A Guide to PIED / ED / Flatline and tips on how to fix it.



May 25, 2024

Read this first

The main enemy of people trying to fix ED are panic and rush Usually someone that start looking for help to fix ED want a fix in a week and try to rush as fast it can.

Before reading this post, accept that it take time to fix ED, understand that this can take 6 months to fix and you may actually make it worse by trying to rush and fix everything in a week.

PIED - Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction / ED - Erectile Dysfunction

If you currently watch porn, this is the first thing you need to stop. Porn seen to be the first and biggest reason for ED.

This can be hard for some.

First you need to understand why you watch porn, boredom? Dopamine hit?

You may need some therapy for this. Stop with the porn should be your main focus while working on other aspects of ED.

Blood tests / Vitamins and Minerals

The problem might as well be in your blood.

Take a blood test or see a doctor, if you feel like ingesting something keep in mind that most of those can poison you if you take in excess.

I see a lot of people that take wayyyy more that your body can handle, this will come back to haunt you in the future. If you don't have a deficiency, getting more of it probably will not affect you.

Vitamin B / D3

You may have a deficiency in D3 or B, this can make you depressed and make you chase dopamine in porn/masturbation.

Zinc / Magnesium / Selenium / Omega 3

You may have a deficiency that may affect your hormones and testosterone.


You may simple have low testosterone, talk to a doctor if this happen and start to work out if you don't.

Free Testosterone

This is another blood test that may be your problem, I don't have enough knowledge to write about it.

Other tests

If you really feel that blood might be your problem, find a doctor, those tests are just the most common problems. A doctor will help you more with that.

Aphrodisiacs and weird foods/vitamins

There is a lot of users that take black maca and other similar products to help with ED. To my understanding this can help, yes. But:

  • To me it seen that this is just fixing a bit of a real problem, if you fix the main issue, this will not be needed.
  • There is little information on taking this stuff for long periods, it will still work 3 years for now? Who knows. It may actually be bad for your body on the long urn.


If you are currently cutting out porn, flatline is normal and for some, the hardest aspect of quitting porn.

Your penis goes soft and completely dies, it sometimes persists for a week, other times for a month.

It can happen multiple times to the same person.

My suggestion is to find posts on reddit about it to calm your down, finding other users that also gone through this process can help you not to panic.

There is also some suggestions that helped me under "Psychology" and possible speed up the recovery.

Fap / No Fap / Masturbation

Personally I think that masturbation is healthy, but if you masturbate compulsorily, even if you are not horny, it may be beneficial for you to stop for some time.

Once you stop using porn, at first it will be almost impossible to orgasm, that is normal. In time it will improve (see more on psychology)

Using a fleshligh was a plus for me, I could train my psychology to feel horny to vaginal penetration.

If not using a fleshligh, just use two or three fingers.

At the start is impossible, I know, but with time this will be more than enough.

Most users suggest for you to don't have any fantasy during masturbation.

To me you need to think about stuff you want to make you horny. Like curves of a woman or a sex position, also fantasy on first person.

No Fap Magic powers

Some users (mostly on r/nofap) talk about all the super powers you get by not fapping. I don't think this is true.

Mostly I do think it comes from stopping with porn.

No porn can make you less anxious and it do help talking to woman.

While on porn your mind go straight to sexual thoughts, making it hard to focus and engage on conversation.

Stopping porn help with that. No porn also give you more free time, making you more productive.

I do think that some users may need to stop fapping for some time, if you have problems with that.

Maybe you are addicted to fapping or you masturbate for the wrong reasons.



If you have a dead-grip problem, your penis may have little sensitivity. Meditation can help improve that, but you might as well consider using a exfoliator a few times.

Keep in mind to use a good product that take in consideration sensitive skin. Don't go crazy, this is a strong product, use once a week or wait even more time.


Again, if you usually use a dead-grip, use a moisturizer from time to time, use a good one, that can't hurt the skin.


Another important step, even more if you are quitting porn. You need to reprogram your brain to like regular sex again.

At the start.

If your brain is wired on porn, you may actually even have sexual fantasy on third person, this alone show that you need to change the way you think.

Just by stopping with porn you are already doing a lot.

During flatline.

There is two exercises that helped me during flatline.

