3 month bloat glowup (chinese phone included)



"all incels are retardcels" - me
Feb 26, 2022
I think I was like 134lbs in the left picture during New Year's day, and now I'm 142lbs
IMG 20220409 184106

@Zer0/∞ will love this
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At first I thought this post said - 3 Month Bloat Glow Up (Chinese Food Included)
to be fair I did have chinese food a few times in between the whole timespan
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Reactions: ROTTING and Deleted member 16369
I can tell from your body only that you look below average so

no body for your face I guess

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over for skinnycels :feelswah:
You wanna become a twink???
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I just finished a meal from an ultra-mongoloid Thai-Burmese-Viatnamese restaurant of rice, beef with green peppers, and Pho + roast beef. Now eating ice cream and Takis as the dessert :ogre:
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Why are you bloatmaxxing instead of leanmaxxing:unsure:
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:ogre:gj keep going
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Don't try to emulate Zer0:hnghn:
don't worry, I'm actually exercising on a consistent routine 4 times a week and taking good stuff like creatine. I regulate every so often with 16-18 intermittent fasting as well, whole thread is more of a shitpost
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*16-18 hour
don't worry, I'm actually exercising on a consistent routine 4 times a week and taking good stuff like creatine. I regulate every so often with 16-18 intermittent fasting as well, whole thread is more of a shitpost
I see. So what's your objective? I think in an earlier thread you said that you were 10% body fat or something, are you trying to "lean bulk" so getting bigger but staying lean??

Good idea. By the way I'm curious how do you with girls as it is? Also, you said that you are a HAPA, what is your ethnic background? You look like you have some Northeast Indian influenced features in my opinion dont want to assume tho lol
  • So Sad
Reactions: Deleted member 13787
I see. So what's your objective? I think in an earlier thread you said that you were 10% body fat or something, are you trying to "lean bulk" so getting bigger but staying lean??

Good idea. By the way I'm curious how do you with girls as it is? Also, you said that you are a HAPA, what is your ethnic background? You look like you have some Northeast Indian influenced features in my opinion dont want to assume tho lol
Yeah, my objective is to basically lean bulk (but go a bit dirtier until the end of school soon). Probably would stop at 13% bodyfat and then trim down by intermittent fasting (which is how I actually unintentionally do eat during summer and the lockdown).
I haven't been quite successful with girls as I'm a KHHV, and have only had 2 female friends I talked a lot with. Now I have @Zer0/∞ female friends because they decided to stop talking with me out of nowhere, for seemingly no reason. I have also done some sort of lukewarm approaches too by asking a couple of girls I've sat next to and worked in school with for their number, but when I see them get uncomfortable or mutter "why are you asking me this" but pulling it out I just don't text, and I don't bother at all with them if they make up an excuse like "my parents don't allow me to share my number" after I ask.:feelswah:
And with what makes up my ethnic background, I'm a WMAF product with the asian side being half Punjabi and half Bengali.
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Yeah, my objective is to basically lean bulk (but go a bit dirtier until the end of school soon). Probably would stop at 13% bodyfat and then trim down by intermittent fasting (which is how I actually unintentionally do eat during summer and the lockdown).
I see so from what you're saying you want to get bigger in terms of weight and musle mass and at the same time maintain a low bodyweight percentage to stay lean and have the greatest appeal. This is a good idea and good luck to you on this endeavour.
I haven't been quite successful with girls as I'm a KHHV, and have only had 2 female friends I talked a lot with. Now I have @ /data/avatars/s/17/17256.jpg?1649106368 @Zer0/∞ female friends because they decided to stop talking with me out of nowhere, for seemingly no reason. I have also done some sort of lukewarm approaches too by asking a couple of girls I've sat next to and worked in school with for their number, but when I see them get uncomfortable or mutter "why are you asking me this" but pulling it out I just don't text, and I don't bother at all with them if they make up an excuse like "my parents don't allow me to share my number" after I ask.:feelswah:
What the fuck, why the hell would they just stop talking to you for no reason? Did they get like a boyfriend or something? Also interesting that you're approaching at school like that but have you tried running social-circle party game? You still have plenty of time so don't worry about it because you said you were 16. I myself am 19 btw, in university. It's good you discovered this place at 16, you can looksmax effectively(y)
And with what makes up my ethnic background, I'm a WMAF product with the asian side being half Punjabi and half Bengali.
I see. So your dad is White, and your mom is half Bengali half Punjabi. You turned out to look quite Asian however so your phenotype was of interest to me, thanks for answering. Could be because some Bengali people have a very Asian mongloid look (especially the Hill Tribe people) or the people living near Myanmar. Regular Bengalis can have Southeast Asian and Northeast Asian admixture because of historical intermixing in the colonial days and prior to that when Bengali and other regional empires occupied that region.
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What the fuck, why the hell would they just stop talking to you for no reason? Did they get like a boyfriend or something? Also interesting that you're approaching at school like that but have you tried running social-circle party game? You still have plenty of time so don't worry about it because you said you were 16. I myself am 19 btw, in university. It's good you discovered this place at 16, you can looksmax effectively(y)
I have no certain idea why they stopped talking to me like that, because they don't even have boyfriends and just weak short beta orbiters. Maybe I sent a slightly unPC meme, they were both pretty left wing/lefty. Unfortunately there aren't things like parties going on since I'm an outlier as the only unmasked and unafraid person in classes (masks are optional JFL!), and although I have a few class friends, I don't have a tight group that was from my specific middle school like everyone else. And to get even more brutal, I can't fit into/relate with the more defined social circles of second generation pure ethnics/spics or the rich white kids I've observed because I'm HAPA :feelswhy:
  • Woah
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I have no certain idea why they stopped talking to me like that, because they don't even have boyfriends and just weak short beta orbiters. Maybe I sent a slightly unPC meme, they were both pretty left wing/lefty.
You fucking idiot don't EVER send these girls any /pol/ 4chan or anything right wing content related bro that is a MASSIVE no-no bro no offense to you but you messed up badly with that. These girls are NOT your bros. Girls are all socially indoctrinated to follow the current leftist social order so right wing stuff= bad. Don't make this mistake again.
Unfortunately there aren't things like parties going on since I'm an outlier as the only unmasked and unafraid person in classes (masks are optional JFL!),
Fuck I hate those masked soys:soy:
Anyways you have time, you're only 16.
although I have a few class friends, I don't have a tight group that was from my specific middle school like everyone else. And to get even more brutal, I can't fit into/relate with the more defined social circles of second generation pure ethnics/spics or the rich white kids I've observed because I'm HAPA :feelswhy:
Yeah that's a common experience I've noticed amongst mixed race people, especially Hapas like yourself. They usually can't fit in well with either group and are massively self-loathing. I've known half-brown guys with white moms who usually just hung out with brown guys just because of the fact that they weren't fully white. Do the Asian kids not accept you as one of them?
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You fucking idiot don't EVER send these girls any /pol/ 4chan or anything right wing content related bro that is a MASSIVE no-no bro no offense to you but you messed up badly with that. These girls are NOT your bros. Girls are all socially indoctrinated to follow the current leftist social order so right wing stuff= bad. Don't make this mistake again.

