2 Worst types of mog



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Aug 21, 2018
-Heightmog: This is indeed the most fucking brutal of mogs. You can't do shit about this one, you will never be truly taken seriously by a taller guy and no need to say that people would rather listen to the taller guy than you. If you get heightmogged on a daily basis you will now that feel, that feel of not feeling like a man, that feeling of you feeling like shit, of you wanting to be that fucking 6'3" guy so much; this feeling is only experienced by those truly heightmogged (not "bruh I'm 6'1" and I get too heightmogged" try saying that to 6' and below in the western world). Also like @Curious0 said if there is two people, one good looking and the other average, but the average dude is 3 inches or more taller, then the good looking dude will get obliterated. Heightmogging is literal fucking poison and you should be doing your best to avoid it (timberlands, lifts, whatever it takes)

-Handmog: Not a widely known mog, but I'll tell you. Shouldermog needs to be substantial to be actually significant, but the handmog, oh the handmog. That feeling when you shake hands with a dude and he has bigger, stronger hands than you, then you feel like a kid. Small, tiny hands are so fucking womanly it's ridiculous. No amount of gymcelling will solve that because that nigga got more force than you just from the big hand alone. I know this one will be criticized but try shaking hands with a dude with bigger hands thna you, you will feel obliterated.
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High IQ, getting handmogged is fucking brutal. You need to keep your hands firm and strong when shaking to minimize it but it's still emasculating.
If their hand doesn’t curl up and retract when you’re shaking it then you’re just a subhuman beta
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High IQ, getting handmogged is fucking brutal. You need to keep your hands firm and strong when shaking to minimize it but it's still emasculating.
You keep It firm, but he Will exert force and then, then you Will know what impotence is
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I haven't gotten heightmogged in a very long time or maybe never but I got wristmogged so hard last year I still remember it.
Yeah legit. Height mog is so embarrassing and your chad face will mean nothing if you're short. And lol I always dudes wearing timbs to height fraud.
I haven't gotten heightmogged in a very long time or maybe never but I got wristmogged so hard last year I still remember it.
How tall are you tallcel?
How tall are you tallcel?
6'3. Not that tall, but tall enough to be considered tall. I don't come across people taller than me really. People are at most the same height as me.
6'3. Not that tall, but tall enough to be considered tall. I don't come across people taller than me really. People are at most the same height as me.
That is tall. If you wear shoes like jordans or timbs you will be 6'4 or 6'5.
I got wristmogged so hard last year I still remember it.
It's not about wrists, which are merely visual, but it's about the fact that that has bigger hands than you, he's naturally more powerful than you and hence you are emasculated

A dude with bigger hands than you will more often than not win you in most fights
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The only Mog that matters is SMV mog, you can be a 6'4" Prettyboy, but none of it will matter if women flock to some average statusmaxxed dude.
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I wonder if normal people ever think about shit like this
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I wonder if normal people ever think about shit like this
Probably not for the most part but every normie knows how it feels to shake hands with someone who's hands are bigger and stronger than yours. Unless said normie has giant strong hands I guess.
I wonder if normal people ever think about shit like this
it's subsconcious

When normal people are next to a guy taller than him, they cuck themselves. When a normal guy shakes hands with a guy who strokes it and he can't do anything about that, he feels puny deep down. But mostly, when you as normal human male, get mogged when a girl is near, then you will feel one of the worst feelings to ever be felt, that's when normal guys began gigacoping "he must have good personality//damm bro those skills//shit man got to get those shoes!"
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it's subsconcious

When normal people are next to a guy taller than him, they cuck themselves. When a normal guy shakes hands with a guy who strokes it and he can't do anything about that, he feels puny deep down. But mostly, when you as normal human male, get mogged when a girl is near, then you will feel one of the worst feelings to ever be felt, that's when normal guys began gigacoping "he must have good personality//damm bro those skills//shit man got to get those shoes!"
Yeah that's a good point. When we get mogged we know exactly why and how
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As a 6' guy you get emasculated every single day and it will only get worse since kids are growing tall as fuck these days.
Heightmog and handmog aren't even comparable in intensity. Heightmog is easily 1000 times worse and I'm saying that even though I have small feminine hands.
Men shorter than 6'2 will never be perceived as intimidating men nowadays. Being able to intimidate and dominate is the most attractive ability a man can have.

How are you going to cope with the lack of your height?
Keeping up motivation for looksmaxing is hard when I'll be short after all anyways.
Having a great body as a sub6'2 guy is just not worth the effort.
It's either saving up for leg lengthening or LDAR for me.
ADD338A4 815F 4381 AC7C 074A0A89BD5C

JFL if u think girls would prefer the tall guy. Most of you are here because of your ogre face and not your height. Wake up
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Reactions: mrdolphin, tallcel, Deleted member 281 and 1 other person
As a 6' guy you get emasculated every single day and it will only get worse since kids are growing tall as fuck these days.
Heightmog and handmog aren't even comparable in intensity. Heightmog is easily 1000 times worse and I'm saying that even though I have small feminine hands.
Men shorter than 6'2 will never be perceived as intimidating men nowadays. Being able to intimidate and dominate is the most attractive ability a man can have.

How are you going to cope with the lack of your height?
Keeping up motivation for looksmaxing is hard when I'll be short after all anyways.
Having a great body as a sub6'2 guy is just not worth the effort.
It's either saving up for leg lengthening or LDAR for me.
Tallfag reeeeeeeeeee reeee talllfag :feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::woke::woke::woke::woke::woke::woke::woke::banhammer::banhammer::banhammer::banhammer::banhammer:
Tallfag reeeeeeeeeee reeee talllfag :feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::woke::woke::woke::woke::woke::woke::woke::banhammer::banhammer::banhammer::banhammer::banhammer:
reee reeeeeee ree reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee reeeeeee reeeeeeee brah reeeeeee reeeee reeeeeeee rah reeeeeeee
reee reeeeeee ree reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee reeeeeee reeeeeeee brah reeeeeee reeeee reeeeeeee rah reeeeeeee
High IQ

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