2 contrasting forms of racism - Why I embody both



Juggernaut Genes Possessor
Jul 12, 2019
I've seen an account of someone saying that with rednecks, they are willing to live in the company of blacks/ethnics so long as these ethnics stay below them in terms of wealth/success/status

Whereas with rich or upper class whites, they are willing to associate with ethnics who come on par with them in terms of wealth/success/status so long as they aren't forced to live close to ethnics @PatriceLumumba

If we just assume the stance of the rednecks applies to all poor/low class whites (Chavs etc are from the same genetic stock) then I see this as being very legit because low class whites will interact with ethnics due to being able to relate to them behaviourally but they will absolutely seethe if they see that ethnics are getting more handouts from the government than they are (this is what's happening now in Ireland as ethnics are being prioritized free housing over low class whites)

Yes low class whites will be the most likely to combat ethnics by confronting and hassling them on the street or maybe escalating to scuffles of violence but it's usually the fresh off boats they go after, I never see them recording videos where they hassle blacks with irish accents even if they dont want them there, they target the guys who just rocked up and are at the very bottom status wise and have no mates to call.

Hamza said that when he lived in Liverpool the local youths were smashing their windows etc because the scousers didn't want any pakis living in their area and his family moved city because of this.
His family seemed pretty harmless with his father being a taxi driver and him and his siblings being asocial nerds but the scousers probably feel emboldened by running a harmless paki or indian family from their neighbourhood however these same chavs would probably become friends with a paki wannabethugmaxxer or black WTM who grew up in their area.


I've mentioned before that I believe low class whites and ethnics will intermix but I dont see ethnics intermixing with any other whites except for the occasional ethnic who runs uncle tom game and becomes the token ethnic in a white social circle but there are a finite amount of these positions available to maintain it's effectiveness as a strategy for ethnics.

Wealthy/Upper class whites will continue to virtue signal towards ethnics and be polite to them to their faces and occasionally run saviour complex game but they will do everything they can to continue living as segregated from them as they can.
The thing is, upper class people seem to not have a problem with walking to the shop and 6/10 people they pass on their journey being ethnics so long as the street that they live on and the surrounding area is absent of ethnics and their property value remains high.
They dont care if some random uncle tom ethnic gets rich because their own finances are secure so they dont see some ethnic getting rich as a threat to them while the lower class whites do since it makes them feel like they're falling further down the socioeconomic pecking order.

A middle class PSLer I know says that his family ONLY rents their apartments to ethnics because they feel ethnics are less hassle to deal with than their white socioeconomic equivalent (white chavs) so the ethnics will stay in the apartment for years without complaint so long as they feel like they're getting a bargain in terms of price.
I find this insane that white middle class cels dont care for helping out their fellow white given the state of europe and would rather help some ethnic get a footing in the country because they think it will benefit themselves slightly.
They dont care that they're moving an ethnic family into the working class street where their spare property is so long as they aren't moving onto the more wealthy street where they live
I recently secured an apartment that was viewed by a curry couple right before me and the owner has a traditional potatocel name so I took it as him doing a favour for his fellow potatocel by choosing me, the agent who showed me the house also had a proper potatocel bloke vibe as opposed to some of the younger unpatriotic agents who act like they have a stick up their arse so he possibly put in a good word for me
It seems as though there are a lot of whites of such description who dont feel a visceral reaction to seeing an ethnic walking around freely on their land or dont feel mentally exhausted after going on a walk and seeing countless ethnics that trigger their fight or flight response by default

It appears to be the case that there are two types of "racism" that normies lean towards which ive just outlined
I would have a leaning towards the racism of the wealthier whites in the sense that I can get along with an uncle tom ethnic so long as he's high sentience and I wont feel inferior for him making a successful life for himself (despite me not wanting him on white land in the first place) and I cant relate to the low class with ability to associate with ethnic WTM behaviour wise since I have no desire to live in areas or hang out with gangs of ethnics.

But despite this leaning I am still a full blown racist on both fronts in the sense that I get triggered at the sight of ethnics on my land and have a desire to undertake violent intervention which is probably also common in chavs while it seems to not get triggered in upper class people as they are presumably less attached to tribal nature
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  • JFL
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A lot of rich whites probably see poor whites the same way they see ethnics
Maybe even worse
I don’t think they have as much of a problem with other rich ethnics tbh, well provided they’re somewhat educated and polite and not some tacky arab
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Why did you tag me??
  • JFL
Reactions: ProBono, gods lonely man and slavicpsycho
Why are so many users on this forum racist?
  • +1
Reactions: gods lonely man
Yeah nigga not reading all that Image 8
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Why did you tag me??
because you made a post in a recent thread of mine saying that society will split into groups of competent whites + some ethnics that can get along with them and are on par IQ wise v ethnics and incompetent whites or something along those lines

I've written stuff related to that in this thread

Why are so many users on this forum racist?
Because people who realize that looks completely define your life are also extremely race aware and realize that race is pretty much the single biggest issue relating to humanity
The only correct conclusion to reach is this world is that people's value is based on their looks with race being a core component of looks and strong in group preference is the only natural way to live
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good observation, I had similar understanding, if ur high class ethnic(status, money) but dont physically mog whites (ur sub Chadlite) its best to return back and live somewhere rural with very few people in contact. i read an interesting thread abt this and recommend
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i find your threads funny. europe is overrun by muslim ethnics and it's over for europe. sweden is like 10 percent muslim or something, what do you think is gonna happen once that number reaches 30-40 percent?(it will happen due to birth rates and other factors).

