12-13% bf and body is lean but face is still fat/bloated, please help



Jun 10, 2024
I've been in the gym for a year and a half now. Started at 120, Bulked up all the way to 175 then cut down to 150 now and I'm continuing to go lower because of my face fat. My overall body has gotten much leaner, visibly striated legs, separated delt heads, upper and lower chest definition w pump, BUT my face is still fucking fat. I will say, I've been on HGH for 2 years now prescribed by doctor to get taller, could that be causing facial bloating? I've had braces for 2-3 years now so my chin isn't recessed and my sister has a very defined jawline and facial structure so I don't think it's that much genetics.

Things I've been doing so far for facial fat/bloating:

Losing fat (cutting)
4:1 potassium to sodium ratio
cutting out processed sugars almost completely, main thing I eat that has sugar is just fruit
Drinking almost a gallon of water a day
Gua sha
Sometimes icing face
Chewing Hard gum

I've attached a selfie of my physique I just took like 2 days ago and then a picture of my cheeks (it was in the morning so I was even more bloated/puffy)

Please anyone let me know what else I can do that's easily accessible, nothing like lemonbottle or furosemide (even though I'd like to) because my parents would freak out. Thank you to anyone that helps, this is my biggest insecurity


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  • So Sad
Reactions: Danish_Retard
If ure still bloated its cause no bones
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  • JFL
Reactions: boss8055, schizomeeksfanboy, Allornothing and 8 others
take hgh/test asap your bones non exist
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Reactions: VenatorLuparius
Wait to grow bones
Grow bones
Problem fix
Or wait to age
Aging makes ur fat pads less
Wait to grow bones
Grow bones
Problem fix
Or wait to age
Aging makes ur fat pads less
ik im prob gonna get clowned bc i dont understand what ppl mean by grow bones/no bones, anyway what could I do speed up that process
ik im prob gonna get clowned bc i dont understand what ppl mean by grow bones/no bones, anyway what could I do speed up that process
Bones are genetics
Bloat means that u dont have good enough bones to support ur face and give u facial leaness despite the fact ur 12-13% bf.
To sped up the process u would need test, hgh and ai and MAYBE theyll grow.
ik im prob gonna get clowned bc i dont understand what ppl mean by grow bones/no bones, anyway what could I do speed up that process
Bones are genetics
Bloat means that u dont have good enough bones to support ur face and give u facial leaness despite the fact ur 12-13% bf.
To sped up the process u would need test, hgh and ai and MAYBE theyll grow.
I've been taking HGH for 2 years now though
ik im prob gonna get clowned bc i dont understand what ppl mean by grow bones/no bones, anyway what could I do speed up that process
they referring to the bone mass in your face if you don’t have prominent facial bones You’re never really gonna have that definition you want in your face and the bone mass in your face is completely genetic unless you’re severely malnourished
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nothing I can do? I've been taking the dosage my doctor recommends (j taking it to grow taller)
take hgh for as you can afford it and then if still boneless and short consider surgery if it genuinely bothers you the way you look
take hgh for as you can afford it and then if still boneless and short consider surgery if it genuinely bothers you the way you look
I've already been considering the surgery for height when I'm older but what options would I have for bone prominence in my face
5'7 at 17 pretty fucked, planning on getting it to get to 5'9/5'10. but do u have an answer to the question I asked
filler, implants there’s multiple although im not educated enough to give you a full list there’s still many threads on here that go into detail use the search bar top right
more like 14%+
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youre not lean when my abs look that watery my face would be fat too
not enough separation and vascularity.
I see, based off that do you think I'll better results face wise at 130-135 then and it could be possible that I still have a good amount of fat to lose?
It's the hgh for sure. Definitely causes facial bloat.

To beat it, take in a bunch of potassium, drink alot of water, and maybe even lower your high dosage
It's the hgh for sure. Definitely causes facial bloat.

To beat it, take in a bunch of potassium, drink alot of water, and maybe even lower your high dosage
I was thinking it could be causing a lot of water retention, I'm gonna go off of it soon when I stop growing. But I've been trying to intake a lot more potassium. How much do you recommend I take daily and how much of that to be supplemental? ty btw
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I was thinking it could be causing a lot of water retention, I'm gonna go off of it soon when I stop growing. But I've been trying to intake a lot more potassium. How much do you recommend I take daily and how much of that to be supplemental? ty btw
I don't know about exact amounts, try figuring that out from people who know more. I just know potassium does the trick with this
fr? what bf% u think I am, and what do u think I'd be at when I'm at 135?
it doesnt matter what bf you are just lose more weight until you lose the bloat its not that deep
You’re stressing yourself out at the gym of course you’re bloated

You need to eat 100% raw foods to debloat
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