1 - Meditation

It feel like meditation make your brain reprogram faster. Just sit or lie down comfortable and focus on your breathing, doing that for half an hour every day help a lot.

2 - Penis Meditation (?)

Ok, this is a idea that I came up with, using meditation as inspiration I became to think, well, my problem is not in my breathing, but on my penis. So I should focus on it instead of breathing.

Porn masturbation make you lose focus on the feeling of your penis, so this exercise help with that. Is the same of meditation, but focus on your penis and slowly feel it, play with it and just focus on the feeling.

This is not to:

  • Masturbate
  • Getting hard
  • Climax

  • Have sexual fantasies
  • Think of sexual stuff
  • Try to get hard

  • Focus on the physical feeling
  • Feel comfortable with your soft penis
  • If you get an erection, feel comfortable to let it go soft again
  • If you get an erection, feel comfortable to keep focusing on the physical feeling. Just focus on the physical feelings on your penis. After some days doing that I managed to get hard just by feeling it. At this point you can keep going, but: I feel that most ED victims are scary to loose the boner, so my tip is that once you get hard, let your dick get flat again. This will train you to not get anxiety that your dick will go soft. This exercise have focus on:
  • Make you feel comfortable with your penis while soft.
  • Make you focus more on your pleasure and not on the climax.
  • Make you less anxious about losing your boner.
  • Rewire your brain to remove porn from it.

Let's train your brain.

You need to decide what do you want to make your horny.

Do you want to feel horny with a pretty face? Start playing with yourself thinking about pretty faces.

After that, try to get a boner without touching yourself.

You don't need to touch yourself to get a boner, and you need to teach that to your brain.

Start to practice.

During sex time you will not lay down and that it.

Try to get a boner by siting down on your bed and picture the scene you want.

Feel anxious with condoms? Put a condom while doing this.

If you have a fleshlight, simulate sex with it. Don't use your hands, use your hips and do multiple positions with it.

Get rid of your hand.

Sex is not a hand around your cock, try to just use two fingers gently of a fleshlight, lose the association of a strong grip to sex.

After climax

Don't go rushing to clean yourself and then keep going with your day.

Start meditating and feeling your body, what you are feeling, instead of focusing on your breath focus on all your body, you can clean yourself and keep doing this after.

Pelvic floor / Glutes / Kegel / Reverse Kegel

Pelvic floor /Glutes

A week Pelvic floor and flutes can impact your penis.

During my research I found that I actually have anterior pelvic tilt and duck feet than make it worse.

This combination make my body to put 0 work on my glutes during a regular day.

In my case, I had to fix my hip before and then start working on my glutes. There is actually a really good post about this in this link

Kegel / Reverse Kegel

You also need to train your kegel, be careful, kegel is a muscle and you can fuck it up by training it to much.

Do you get a dumbbell and train your arm all day and night? No, that will fuck up your arm and it will also fuck up your kegel.

Most users suggest 3 training a day, with one or two days a week to rest the muscle.

There is a lot of information on the web about kegel and reverse kegel, so just do a google search. My opinion is that most porn users already do a lot of kegel and should focus more on reverse kegels, but always do both. Doing just Kegel or R-Kegel can create really big problems, search it online.

Some Pelvic floor exercises (yoga) are also important, find some online as well.

Training and healthy foods

Physical training and eating better can help you with some problems.

  • If you are depressed, it can help with dopamine
  • If you fap because you are bored, it can fill your time.
  • It can improve your heart and blood so is easier to pump it to your penis.
  • Can improve your anxiety
  • Can improve your self esteem
  • Can work your glutes
Health foods can also help with hormones regulation, improve blood flow and dopamine in the brain.
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@Xangsane @sexuallydisabled
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  • JFL
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@Sexually Disabled
  • JFL
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Holy shit imagine making a thread like this.
Bookmarked into my PE folder
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When i entered the post i tought ED meant Eating Disorder :lul:

High IQ tough
  • JFL
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Tldr meditate and pray basically
Tldr meditate and pray basically
nigga edit that shit and make it "i did everything the guide said and my dick is hard as tungsten and it grew to 9x8"
nigga edit that shit and make it "i did everything the guide said and my dick is hard as tungsten and it grew to 9x8"
I'm not larping that much
  • WTF
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good thread too long tho
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