Fuck I hate those masked soys:soy:
Anyways you have time, you're only 16.

Yeah that's a common experience I've noticed amongst mixed race people, especially Hapas like yourself. They usually can't fit in well with either group and are massively self-loathing. I've known half-brown guys with white moms who usually just hung out with brown guys just because of the fact that they weren't fully white. Do the Asian kids not accept you as one of them?
I looked back in my IRL discord and I was right when I said slightly unPC, the last thing I sent was this gif of George Floyd shuffling. No directly or even indirectly racist/anti-LGBTQ stuff at all, I was a leftist back then but had edgy humor as I always do, including as a centrist rn. I don't think I could bear to completely censor my humor and real thoughts just for a hole really, so that'll be an issue holding me back but whatever, maybe there will be a weird girl next grade or decade. I guess I'm kinda friends with the Arab skinnyfat guy who's jestermaxxed to the point of mental retardation, but other than that no ethnic friends in my high-level classes, but I do have three black friends believe it or not.
oh fuck
George floyd dance 1
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Yeah that's a common experience I've noticed amongst mixed race people, especially Hapas like yourself. They usually can't fit in well with either group and are massively self-loathing. I've known half-brown guys with white moms who usually just hung out with brown guys just because of the fact that they weren't fully white. Do the Asian kids not accept you as one of them?
True with me as well, I don't have many friends and there are very few Asians in my area. Then again I'm sort of an introvert, I'm uncomfortable around others and most interactions I have are online. I'm outside a lot, yet I just avoid everyone
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No offense bro but you seem quite socially unaware if you think this wasn't going to be offensive to your left wing foid friends when they literally believe everything CNN and shit tells them:feelskek:
Dont make that mistake again but I don't blame you at the same time
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Reactions: Deleted member 13787 and HAPAgymcel
No offense bro but you seem quite socially unaware if you think this wasn't going to be offensive to your left wing foid friends when they literally believe everything CNN and shit tells them:feelskek:
Dont make that mistake again but I don't blame you at the same time
Yeah I know, I'm pretty sure that I have some autism inherited from my dad (but still compared to me he is a total spaz), and bipolar from my mom's mom's side especially so at the same time I can't really care :hnghn:
more detail here if interested

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