A benefit of the black pill that I experience



Nov 11, 2018
Before I took the black pill, I suffered from a problem of fluctuating emotions. With the ideas of "just be yourself" and "be positive and confident" ingrained into my brain, I would sometimes act very confident and happy for apparently no reason. I would be "nice" to people, smile a lot etc. When I failed in an approach to a girl, I'd overlook it sometimes, but I suffered from serious depression for about a week afterwards. I couldn't understand why this was happening to me. Fast forward to October 2018, I took the "black pill", and that changed everything. Rather than alternating between positive enthusiasm followed by crippling depression and isolation, I've stabilized my mood significantly to what it should be. Overall, I'd say 6 days out of 7 I feel neutral, or slightly down. But it's not crippling. I see myself for what I really am, and that's better than constantly getting disappointed/confused when I fail to interest a girl, or bomb a job interview, or get a bad stare from a stranger. I know some people say that they wish they stayed the way they were before, but I don't. I think knowing the objective truth is better than self deception, and it's the real way forward for self-improvement. If I hadn't gotten black pilled, I would have stayed the same lookswise and been just as naïve.






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I myself have always been pretty happy and content with life even after discovering the black pill. I'm pretty glad I found these forums because they give me a huuuuuge step up on normies who are deluded af about the real world. Once you go black you never go back.
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Honestly I’m so glad I’m not blue pilled
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Better blackpilled than a clueless normie walking around without a care in the world
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im in the same boat. it also cleared up a lot about my life like why i was treated like a king in year 9/10(grade 10/11 for you burgerfags) and why im treated like a disease in recent years. without it i wouldnt have discovered nofap and mewing which are the tools i will need to get my life back on track.
Haven't gotten over depression stage yet
Stoicism is just depression except you're just too dead inside to care anymore.
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I totally regret it but it wasn’t the internet that blackpilled me so it wasn’t “by choice”
a problem is a problem when it becomes a problem
if you’re unaware of it you probably don’t struggle as much with it
normies are doing rather well for being bluepilled tbh (in certain regards)
so my vote goes to: no I fucking hate it
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Yep .
Combination of depression , a little bit of anger , and overall apathy / hopelessness
You're back bro. I can always feel for you because we got similar experiences: bluepilled parents, good schools, no female attention in formative years, escortcelling etc.
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I totally regret it but it wasn’t the internet that blackpilled me so it wasn’t “by choice”
a problem is a problem when it becomes a problem
if you’re unaware of it you probably don’t struggle as much with it
normies are doing rather well for being bluepilled tbh (in certain regards)
so my vote goes to: no I fucking hate it

Yes blue pill can be better actually - ignorance is a bliss
You're back bro. I can always feel for you because we got similar experiences: bluepilled parents, good schools, no female attention in formative years, escortcelling etc.

Yep. It’s pretty much over for us bro . I am soon going to be 37. “ be yourself “ , “ be confident “ , “ be charming”, “ focus on education and career and values” - all these things pretty much destroyed our life .
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Stoicism is just depression except you're just too dead inside to care anymore.
Kind of. But like I said, it's not bad enough to make me unmotivated to do anything. It's a milder depression which is keeping me focused on what's important.
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