A guide to speakmaxxing



Copping master
Apr 19, 2020
Firstly, read this thread https://looksmax.org/threads/voicemaxxing-compilation.15093/, my guide will not show you how to have a better voice but how to speak better.

Before doing those exercices, why should you do them ?

It will help you Breathe from your diaphragm. These Exercises help improve your breathing capacity and control, it provide support for your voice, and enable you to speak more clearly over a broad vocal range. (it also makes your voice deeper and you will stop getting voicemogged)

Speak up. Increasing the volume of your speech not only ensures the audience will hear you but also naturally slows your speech and improves your articulation. Vocal exercises train your vocal cords to speak louder for longer periods of time. And mabye chad’s will stop interrupting you

Inflect your speech. doing those exercise will help you avoid speaking in a monotone tone. And mabye people will start to listen to you even if you say some boring shit.

Before doing those exercices : give yourself facial massage, the time will depends on how tight is your muscle but i recommend 5 minutes, btw don't forget to wash your hands so you don't ruin your skinmaxxing.

For all of those exercices you will have 4 levels

1/ just repeat them at normal speed
2/ repeat at a higher speed, if you fail/stutter restart till eminem dm you for a feat
3/Do level 1 and 2 with a pen that you put horizontaly in your mouth like this :
Pencil in Mouth
4/ this is optionnal but do like the great orator Demosthenes train with pebbles and do lvl 1 and 2 (this is really fucking hard and you sound and look stupid but great to have good articulation)

Now the exercices :

a very usefull link for begginer and people who want to work on specific words https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Voice_Acting/Enunciation_Exercises (i recommend training on b, f, d and s and using articulation 1 to 5 for begginer's)

a site that has 100 very hard sentences to pronounce, don't mind if the site is in french just look the sentences https://www.anglaisfacile.com/pages/mie/tonguef.php

If you often lose you're breath in speech, then take a deep breath and try to repeat a sentences that you wan't as much as you can in one deep breath, this will learn you to stop wasting air.

Stop using words as humm, ehh, replace those filler words with pure silence, first train it on discord with stranger or with your family or you will sound like a retard posing 5 minutes between every words.

If someone ask you a question, you can take time to answer, 4 secondes is good.

Do this + voicemaxxing + have things to talk about = slaying.

If you have other idea/exercice then feel free to share them.
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Voice is genetic.
Lay down on the ground and start doing heavy breath work, that'll help a lot more to breathe from the diaphragm, and also in that position you should be able to project your voice a lot deeper.
Voice is genetic.
Not that much , you can change it by screaming/a lot of alchool/ smoking but of course it's not really recommended exept for screaming but you need a place to or people will call cops on you

Dude that's only do sound deeper, my guide will help people sound a bit more deeper + make people think you are intelligent because you speak well and clearly
Not that much , you can change it by screaming/a lot of alchool/ smoking but of course it's not really recommended exept for screaming but you need a place to or people will call cops on you

Dude that's only do sound deeper, my guide will help people sound a bit more deeper + make people think you are intelligent because you speak well and clearly
You should really only work on your voice if you have a falio like a lisp or stuttering imo
You should really only work on your voice if you have a falio like a lisp or stuttering imo
Yeah i know but why do only voicemaxxing when you can do speakmaxxing ? If you really have a shitty voice then that's sad for you and learning how to speak better will at least give you an intelligent dude aura , so that's better then nothing

edit : i didn't read well your reply, yeah deep voice > speaking well
So if you need to choose between the two go with deepvoicemaxxing.
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Yeah i know but why do only voicemaxxing when you can do speakmaxxing ? If you really have a shitty voice then that's sad for you and learning how to speak better will at least give you an intelligent dude aura , so that's better then nothing
I think what I just said sounds more like speakmaxxing than voicemaxxing
The speech changes but tone of voice stays the same
I think what I just said sounds more like speakmaxxing than voicemaxxing
The speech changes but tone of voice stays the same
a ok so i need to iqmax because i'm a retard, but well imo a deepvoice is really better then speakmaxxing because you know, it give you a sort of aura
My granfather used to come close to beating my ass if I spoke high when I was 5 so I'd always try to speak as low as I could
"speak from your diaphragm boy"

So I think thats why I have a deep voice, because ive always been accustomed to speaking in a low register
how the fuck do you speak from your diaphragm? Only time my voice is nice and deep is after a night of HEAVY drinking. Otherwise, I hate my voice lol
how the fuck do you speak from your diaphragm? Only time my voice is nice and deep is after a night of HEAVY drinking. Otherwise, I hate my voice lol
Well train by doing some respiration exercices and trying to speak as deep as possible while sounding still a bit natural, but i'm not a pro about it so try to search on internet and if you find some nice information post it here .
My granfather used to come close to beating my ass if I spoke high when I was 5 so I'd always try to speak as low as I could
"speak from your diaphragm boy"

So I think thats why I have a deep voice, because ive always been accustomed to speaking in a low register
Your the only dude that make me want to get beaten by my dad if i was child, but i think you could achieve this using more human strategies so i'm gonna try them
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