that can affect your sperm count. For example, exposure to heat is known to essentially kill your sperm. There's a reason why your testicles are the only organ placed externally from your body. Though there's been no significant research on the following, it coincides perfectly with the decrease in testosterone in the last few decades, and that's having your phone in your pocket. Don't trust the radiation; keep in mind that half of us right now are potentially infertile, and that wasn't the case before the invention of the smartphone.

-Reduce stress.
Cortisol, the hormone of stress, is a molecule made essentially from the same atoms as the testosterone molecule, meaning that when cortisol is secreted, it inhibits the production of T. In simple terms, stress kills testosterone; the two hormones can't be made at the same time in your body. In order to fix that, honestly, go extreme. Block all the people who trigger stress in you; disable the notifications. Meditate and journal daily. Indulge in what's called the "physiological sigh," essentially a deep inhale you double at the end, which is proven to reduce cortisol production by a significant percentage. Beyond stress, you can also eliminate the fear or anxiety you get from pressure from others. Learn a martial art, get in the gym and gain some muscle, gain confidence and security in yourself. In turn, your rate of testosterone will increase, which, following what I said earlier, can't be secreted at the same time as cortisol. The more masculine you get from the habits I'll cite in this guide, the less anxious you'll get.

Needless to say, also avoid things such as tobacco and alcohol. That was pretty much it for the lifestyle aspect. Now onto the social aspect of testosterone.

It's pretty well known that the "Alpha" in a community of animals (or even humans, for that matter) is the individual with the highest testosterone. But why is that? Well, testosterone is the hormone that motivates competition, hard work but also, and especially behavior aiming to climb a hierarchy. Here's how you need to approach life in society to optimize your testosterone:

-You must compete.
As said previously, testosterone encourages competition; but the contrary applies too. Competition increases testosterone. As well as that, winning in the context of competition gives you an instantaneous surge in testosterone. Whether that's winning a fight, getting first place in a race, or getting the top grade in your class, as long as you see it as a win, your brain will secrete more testosterone as your stress goes down.

-Interact with girls.
You must've understood by now that your self improvement journey has to include the opposite sex; and that's for good reason, as it's proven that interacting with a female that you find sexually attractive increases your testosterone. Inversely, men with higher T levels were found to indulge in more affiliative behavior (basically being more sociable) towards attractive women. As well as that, sex increases serum T levels in men, so you might want to have it more often. Something interesting, however, is that sexual abstinence in men is also shown to increase testosterone, this time by 400% within 7 days. So I'd also recommend you get on semen retention until you manage to get a girl.

-Climb the hierarchy, become the "Alpha.".
The single, most effective way to boost your T is to be perceived as at a high level in your hierarchy. Whether that be at work, at school, etc., the higher the rank, the higher the testosterone. Namely, the stereotypically popular kid, if he happens not to indulge in substances too much, probably has higher testosterone than most of the guys here. Because even if he might not be that healthy, he interacts with women you'd find attractive and is respected by other guys (even if they're Jeffries). Essentially, he's winning.
If you manage to get respect from your peers and climb the social hierarchy, your testosterone is 100% guaranteed to shoot up exponentially. That's up to the image you give off to people, which I might do a separate guide on. But overall, what you need to take into account for that goal is:

-Be social, don't be afraid to approach people. Gain experience and make friends. Be seen as an organizer of events; what I do is that I take random guys to the gym every week and give them pep talks, and now I'm pretty known around and popular, being welcome around the popular kids when I don't indulge in any of the degeneracy. The behavior I pointed out allows you to seem more confident and outgoing, and even in control on some level.

-Look good, smell good, sound good. Try to sound and look confident. Build yourself a respectable physique and maintain good posture, as well as expansive body language (take up space). Don't forget to breathe deeply, like a king.

-Find something you're good at and make yourself known for it. For me, it's fitness; I take some popular guys to the gym, they love it, and suddenly I'm popular too.

-Build a masculine persona for yourself. Honestly, that one varies from person to person. Whenever you're in a social situation, just remind yourself of a character you want to be seen as or want to be like. It could be Adonis, James Bond or even Napoleon; it's up to you.

Here are a couple of links that can be useful to you on your testosterone journey;


Dude is living in creative mode in the real world JFL
  • +1
Reactions: bbbjab
Testosterone is the N°1 most important hormone you want to optimize in order to become more masculine.

It's the hormone responsible for everything that differentiates us from women: broader shoulders, more muscle mass, higher bone density, lower anxiety, less fat... But also increased sexual function and libido. Essentially, you absolutely need to make sure your testosterone is on point to make sure you're the strongest, most attractive version of yourself. Here are ways you can increase your T levels.

First of all, go on a dopamine detox.
The molecule for testosterone is basically synthesized from dopamine, meaning that you need to get your baseline dopamine up first.

