6’1 is ideal



Jun 11, 2020
6′1″ is considered the ideal male height by many because it is in the Golden Zone for modern men in being somewhat tall and fully masculine, while not being too tall to be a burden in everyday living.

5′10″ and 5′11″ are considered mediocre, which has no value whatsoever and are utterly meaningless. This is made even worse when you consider how commonly even women are now able to achieve these heights (especially in Northern Europe). MANY people don’t consider these heights masculine or good enough on men at all due to how low value and common they are. Mediocre as a value is completely meaningless among any human trait anyway, so being “average height” is as valueless as you can get. None of the positives in being tall, and most of the same negatives in being short, but without the (few) short positives as well.

Anything under 5′9″ is statistically now considered short in most of the Western world for men (with median male height being between 5′9.5″ and 5′11.5″, marking this as mediocre). Before 2013, the mediocre median for all Western men was 5′9.5″, but as of 2013, it is 5′10″ for all Caucasian men under 35 and 5′9.5″ for older men and minorities. So people are getting taller.

6′0″ is okay-ish, but it’s rapidly losing value and approaching mediocre status as generations get taller. After all, there is a very steep change in height even among half inches. 5′9.5″ is 50th percentile, but 5′11″ is 64th percentile. 6′0″ is 80th percentile, meaning just being two and a half inches taller than mediocre status makes you taller than 80% of all men, which is a much better spot to be in. However, there are still literally billions of men in the world, so in the real world, this doesn’t mean much. And on the bell curve, you still need to be about 85th to 90th percentile, in order for it to stand out much due to the sharp decline in occurrence. (This occurs for almost everything, not just male height.) In other words, you need to be significantly taller than just ‘mediocre’ in order for it to matter or be visible for most people. And being only two inches taller, despite how sharp it is in occurrence, isn’t good enough for most people in the real world.

6′1″ is 88th percentile. Socially, this is just good enough to stand out from the other worthless male heights below 6 feet. However, it is also peculiar in that it is the tallest you can get without it starting to negatively affect your health. Men 6′2″ and taller have significantly higher health risks and have shorter lifespans, dying 4 to 7 years earlier than short men. Men 6′2″ and taller have a much greater risk for bone and muscle problems, as well as back and spinal problems, aching and sore joints, and a few cases of cancers. (Just to add, men 5′8″ and shorter also have their own share of health problems as well; primarily organ failure, and conditions like diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and premature baldness.)

In other words, 6′1″ men are perfectly in the center of being risk averse to tall man health problems and avoiding short man health problems. Although men 5′9″ to 6′1″ are also in this zone, as well. However socially, men under 6′0″ have little to no value among their peers and especially women in regards to height and social status. For whatever unfair reason there is, short men are simply not respected and valued in society. (Unless they can compensate for it, via charisma, wealth, etc.) And for what it’s worth, 6′1″ is also the ideal height for male modeling, acting, and most professional sports as well, except for basketball and potentially men’s volleyball. There is no serious professional sport where being under 6′0″ has any kind of advantage whatsoever, except for horse racing, gymnastics and soccer. (A BMI of 24 - around 175–180 pounds - is also recommended for most sports.) And for male modeling, 6′0″ to 6′2″ is the ideal range they look for. Anything below 5′11″ and above 6′3″ is unacceptable to agencies.

So to summarize, 6′1″ is perfect for socializing, it’s perfect for pleasing women, it’s perfect for health, it’s perfect for sports, and it’s perfect for pretty much anything else. It’s just barely tall (unless you’re Scandinavian), but it’s also not too tall. And it exudes masculinity, confidence and strength, where as short heights (sub six feet) do not, outside of potentially extremely short countries, like India, Japan, or Indonesia. 6′0″ is an okay-ish male height, but has lower social status and masculinity and is dwindling each year. And 6′2″ and up have greater social status, but at the expense of one’s health and lifespan. 6′1″ is the perfect male height for everything. …Although personally, I’d rather be 6′5″ myself, even with the negatives included.