the muslims are gonna demand islamic laws and go to war/cause chaos over it. and there's literally nothing you can do about this except mass murder, but whites are soy cucks so that's not happening either.

all this mental masturbation about racism and society when europe is literally crumbling beyond saviour.
I've seen an account of someone saying that with rednecks, they are willing to live in the company of blacks/ethnics so long as these ethnics stay below them in terms of wealth/success/status

Whereas with rich or upper class whites, they are willing to associate with ethnics who come on par with them in terms of wealth/success/status so long as they aren't forced to live close to ethnics @PatriceLumumba

If we just assume the stance of the rednecks applies to all poor/low class whites (Chavs etc are from the same genetic stock) then I see this as being very legit because low class whites will interact with ethnics due to being able to relate to them behaviourally but they will absolutely seethe if they see that ethnics are getting more handouts from the government than they are (this is what's happening now in Ireland as ethnics are being prioritized free housing over low class whites)

Yes low class whites will be the most likely to combat ethnics by confronting and hassling them on the street or maybe escalating to scuffles of violence but it's usually the fresh off boats they go after, I never see them recording videos where they hassle blacks with irish accents even if they dont want them there, they target the guys who just rocked up and are at the very bottom status wise and have no mates to call.

Hamza said that when he lived in Liverpool the local youths were smashing their windows etc because the scousers didn't want any pakis living in their area and his family moved city because of this.
His family seemed pretty harmless with his father being a taxi driver and him and his siblings being asocial nerds but the scousers probably feel emboldened by running a harmless paki or indian family from their neighbourhood however these same chavs would probably become friends with a paki wannabethugmaxxer or black WTM who grew up in their area.

View attachment 3256119

I've mentioned before that I believe low class whites and ethnics will intermix but I dont see ethnics intermixing with any other whites except for the occasional ethnic who runs uncle tom game and becomes the token ethnic in a white social circle but there are a finite amount of these positions available to maintain it's effectiveness as a strategy for ethnics.

Wealthy/Upper class whites will continue to virtue signal towards ethnics and be polite to them to their faces and occasionally run saviour complex game but they will do everything they can to continue living as segregated from them as they can.
The thing is, upper class people seem to not have a problem with walking to the shop and 6/10 people they pass on their journey being ethnics so long as the street that they live on and the surrounding area is absent of ethnics and their property value remains high.
They dont care if some random uncle tom ethnic gets rich because their own finances are secure so they dont see some ethnic getting rich as a threat to them while the lower class whites do since it makes them feel like they're falling further down the socioeconomic pecking order.

A middle class PSLer I know says that his family ONLY rents their apartments to ethnics because they feel ethnics are less hassle to deal with than their white socioeconomic equivalent (white chavs) so the ethnics will stay in the apartment for years without complaint so long as they feel like they're getting a bargain in terms of price.
I find this insane that white middle class cels dont care for helping out their fellow white given the state of europe and would rather help some ethnic get a footing in the country because they think it will benefit themselves slightly.
They dont care that they're moving an ethnic family into the working class street where their spare property is so long as they aren't moving onto the more wealthy street where they live
I recently secured an apartment that was viewed by a curry couple right before me and the owner has a traditional potatocel name so I took it as him doing a favour for his fellow potatocel by choosing me, the agent who showed me the house also had a proper potatocel bloke vibe as opposed to some of the younger unpatriotic agents who act like they have a stick up their arse so he possibly put in a good word for me
It seems as though there are a lot of whites of such description who dont feel a visceral reaction to seeing an ethnic walking around freely on their land or dont feel mentally exhausted after going on a walk and seeing countless ethnics that trigger their fight or flight response by default

It appears to be the case that there are two types of "racism" that normies lean towards which ive just outlined
I would have a leaning towards the racism of the wealthier whites in the sense that I can get along with an uncle tom ethnic so long as he's high sentience and I wont feel inferior for him making a successful life for himself (despite me not wanting him on white land in the first place) and I cant relate to the low class with ability to associate with ethnic WTM behaviour wise since I have no desire to live in areas or hang out with gangs of ethnics.

But despite this leaning I am still a full blown racist on both fronts in the sense that I get triggered at the sight of ethnics on my land and have a desire to undertake violent intervention which is probably also common in chavs while it seems to not get triggered in upper class people as they are presumably less attached to tribal nature

no the answer is just that whites havent developed a strong race based loyalty yet, they will eventually once no longer a majority and are forced to
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Do you hate ethnics who stay in their own countries
I understand why you hate immigrants fully
So your racist ass is poetic now?
Where was the poetry? but yes I see myself as having poetic inclinations

Do you hate ethnics who stay in their own countries
I understand why you hate immigrants fully
Perhaps if I seen a video of them doing something in their own countries which I find repugnant but for the most part I would be fine with them if they remained in their own countries
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Colonialism is a worldview, and liberalism hasn't actually disproven it, because it can't, it stands for nothing on a macro scale

Brutal ingroup pill

Where do mixed race mutts belong?

I'm not a self hating ethnic

I used to cope

"Northern China and Scotland means I'm a hyperborean mogger!"

No little Timmy

You are a hapa BVLL

Racism isn't about the individual, never was

It's about the society

Don't know what I was actually even typing

Why I'm even writing this message, I think it's sunk cost fallacy

I forgot what I was actually gonna write at about the second sentence

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  • JFL
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