A few months ago I made a post suggesting that Slavic women are comfortable with dating ugly guys because they see themselves as being attractive enuf



30:30:40 Facial thirds Pill
Jul 12, 2019
attractive enough to tick the looks box for the both of them meaning they think their offspring will still be attractive in spite of an ugly father and because they are fully content with their own looks, they dont search for looks in men to validate themselves which is something that MTBs(particualrly recessed ones) do by chasing Chads to fuck them to try validate to themselves that they are attractive

I can see now that I was giga wrong because these so called "attractive slavic women who are content with their appearance" are actually the most insecure fucks in the world even moreso than the becky Chad chasers and they can only feel confident in themselves if they are dating an ugly guy that's so beneath them that they believe he absolutely worships her for her looks and would never consider leaving her

I know I've said it a few times already but when it comes to slavic foids they hate goodlooking white men and are OBSESSED with ugly with men and submisisve (ugly by default) ethnics
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attractive enough to tick the looks box for the both of them meaning they think their offspring will still be attractive in spite of an ugly father and because they are fully content with their own looks, they dont search for looks in men to validate themselves which is something that MTBs(particualrly recessed ones) do by chasing Chads to fuck them to try validate to themselves that they are attractive

I can see now that I was giga wrong because these so called "attractive slavic women who are content with their appearance" are actually the most insecure fucks in the world even moreso than the becky Chad chasers and they can only feel confident in themselves if they are dating an ugly guy that's so beneath them that they believe he absolutely worships her for her looks and would never consider leaving her

I know I've said it a few times already but when it comes to slavic foids they hate goodlooking white men and are OBSESSED with ugly with men and submisisve (ugly by default) ethnics
What led you to realizing these slavic women are more insecure about themselves than you once thought?
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What led you to realizing these slavic women are more insecure about themselves than you once thought?
Receiving loads of looks and IOIs from attractive Nordic women after I got next to no attention in slav land as a fucking 6'4 Celtic TFBEM.
The contrast in experience led me to believe the only possible explanation is that slavic women require ugly men to make themselves feel better and intentionally avoid allowing attractive men to enter their radar.
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Receiving loads of looks and IOIs from attractive Nordic women after I got next to no attention in slav land as a fucking 6'4 Celtic TFBEM.
Why aren't you a slayer then?
The contrast in experience led me to believe the only possible explanation is that slavic women require ugly men to make themselves feel better and intentionally avoid allowing attractive men to enter their radar.
Yeah I also realized slavic women tend to have much lower standards and unironically just are attracted to masc looks/personalities more from what ive seen. Also you didn't approach any of these girls and maybe the cultural behavior is a bit different.
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Why aren't you a slayer then?
lack of NT and failures compounding (the loser effect rewires your brain's dopamine release to facilitate you to keep losing)
but I'm expecting that getting back on roids will help my mentality as well as hopefully some bouncer slays
Yeah I also realized slavic women tend to have much lower standards and unironically just are attracted to masc looks/personalities more from what ive seen. Also you didn't approach any of these girls and maybe the cultural behavior is a bit different.
funnily enough I probably had peak slav foid appeal with an underbite, longer chin and flatter face as I had a caricature shittish isles pheno and looked quite brute-ish/masc.
Increasing my looks level with surgery probably means my slav foid slay count will never get past the current number of 3.
I approached them in clubs but the standout for me was the sheer lack of enthusiasm when I tried approaching a Polish LTB chubster with a piggy pheno and she had the body language that could be mistaken for her recieving news of her family's death
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Slavic women care more about money than looks
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lack of NT and failures compounding (the loser effect rewires your brain's dopamine release to facilitate you to keep losing)
but I'm expecting that getting back on roids will help my mentality as well as hopefully some bouncer slays
I know obv you have had a past of slaying as you have claimed to have a triple digit body count which is very impressive and probably got tiring jfl but what is it do you think that was the main difference between you back then and now? Did you slay everywhere you went or did you become popular in one area? Do you think its possible for you to return to that state of mass-slaying? Yeah but I agree, behavior plays a large role in the amount of women you interact with and how you can escalate.
funnily enough I probably had peak slav foid appeal with an underbite, longer chin and flatter face as I had a caricature shittish isles pheno and looked quite brute-ish/masc.
Increasing my looks level with surgery probably means my slav foid slay count will never get past the current number of 3.
I approached them in clubs but the standout for me was the sheer lack of enthusiasm when I tried approaching a Polish LTB chubster with a piggy pheno and she had the body language that could be mistaken for her recieving news of her family's death
Cagee lol that's actually crazy, I wonder what it is that makes them super attracted to masc (can be masc and ugly tbh) men, tons of western foids arent like that tbh. I wonder if it's some sort of evolutionary instinct that's unique to them in a way or media influence. Also would you say you look less masc after these surgeries or just simply better
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I know obv you have had a past of slaying as you have claimed to have a triple digit body count which is very impressive and probably got tiring jfl but what is it do you think that was the main difference between you back then and now? Did you slay everywhere you went or did you become popular in one area? Do you think its possible for you to return to that state of mass-slaying? Yeah but I agree, behavior plays a large role in the amount of women you interact with and how you can escalate.
I have like 30 slays from one nightclub out of my 55 or so club slays
I really just found a goldmine and hammered it then dumpster dived in other clubs since anytime I kissed a HTB she never came home with me.
I think that experiencing the ease of a bouncer game slay ruined me and meant I could never truly reach the same level of desperation in pursuing club slays again because I learned its a fools game by comparison
I also cant motivate myself to push hard to slay girls I wasnt particularly into when clubbing post surgery whereas before I could just to add to my slay count

