95% of normies are not good people



Nov 30, 2022
They're not friendly, they're backbiting, sly, cunning, deceptive, arrogant, selfish, entitled, rude, disrespectful, delusional, two-faced, bullies.
They are not good people and this thing where people act like normies are just basic NPCs who won't do anything wrong to you, no that's not the case at all. Most are absolute scum.
Do not ever have sympathy for normies or anyone. The fact of the matter is that 99% of people on the planet are fucking scumbags and not good people.
You are alone in this world, only your parents will care about you for the most part, there are some that don't even have that.
Man is all alone in this world. I have stopped having sympathy/empathy for other people, i know their true nature, they are not good. They do not treat me well, i see them for what they really are. Soulless husks, they have no soul and God will judge them for their actions. Maybe they have no soul and this world is populated with NPCs and only the select few individuals have souls. I know i have a soul, where do i find others with a soul? a pure soul?
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in a different country
i think you might be right my friend. This god-forsaken island has no real people left. Just a bunch of soulless abominations. I know there are good people in other countries, i wish i could move.
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Water, neither are most people here. It's not "normies", it's just humans in general
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They're not friendly, they're backbiting, sly, cunning, deceptive, arrogant, selfish, entitled, rude, disrespectful, delusional, two-faced, bullies.
They are not good people and this thing where people act like normies are just basic NPCs who won't do anything wrong to you, no that's not the case at all. Most are absolute scum.
Do not ever have sympathy for normies or anyone. The fact of the matter is that 99% of people on the planet are fucking scumbags and not good people.
You are alone in this world, only your parents will care about you for the most part, there are some that don't even have that.
Man is all alone in this world. I have stopped having sympathy/empathy for other people, i know their true nature, they are not good. They do not treat me well, i see them for what they really are. Soulless husks, they have no soul and God will judge them for their actions. Maybe they have no soul and this world is populated with NPCs and only the select few individuals have souls. I know i have a soul, where do i find others with a soul? a pure soul?
Normies who are "nice" usually do it for their social image No one actually is kind anymore
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i think you might be right my friend. This god-forsaken island has no real people left. Just a bunch of soulless abominations. I know there are good people in other countries, i wish i could move.
You are in UK ) that explains it. People in high altitude 15-25 degree Celsius weather are good people more often than not
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i think you might be right my friend. This god-forsaken island has no real people left. Just a bunch of soulless abominations. I know there are good people in other countries, i wish i could move.
Yes bro, I’ve worked jobs that deal with tourists for the last two years and so far Germans, Swiss, and Italians seem the nicest
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You are in UK ) that explains it. People in high altitude 15-25 degree Celsius weather are good people more often than not
Yes you are right, i remember visiting multiple parts of Spain when i was 18-21 years of age. The weather, the people, everything was so nice and peaceful. Then i return to this fucking island and realize how shit everyone is. The weather is shit, rains in summer, raining and cold right now and it's nearly july, every person is a shithead, it's all so tiresome.
Why does the weather/altitude alone make such a big difference, if you ask brits they will say we like the cold weather/rain so it can 't be that making them such unpleasant retards? i met more nice people in spain those brief months i spent there than years in this fucking island. I walked up to strangers and had a conversation and and i barely spoke Spanish at the time. I could walk around anywhere without people staring or judging me, people had some decency and respect for me and others as human beings.
UK is such a cancer country
Yes bro, I’ve worked jobs that deal with tourists for the last two years and so far Germans, Swiss, and Italians seem the nicest
I haven't personally met/seen many euros from those countries but i'm not delusional before anyone says that i'm wrong, i know every country has scumbags but it's so diffuclt to find genuine people in the UK, it's insane. I know it's not so difficult in spain/etc. Even in my home country it's so easy to socialize, nobody here wants to socialize, atleast not with me anyways. I need money, i need to get out of this country, it's not good for my mental health to be like this, it's not healthy for the soul to be isolated and not have social contact with other people that aren't your family members.
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Portuguese people are good people.I dreaded coming back to the USA with all these evil people.
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Portuguese people are good people.I dreaded coming back to the USA with all these evil people.
Funny isn't it how people from poorer nations are generally better human beings than the people in 1st world countries like UK/USA. Go look at indonesia, very poor country, yet you will meet the nicest people ever there.
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They're not friendly, they're backbiting, sly, cunning, deceptive, arrogant, selfish, entitled, rude, disrespectful, delusional, two-faced, bullies.
They are not good people and this thing where people act like normies are just basic NPCs who won't do anything wrong to you, no that's not the case at all. Most are absolute scum.
Do not ever have sympathy for normies or anyone. The fact of the matter is that 99% of people on the planet are fucking scumbags and not good people.
You are alone in this world, only your parents will care about you for the most part, there are some that don't even have that.
Man is all alone in this world. I have stopped having sympathy/empathy for other people, i know their true nature, they are not good. They do not treat me well, i see them for what they really are. Soulless husks, they have no soul and God will judge them for their actions. Maybe they have no soul and this world is populated with NPCs and only the select few individuals have souls. I know i have a soul, where do i find others with a soul? a pure soul?
its because of the intelligence gap
Funny isn't it how people from poorer nations are generally better human beings than the people in 1st world countries like UK/USA. Go look at indonesia, very poor country, yet you will meet the nicest people ever there.
It's really a cultural difference because the west worships vanity,vapidness,materialism and doesn't have a religious base and believes in yolo.