Now dopamine is the hormone of pursuit, and testosterone is augmented as a result of pursuing certain things, like status or "victory" in the broad sense.

About getting the baseline up, you can:
  • Eliminate instant gratification: turn off notifications, stop consuming content on social media, stop playing video games, stop eating junk food, etc. And don't forget porn and masturbation. Pornography has on your brain the same effect as heroin, and I'm not exaggerating. Just looking at it kills your dopamine, in turn affecting your testosterone, so imagine how bad it is when you're combining it with sexual stimuli and ejactulation. Later on in the guide, I'll mention the benefits of abstinence.
  • Indulge in delayed gratification; exercise daily; take cold showers (proven to shoot your baseline dopamine and testosterone up); read books...

Now, about testosterone synthesis, essentially what you need to do is:

-Sleep sufficiently.

-Get some sunlight exposure.
Get at least 30min of sunlight a day at all costs. That stimulates the organism to release vitamin D, which is absolutely key to growth and allows for testosterone to be produced as well. If that’s not possible, you may consider vitamin D supplementation.

Cardio 2-3x a week; lift heavy weights; indulge in compound movements. Not only will that on its own increase your T levels, but it also teaches you patience and delayed gratification, things needed in any man of character. Furthermore, it makes you subconsciously more respectable and almost fearsome to others, which ties in with the last point of the guide and the most important. About bulking and cutting: when bulking, make sure not to put on too much fat. Get your cardio in, and keep the food clean. Fat in your body actually augments estrogen, which lowers the effect of testosterone in your body. Cutting puts you in a catabolic state, which can be bad for your testosterone when done wrong. Make sure to be in only a slight calorie deficit, which you should cause mainly by using intense cardio. An extreme cutting cycle will not only reduce your testosterone; it'll also make you lose more muscle mass than necessary and will reduce growth hormone, effectively slowing down—if not stunting—your growth.

-Eat right:
Eat above your calorie maintenance, even slightly. Avoid estrogenic foods (soy, flaxseed, vegetable oils, etc.) or otherwise processed foods. As well as that, make sure to consume foods that are high in elements such as Magnesium, Zinc, Omega-3, and healthy fats. Eat nuts, eggs, meat, vegetables... Snacks that can help increase testosterone are, for example, Brazil nuts, blueberries, and pumpkin seeds. Make sure to eat at least 4 eggs a day as they're extremely nutritive and fit the goal of increasing T levels.

-Avoid plastics and weird estrogenic shit:
Do it as much as you can, especially a substance known as Bisphenol-A (BPA) contained in a variety of tickets, notably receipts. As well as that, clothing made of things like polyester is also plastic, so no more compression shirts or football jerseys. Additionally, 9 out of 10 deodorants and fragrances contain weird chemicals known to decrease test. I'll link a website down below where they sell purely natural items for daily life, including natural deodorant.

-Drink right.
Now this should have been in the "Eat Right" section, but it's such an important topic that it deserves its own segment. Water bottles and tap water in general are filled with chemicals and minerals like pesticides and fluoride, which are essentially toxins you. Namely, the bottles themselves contain BPA which leeches into water over time. The solution to this issue that's not talked about enough is to always drink from a BPA-free metal bottle and drink pure filtered water. I suggest you put some money aside and purchase either a carbon water filter or what's called a Reverse Osmosis water filter. Try and get a quality, reviewed item that's sure to boost your health and T levels.

-Protect your balls:
Your sperm count is proven to be correlated to your testosterone, so don't do anything that can affect your sperm count. For example, exposure to heat is known to essentially kill your sperm. There's a reason why your testicles are the only organ placed externally from your body. Though there's been no significant research on the following, it coincides perfectly with the decrease in testosterone in the last few decades, and that's having your phone in your pocket. Don't trust the radiation; keep in mind that half of us right now are potentially infertile, and that wasn't the case before the invention of the smartphone.

-Reduce stress.
Cortisol, the hormone of stress, is a molecule made essentially from the same atoms as the testosterone molecule, meaning that when cortisol is secreted, it inhibits the production of T. In simple terms, stress kills testosterone; the two hormones can't be made at the same time in your body. In order to fix that, honestly, go extreme. Block all the people who trigger stress in you; disable the notifications. Meditate and journal daily. Indulge in what's called the "physiological sigh," essentially a deep inhale you double at the end, which is proven to reduce cortisol production by a significant percentage. Beyond stress, you can also eliminate the fear or anxiety you get from pressure from others. Learn a martial art, get in the gym and gain some muscle, gain confidence and security in yourself. In turn, your rate of testosterone will increase, which, following what I said earlier, can't be secreted at the same time as cortisol. The more masculine you get from the habits I'll cite in this guide, the less anxious you'll get.

Needless to say, also avoid things such as tobacco and alcohol. That was pretty much it for the lifestyle aspect. Now onto the social aspect of testosterone.