Cagee lol that's actually crazy, I wonder what it is that makes them super attracted to masc (can be masc and ugly tbh) men, tons of western foids arent like that tbh. I wonder if it's some sort of evolutionary instinct that's unique to them in a way or media influence.
I honestly think they like soft, sensitive guys such as asians (submissive ethnics) as a point of rebelling against the masc stereotype of their own men
I seen a few asians there and they weren't shunned right off the bat as they would've been in western europe / angloshpere.
I also heard anecdotes of asians slaying which made me think that surely if subhuman gooks can slay I'd be shooting fish in a barrell but that unfortunately wasn't the case
I think them liking masc personalities is overhyped, the zoomers seem way less like the masc stereotype, its mainly guys 30+ who are masc.
Maybe they like the stoic-ness of their own men but seem to be against turning against the racism / in group preference focus of their men due to brainwashing.

Also would you say you look less masc after these surgeries or just simply better
I'd say I look simply better because I still have significant chin height along with more chin projection and my mandible actually fulfils its potential now that its tucked underneath the maxilla creating a side profile like that of all good predators rather than the bulldog shit I had going on before
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Slavic women care more about money than looks
Slum dwellers are known to have lots of money.

IMG 0020
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Is this even true? Seems like propaganda slavic women will take ugly ethnics beside the odd outlier
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True af. Slavic sluts would rather worship Curry teenagers (avg .org users) than date Anglo Chads


type shit
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Is this even true? Seems like propaganda slavic women will take ugly ethnics beside the odd outlier
I'm moving to Poland shortly so I'll let you know. My personal experience when I visited last month is that it's more like there's no major failo, rather than there being a halo.

0 worthwhile matches on Tinder in NYC if I boost and don't swipe. In Gdansk I got like 10-15 which were high quality. Also had a Polish girl approach me in a club in Krakow.

Non-white men stealing Polish women is a big topic on Polish normie internet though (not even like incel spaces).

You can be ugly ethnic and get Ukrainian/Russian/Belarussian women though via running just be exotic. Moving to those places is a bit difficult though.
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I honestly think they like soft, sensitive guys such as asians (submissive ethnics) as a point of rebelling against the masc stereotype of their own men
I seen a few asians there and they weren't shunned right off the bat as they would've been in western europe / angloshpere.
I also heard anecdotes of asians slaying which made me think that surely if subhuman gooks can slay I'd be shooting fish in a barrell but that unfortunately wasn't the case
I think them liking masc personalities is overhyped, the zoomers seem way less like the masc stereotype, its mainly guys 30+ who are masc.
Maybe they like the stoic-ness of their own men but seem to be against turning against the racism / in group preference focus of their men due to brainwashing.

Other way around dude. Western women are brainwashed to hate non-whites while eastern european women aren't (at least not to the same extent).

Worst country to be non-white in is undoubtedly one of the anglo countries followed by Western European colonial countries. Best country is Belarus.
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Other way around dude. Western women are brainwashed to hate non-whites while eastern european women aren't (at least not to the same extent).

Worst country to be non-white in is undoubtedly one of the anglo countries followed by Western European colonial countries. Best country is Belarus.
Your reading comprehension is dogshit
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@Xangsane Explains why Stacies never Date Chad's.

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