13 year olds know about looksmaxing



Hardstuck MTN
Aug 25, 2023
I was on the subway coming around 4:00Pm, a prominent time where subways are filled with middle schoolers and whatnot.

I look over at the kid next to me and I shit you not he’s watching a Jordan Barrett tiktok edit on his phone and then shows it to his friend and they start laughing hysterically. They looked like they were in 6th grade which means they were around 13
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I was on the subway coming around 4:00Pm, a prominent time where subways are filled with middle schoolers and whatnot.

I look over at the kid next to me and I shit you not he’s watching a Jordan Barrett tiktok edit on his phone and then shows it to his friend and they start laughing hysterically. They looked like they were in 6th grade which means they were around 13
no shit that faggot k Shami popularized it even girls at my school know who Dillion Latham is Jfl
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no shit that faggot k Shami popularized it even girls at my school know who Dillion Latham is Jfl
Oddly enough I’ve not heard one of my female friends mention the trend in the slightest besides one of them saying “I’m sleepmaxxing.” We’re all around 19-20 for reference

I think high schoolers and late middle schoolers are the prime audience of cringe bp tiktok content
I was on the subway coming around 4:00Pm, a prominent time where subways are filled with middle schoolers and whatnot.

I look over at the kid next to me and I shit you not he’s watching a Jordan Barrett tiktok edit on his phone and then shows it to his friend and they start laughing hysterically. They looked like they were in 6th grade which means they were around 13
Im 14 bhaii, but noone my age i know knows about blackpill

Its all the tiktok shit ONLY.
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i knew it at the end of when i was 13yo but only did mewing :lul:, and it worked since i was late bloomer anyway, was like 2018 - 2019
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you all dont realise that it affects girls too, it shapes their minds. Literally every single girl i talked knows what is a hunter eyes. Its fucking over cause you gave them the chad taste.
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i knew it at the end of when i was 13yo but only did mewing :lul:, and it worked since i was late bloomer anyway, was like 2018 - 2019
Yeah but the relevance wasn’t a fraction of what it is today
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you all dont realise that it affects girls too, it shapes their minds. Literally every single girl i talked knows what is a hunter eyes. Its fucking over cause you gave them the chad taste.
Interesting you say this, I haven’t seen this at all but maybe with girls a bit younger than me who are more brain rotted it makes a difference
I was on the subway coming around 4:00Pm, a prominent time where subways are filled with middle schoolers and whatnot.

I look over at the kid next to me and I shit you not he’s watching a Jordan Barrett tiktok edit on his phone and then shows it to his friend and they start laughing hysterically. They looked like they were in 6th grade which means they were around 13
The only true looksmaxing is hardmaxxing yet these shitty grifters like K shami dont tell there 13yo audiences that
Yeah but the relevance wasn’t a fraction of what it is today
I'm an oldcel. This shit didn't exist at all 15 years ago. I doubt there even was an internet subculture. People would use internet to play games or connect with their IRL contacts on Facebook or bebo.
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who cares, they dont know about the forum
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The only true looksmaxing is hardmaxxing yet these shitty grifters like K shami dont tell there 13yo audiences that
just untrue lol, softmaxing helps. Obviously not to the same degree as hard maxing but health indicators are extremely important
Interesting you say this, I haven’t seen this at all but maybe with girls a bit younger than me who are more brain rotted it makes a difference
Screenshot 20240525 233015 Gallery

i sent this to her and she was like YOOOOOO HUNTER EYESSSSS(*she doesnt realise its t50 hooded lol)
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i knew it at the end of when i was 13yo but only did mewing :lul:, and it worked since i was late bloomer anyway, was like 2018 - 2019
mewing is cope it doesnt work
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mewing is cope it doesnt work
maybe, my nose was always stuffy as a kid and i was mouth breathing, so it's either that or puberty and nose breathing gave me bones

mewing is cope but mouth breathing bones exist

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