It's pretty well known that the "Alpha" in a community of animals (or even humans, for that matter) is the individual with the highest testosterone. But why is that? Well, testosterone is the hormone that motivates competition, hard work but also, and especially behavior aiming to climb a hierarchy. Here's how you need to approach life in society to optimize your testosterone:

-You must compete.
As said previously, testosterone encourages competition; but the contrary applies too. Competition increases testosterone. As well as that, winning in the context of competition gives you an instantaneous surge in testosterone. Whether that's winning a fight, getting first place in a race, or getting the top grade in your class, as long as you see it as a win, your brain will secrete more testosterone as your stress goes down.

-Interact with girls.
You must've understood by now that your self improvement journey has to include the opposite sex; and that's for good reason, as it's proven that interacting with a female that you find sexually attractive increases your testosterone. Inversely, men with higher T levels were found to indulge in more affiliative behavior (basically being more sociable) towards attractive women. As well as that, sex increases serum T levels in men, so you might want to have it more often. Something interesting, however, is that sexual abstinence in men is also shown to increase testosterone, this time by 400% within 7 days. So I'd also recommend you get on semen retention until you manage to get a girl.

-Climb the hierarchy, become the "Alpha.".
The single, most effective way to boost your T is to be perceived as at a high level in your hierarchy. Whether that be at work, at school, etc., the higher the rank, the higher the testosterone. Namely, the stereotypically popular kid, if he happens not to indulge in substances too much, probably has higher testosterone than most of the guys here. Because even if he might not be that healthy, he interacts with women you'd find attractive and is respected by other guys (even if they're Jeffries). Essentially, he's winning.
If you manage to get respect from your peers and climb the social hierarchy, your testosterone is 100% guaranteed to shoot up exponentially. That's up to the image you give off to people, which I might do a separate guide on. But overall, what you need to take into account for that goal is:

-Be social, don't be afraid to approach people. Gain experience and make friends. Be seen as an organizer of events; what I do is that I take random guys to the gym every week and give them pep talks, and now I'm pretty known around and popular, being welcome around the popular kids when I don't indulge in any of the degeneracy. The behavior I pointed out allows you to seem more confident and outgoing, and even in control on some level.

-Look good, smell good, sound good. Try to sound and look confident. Build yourself a respectable physique and maintain good posture, as well as expansive body language (take up space). Don't forget to breathe deeply, like a king.

-Find something you're good at and make yourself known for it. For me, it's fitness; I take some popular guys to the gym, they love it, and suddenly I'm popular too.

-Build a masculine persona for yourself. Honestly, that one varies from person to person. Whenever you're in a social situation, just remind yourself of a character you want to be seen as or want to be like. It could be Adonis, James Bond or even Napoleon; it's up to you.

Here are a couple of links that can be useful to you on your testosterone journey;


i have 1000 ng dl testosterone but i have high SHBG ~1300 ng dl , 17 yo
How do you obtain testosterone?
Testosterone is the N°1 most important hormone you want to optimize in order to become more masculine.

It's the hormone responsible for everything that differentiates us from women: broader shoulders, more muscle mass, higher bone density, lower anxiety, less fat... But also increased sexual function and libido. Essentially, you absolutely need to make sure your testosterone is on point to make sure you're the strongest, most attractive version of yourself. Here are ways you can increase your T levels.

First of all, go on a dopamine detox.
The molecule for testosterone is basically synthesized from dopamine, meaning that you need to get your baseline dopamine up first.

Now dopamine is the hormone of pursuit, and testosterone is augmented as a result of pursuing certain things, like status or "victory" in the broad sense.

About getting the baseline up, you can:
  • Eliminate instant gratification: turn off notifications, stop consuming content on social media, stop playing video games, stop eating junk food, etc. And don't forget porn and masturbation. Pornography has on your brain the same effect as heroin, and I'm not exaggerating. Just looking at it kills your dopamine, in turn affecting your testosterone, so imagine how bad it is when you're combining it with sexual stimuli and ejactulation. Later on in the guide, I'll mention the benefits of abstinence.
  • Indulge in delayed gratification; exercise daily; take cold showers (proven to shoot your baseline dopamine and testosterone up); read books...

Now, about testosterone synthesis, essentially what you need to do is:

-Sleep sufficiently.

-Get some sunlight exposure.
Get at least 30min of sunlight a day at all costs. That stimulates the organism to release vitamin D, which is absolutely key to growth and allows for testosterone to be produced as well. If that’s not possible, you may consider vitamin D supplementation.