6’1 is ideal
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Woah
Reactions: audreyen, Deleted member, Xangsane and 9 others
Cope 6'7 is ideal height. Take the Kelly Oubre Pill:blackpill::blackpill:
  • +1
Reactions: whiteissuperior
6’3 is ideal, anyone who says otherwise is coping
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 15099, Deleted member 14108, klamus and 4 others
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member
>"6'1 is ideal"
>"i'd rather be 6'5 myself"
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 14108, klamus, whiteissuperior and 3 others
  • Woah
Reactions: audreyen
Cope,reincarnate as Wadlow or die trying
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member and Danish_Retard
>"6'1 is ideal"
>"i'd rather be 6'5 myself"
6’1 is ideal from an objective standpoint

6’1 for praticality of life or 6’5 for mogging incels... tough dilemma
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: PURE ARYAN GENETICS, whiteissuperior, Albeacho and 1 other person
the ideal is as tall as you can without it fucking up your health
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 3828 and Danish_Retard
the ideal is as tall as you can without it fucking up your health
Statistically that is 6'1. I recommend reading the posts before commenting. :feelshmm:
  • +1
Reactions: Songe
6'1 is average you fucking idiot
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: johncruz12345, audreyen, Deleted member 3828 and 2 others
If I could choose my height at birth I still would pick 6’3 or 6’4
  • +1
Reactions: Growth Plate
To average psl Autist 6'6+ is the ideal height because they want to mog everyone but yes in the real world 6'1 is the ideal height and I would say 6'3-6'4 in north europe.
  • +1
Reactions: Danish_Retard and Songe
muh muh statistics, you can be 6'9 live life normally

Do you have some kind of energy field around your head that repels the point of this post?
  • JFL
Reactions: Albeacho
It’s only average in the balkans and no one cares about these irrevelant coutries
its average in any western country, including U.S.A.

the commonly purported average is 5'9.5-5'10. this isnt what your competition is. walk on a college campus for 5 minutes and see how that statistic does not apply to you. true average height among young males is 6'0-6'3.

there is no "ideal" height. ideally you want to be at least 6'4+ with good proportions
Last edited:
  • Hmm...
  • +1
Reactions: mazzi and Danish_Retard
Ohhhhh no I’m 6’2 what do I have to do to shrink and inchhhh no OP 6’1 pilled me again

seriously tho quality thread OP
6'2.5'' imo
  • JFL
Reactions: Danish_Retard
Its 6'10. End of the debate

Stfu niggers
7 feet 10 is ideal
7ft is ideal for slaying on kindergarten
For high school its 8ft or death
  • +1
Reactions: klamus and whiteissuperior
I'd choose 5 inches above average so 6'4. You mog almost everyone and get mogged once in a blue moon by 6'7 giants. At taller heights men dont Want to associate with you since Who would willingly put themselves in being the mogged position?
cope 5'7 is ideal (female height) :blackpill:
I saw a 6'9 Stacylite in the metro yesterday with a 6'8 htn
i'd say the ideal is way above average like 6'5 so you can walk around mogging 99% people in non chad countries

more than that you will be a nieche and won't sustain a gymmaxed body
source: out my ass tbh
lifefuel for 6'1 manlet copers like me
  • +1
Reactions: PURE ARYAN GENETICS and Deleted member 10987
6'1" is a trash height. Not tall at all.
  • JFL
Reactions: audreyen and Deleted member 10987
5’9 is ideal height. Sylvester stallone was biggest slayer in history of mankind and was 5’9. @


@OldVirgin blackpilled me about the ideal height, first i also thought the taller the better. But being tall has disadvantages like you have to bend to kiss girlfriend, knock your head when ceiling is too low, decreased lifespan, getting mogged in mma by “manlets”, people expect you to have big dick but when you havent its over, people making jokes about you saying “how is the wheater there above?”


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