If you go to mormon Utah for example nothing but good people,most women there give to charity from their own income
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It's really a cultural difference because the west worships vanity,vapidness,materialism and doesn't have a religious base and believes in yolo.

If you go to mormon Utah for example nothing but good people,most women there give to charity from their own income
Now that i think about it, it makes sense. A nation full of godless degenerates who worship the material. Spiritually bankrupt individuals. People from poorer nations are God-fearing people who are spiritually enriched. People in the west forget their Creator and have lost fear of judgement from the Almighty.
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Betrayal is the worst thing.
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Funny isn't it how people from poorer nations are generally better human beings than the people in 1st world countries like UK/USA. Go look at indonesia, very poor country, yet you will meet the nicest people ever there.
Huge cope. Poorer nations people are just "Meethi churi" if you know the word sweet knife. They will hug you, be your best friend and support you, all in words, but will sabotage you, all in actions.
They're not friendly, they're backbiting, sly, cunning, deceptive, arrogant, selfish, entitled, rude, disrespectful, delusional, two-faced, bullies.
They are not good people and this thing where people act like normies are just basic NPCs who won't do anything wrong to you, no that's not the case at all. Most are absolute scum.
Do not ever have sympathy for normies or anyone. The fact of the matter is that 99% of people on the planet are fucking scumbags and not good people.
You are alone in this world, only your parents will care about you for the most part, there are some that don't even have that.
Man is all alone in this world. I have stopped having sympathy/empathy for other people, i know their true nature, they are not good. They do not treat me well, i see them for what they really are. Soulless husks, they have no soul and God will judge them for their actions. Maybe they have no soul and this world is populated with NPCs and only the select few individuals have souls. I know i have a soul, where do i find others with a soul? a pure soul?
This is happening because of the following reasons:
1.) Lack of GOD in society, even in the churches they no longer preach the real word of God and the people that go to church majority do not come close to adhering to God's word. So in the one place where GOD is supposedly allowed, they've been corrupted as they're virtually all government controlled chapter 304 organizations. God has been removed everyqhere in society and is openly mocked. There are very feq true believers that actually adhere to the qord of God or at least put forth an honest effort.
2.) Degeneracy and immorality is required to make it in life inside the corperation aka all governments on earth that are corperations. If you're a part of these societies, in order to get ahead and make a decent income you need to sell your soul and play the game. The game is the 48 laqs of poqer. The more corrupt and immoral you become the more poqer and money and fame you acquire. Kissing ass, backstabbing, lying, cheating, stealing, etc.
3.) The dating game is at the same level of corruption. Due to the government rigging and controlling the marriages they have become the default daddy for the females as all the laqs are rigged against the man. The social media and internet and unregulated sexual marketbplace has made it so a vast majority of females have 100's of bodies and have men on rotation even at a young age. Majority are exposing their bodies on the internet. Then the top 10% of men are fucking thousands of chicks and not committing to any of them.

Hoq or qhere to find pure souls?

Go where the true believers are aka Mennonites and or the Amish. That's not to say they're the only people with pure souls but they're groups of people with the highest amount of pure souls.
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Huge cope. Poorer nations people are just "Meethi churi" if you know the word sweet knife. They will hug you, be your best friend and support you, all in words, but will sabotage you, all in actions.
I understand what you mean with that term but you are generalizing, there are many good people in indonesia, PK, other poor countries. Yes these poor countries are filled with two-faced people aka sweet knife but there is no avoiding such a thing because human beings can be like this by nature regardless of ethnicity, wealth, status, location, etc. I know such a thing is more common with south asians which sucks but anything is better than whatever is happening on this cursed island. This is karma for what the brits did to other countries.

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