Cardio 2-3x a week; lift heavy weights; indulge in compound movements. Not only will that on its own increase your T levels, but it also teaches you patience and delayed gratification, things needed in any man of character. Furthermore, it makes you subconsciously more respectable and almost fearsome to others, which ties in with the last point of the guide and the most important. About bulking and cutting: when bulking, make sure not to put on too much fat. Get your cardio in, and keep the food clean. Fat in your body actually augments estrogen, which lowers the effect of testosterone in your body. Cutting puts you in a catabolic state, which can be bad for your testosterone when done wrong. Make sure to be in only a slight calorie deficit, which you should cause mainly by using intense cardio. An extreme cutting cycle will not only reduce your testosterone; it'll also make you lose more muscle mass than necessary and will reduce growth hormone, effectively slowing down—if not stunting—your growth.

-Eat right:
Eat above your calorie maintenance, even slightly. Avoid estrogenic foods (soy, flaxseed, vegetable oils, etc.) or otherwise processed foods. As well as that, make sure to consume foods that are high in elements such as Magnesium, Zinc, Omega-3, and healthy fats. Eat nuts, eggs, meat, vegetables... Snacks that can help increase testosterone are, for example, Brazil nuts, blueberries, and pumpkin seeds. Make sure to eat at least 4 eggs a day as they're extremely nutritive and fit the goal of increasing T levels.

-Avoid plastics and weird estrogenic shit:
Do it as much as you can, especially a substance known as Bisphenol-A (BPA) contained in a variety of tickets, notably receipts. As well as that, clothing made of things like polyester is also plastic, so no more compression shirts or football jerseys. Additionally, 9 out of 10 deodorants and fragrances contain weird chemicals known to decrease test. I'll link a website down below where they sell purely natural items for daily life, including natural deodorant.

-Drink right.
Now this should have been in the "Eat Right" section, but it's such an important topic that it deserves its own segment. Water bottles and tap water in general are filled with chemicals and minerals like pesticides and fluoride, which are essentially toxins you. Namely, the bottles themselves contain BPA which leeches into water over time. The solution to this issue that's not talked about enough is to always drink from a BPA-free metal bottle and drink pure filtered water. I suggest you put some money aside and purchase either a carbon water filter or what's called a Reverse Osmosis water filter. Try and get a quality, reviewed item that's sure to boost your health and T levels.

-Protect your balls:
Your sperm count is proven to be correlated to your testosterone, so don't do anything that can affect your sperm count. For example, exposure to heat is known to essentially kill your sperm. There's a reason why your testicles are the only organ placed externally from your body. Though there's been no significant research on the following, it coincides perfectly with the decrease in testosterone in the last few decades, and that's having your phone in your pocket. Don't trust the radiation; keep in mind that half of us right now are potentially infertile, and that wasn't the case before the invention of the smartphone.

-Reduce stress.
Cortisol, the hormone of stress, is a molecule made essentially from the same atoms as the testosterone molecule, meaning that when cortisol is secreted, it inhibits the production of T. In simple terms, stress kills testosterone; the two hormones can't be made at the same time in your body. In order to fix that, honestly, go extreme. Block all the people who trigger stress in you; disable the notifications. Meditate and journal daily. Indulge in what's called the "physiological sigh," essentially a deep inhale you double at the end, which is proven to reduce cortisol production by a significant percentage. Beyond stress, you can also eliminate the fear or anxiety you get from pressure from others. Learn a martial art, get in the gym and gain some muscle, gain confidence and security in yourself. In turn, your rate of testosterone will increase, which, following what I said earlier, can't be secreted at the same time as cortisol. The more masculine you get from the habits I'll cite in this guide, the less anxious you'll get.

Needless to say, also avoid things such as tobacco and alcohol. That was pretty much it for the lifestyle aspect. Now onto the social aspect of testosterone.

It's pretty well known that the "Alpha" in a community of animals (or even humans, for that matter) is the individual with the highest testosterone. But why is that? Well, testosterone is the hormone that motivates competition, hard work but also, and especially behavior aiming to climb a hierarchy. Here's how you need to approach life in society to optimize your testosterone:

-You must compete.
As said previously, testosterone encourages competition; but the contrary applies too. Competition increases testosterone. As well as that, winning in the context of competition gives you an instantaneous surge in testosterone. Whether that's winning a fight, getting first place in a race, or getting the top grade in your class, as long as you see it as a win, your brain will secrete more testosterone as your stress goes down.

-Interact with girls.
You must've understood by now that your self improvement journey has to include the opposite sex; and that's for good reason, as it's proven that interacting with a female that you find sexually attractive increases your testosterone. Inversely, men with higher T levels were found to indulge in more affiliative behavior (basically being more sociable) towards attractive women. As well as that, sex increases serum T levels in men, so you might want to have it more often. Something interesting, however, is that sexual abstinence in men is also shown to increase testosterone, this time by 400% within 7 days. So I'd also recommend you get on semen retention until you manage to get a girl.

