4-D Printing height growth

Deleted member 1973

Deleted member 1973

Jun 8, 2019

It is amazing to see what is now being created in our age of exponential growth of technological innovation, as claimed by Ray Kurzweil. I would love to live up to the 22nd century just to see where we are going to end up in the next century, hoping that we don’t kill ourselves or go extinct in this century.

Will we in the year 2101 finally have colonized Mars, or the Moon, and found or been contacted by some extraterrestrial intelligent life outside of our planet? Or would we be pushed to the edge of extinction due to our waste of the natural resources of our planet, causing the extinction of 90% of all the flora and fauna species, polluting the oceans, destroying the rain forest, and eating all the fish until there is nothing left?

It is too hard to predict where we will be in the future, but we live in a very interesting time.

As for the possibility of using this technology for biomedical reasons, I strongly believe that within even a decade, we will be using 4-Dimensional Printing technology to create biological tissues which can grow bigger themselves. I imagine it similarly to the idea of cellular automata spoken about by Stephen Wolfram where a complex, self evolving organism is completely organically grown from a much simpler organic compound which just followed a few rules of physics.

If the tissue can grow bigger themselves, and even spontaneously organize themselves into the shapes, and forms that is found in our own bodies, then we can create the epiphyseal growth plate cartilage tissue needed to expand to help make us taller. Not only that, the type of biological tissues that we can build would be much more organized that what nature can provide for us.

Imagine a 3D Printed collagen filled like cartilage disc which starts to turn into 4D by being “smart” and learning to start to absorb the culture medium around it so that it can grow bigger over time. With a short (maybe 2 hour) surgery, you will have this smart tissue which is compatible to your body dissolve and gel with your bones but know also to how to expand in the axial direction to make your femur bones grow longer aka longitudinally.

Since the printed compound is much better organized with the chondrocytes in columns, the lengthening will be much more than using the same type of growth plates that you had when you were younger, going through natural growth periods. Just one cartilage implant can give your upper leg portion an increased length of 4 inches. Sure, 3D Printing is what is available right now, but 4D Printing will be an even more revolutionary technological breakthrough.

Another implant first injected in liquid form can learn how to mold & solidify itself into the space between the knee joints and create a completely new layer of articular cartilage, thus reversing the effects of osteoarthritis.

Interesting but we’ll all be dead by the time actual looksmaxxing like this becomes possible.
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