-Climb the hierarchy, become the "Alpha.".
The single, most effective way to boost your T is to be perceived as at a high level in your hierarchy. Whether that be at work, at school, etc., the higher the rank, the higher the testosterone. Namely, the stereotypically popular kid, if he happens not to indulge in substances too much, probably has higher testosterone than most of the guys here. Because even if he might not be that healthy, he interacts with women you'd find attractive and is respected by other guys (even if they're Jeffries). Essentially, he's winning.
If you manage to get respect from your peers and climb the social hierarchy, your testosterone is 100% guaranteed to shoot up exponentially. That's up to the image you give off to people, which I might do a separate guide on. But overall, what you need to take into account for that goal is:

-Be social, don't be afraid to approach people. Gain experience and make friends. Be seen as an organizer of events; what I do is that I take random guys to the gym every week and give them pep talks, and now I'm pretty known around and popular, being welcome around the popular kids when I don't indulge in any of the degeneracy. The behavior I pointed out allows you to seem more confident and outgoing, and even in control on some level.

-Look good, smell good, sound good. Try to sound and look confident. Build yourself a respectable physique and maintain good posture, as well as expansive body language (take up space). Don't forget to breathe deeply, like a king.

-Find something you're good at and make yourself known for it. For me, it's fitness; I take some popular guys to the gym, they love it, and suddenly I'm popular too.

-Build a masculine persona for yourself. Honestly, that one varies from person to person. Whenever you're in a social situation, just remind yourself of a character you want to be seen as or want to be like. It could be Adonis, James Bond or even Napoleon; it's up to you.

Here are a couple of links that can be useful to you on your testosterone journey;


Testosterone is the N°1 most important hormone you want to optimize in order to become more masculine.

It's the hormone responsible for everything that differentiates us from women: broader shoulders, more muscle mass, higher bone density, lower anxiety, less fat... But also increased sexual function and libido. Essentially, you absolutely need to make sure your testosterone is on point to make sure you're the strongest, most attractive version of yourself. Here are ways you can increase your T levels.

First of all, go on a dopamine detox.
The molecule for testosterone is basically synthesized from dopamine, meaning that you need to get your baseline dopamine up first.

Now dopamine is the hormone of pursuit, and testosterone is augmented as a result of pursuing certain things, like status or "victory" in the broad sense.

About getting the baseline up, you can:
  • Eliminate instant gratification: turn off notifications, stop consuming content on social media, stop playing video games, stop eating junk food, etc. And don't forget porn and masturbation. Pornography has on your brain the same effect as heroin, and I'm not exaggerating. Just looking at it kills your dopamine, in turn affecting your testosterone, so imagine how bad it is when you're combining it with sexual stimuli and ejactulation. Later on in the guide, I'll mention the benefits of abstinence.
  • Indulge in delayed gratification; exercise daily; take cold showers (proven to shoot your baseline dopamine and testosterone up); read books...

Now, about testosterone synthesis, essentially what you need to do is:

-Sleep sufficiently.

-Get some sunlight exposure.
Get at least 30min of sunlight a day at all costs. That stimulates the organism to release vitamin D, which is absolutely key to growth and allows for testosterone to be produced as well. If that’s not possible, you may consider vitamin D supplementation.

Cardio 2-3x a week; lift heavy weights; indulge in compound movements. Not only will that on its own increase your T levels, but it also teaches you patience and delayed gratification, things needed in any man of character. Furthermore, it makes you subconsciously more respectable and almost fearsome to others, which ties in with the last point of the guide and the most important. About bulking and cutting: when bulking, make sure not to put on too much fat. Get your cardio in, and keep the food clean. Fat in your body actually augments estrogen, which lowers the effect of testosterone in your body. Cutting puts you in a catabolic state, which can be bad for your testosterone when done wrong. Make sure to be in only a slight calorie deficit, which you should cause mainly by using intense cardio. An extreme cutting cycle will not only reduce your testosterone; it'll also make you lose more muscle mass than necessary and will reduce growth hormone, effectively slowing down—if not stunting—your growth.

-Eat right:
Eat above your calorie maintenance, even slightly. Avoid estrogenic foods (soy, flaxseed, vegetable oils, etc.) or otherwise processed foods. As well as that, make sure to consume foods that are high in elements such as Magnesium, Zinc, Omega-3, and healthy fats. Eat nuts, eggs, meat, vegetables... Snacks that can help increase testosterone are, for example, Brazil nuts, blueberries, and pumpkin seeds. Make sure to eat at least 4 eggs a day as they're extremely nutritive and fit the goal of increasing T levels.

-Avoid plastics and weird estrogenic shit:
Do it as much as you can, especially a substance known as Bisphenol-A (BPA) contained in a variety of tickets, notably receipts. As well as that, clothing made of things like polyester is also plastic, so no more compression shirts or football jerseys. Additionally, 9 out of 10 deodorants and fragrances contain weird chemicals known to decrease test. I'll link a website down below where they sell purely natural items for daily life, including natural deodorant.

-Drink right.
Now this should have been in the "Eat Right" section, but it's such an important topic that it deserves its own segment. Water bottles and tap water in general are filled with chemicals and minerals like pesticides and fluoride, which are essentially toxins you. Namely, the bottles themselves contain BPA which leeches into water over time. The solution to this issue that's not talked about enough is to always drink from a BPA-free metal bottle and drink pure filtered water. I suggest you put some money aside and purchase either a carbon water filter or what's called a Reverse Osmosis water filter. Try and get a quality, reviewed item that's sure to boost your health and T levels.

-Protect your balls:
Your sperm count is proven to be correlated to your testosterone, so don't do anything that can affect your sperm count. For example, exposure to heat is known to essentially kill your sperm. There's a reason why your testicles are the only organ placed externally from your body. Though there's been no significant research on the following, it coincides perfectly with the decrease in testosterone in the last few decades, and that's having your phone in your pocket. Don't trust the radiation; keep in mind that half of us right now are potentially infertile, and that wasn't the case before the invention of the smartphone.

-Reduce stress.
Cortisol, the hormone of stress, is a molecule made essentially from the same atoms as the testosterone molecule, meaning that when cortisol is secreted, it inhibits the production of T. In simple terms, stress kills testosterone; the two hormones can't be made at the same time in your body. In order to fix that, honestly, go extreme. Block all the people who trigger stress in you; disable the notifications. Meditate and journal daily. Indulge in what's called the "physiological sigh," essentially a deep inhale you double at the end, which is proven to reduce cortisol production by a significant percentage. Beyond stress, you can also eliminate the fear or anxiety you get from pressure from others. Learn a martial art, get in the gym and gain some muscle, gain confidence and security in yourself. In turn, your rate of testosterone will increase, which, following what I said earlier, can't be secreted at the same time as cortisol. The more masculine you get from the habits I'll cite in this guide, the less anxious you'll get.

Needless to say, also avoid things such as tobacco and alcohol. That was pretty much it for the lifestyle aspect. Now onto the social aspect of testosterone.

It's pretty well known that the "Alpha" in a community of animals (or even humans, for that matter) is the individual with the highest testosterone. But why is that? Well, testosterone is the hormone that motivates competition, hard work but also, and especially behavior aiming to climb a hierarchy. Here's how you need to approach life in society to optimize your testosterone:

-You must compete.
As said previously, testosterone encourages competition; but the contrary applies too. Competition increases testosterone. As well as that, winning in the context of competition gives you an instantaneous surge in testosterone. Whether that's winning a fight, getting first place in a race, or getting the top grade in your class, as long as you see it as a win, your brain will secrete more testosterone as your stress goes down.

-Interact with girls.
You must've understood by now that your self improvement journey has to include the opposite sex; and that's for good reason, as it's proven that interacting with a female that you find sexually attractive increases your testosterone. Inversely, men with higher T levels were found to indulge in more affiliative behavior (basically being more sociable) towards attractive women. As well as that, sex increases serum T levels in men, so you might want to have it more often. Something interesting, however, is that sexual abstinence in men is also shown to increase testosterone, this time by 400% within 7 days. So I'd also recommend you get on semen retention until you manage to get a girl.

-Climb the hierarchy, become the "Alpha.".
The single, most effective way to boost your T is to be perceived as at a high level in your hierarchy. Whether that be at work, at school, etc., the higher the rank, the higher the testosterone. Namely, the stereotypically popular kid, if he happens not to indulge in substances too much, probably has higher testosterone than most of the guys here. Because even if he might not be that healthy, he interacts with women you'd find attractive and is respected by other guys (even if they're Jeffries). Essentially, he's winning.
If you manage to get respect from your peers and climb the social hierarchy, your testosterone is 100% guaranteed to shoot up exponentially. That's up to the image you give off to people, which I might do a separate guide on. But overall, what you need to take into account for that goal is:

-Be social, don't be afraid to approach people. Gain experience and make friends. Be seen as an organizer of events; what I do is that I take random guys to the gym every week and give them pep talks, and now I'm pretty known around and popular, being welcome around the popular kids when I don't indulge in any of the degeneracy. The behavior I pointed out allows you to seem more confident and outgoing, and even in control on some level.

-Look good, smell good, sound good. Try to sound and look confident. Build yourself a respectable physique and maintain good posture, as well as expansive body language (take up space). Don't forget to breathe deeply, like a king.

-Find something you're good at and make yourself known for it. For me, it's fitness; I take some popular guys to the gym, they love it, and suddenly I'm popular too.

-Build a masculine persona for yourself. Honestly, that one varies from person to person. Whenever you're in a social situation, just remind yourself of a character you want to be seen as or want to be like. It could be Adonis, James Bond or even Napoleon; it's up to you.

Here are a couple of links that can be useful to you on your testosterone journey;


1 needle away from having to do all this
Your baseline T levels are driven by genetics. There are many guys who just can’t reach 1000ng/ dl.
This is literally the top 0,1% of young men.

Stress, a sedentary lifestyle and poor sleep are most detrimental for T-levels.
Wearing a fleece jacket or doing sports in polyester fabric doesn’t significantly alter your t-levels, as to where you would notice any negative long-term outcomes.
Focus on the basics, not perfection.
Perfection is tied to mental stress for most men and that is considerably worse for hormones than wearing a fleece here and there or cooking with vegetable oils.

And yes I speak from experience. I tried all of it back then and consistently received the lowest T readings in my life.
Whereas they had been significantly higher, when I did not care about this kind of stuff.
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i have 1000 ng dl testosterone but i have high SHBG ~1300 ng dl , 17 yo
Its genetics. The same genes that result in increased baseline total T levels in naturals also tend to increase SHBG levels. My dad at 70 years old has 1000 ng/dl and high SHBG as well (has never worked out)
Testosterone is the N°1 most important hormone you want to optimize in order to become more masculine.

It's the hormone responsible for everything that differentiates us from women: broader shoulders, more muscle mass, higher bone density, lower anxiety, less fat... But also increased sexual function and libido. Essentially, you absolutely need to make sure your testosterone is on point to make sure you're the strongest, most attractive version of yourself. Here are ways you can increase your T levels.

First of all, go on a dopamine detox.
The molecule for testosterone is basically synthesized from dopamine, meaning that you need to get your baseline dopamine up first.

Now dopamine is the hormone of pursuit, and testosterone is augmented as a result of pursuing certain things, like status or "victory" in the broad sense.

About getting the baseline up, you can:
  • Eliminate instant gratification: turn off notifications, stop consuming content on social media, stop playing video games, stop eating junk food, etc. And don't forget porn and masturbation. Pornography has on your brain the same effect as heroin, and I'm not exaggerating. Just looking at it kills your dopamine, in turn affecting your testosterone, so imagine how bad it is when you're combining it with sexual stimuli and ejactulation. Later on in the guide, I'll mention the benefits of abstinence.
  • Indulge in delayed gratification; exercise daily; take cold showers (proven to shoot your baseline dopamine and testosterone up); read books...

Now, about testosterone synthesis, essentially what you need to do is:

-Sleep sufficiently.

-Get some sunlight exposure.
Get at least 30min of sunlight a day at all costs. That stimulates the organism to release vitamin D, which is absolutely key to growth and allows for testosterone to be produced as well. If that’s not possible, you may consider vitamin D supplementation.

Cardio 2-3x a week; lift heavy weights; indulge in compound movements. Not only will that on its own increase your T levels, but it also teaches you patience and delayed gratification, things needed in any man of character. Furthermore, it makes you subconsciously more respectable and almost fearsome to others, which ties in with the last point of the guide and the most important. About bulking and cutting: when bulking, make sure not to put on too much fat. Get your cardio in, and keep the food clean. Fat in your body actually augments estrogen, which lowers the effect of testosterone in your body. Cutting puts you in a catabolic state, which can be bad for your testosterone when done wrong. Make sure to be in only a slight calorie deficit, which you should cause mainly by using intense cardio. An extreme cutting cycle will not only reduce your testosterone; it'll also make you lose more muscle mass than necessary and will reduce growth hormone, effectively slowing down—if not stunting—your growth.

-Eat right:
Eat above your calorie maintenance, even slightly. Avoid estrogenic foods (soy, flaxseed, vegetable oils, etc.) or otherwise processed foods. As well as that, make sure to consume foods that are high in elements such as Magnesium, Zinc, Omega-3, and healthy fats. Eat nuts, eggs, meat, vegetables... Snacks that can help increase testosterone are, for example, Brazil nuts, blueberries, and pumpkin seeds. Make sure to eat at least 4 eggs a day as they're extremely nutritive and fit the goal of increasing T levels.

-Avoid plastics and weird estrogenic shit:
Do it as much as you can, especially a substance known as Bisphenol-A (BPA) contained in a variety of tickets, notably receipts. As well as that, clothing made of things like polyester is also plastic, so no more compression shirts or football jerseys. Additionally, 9 out of 10 deodorants and fragrances contain weird chemicals known to decrease test. I'll link a website down below where they sell purely natural items for daily life, including natural deodorant.

-Drink right.
Now this should have been in the "Eat Right" section, but it's such an important topic that it deserves its own segment. Water bottles and tap water in general are filled with chemicals and minerals like pesticides and fluoride, which are essentially toxins you. Namely, the bottles themselves contain BPA which leeches into water over time. The solution to this issue that's not talked about enough is to always drink from a BPA-free metal bottle and drink pure filtered water. I suggest you put some money aside and purchase either a carbon water filter or what's called a Reverse Osmosis water filter. Try and get a quality, reviewed item that's sure to boost your health and T levels.

-Protect your balls:
Your sperm count is proven to be correlated to your testosterone, so don't do anything that can affect your sperm count. For example, exposure to heat is known to essentially kill your sperm. There's a reason why your testicles are the only organ placed externally from your body. Though there's been no significant research on the following, it coincides perfectly with the decrease in testosterone in the last few decades, and that's having your phone in your pocket. Don't trust the radiation; keep in mind that half of us right now are potentially infertile, and that wasn't the case before the invention of the smartphone.

-Reduce stress.
Cortisol, the hormone of stress, is a molecule made essentially from the same atoms as the testosterone molecule, meaning that when cortisol is secreted, it inhibits the production of T. In simple terms, stress kills testosterone; the two hormones can't be made at the same time in your body. In order to fix that, honestly, go extreme. Block all the people who trigger stress in you; disable the notifications. Meditate and journal daily. Indulge in what's called the "physiological sigh," essentially a deep inhale you double at the end, which is proven to reduce cortisol production by a significant percentage. Beyond stress, you can also eliminate the fear or anxiety you get from pressure from others. Learn a martial art, get in the gym and gain some muscle, gain confidence and security in yourself. In turn, your rate of testosterone will increase, which, following what I said earlier, can't be secreted at the same time as cortisol. The more masculine you get from the habits I'll cite in this guide, the less anxious you'll get.

Needless to say, also avoid things such as tobacco and alcohol. That was pretty much it for the lifestyle aspect. Now onto the social aspect of testosterone.

It's pretty well known that the "Alpha" in a community of animals (or even humans, for that matter) is the individual with the highest testosterone. But why is that? Well, testosterone is the hormone that motivates competition, hard work but also, and especially behavior aiming to climb a hierarchy. Here's how you need to approach life in society to optimize your testosterone:

-You must compete.
As said previously, testosterone encourages competition; but the contrary applies too. Competition increases testosterone. As well as that, winning in the context of competition gives you an instantaneous surge in testosterone. Whether that's winning a fight, getting first place in a race, or getting the top grade in your class, as long as you see it as a win, your brain will secrete more testosterone as your stress goes down.

-Interact with girls.
You must've understood by now that your self improvement journey has to include the opposite sex; and that's for good reason, as it's proven that interacting with a female that you find sexually attractive increases your testosterone. Inversely, men with higher T levels were found to indulge in more affiliative behavior (basically being more sociable) towards attractive women. As well as that, sex increases serum T levels in men, so you might want to have it more often. Something interesting, however, is that sexual abstinence in men is also shown to increase testosterone, this time by 400% within 7 days. So I'd also recommend you get on semen retention until you manage to get a girl.

-Climb the hierarchy, become the "Alpha.".
The single, most effective way to boost your T is to be perceived as at a high level in your hierarchy. Whether that be at work, at school, etc., the higher the rank, the higher the testosterone. Namely, the stereotypically popular kid, if he happens not to indulge in substances too much, probably has higher testosterone than most of the guys here. Because even if he might not be that healthy, he interacts with women you'd find attractive and is respected by other guys (even if they're Jeffries). Essentially, he's winning.
If you manage to get respect from your peers and climb the social hierarchy, your testosterone is 100% guaranteed to shoot up exponentially. That's up to the image you give off to people, which I might do a separate guide on. But overall, what you need to take into account for that goal is:

-Be social, don't be afraid to approach people. Gain experience and make friends. Be seen as an organizer of events; what I do is that I take random guys to the gym every week and give them pep talks, and now I'm pretty known around and popular, being welcome around the popular kids when I don't indulge in any of the degeneracy. The behavior I pointed out allows you to seem more confident and outgoing, and even in control on some level.

-Look good, smell good, sound good. Try to sound and look confident. Build yourself a respectable physique and maintain good posture, as well as expansive body language (take up space). Don't forget to breathe deeply, like a king.

-Find something you're good at and make yourself known for it. For me, it's fitness; I take some popular guys to the gym, they love it, and suddenly I'm popular too.

-Build a masculine persona for yourself. Honestly, that one varies from person to person. Whenever you're in a social situation, just remind yourself of a character you want to be seen as or want to be like. It could be Adonis, James Bond or even Napoleon; it's up to you.

Here are a couple of links that can be useful to you on your testosterone journey;


mirin bro.. mirin the post
buddy watched the hamza guide and just repeated it, good advice tho u sound hella autistic writing/talking like this we all grow out of it eventually and just talk like a normal person
  • +1
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just mew bro (enclo or nothing at this rate :feelsrope:)
Andrew huberman is literaly the definition of broscience , psuedoscience
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